Magnum One
Magnum One (Mid-American Digital) (Disc Manufacturing).iso
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Mid-America Digital Publishing's Magnum One 02/19/92
Utilities A_M
Name Bytes Date Description
154042B.TXT 8192 06/22/90 Adaptec Scsi Controler Card Set_up Info
1PASS101.ARC 9261 12/26/90 Copy floppy without 'disk_shuffel'!
386_UTIL.ARC 32953 04/06/90 Eems Utilities For 80386
400K.ARC 6717 08/26/87 Allows you to format a 360k disk to 400k
400KDISK.ARC 6717 08/26/87 Format your 360k disk to 400k
704.ARC 1309 08/30/87 Increase Ram To 704k On Some Pc's (w/640k)
704K.ARC 1304 01/12/86 Use 704k For Dos On Pc & Xt
730K.ARC 3510 03/19/88 Format And Use 360k Drive At 730k?
800K.ARC 3596 11/02/87 Format 360k disks to 800k (Requires High Dens
ACD100.ARC 22235 08/13/91 This Outstanding Piece Of Sw Beats Ncd &
Lcd !!!
ACTV160.ARC 107428 11/18/90 Add your own commands, launch prgms
ADDCOMNT.ARC 66726 11/28/90 Adds Zip Comment Using Exec Pc File List.
C Src Pd.
ADVID105.ARC 37104 08/05/89 Video Speed Up Routines,8 Diff. Drivers W/src
ALRM.ARC 21787 06/19/88 A Simple Alarm_rings Until A Key Is Pressed
AMAC34.ARC 145126 02/17/91 Qedit Macros Thru 2/16, V3.4
AMAXX331.ARC 131052 10/22/90 DOS shell, menu, disk manager and more!
ANADK201.ARC 132621 09/25/90 Analyze Diskettes
ANARKEY3.ARC 147194 09/24/89 Version 3.0 Of The Command Line Editor Plus.
ANSI10.ARC 12618 03/03/91 Ansi Speed Up File. 25% Smaller Than Ansi
ANSI286.ARC 8573 08/04/90 ansi speed up for 286 class machines
ANSIMAKR.ARC 16555 03/26/89 Make Create Personally Configured Ansi.sys
ANSI_12.ARC 19335 06/29/89 Replacement For Ansi.sys
ANSI_432.ARC 13594 03/08/89 Faster Ansi.sys Replacement With Enhancements
ANSI_SYS.ARC 35788 10/15/86 Ansi Driver With Asm Source (pretty Good)
ARCD22.ARC 35247 07/27/89 Arcnet Diags
ASQ120.ARC 174107 01/25/91 Memory Evaluation & Tutorial From Qualitas
ASSIST.ARC 22437 01/30/86 Memory resident DOS help__good!
ATMODROM.ARC 20803 10/05/87 Modify At 11/15/85 Bios For No Speed Check
ATTAUD2.ARC 2563 07/31/89 File for Kelly Cox on Speakers
AT_EMM.ARC 6516 12/23/88 Expanded memory driver for 286's
AT_PGMS.ARC 51243 12/02/91 At_setup Atfloppy Wdfmt
AURORA.ARC 7883 11/30/88 Edits Dos Colors From Menu Or .bat File
AUTOTALK.ARC 20547 07/22/88 digitized comments for computerma
AUTO_DBF.ARC 66554 12/15/87 Automatic Generation Of .dbf Files
AWK210.ARC 59822 12/30/88 Awk, A Unix Derived Interpretive Language
AX1K.ARC 6845 02/11/89 AX1K by David Kaufman
AZIPA11.ARC 164895 10/23/90 Full menu system for PKZIP/PKUNZIP
BASAID50.ARC 86625 11/30/88 Aid To Basic Programmers Very Good
BASICTUT.ARC 65194 01/07/89 Learn Basic Programming
BASTIPS1.ARC 47078 11/30/88 Basic Tips Cont'd More Goodies For Pgmers!
BASTIPS2.ARC 62207 11/30/88 Basic Tips & Techniques Includ. Examples
BAT2EXEC.ARC 44103 07/03/90 Converts batch to .EXE for fast executio
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BATCHED.ARC 16400 07/24/88 Batch File Editor, Text Editor
BATCHLRN.ARC 92079 06/17/91 Batch Files Instruction
BATCMDR.ARC 36521 03/17/88 Batcmdr 7.0 Combine Bat Files To One *.com
BATMAST.ARC 10065 03/25/89 Combine Your Batch Files Into One File
BATUTOR.ARC 13722 07/26/88 Batch Files Tutor
BAT_COM.ARC 4772 12/12/89 Make fast .COM files from .BAT files
BBENCH21.ARC 129381 10/05/90 Byte Magazine's bench test program.
BBRAMTST.ARC 44095 09/28/88 Brown Bag Ramtester_ very good
BCOPY.ARC 3361 12/15/88 From PC_MAG, New 12/88
BCSMNU10.ARC 151774 05/20/90 Bristol Computer Systems Menu shell .
BCSMNU20.ARC 197192 12/01/90 Shrinks to 2.5k when executing
BCSMNU2A.ARC 190095 12/01/90 DOS shell and menu system
BESTMENU.ARC 93104 04/08/90 BestMenu update. DOSshell and menu system
BIG.ARC 4890 10/01/86 Display BIG messages on your screen
BIOSIO3.ARC 4747 01/21/88 Assorted Bios Routines
BIOSV1_1.ARC 9354 06/29/90 Faster Version. Make Backup Copy Of Bios
In Hex File
BJF_210.ARC 40377 07/31/89 BFJ Diskette and Hard Disk Cataloger /sec
BLAIZ10.ARC 95377 06/14/90 Blaiz v1.0 fast safe COPY REN DEL
BLANK17A.ARC 30281 05/04/89 Screen Blank Cga..vga Minutes/many Options
BMENU54.ARC 21332 02/12/90 BMenu v5.4 the batch file pop_up window menu
BNCHUTIL.ARC 1009689 04/30/91 A Whole Bunch Of Dos Utilities With Docs
BOOKMDI.ARC 166079 01/21/91 Computer Book Catalog+on_line Ordering
BOOT.ARC 476 08/26/87 reboot from command line
BOOT201.ARC 25330 12/26/88 Boots your system
BPQ351.ARC 67233 10/14/89 Pc\node Networking Software Version 3.51
BRANDON.ARC 535313 06/19/91 Brandon's Lunchbox Series All Files
Released 4/28/91
BRNOUT23.ARC 15305 03/29/88 Screen Blanker Version 2.3 Ega And Vga
BRT21.ARC 85101 06/01/91 Supports ZIP, PAK, SDN, ARC, LZH and Scan
BUFFER.ARC 20673 07/24/88 A Great Print Spooler Fast And Efficient.
BURN_IN.ARC 115259 03/13/90 Utility to burn_in a new system
BYTE.ARC 17709 09/30/89 Look At, Learn How Couputer Uses A Byte Of
BYTE400.ARC 17709 11/16/89 Byte.exe : A Bit Manipulation Tutorial _
Well Done!
B_F_101.ARC 190551 03/17/90 Carousel Like Task Switcher Hd\ems _ Great
B_F_112.ARC 240151 03/31/90 Back & Forth 1.12 Task Switching Application.
B_F_131.ARC 340062 06/05/90 Back & Forth v1.3 task switching
CALTVL14.ARC 77593 11/13/90 Reports from SideKick+'s CALander
CATADSK3.ARC 45532 05/14/89 CAT_A_DISK (v3.1) _ Disk Cataloger
CAT_STAT.ARC 46797 04/20/91 A Suppliment to CATDISK: The Greatest!
CBOOT.ARC 4054 04/22/87 Exit with Ctrl_Break from Nasty Programs
CDROM.ARC 6586 01/07/92 Specifications On Nec Cd_rom Drives
CDSOFT.ARC 8524 01/07/92 Nec Cd_rom Documentation
CDTO.ARC 1557 01/14/92 Change To Directory File Is In
CED10DA.ARC 27026 11/13/88 Better Than F3!
CHKUP167.ARC 43852 06/06/88 thisT is a anti_virus program
CHNGSCRN.ARC 1981 06/20/91 *.com Files To Change Screen Colors
CLEANDRV.ARC 740 11/09/82 disk exerciser
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CLEANP62.ARC 40891 04/25/90 Recover after virus found. See Docs.
CLEANP63.ARC 44403 06/02/90 Clean_Up by McAfee removes computer virus .
CLEANZ12.ARC 29863 12/25/89 Clean_Z removes the control_Z or EOF mark
CLEAR.ARC 1067 01/30/90 Tiny, Good Utility_resets Screen To 80 Col
CLIPASC.ARC 13873 03/18/87 Clipper Ascii File Functions
CLNOUT13.ARC 36546 12/25/89 CleanOut v1.3 update of Phil Herron utility
CLONETST.ARC 27732 04/20/87 A compatability test for clones
CLRCOLOR.ARC 1461 01/01/87 Change The Color On Your Color Monitor
CMDPOST7.ARC 249969 07/17/90 Command Post v7.0G from WindowWare . .
CNFMT106.ARC 42194 12/17/89 Concurrent (background) Floppy Formatter
From Sydex
CNVRT100.ARC 14140 05/18/90 CNVRT v1.00 convert archives one to another
CNY91E.ARC 84370 03/19/91 Alerts you to any virus effects
COMMA.ARC 37395 08/26/90 Creates Delimited File From Ascii File
CONED22.ARC 44927 10/21/90 Select config.sys/autoexec.bat at bootup
COPI.ARC 16710 04/01/88 Copy Util, handles destination smaller than s
COPPY33.ARC 16041 02/17/89 Copy Files To Floppy With Optimal Fills
CORDLESS.ARC 742 02/03/91 Cordless Phone Frequencies
CORETEST.ARC 33506 05/05/88 Memory test
CO_SESSN.ARC 135901 05/24/88 Demo _ Co_session, Remote Pc Control
CRAM.ARC 4980 06/01/86 Compress Programs running in Ram Disk
CTRL386.ARC 46323 08/17/90 Expanded Memory Manager
CTRLALT.ARC 50418 06/29/88 Memory Resident Cut And Paste
CUDM31C.ARC 133296 09/29/89 Colorado Utilities _ Catalog Disk Manager
CUDUP12.ARC 56305 09/30/89 Colorado Utilities, Duplicate File Manager
CURSIVE.ARC 16675 11/25/87 make large ascii letter texts
CV.ARC 561 10/27/85 Change volume name on disk or diskette
CYLON.ARC 644 06/22/87 Makes a neat cursor!
C_FORMAT.ARC 12039 01/01/80 dual disk formatting program
D.ARC 2321 08/09/85 Multi_column, color directory lister
DA.ARC 14723 02/11/89 Sort Or Rearrange The Order Of Directories
DASM31.ARC 18856 12/13/86 Disassemble Exe & Com Files
DBSKAT22.ARC 247661 05/06/90 Practical and easy disk cataloger .
DD11.ARC 23058 07/02/89 Directory Date 1.1 Change Date/time On
DDKIT.ARC 7594 06/07/88 Device Driver Development Kit
DECTC31A.ARC 31312 03/10/90 Detective v3.1 anti_virus anti_trojan testing
DELBUT.ARC 1048 08/14/86 DEL ALL BUT....
DESKTEAM.ARC 83078 04/24/86 VERY NICE__mem. res. pop_ups
DETCT31B.ARC 253244 03/05/90 Detective v3.1 Logging utility
DETCT31C.ARC 177286 03/10/90 Detective v3.1 Logging utility
DFL130.ARC 41057 08/18/90 Duplicate File Lister v1.30
DFL301.ARC 113207 06/26/91 Span drives, 'Alias' mode, virtual memory
DFL_261.ARC 58592 12/04/90 Locate duplicate files and mark for del
DIFF25.ARC 25609 05/06/89 Ascii File Compare With Change Bars
W/turboc Source
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DIREDIT.ARC 50150 01/19/89 DIREDIT by Pete Fletcher V1.51
DIRMAGC2.ARC 28134 12/23/88 Directory Magic V2
DIRSRT.ARC 3066 04/06/87 Sort The Vor Dir (from Dir.arc) By Filename,
DIS321.ARC 146609 05/23/90 DIS Disk Manager v3.21 and file manager
DISKLST2.ARC 133309 04/30/91 Diskette covers of directory contents
DISKMGMT.ARC 38761 11/16/86 Another DOS shell, pretty good
DIZK4D.ARC 116501 02/10/91 The first catalog system for 4DOS
DKEY.ARC 13229 02/04/90 Key Defintion Program
DKEY120.ARC 20882 07/15/89 Dkey V1.20 Resident Keyb'd Macro Prog
DM.ARC 28274 08/11/85 diskette manager
DM27.ARC 81329 01/14/92 Computer Tyme's Directory Master Classic
File Manage
DMAGIC.ARC 28134 02/13/90 Pc Computing (freeware) Directory Magic
DMC15.ARC 25951 11/17/90 Dynamic Memory Controller V1.5. Load/unload
DOCTOR.ARC 167962 05/26/91 watch the DOCTOR do it to Mary, Jane,...
DOG303.ARC 53100 03/19/91 Make you hard disk run as fast as new
DOS32PAT.ARC 6111 09/23/86 Various Patches for DOS 3.2
DOS33HLP.ARC 72615 07/04/88 Dos3.3 Help
DOS5ED.ARC 22438 06/25/91 Patch for DOS 5 QBASIC editor bug
DOS5TIPS.ARC 2480 06/18/91 Tips And Experience On Installing Ms_dos 5.0
DOSCLOCK.ARC 2076 01/03/90 Displays Clock Only While At Dos Command Line
DOSCLR.ARC 3377 11/30/88 Like Dos' Clr + Dosclr Sets Screen Colors
DOSCOLOR.ARC 13666 07/13/84 Add color to your DOS screen
DOSDEV.ARC 17498 09/17/85 How To Write Dev Driver With Example
DOSEDIT.ARC 2783 03/29/88 Dos Macro Generator _ Tsr
DOSFLTRS.ARC 4875 11/10/84 color to your DOS screen
DOSHELP.ARC 161945 05/10/90 DOSHELP v2.1 a DOS reference with examples
DOSREF19.ARC 197921 06/07/91 Programmer's Technical Reference For Msdos
/ibm Pc
DOSRES.ARC 3036 11/30/88 Makes Command.com Always Mem. Resident
DOSTECH.ARC 168516 02/04/89 Ms_pc/dos Technecial Reference Manual
DOSTRA.ARC 9755 01/06/91 New Ver*dostrace*see Your Program Execute
Dos Calls*
DOSTUT44.ARC 239027 10/24/89 Tutor For Dos
DPATH30.ARC 32307 09/15/91 Search Path For Files Besides .com.bat.exe
DRIVER.ARC 8863 05/15/85 How to evice driver.
DRIVER5.ARC 8753 05/05/86 Write Device Drive In C
DRIVETYP.ARC 1143 04/07/88 Table Of At(?) Drive Types. Comments Please
DRIVPARM.ARC 8908 02/27/88 Alternative To Driver.sys
DRNU451.ARC 85819 10/19/90 Hypertext reference for Norton's util's
DRVTYPES.ARC 5133 01/14/89 Reports On Drive Types Supported By Rom Bios
DSKDIR45.ARC 310084 11/21/90 Full featured with menus and file manager
DSKRK303.ARC 141252 10/14/90 Catalog and label your diskettes
DSPEED.ARC 2610 02/22/90 Program to speed up floppy drives
DSZTUTOR.ARC 15228 11/11/89 Nice Onscreen Tutor For Dsz From Omen Tech
DZK4D271.ARC 141355 06/11/91 Works with 4DOS features
DZK4D272.ARC 141345 06/16/91 The first to work under 4DOS
EASYAC61.ARC 80716 08/19/90 Easy Access v6.1 professional menu
EASYNET.ARC 114664 11/30/87 Program to network 2 computers with cable
ECACHE.ARC 4763 07/31/86 Expanded Memory (lim) Cache
EDDTV4.ARC 43042 03/29/88 Burn Bios Eproms W/extended Drive Types!
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EDOS.ARC 5632 04/29/90 A Very Simple Dos Manual For Beginners
EDPATH.ARC 76428 08/28/90 DOS Utility for changing PATH
EGA.ARC 51095 07/25/87 ega utilities
EGA_4325.ARC 2062 01/31/85 utilities for EGA
EMEDIT15.ARC 67934 06/05/88 Sammy Mitchell's Remote Editor V1.5;bug Fix
EMMVER12.ARC 6779 11/30/88 Display Information About Expanded Memory
EMSCHK.ARC 9281 12/20/88 Comprehensive Ems Memory Diagnostic's
EMSRPT.ARC 11987 12/11/86 Gives an EMS report
EMS_UTIL.ARC 142552 10/26/89 Good Utils For Your Ems Memory
EPROMDEO.ARC 159416 04/23/89 Working Demo Of A Very Good Eprom Burner
EPROMTLZ.ARC 27888 11/10/89 Conversion Utils For Eprom Burning
EQUIP.ARC 1562 08/14/86 What equipment do you have in your cpu?
ERROR.ARC 3561 06/13/89 IBM error codes
ESC.ARC 6601 08/27/86 Sends out Escape Codes _ Good Doc's
EXD110.ARC 20248 07/01/91 Update _ Delete dir. and confirmation.
EXDEL101.ARC 18149 06/22/91 More features than the DEL command.
EZCL_E12.ARC 74399 11/19/88 EZ Copy Lite _ Diskette Duplicating System
EZF320_A.ARC 193615 11/30/90 Terrific DOS format.exe replacement (A
EZF320_B.ARC 108444 11/30/90 Easy Format v3.20 second disk to set (B
EZFRMT31.ARC 235271 04/30/90 Easy Format v3.11 by Bob Falk
FASTCPY2.ARC 12181 05/28/87 Nice diskcopying utility
FASTCPY3.ARC 34899 03/19/88 Newest Version Fastcopy Formatter/copier
FASTM40A.ARC 193778 02/18/91 FastMenu v4.0 with GUI interface (1 of 2)
FASTM40B.ARC 182218 02/18/91 FastMenu v4.0 text or GUI (2 of 2)
FASTM41B.ARC 194349 03/17/91 FastMenu v4.1 w/ improved install (2 of 2)
FASTM51A.ARC 256367 04/28/91 fastmenu PLUS V5.1 Menuing System 2/2
FASTM51B.ARC 208874 04/28/91 fastmenu PLUS V5.1 Menuing System 2/2
FAT105.ARC 12454 07/07/88 Dunford's Fat List/info Utility V1.05
FAT108.ARC 13653 01/09/90 C. Dunford's Hd Analyser V1.08 Bug Fix
FATAL13.ARC 16056 08/30/89 Dos Fatal Error Handler W/.asm Source
FCII201A.ARC 148879 12/19/89 File Commando II file manager (1 of 2)
FCII_201.ARC 284227 01/03/90 File Commando II v2.01 file management too
FDUPE.ARC 13912 02/08/86 check for duplicate files
FFF332.ARC 41677 04/07/90 Fastfilefind V3.32, Multi_drive, Free,
W/tc Source
FFM.ARC 11869 03/16/86 FILE MANAGER
FIND211D.ARC 12072 04/02/90 Find V2.11d: Ultra Fast File Finder,
FINDF11.ARC 29318 12/25/89 FindFile v1.1 by Phil Herron and PHWare
FIXBEEP.ARC 1922 10/03/87 Fixes Beep Of Speaker_ Change Sound,silence
FLOP360.ARC 29700 09/15/87 360k format/copy utility
FM336A.ARC 79900 03/08/91 Format Master Version 3.36 (excellent!!)
FMAT.ARC 17442 03/19/88 Mtmas10 Zip 47290 \ma Format Master _
Format 2x As Fast As Dos
FMAT_200.ARC 11193 04/06/90 FMat 2.00 (06_Apr_90): Drive Format Utility.
FNTSUM11.ARC 24724 01/14/90 Soft Font Summary Pages For Laserjet
FORMUTIL.ARC 136917 10/26/90 Assorted utilities not nessasarily for FormGe
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FREE.ARC 5223 06/28/86 Returns Errorlevel on set amount of Disk Spac
FREE402.ARC 4453 02/16/87 HOW MUCH FREE SPACE?
FREEMACS.ARC 163120 03/17/88 Small, Fast Emacs_like Editor W/asm Source
FREEPAK.ARC 183026 12/02/89 Seven Useful Utilities _ Shareware.
FSHLD13.ARC 31131 04/30/90 File Shield from McAfee Assoc. virus protecti
FUNC.ARC 25856 07/16/89 Define Fkeys @ Dos Level W/o Interfering
W/prog Defs
FV122.ARC 6314 09/30/89 Buerg's Fileview With Redate & Lbr File
F_MGR52.ARC 247511 11/15/90 Edit, archive shell, batch, browse
G.ARC 16094 10/04/89 "cd" Replacement. Jump Easily Between Deep
GEN12.ARC 28278 12/25/89 Generate charactors for device testing.
GEOCHRON.ARC 44707 08/14/88 Good world time display
GLOBAL.ARC 958 06/14/86 Command prefix__do xxx to all directories
GO.ARC 6146 07/30/88 Change Subdirectories W/o Long Path Names
GO2.ARC 20013 07/21/89 Like Norton_ncd,switch Sub_dir,pc_resource
GOLD10.ARC 220836 06/06/91 Windows type 0 memory DOS SHELL.
GOLD20A.ARC 233956 06/23/91 Complete GUI with utilities, VGA Only
GOLD20B.ARC 177941 06/23/91 Complete GUI with utilities, VGA Only
GOLDEN.ARC 26827 10/24/85 collection of dos utilities
GREPFV2.ARC 10924 04/07/91 Supports PAK, ARC, ZIP, ZOO and LZH
GSR13.ARC 121761 11/01/90 Global files search and replace
HACKER12.ARC 25747 12/13/89 Hacker! Improve batch files. Add functions.
HARDATA.ARC 2830 09/05/86 Hard drive data
HD0989R1.ARC 14990 11/12/89 Statistics On 800+ Various Hard Drives
HDBACKUP.ARC 15898 03/28/87 Utility to back_up hard drive _ no guarantees
HDCU099.ARC 30308 04/16/90 Convert decimal to any number base
HDDIAGS.ARC 11401 05/02/86 Utility for hard drives
HDDIR45.ARC 313402 10/24/90 Full featured shell with extra util's
HDH.ARC 22446 04/10/91 Information On 800 Hard Drives
HDM4.ARC 70769 03/01/90 Hard Drive Menu. Easy to use
HDM427.ARC 154534 11/15/90 DOSshell use with key or mouse
HDTABLE.ARC 10681 01/01/87 Table of various format settings _ hard drive
HELPDOS4.ARC 93264 03/12/89 Helpdos Ver.4.0 Menu System For Pc/ms Dos
& More.
HIMEM206.ARC 7502 04/04/89 Himem.sys & Doc V2.06 Dtd. 03_21_89 From
HRAMDISK.ARC 4237 03/01/86 Makes Ram Disk of Memory between D000 _ EFFF
HYDK421.ARC 265257 04/22/91 Hyperdisk cache v4.21
IAMS207.ARC 149368 04/09/90 Instant Access Menu System v2.07 . .
ILEAVE19.ARC 81969 09/07/88 Adjust your HD interleave for MAX Prfmce
INCLR.ARC 3968 02/24/87 clear interrupts
INCX100A.ARC 207394 03/28/91 Organize your work (1 of 2)
INCX100B.ARC 247813 03/21/91 Task planning, calandar, more (2 of 2)
INFOP146.ARC 90967 06/04/91 Infoplus Updated Ver Of Sysid *no Source*
INTER489.ARC 147963 07/23/89 Interrupts : Rel 89.4 Dtd 07_22_89 _ Text
INTERCE.ARC 35162 04/18/89 Traces & Logs Dos Interrupts During Prog
INTR888.ARC 102105 12/01/88 Listings of computer interupes
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INT_23.ARC 9526 03/15/88 Handling <ctrl_c>, <clrtl_break> In Asm
IOMON.ARC 1663 08/11/86 Monitors Input/Output Activity in screen corn
JD.ARC 6243 07/30/88 Cd/chdir Clone W/ Enviroment Var Support
JDIR11.ARC 7930 01/16/90 4 across alphabetic directory listing
JPRS111.ARC 136239 07/09/89 Journal Editorial Personal Reference Sys /sec
JRCNFIG2.ARC 16978 08/16/87 Excellent PCjr .sys driver Ver 2.11
KB_OLD.ARC 62239 07/20/91 Utilities For Northgate Omnikey Keyboard.
KEYS310.ARC 23545 07/24/88 All You Want To Know About Keyboards
KEYSET11.ARC 27476 12/25/89 KeySet sets Num_Lock Scroll_Lock etc.. keys
KEYSTICK.ARC 1558 03/01/91 Causes Ctrl, Alt & Shift Keys To Act As
Toggle Keys
KILLDIR.ARC 8820 04/22/87 Kills a Directory and everything below it
LB_V114.ARC 144995 11/30/90 Expanded/himem Memory Manager. Windows 3.0
LC173.ARC 127732 10/02/90 Newest Ver Of Logicat Disk Catalog Program
LCD31A.ARC 29462 05/12/91 "led's Change Directory" V3.1a By Keith
LCD_20.ARC 23002 12/09/90 <<asp>>v2.0 Of "led's Change Directory" By
K. Ledbet
LDIR41.ARC 19553 02/01/89 List Directories On Console; Several Sort
LIST569C.ARC 14074 01/25/87 Older Version Of List May Be Preferred By
LIST70A.ARC 65534 10/18/89 Van Buergs List. Version 7.0a. List Text
LIST73D.ARC 66251 02/04/90 Vern Buerg's *excellent* List Version 7.3d
LIST75F.ARC 105401 11/07/90 List 7.5
LISTCMOS.ARC 12443 06/10/89 Lists Contents Of At Cmos Ram, Includes
LISTDBF.ARC 14861 04/04/90 View database files (dbf)
LISTEDIT.ARC 1760 03/13/90 Add An Editor To Buerg's "list" File Viewer
LISTMODS.ARC 4404 05/21/87 Modify List 6.2a Command Keys And Functions,
LOCKPICK.ARC 1884 05/15/89 Open master lock if you forgot combinati
LOCKSMIT.ARC 37645 04/29/86 Edits files
LOG.ARC 3080 11/25/88 From PC_MAG, log "ALL" computer usage, Mem/Re
LOGIC2TR.ARC 73948 10/08/88 Tutorial On Logic _ Very Well Done!:
LOGIN20.ARC 146869 05/22/90 LogIn v2.0 with password protection
LOOK120.ARC 18439 06/03/87 utility to allow use of 120 column screen
LOOK4PRO.ARC 2269 02/14/89 Searches For Copy Protection On Original
LOWMEM.ARC 4846 07/01/89 Dos Low Memory Map, Very Detailed
LS_100.ARC 124517 09/05/90 TSR only 11k of memory
LTDFRE10.ARC 14769 04/25/90 Fre1.0 Shows Free Disk/mem/ems Different!
LTDFRE21.ARC 16185 05/24/90 Shows Free Diskspace/memory/ems/ext Fast!
LTFORMAT.ARC 79546 03/15/91 Smaller, faster, easier to use than DOS
L_RMND16.ARC 39790 02/01/89 LCG/Remind _ reminder of "backup time"
M&MR110.ARC 103627 08/08/90 Memos and More
MAGIC15A.ARC 144109 11/02/89 Black Magic Hypertext system v1.5 (1 of 3)
MAMENU.ARC 68401 04/25/90 Master Menu DOSShell non TRS .
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MARXMENU.ARC 305497 03/27/91 Shareware Menu System, Good for
programmers Works well with Novell
MASDIR43.ARC 60305 06/19/89 MASDIR v4.3 a DOS dir command replacement
MAXI154A.ARC 34717 04/11/89 Maxi Form _ Disk Formatter w/ greater capacit
MAXI161.ARC 46918 05/14/91 Formats disks to higher capacity
MCII103A.ARC 166175 12/18/89 Menu Commando II v1.03 DOSSHELL (1 of 2)
MCII103B.ARC 116489 01/13/90 Menu Commando II v1.03 file manager (2 of 2)
MCII_113.ARC 349247 06/16/90 Menu Commando II update great menu prgm
MDR30A.ARC 292263 06/10/91 Formerly Point & Shoot (1 of 2)
MDR30B.ARC 227058 06/11/91 Nominated for BYTE Product Of The Year
MEGABYTE.ARC 18080 12/12/87 Utils That Allow Use Of Mem Above 640kb
MEMDUMP.ARC 1637 09/26/85 Memory Displayer, Written In Basic
MEMRULER.ARC 1888 05/13/86 Mem/Res 8 inch ruler on screen, move with cur
MEMTEST.ARC 4164 11/30/85 Memory tester
MEMUTIL.ARC 8385 07/06/90 Memory Dump (hex/ascii) & Dos Tsr Lister.
MENU_ESC.ARC 21394 09/25/90 Menu_ESC DOS shell and menu system
MIN_MEM.ARC 15735 01/07/91 A 15k Tsr Shell/loads Tsr's/saves Ram
MNTSORT.ARC 20057 01/16/85 Very Fast Sort Utility Library
MOVBASV4.ARC 14121 11/30/88 A Way To Run Ibm Basic From Any Pc
MRDOS231.ARC 159894 04/01/91 Mr Dos A Nice Dos Tutorial Program
MSI14.ARC 67820 05/15/91 Capable of 100 submenus with security
MSUTIL.ARC 3166 01/21/88 Nec Multi_speed Utilities
MTASK.ARC 12841 01/01/80 Multitasking program for DOS 3.2 or less
MTA_VE30.ARC 409680 02/08/91 Repacks From/to Any Archive Method
MT_V20.ARC 122465 08/13/90 Tsr Utility Set
MULTICOL.ARC 13010 06/19/88 Rearrange Text Into N Columns
M_DISK.ARC 8402 03/31/90 boot or partition disinfector by McAfee
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Mid-America Digital Publishing's Magnum One 02/19/92
Utilities N_Z
Name Bytes Date Description
NAG_WIFE.ARC 1167 01/02/91 If You Wife Nags At You For Being On
Your Computer Too Much. Download This One
NANSI.ARC 7017 04/21/86 Nansi.sys _ Optional replacement for Ansi.sys
NANSI286.ARC 35650 07/19/87 Use Instead Of Ansi...fast!!!!!!
NANSI987.ARC 21759 09/13/87 ansi replacement _ fast screen writes
NB10DEMO.ARC 144653 03/27/90 Backup Demo from Norton Utilities
NETSC63B.ARC 31464 06/05/90 NetScan from McAfee Assoc. use with VScan
NETSCN57.ARC 28193 01/28/90 Network v. of Viruscan, Detects 57
NEWKEY51.ARC 149378 03/27/89 Keyboard Redefinition Utility
NEWKEY53.ARC 163827 04/15/90 NewKey v5.3 keyboard enhancer macro magic
NICE.ARC 11189 12/15/85 Printing utility
NJRAMD.ARC 27014 11/08/87 Nifty James Ram Disk
NJRAMD12.ARC 27014 02/27/88 Ems Ram Disk
NO.ARC 1075 02/14/86 FOR BATCH FILES
NOVDOS50.ARC 125204 04/28/91 Novell Dos 5.0 Files
NOX.ARC 5142 04/21/91 Nox _ Prevents Writes To Hard Disk
NUM_OFF.ARC 932 10/27/86 Turns Number Lock off at startup on AT's
ODIZK231.ARC 109389 01/08/91 Organize your floppy colection
OEDUTIL.ARC 236635 03/18/90 Seperate utilities found useful from OEDWare
OMDIZK22.ARC 110579 12/31/90 Diskette Cataloger/labeler
OMENU402.ARC 95392 06/05/91 Now with pull_down menus and mouse support
OMNIUTIL.ARC 25689 12/02/91 Omni keyboard utilities
ONBOOT.ARC 4747 08/12/88 Gives Daily, Warm Or Cold Boot Action
ONCALL.ARC 92502 06/29/88 Resident Tsr Manager, Popup 12_10_87
OPTIMA.ARC 15973 01/18/88 Optimize Hard Drives Interleave Factor
OPTIMS.ARC 15973 08/06/88 Optimizer W/source
OPTION.ARC 3137 01/16/88 Flexible Batchfile Errorlevel Util
ORDER212.ARC 17469 03/04/89 ORDER V2.1.2 by Charles D. Robertson
ORG211.ARC 53334 02/20/91 Excellent Appt Calendar Program. New!
Fast! Supports Dot Matrix & Hp Lasers
ORNMST15.ARC 244946 02/26/91 Organize Christmas! (and other parties)
OV220.ARC 101757 06/13/88 Overview V2.20, Hard Disk Manager. Good.
OVER203.ARC 6542 05/29/88 Quick directory changer
OZ105.ARC 95116 10/17/91 Ounce Of Prevention Tools
P&S.ARC 205640 02/11/89 "point & Shoot" Ver 2.0 Hard Disk Manager
P.ARC 1195 10/31/90 Printer Config Type P <enter> For Menu
PAGEPOP1.ARC 28586 08/28/90 Dual Monitor Systems
PAINES10.ARC 116151 03/29/91 Events Scheduler
PAK201.EXE 89891 08/13/89 Pak Archiver/extractor W/security 2.01
PAK250.ARC 94085 09/20/90 With ZIP and automatic SDN support
PAK251.EXE 103338 10/08/90 Pak (v2.51) _ Works With Arc, Pak Or Zip
PALERT16.ARC 16576 01/17/87 PATRIQUIN's Disk Space Alert
PAMM.ARC 156137 02/18/90 Painless Accounting Menu Manager
PARC2.ARC 33463 03/01/91 Clean up utility for most extensions
Page - 9
PARK.ARC 930 05/06/85 hard drive head park routine
PASBR200.ARC 84921 05/22/90 Point & Shoot Backup/Restore v2.00 .
PASWRD21.ARC 26045 05/02/91 Ramdomly Make Passwords For You
PATTR.ARC 21128 01/02/87 PATRIQUIN's Attribute Utility with options
PCAT10.ARC 104383 12/25/89 File Cat., Adds Discriptions To Files
PCBRS101.ARC 135473 02/16/90 PC_Browse executables only update . .
PCBRWS_B.ARC 76004 09/29/89 PC_Browse disk 2 of 2 _ documentation
PCDOCTOR.ARC 61932 05/05/90 Trouble Shoot Your Computer
PCDOS.ARC 136697 12/06/89 Dos Help By Dan Rollins Inc Dos 4+ Help
PCHELP31.ARC 24279 01/10/86 POP_UP HELP FOR DOS 3.X
PCINF215.ARC 30045 12/17/90 PC_Info v2.15 report on system status
PCLOCK.ARC 5026 04/22/87 Pop Clock _ TSR Clock
PCMAG.ARC 192965 03/13/87 PC_Magazine utilities
PCOPY90D.ARC 101062 04/17/91 Replaces DOS copy command _ adds features
PCS.ARC 14915 03/31/90 Pcstats V2.1, Shows What's In Your Computer
PCSTAT22.ARC 299645 05/29/91 Superb New Statistical Report Program
PCSTAT23.ARC 300908 08/01/91 Statistics And Report Program
PCTICKLE.ARC 127763 06/15/86 Personal Organizer
PCWIZ01.ARC 121216 08/23/91 Pc Wizard Menuing System Disk 1 Of 2
PCWIZ02.ARC 62304 08/23/91 Disk 2 Of 2
PC_CTRL.ARC 19271 12/16/86 Various programs combined into one
PC_INFO.ARC 23368 06/07/89 Interigate clones for hardware inform.
PC_LOC.ARC 20068 12/23/90 A Set Of Prorams To Require A Password
Upon Booting
PDEL21.ARC 24324 06/07/87 PATRIQUIN's Delete Utility with options
PERSTORI.ARC 36063 03/05/89 Perstor Rll Info Files Inc 16 Bit Ver
PERUSE10.ARC 250167 10/01/90 Load it TSR (7k) or standalone
PF247.ARC 18789 05/04/90 Port Finder
PHXSETUP.ARC 5743 11/17/89 Setup Program For At's With Phoenix Bios
PH_UTILS.ARC 274463 07/28/89 Phil Herron's collection of utilities /sec
PKFIX095.ARC 7614 03/02/89 Recover Good Files From Damaged Zips
PKL103.ARC 36458 01/16/91 Compress .com And .exe Files
PKLTE105.EXE 50330 04/22/91 Compress .exe And .com Files
PKM104.EXE 130190 04/29/91 Pkzip Manager Selective Zip Manager
PKZ110.EXE 149504 03/23/90 Pkzip 1.10 From Phil Katz
PLUCK20.ARC 5373 04/24/90 Cut Info From Screen Ala Snipper_but Better..
PM530I.EXE 281609 10/06/90 Brownbag Menu Program
PMAP201.ARC 29130 07/01/90 Latest Version, Dunford's Memory Map Lister
PMAP21.ARC 33476 07/12/91 Tells You Where Your Memory Is Used
PMCAT40F.ARC 52896 02/28/89 Directory Catalog System by Hip Pocket
PMK32.ARC 205009 02/04/91 Norton_like utilities menu driven
POLYBOST.ARC 29602 09/01/90 Speed Up Access, Crt, Keyboard, Etc.
POPHELP.ARC 132096 06/27/88 Resident Help _ You Supply Text
POPOVER.ARC 6746 12/15/88 Pop Dos Over Any Application.
POPUP.ARC 5097 05/29/88 Pop_up Utilities
PROMPT.ARC 4035 02/18/91 Some Award Winning Dos Prompts
PRSU11_A.ARC 156893 11/30/90 View hex and text files of any size (A
PRSU11_B.ARC 127695 11/30/90 TSResident or standalone mode (B
PSWD.ARC 9517 01/06/91 Setup A Password For Your Pc
PWR14.ARC 108394 09/10/90 File Batch Files With Extra Commands
PWRBAT14.ARC 112727 10/01/90 Adds 35 extra batch commands also
PWRBT14E.ARC 121597 12/01/90 Compile into EXE batch like commands
QAD.ARC 46350 06/05/88 Cvrt Ascii File > Comma/quote Delimitd File
Page - 10
QBSORT11.ARC 6848 06/01/89 Sort Programs
QC420.ARC 513005 08/20/91 Quickcache Ii 4.20
QC420_1.ARC 260298 06/01/90 Quick Silver Cache 4.20 1 Of 2 Shareware
QC420_2.ARC 260468 06/01/90 Disk 2 Of 2
QCACHE4A.ARC 248470 08/14/89 QCache _ Quick Cache v4.11 by Glassel
QCACHE4B.ARC 190386 08/14/89 QCache _ disk 2 of 2 _ Qback/Qsort etc..
QDISK330.ARC 13845 07/04/88 Several Utilities In One Tsr Program
QDR.ARC 6893 01/28/87 Reformat used disk,less than 5 secounds
QDR40A.ARC 7452 05/24/91 Buerg's Quick Diskette Reformatter V4.0a
QEDIT.ARC 88433 11/14/88 The Best Text Editor.
QFIL31LE.ARC 128455 02/14/91 Easy to use, dual window file managment
QFLIST11.ARC 33252 09/05/89 From "Qfiler" fame, a filer browser.
QMAP411.ARC 22556 12/17/89 Qmap, V4.11. System Environment Mapper.
Decodes And
QMENU22.ARC 35311 04/27/90 Quick Menu 2.2
QMR200.ARC 131810 06/22/89 Quick Memo Reminder, a different tickler
QSCR12.ARC 31950 12/25/89 QSCR makes text files into xxx.com files
QSORT322.ARC 41276 03/25/90 Probably The Best Sorting Utility
QUICKASC.ARC 1839 05/24/86 Converts Word Processor Files to ASCII
QUIKMENU.ARC 133324 12/04/90 Another Menu, This One Is Outstanding
QUIKSHOT.ARC 1834 06/29/88 Tsr Screen Capture To File/pcresource Mag
QWIKANSI.ARC 9332 12/27/86 An alternative to DOS's Ansi.sys
RAM.ARC 2511 10/12/85 Ramdisk utility
RAM23.ARC 42243 12/26/89 Ram Checking Program (shareware)
RAMIT140.ARC 18118 01/09/88 Hd Bios From Rom To Ram For Speed Up.
RAMTEST.ARC 55875 05/28/89 Brown Bag Ramtester
RCMENU30.ARC 249472 05/03/91 Allows all RAM for applications
RDIR107.ARC 48382 10/05/90 Show total usage of subdirectories
RDISK2.ARC 2377 05/30/88 Great Ram Disk Load & Remove W/o Reboot!
RDS_V120.ARC 115736 02/16/91 Remote Dos Shell
REBOOT.ARC 4352 02/07/87 Reboot From Command Line
REBOOTER.ARC 3401 06/19/89 Rebooting Device For Bbs
RECALL.ARC 3960 05/15/90 recall previous dos commands
RECNFG21.ARC 111295 01/08/90 Automatic Reconfigure Your Autoexec And
Config Files
RECONFIG.ARC 113491 02/02/90 V3.0 System For Multiple Config.sys &
RESET.ARC 421 07/03/90 Install A Reset Button On Your Pc
RHMIBM.ARC 63382 10/09/86 a side_kick like utility
RIR.ARC 21111 10/20/90 Rock Directory Substitute For Dir. Shows
Arked Unarked.
RLLHINTS.ARC 9533 01/07/87 Hints for RLL Hard Drives and controllers
RNCO_MOD.ARC 78268 04/28/88 Modified Ver Of Pcm Rn & Co For Batch Funct
ROMCOPY.ARC 14669 10/05/87 Read Rom Bios, Save To Disk File
ROMSCAN.ARC 7148 07/03/90 Finds Rom W/loc That Maifest/sysid Miss
ROMTOOLS.ARC 5236 01/13/88 At Eprom Files Editing Tools.
ROMU.ARC 3406 07/01/89 Excellant Rom Capture _ Editor For Drive
Types, Etc.
ROM_EMU.TXT 2115 08/17/91 Cdm_256k Rom Emulator Module Fro Hardware
& Software
RT302.ARC 55876 09/29/88 Brown Bag Ramtest v3.02
RTCLOCK.ARC 42722 09/16/91 Set Your System Clock From Cmos Clock
RUN10.ARC 3855 05/22/90 For Dos 2.x Users, Run Any Program On Any
Page - 11
RUNCGA.ARC 2233 09/10/86 cga emulater
RWMNU322.ARC 71389 01/07/91 Non TSR, unlimited menus, timed execution
RWMNU326.ARC 74664 02/08/91 Allows you to run programs with one key
RYDOOR5.ARC 14072 02/04/88 Remote Operation Of Bios I/o Programs
SAFEZIP2.ARC 3271 04/23/91 Allows You To Zip Or Unzip Files And Not
Worry About Switches Like _d_$ Etc
SC300.ARC 129836 12/11/90 Includes DES standards for en/de/cryption
SCANV80.ARC 92057 06/25/91 Virus Scan ver 80. date Jun26,1990
SCIEQS11.ARC 38327 12/27/88 Scientific Equation Solver
SCN.ARC 42660 01/02/86 scientific calculator
SCOUT.ARC 136387 10/12/89 Very Good Harddrive Menu
SCRCOLOR.ARC 1404 11/30/88 Set Color Not Removable By Program
SCSV44B.ARC 27262 12/08/90 Screen Blanker With A Lot Of Options
SD.ARC 75281 06/12/89 Sorted Directory Ver. 6.0
SD60.ARC 75276 01/06/89 Sorted directory utility
SDA13.ARC 18769 06/24/90 Scrollable Dir Attr In Colors: Ms
SDC300.ARC 101441 12/11/90 A disk duplication machine on disk
SEARCH_P.ARC 4370 07/12/88 Extend Dos Search Path To All Files
SECNAT.ARC 2692 01/06/90 Text File Describing Second Nature Roms
SELDIR.ARC 4915 06/19/88 Replaces Dos Cd Command, Fast And Good
SENTRY02.ARC 11152 09/09/89 Sentry by McAfee Associates system protection
SERLYZ03.ARC 36400 11/13/89 Add Serial Numbers To Qb Programs!
SERV300.ARC 282302 11/27/89 Services! 3.00 hard disk manager and more.
SETF.ARC 11405 03/31/90 Program All 40 Dos Function Keys, With
SHELL35.ARC 36477 10/02/86 Unix shell for PC_DOS
SHERLOCK.ARC 62975 01/01/89 File comparison utility
SHEZ46.ARC 81685 01/05/90 Ver 4.6 Supports Pkz101
SHEZ53.ARC 104022 02/07/90 Archive Viewing Program
SHEZ531.ARC 104443 02/11/90 Great LZHhiver Controller, does all
SHEZ55.ARC 114928 05/17/90 SHEZ v5.5 The Compression Companion . shez55
SHEZ60B.ARC 140305 02/25/91 newest version of the LZH, LZH, LZH etc
SHEZ63.ARC 154302 07/18/91 Archive Shell/manipulator, V6.3
SHIFTKEY.ARC 5170 06/27/90 ShiftKey and ShowCap by ZEAK . .
SHOTSR.ARC 18144 09/29/88 Show the TSR's you have loaded
SHOW.ARC 4420 11/24/87 shows equipment in your computer
SHOWME22.ARC 10793 04/11/90 Shows What Hardware Is On A System
SHRLCK20.ARC 105928 11/18/90 Two window file comparison ASCII
SIGNOUT1.ARC 53410 03/29/90 Sign_Out v1.01 for LAN networks .
SILENCE.ARC 2665 05/01/85 Silence your speaker. Mem.Res.
SILNCE2.DOC 14464 07/07/86 Doc. For Latest Version Of Silence.com
SIMCGA40.ARC 10751 08/26/87 simulate cga on hercules monitor
SIMCGA41.ARC 10751 08/26/87 simulate cga on hercules monitor
SKEY30.ARC 333474 03/31/90 Fakey 3.0
SLIENCE.ARC 7139 04/11/88 Silence Your Ibm Speaker
SLOWGAME.ARC 1770 06/19/91 Computer Execution Speed Change For Playing
SMSTR32A.ARC 172360 01/23/91 System Master (disk 1 of 3)
SMSTR32B.ARC 75909 01/21/91 System Master v3.2 second disk of the set
SMSTR32C.ARC 53005 01/24/91 System Master v3.2 third disk of the set
SNIGLETS.ARC 10617 07/26/86 compiled laughs
SORTF226.ARC 5539 01/09/88 Replacement For Dos Sort Command
SPECTRUM.ARC 10042 04/12/88 Tsr To Set Your Ega Colors! Works Well.
SPEED.ARC 8499 11/30/85 Check cpu speed
Page - 12
SPEED105.ARC 22952 01/23/88 Landmark Active Cpu Speed Test. Excellent.
SPEED20.ARC 43261 06/10/90 Landmark Rate Of Cpu And Video Rate
SPEED411.ARC 795 04/06/85 cpu speed
SPEEDER2.ARC 2413 10/12/90 Speedup Your Cpu
SRH_PATH.ARC 4574 03/17/88 "search" Path Enhancer By Arborsoft _ Best!
SS31.ARC 4407 08/05/87 mono, cga, ega screen saver
ST41200N.TXT 3261 05/17/91 Info On A Seagate 1 Gig Drive
STACK60.ARC 354756 03/25/90 From CtrlAlt Associates
STACKEY2.ARC 81495 11/24/89 Stackey Program (auto Exec. Programs)
STAKSHEL.ARC 1412 12/26/87 Using Stacks And Shell In Config.sys.
STARCOM1.ARC 48013 06/14/90 StarCOM v1.0 view internal DOS commands .
STATMAST.ARC 324095 06/19/91 A Shareware Program That Profiles
Demographic Information.
STAYRES.ARC 30530 06/27/88 Make Prgms Memeory Resident
STEPDOS.ARC 20485 02/21/88 Step Thru Any Dos Program Or Cmd. Interestn
STOPWTCH.ARC 8235 07/31/90 A Program Execution Timer...
STPFCB13.ARC 9178 06/08/91 Stop Fcb On Drives >32meg
STRIPZ13.ARC 13000 10/16/89 Strip Coments From Zips
STS_320.ARC 92089 03/03/91 Super DOS shell and file LZHhiver.
STUPNDOS.ARC 64011 03/19/90 Stupen Dos Shell Frm Prgmer @ Pkware
SUBLIM.ARC 11866 12/27/88 Create and display subliminal messages
SUBLIM2.ARC 12855 08/30/89 PC Subliminal Messages v2.0 flashes msg's
SV.ARC 9157 08/19/90 Select Video_change Video Screens
SWAP17.ARC 239893 08/19/90 Swap Utilities To Disk Ie Side Kick Et Al
SWAP170.ARC 242972 06/01/90 SWAP v1.70 swap applications in and out
SWAPDO17.ARC 33986 05/19/90 Docs For All Swap Utilities, V1.7 _ See
SWAPDOS.ARC 37684 02/01/90 SWAP_DOS v1.0 allows shelling any program
SWSK17.ARC 16755 05/19/90 Swap Sidekick To Disk Or Exp Mem(7k Dos)
SYOCOM50.ARC 3919 01/01/90 Fossil Driver For Sanyo 55x Series Computers
SYSID47.ARC 73015 12/17/89 System Ident. Util 08/89 The Last With
Source, See E
SYSID52.ARC 32741 05/08/90 Systems Information Version 5.2
SYSREQ.ARC 2644 04/16/88 Make Your At Sysreq_key A Scroll Lock Key
TAG_250.ARC 209138 04/10/90 Tag_Along v2.50 HD file manager .
TAME230.ARC 49254 05/03/90 Speeds Up Multitasking..it Really Works
TASK.ARC 1121 11/24/89 Set Time Delays In Batch Files
TASKMG25.ARC 128615 09/30/90 Organize ToDo list, reminders, projects
TD.ARC 4955 07/27/88 Transverse Directories At Will
TEDIT25.ARC 110485 05/29/91 Programmers Editor
TELED200.ARC 85943 03/17/90 Make Exact Copies Of Floppys
TELED210.ARC 105628 07/13/90 Transfer Protected Disks By Modem
TESTEMM.ARC 10678 12/24/89 Test Expanded memory
TEXTBUF.ARC 32225 06/02/88 TSR _ Text Cutter and Paster
TEXTLOC.ARC 46245 07/09/91 Text Search Utility. Very Nice!!!
Search Files For Words Or A Portion Of A
TF77.ARC 13069 02/18/89 A quick File Finder utility, multiple drives
TIMEBOOT.ARC 2242 05/17/89 Boot System At Specific Time
TIMERUN3.ARC 10092 09/23/89 A Dos Command Timer Program.
TIMES2.ARC 16278 03/30/89 Time Setting Utility Programs
TIPS0915.ARC 19671 10/06/90 Qemm And Dv Tips
TLBB.ARC 42152 01/18/91 Your Own Little Black Book
TLB_V117.ARC 179923 12/21/90 High Mem Manager For C&t Chipset Also 386
Page - 13
TOTEXT.ARC 5442 07/12/90 Tsr To Swap Into Text Mode (for Other Tsrs)
TO_RET.ARC 8436 10/20/88 Jump To Any Drive/dir Quickly And Return
Very Good!!
TO_RETRN.ARC 9165 01/05/89 To _ Return directory changing aid
TREET243.ARC 127798 03/01/91 More features than leading commercial
TREEVIEW.ARC 111156 11/28/90 A Tree Look At Dirs And Much More
TREEVU11.ARC 121886 02/18/90 TreeView v1.1 file manager from Magee Entrp.
TRIPDOS.ARC 13606 03/03/88 Shareware multi_tasker
TRTOP231.ARC 84417 04/15/90 Similar To Xtree
TSBAT27.ARC 51249 09/19/91 Timo Salmi's Collection Of Batch Files,
From Finland.
TSR200.ARC 12503 05/29/88 Ram Resident Program Shell
TSRBOOT.ARC 7069 02/20/91 Reboot Your Computer At A Specified
TSRCOM22.ARC 29778 03/05/87 Mark and Release utils. for controlling TSR's
TSRCOM29.ARC 57519 06/14/89 Tsr Management
TSR_HST.ARC 8560 02/21/90 Tsr History
TURBOIBM.ARC 1084 09/13/87 Use Std. Ibm Bios On Turbo Motherboard
TXT2COM.ARC 6986 05/30/88 Change Text Files To .com Files
UDESC123.ARC 39056 08/04/90 v1.23 manage 4DOS files descriptions
UNEEDIT.ARC 258726 12/17/88 A Really Great Collection Of Utilities
UN_ERASE.ARC 1943 05/06/88 Bring Back Those Erased Files !
UTIL2.ARC 54709 12/10/89 Nice Collection Of Utilities
V8N12.ARC 48541 04/05/89 PC_MAG Utils. Expanded Mem. Driver, More
VA3610.ARC 5984 03/01/91 View Arc File (before You Unzip) Useful
VAMPIRE2.ARC 38248 04/28/89 Move At Bios To Disk For Drive Type
VCOPY74.ARC 39865 02/14/91 Vcopy Utility, Version 74
VERSION.ARC 7488 11/02/90 Lies About What Version Of Dos You Have.
VGA.ARC 994 10/18/90 A Very Small File To Change # Of Lines.
VGASAVE.ARC 3392 10/01/88 Vga Screen Blanking Program
VIDSW100.ARC 69337 03/15/90 Video Switcher v1.00 switches CGA/EGA/VGA etc
VMIX222.ARC 142119 11/13/89 Multi_tasking/user O/s Works On 88,286,38
VRAM38.ARC 55601 10/27/90 Vram Version 3.8 Changes Ext To Ems 4.0
VRAM386.ARC 61793 01/02/91 Memory Manager Somewhat Like Qemm
VSHLD63.ARC 34365 06/02/90 VShield 1.8 v63 protection from virus .
VTEC20.ARC 94867 06/01/91 Comprehensive shell _ McAfee' Scan/Clean
VTREE.ARC 866 01/15/88 Shows A Diagram Of Your Dirs
WARPSPED.ARC 14300 03/30/89 Keyboard Speedup
WATCH.ARC 1509 03/10/90 Carrier Watcher
WEED.ARC 12117 08/19/90 Remove Blank Lines From Text Files
WHERE.ARC 8425 07/04/88 Another Whereis Type Program But Faster
WHERE41A.ARC 38994 10/26/90 Where Is Program
WHIZ1.ARC 16622 02/03/88 Fast whereis_type utility_all drives
WILDCARD.ARC 7493 03/14/91 Wildcard Dos Commands
WPFKEYS.ARC 16521 07/26/88 Show F Key Definition On Bottom Line Wp5.0
WSORTHO1.ARC 918273 06/13/91 Sample Digital Orthophoto Images With
Display And Manipulation Program From
Wisconsin State Cartographer's Office; 1 Of 3
WSORTHOA.ARC 82418 04/14/91 Digital Orthophotos & Display Program; 2
Of 3
WSORTHOB.ARC 127602 04/15/91 Digital Orthophotos & Display Program; 3
Of 3
WT101.ARC 8279 06/19/88 Do Commands Across Subdirectories
Page - 14
XDIR302.ARC 54006 10/14/90 Describe files when listing a directory
XRAY.ARC 8593 01/14/92 Resident Memory View _ Good For Debug
XTRATANK.ARC 47109 09/01/91 Double Your Hardisk Capasity
X_DOS.ARC 44456 03/05/91 Complete Dos 3.3 Kernel (source Obtainable)
ZAPSCRN.ARC 9547 03/12/89 Another Screen Blanking Program
ZCE10.ARC 129027 04/06/91 Zip Comment Editor And Zip Directory
ZGEN103.ARC 61001 11/13/90 Supports ARC LZH ZIP PAK (SDN)
ZGEN122.ARC 64500 12/07/90 ZGEN v1.22 file and archive manager
ZGEN146.ARC 69291 02/07/91 Zip General_files And Archive Manager
100's Of Dos Functions. Arc Zip Lzh Arj
ZGEN160.ARC 84552 06/13/91 Handles all common compression utilities
ZIPVIEWB.ARC 32723 04/06/91 Compression Viewer For Norton Commander
ZM113.ARC 124149 08/04/90 Zipmaster _ Excellent Shell For Zip And
ZOO210.ARC 56050 10/09/91 Zoo Compression Program
ZZAP62A.ARC 94448 01/04/91 Universal Archive Converter
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Mid-America Digital Publishing's Magnum One 02/19/92
Data Base & Word Processing
Name Bytes Date Description
20_20.ARC 94867 03/02/91 20/20 Word Processor v 1.0 _ Variable size
letter wp for laptops and visually impaired
ADDRMST2.ARC 171027 09/01/90 Address Master 2. Address Database
AMAC33.ARC 137724 04/29/91 Amac33 is a group of macro's for Qedit
AMAC36.ARC 156138 03/16/91 Qedit macro collection through 3/16/91
ANARKEY2.ARC 108330 05/01/89 Command Line driven Text Editor
ASEZAS40.ARC 172649 11/17/89 Aseasyas
BAKERDOZ.ARC 193279 02/06/89 Bakers Dozen _ Many Buttonware Utilities
BCK11A.ARC 110294 05/02/90 Baseball Card Keeper _ Collectors
BINGO20.ARC 137590 07/01/90 BINGO full featured programmers text editor .
BINGO201.ARC 149686 08/20/91 Bingo Text Editor where you can edit
multipal files at the same time.
BLKBRD74.ARC 148487 01/03/90 Programmers Editor
BOXER301.ARC 248709 04/20/91 Text, document and programmers modes
BOXER303.ARC 306403 06/01/91 now with reconfiguable keyboard and more
BYDESIGN.ARC 222887 03/17/91 Graphics design complete with clip art
CHRCHDOC.ARC 11122 01/21/91 Short Doc Summary For The Chrchpr Arcs
CHRCHPR1.ARC 88534 01/21/91 Part1 _ Complete Dbase Church Management
CHRCHPR3.ARC 73842 01/21/91 Cprofile,full Featured W/tutorial _ Sampl
CLARION.ARC 625973 07/24/91 Demo Of Clarion And Personal Clarion
Database A "must See" If You Are Interested
In Dbases
CMDEDIT.ARC 90295 08/15/90 Command Line Editor
CONED.ARC 48418 06/14/90 Config sys editor v.2.0
CSE172.ARC 16799 03/24/88 Tiny ^12k Editor Like Program. Excellent
CSE310.ARC 15135 01/08/91 Multi_file, small, text editor v3.10
CTDESK72.ARC 98914 12/03/88 City Desk desktop publisher
DB4LESS1.ARC 56003 06/16/90 Dbase 4 Tutorial 1 Of 3
DB4LESS2.ARC 56166 06/16/90 Dbase 4 Tutorial 2 Of 3 Basic Db Info
DB4LESS3.ARC 134677 06/16/90 Dbase 4 Tutorial 3 Of 3 Advanced Db
DBASETUT.ARC 127510 06/16/90 Dbase 4 Hands On Keyboard Examples
DBMAIL.ARC 46693 06/19/88 Maillist Program For Dbase3
DBSEE103.ARC 37165 05/29/90 Review Structure And Records Of Dbf Files
With Ease
DBSTEEL3.ARC 100487 01/21/91 Dsk3 Of Intergrated Multi Func. Pgm
DBS_KAT.ARC 260513 04/28/90 Diskette Library Database Up To 9999
Disks 16000000
DDJHPTXT.ARC 271106 06/05/90 Ddj Hypertext Project _ Full Source Code
DIARY.ARC 55303 02/03/91 Diary Program___password Protection
DIF12.ARC 32347 03/29/90 Database Import Facility 1.2 / Convert
Ascii Delimited Files For Usage By Many
DJ.ARC 151168 01/01/80 Multi_lingual editor
DOS_EDIT.ARC 9361 04/20/88 A Small Ascii Editor
DPRFTMRG.ARC 220957 09/26/90 GLOSRY14.ARC Memory Resident Glossary
Page - 16
DVED.ARC 25179 01/14/85 Dewar Visual Editor _ Fantastic text editor
DXILBL20.ARC 87182 01/12/90 Dex_i_lbl 2.0 Lable Program
E40DS1.ARC 81940 03/10/89 "e!" Ver. 4.0 Editor Disk 1 Of 3
E40DS2.ARC 86553 03/10/89 "e!" Editor Disk 2 Of 3
E40DS3.ARC 71123 03/10/89 "e!" Editor Disk 3 Of 3
E88420.ARC 44689 01/12/88 Program Editor Version 4.2
EDDY550.ARC 146633 03/20/91 File and directory editor
EDIT1234.ARC 21649 04/29/91 Fullscreen Editors that you can INCLUDE in
QuickBasic programs.
EDITC.ARC 14894 04/20/88 E_editor A Small Fast Editor
EDWIN.ARC 87175 02/10/87 Good configurable text editor _ good for prog
EMAKER.ARC 12858 03/15/87 Prints Addresses On Large Envelopes
ET4.ARC 31498 07/20/83 Simple ASCII file text processor
EZDA11TD.EXE 175118 01/14/91 Easy To Use Dbase Compatible Diskette
Catalog System
EZX_W23.ARC 119056 02/24/89 Ezx Write V2.3 By Ezx Corp
EZ_FX201.ARC 163941 02/27/89 Ez_forms Executive V2.01 By Ezx Corp
FAMTREE.ARC 159463 04/29/91 A Family Tree Database Easy To Use
FASTM3E1.ARC 185200 01/22/91 Nice Menu Program With Lots Of Extras 1
0f 2
FASTM3E2.ARC 174518 01/22/91 Fast Menu 2 Of 2
FE422_1.ARC 186070 10/28/88 File Express Database Manager Part 1
FE422_2.ARC 173586 10/28/88 File Express Data Base Manager Part 2
FE428_1.ARC 186249 12/05/89 File Express V4.28 _ Database Part 1of2
FE428_2.ARC 173997 12/05/89 File Express V4.28 _ Database Part 2of2
FORM300.ARC 69090 02/26/88 Latest Version Of Form Gen
FORMGEN.ARC 91150 01/25/90 Design Forms
FRED.ARC 29685 10/01/85 FRED _ free editor _ works great!
FSTEXT.ARC 37780 01/02/91 FSTEXT v1.0 _ Menu driven program that
evaluates written material for readability
GALIT170.ARC 306068 01/11/92 Galaxy Lite word processing program
GALITE10.ARC 237005 06/25/90 Galaxy Lite v1.00 word processor . .
GALITE15.ARC 268573 10/02/90 Galaxy Lite with spellchecker
GENLED.ARC 4442 01/26/91 Great Personal General Ledger For Lotus
Or Aseasy Version 4. Spreadsheets
GIF2WPG.ARC 21389 05/02/90 Makes Word Perfect Graphics From Gifs
GLXY300A.ARC 295119 06/01/90 Galaxy Wordprocessor version 3.00 . . .
GLXY300B.ARC 64239 05/31/90 Galaxy 3.00 printer support
GRAB3A.ARC 57613 12/08/87 Grab addresses from within your word processo
GRAB6_1.ARC 248819 03/18/91 Now uses style sheets (1 of 2)
GRAB6_2.ARC 176029 03/18/91 Includes WinGRAB for Windows (2 of 2)
GRAMER04.ARC 165069 02/15/91 An English Grammer Tutor. For
HANDWRIT.ARC 103629 02/06/90 Handwriting Analysis Samplier (demo)
HGRBOWL.ARC 240136 04/29/91 A Great Bowling League Secretary Program.
HHG_104.ARC 93123 04/29/91 Household Goods Inventory Management
Utility Version 1.04. Has Options.
HISTRY50.ARC 8474 04/06/88 Command Recall W/editing And Aliasing
HYPERHLP.ARC 194567 11/24/90 Suprisingly Powerful But Easy To Use Hyper
Txt System
INSTMENU.ARC 35939 06/29/89 Menu Mice Drivers for WordPerfect 5.0
J203DOC.ARC 99193 01/21/90 Journal & Personal Reference System 1of2
J203PGM.ARC 117818 01/21/90 Journal & Personal Reference System 2of2
JLP10.ARC 50531 04/09/90 Julia's Letter Processor 1.0 / word
Page - 17
JORJ_1.ARC 283050 04/29/91 TSR dictionary/reference utility. 1 of 2
JORJ_2.ARC 157951 04/29/91 TSR dictionary/reference utility. 2 of 2
KEYWS5.ARC 6604 02/05/91 QEdit Wordstar conversion utility
KS20_1.ARC 192990 12/16/90 Kwik_stat Statisical Program With Graphs
KS20_2.ARC 143149 12/16/90 Kwik_stat Disk 2 Of 2
LETTERS.ARC 43041 03/08/85 100 Business Letters and Forms
LEXLEX.ARC 60349 04/01/88 Memory resident Lexicon
LISTBASE.ARC 285097 03/08/91 Name and Address Database with Word Processor
to write pre_addressed letter.
LMASTER.ARC 105615 01/02/88 Good Mailing Label Program.
LOGIMENU.ARC 28360 01/27/89 Menu/Mice Drivers for WordPerfect 5.0
LOGITECH.ARC 3765 07/28/89 Menu/Mice Drivers for Wordperfect 5.0
MACMENUS.ARC 69331 06/03/89 Menu/Mice Drivers for Wordperfect 5.0
MACTUT.ARC 36613 04/29/91 Macro tutor for Word Perfect 5.1
MCROADE2.ARC 72826 06/23/91 conv. to ASCII & back, menus, import da
MCROADE3.ARC 73840 07/06/91 other minor fixes, macro tools & menus
ME30.ARC 243276 10/13/90 Multi_edit Txt For Programers.
MEALMSTR.ARC 81742 05/20/90 Mealmaster Recipe Database
MERGE1.ARC 44811 10/15/87 Great mail_merge program for most word proces
MMLIB7.ARC 6462 12/21/90 Mealmaster Recipe Library.
MR200.ARC 176653 03/25/88 Mindreader 2.0 _ fantastic, extremely powerfu
MULTIBAK.ARC 24495 10/24/89 V2.3 create generations of (filename).bak
MULTIED4.ARC 301023 06/08/89 MultiEdit v4 full function text editor
MULTWORD.ARC 310118 10/14/90 Multiword v1.1 by digital crypto
MULT_EDI.ARC 262942 10/21/89 Multiable Editor For Progromers.
MYED106.ARC 62856 04/29/91 A nice resident memory text editor
NE.ARC 8818 10/24/91 Possibly The World's Smallest Text Editor.
NOVA100.ARC 218881 01/30/91 Windows type interface text editor
NUTRIENT.ARC 109465 01/21/91 Your Personal Nutrionist V3.2.1 Analyzes Your
Food Intake.
NYEDITME.ARC 109604 10/30/87 New York editor _ small and simple to use
OMNIEDIT.ARC 46075 11/02/85 OMNI text editor
OUTFORT2.ARC 23593 01/17/90 Easy yet powerful Outline Processor
OUTLIN20.ARC 121766 01/29/91 Outline Plus v2.0 _ Electronic outline
PAGINATE.ARC 13647 10/15/88 Print text files in paginated format
PCFILE5A.ARC 304533 02/09/90 Pcfile V5.0 1 Of 3 A Good Database
PCFILE5B.ARC 281320 02/09/90 Pcfile V5.0 2 Of 3
PCFILE5C.ARC 246282 02/09/90 Pcfile V5.0 3 Of 3
PCFMT13.ARC 51959 03/04/89 PCFMT by Charles D. Robertson
PCINDX11.ARC 73474 08/25/89 PC_Index v1.1 create book_style index
PCO334.ARC 111453 10/30/88 Pc_outline _ Great Outline Processor
PCT4A.ARC 292318 01/08/91 PC_Type v4.0 Word Processor 1 of 3
PCTYP2_A.ARC 335687 08/31/89 Pc_type Ii V1.0 Disk 1 Of 3 _ Program
PCTYP2_B.ARC 354524 08/31/89 Pc_type Ii V1.0 Disk 2 Of 3 _ Utility
PCTYP2_C.ARC 354395 08/31/89 Pc_type Ii V1.0 Disk 3 Of 3 _ Dictionary
PCT_4A.ARC 308540 01/08/91 PC_Type v4.0 wordprocessor (1 of 4)
PCT_4B.ARC 174564 01/08/91 PC_Type v4.0 disk (2 of 4)
PCT_4C.ARC 331717 01/08/91 PC_Type v4.0 disk (3 of 4)
PCT_4D.ARC 261022 12/18/90 PC_Type v4.0 doc's (4 of 4)
PCW302_1.ARC 182025 02/21/91 Pc Write 3.02 1 0f 3
PCW302_2.ARC 225367 02/21/91 Pc Write 3.02 2 Of 3
PCW302_3.ARC 177270 02/21/91 Pc Write 3.02 3 Of 3
PCW303_A.ARC 179075 11/03/89 Pc_write V3.03 By Quicksoft 1 Of 3
PCW303_B.ARC 178708 11/03/89 Pc_write V3.03 By Quicksoft 2 Of 3
Page - 18
PCW303_C.ARC 223672 11/10/89 Pc_write V3.03 By Quicksoft 3 Of 3
PCWLITE1.ARC 136655 02/14/90 PC_Write Lite wordprocessor . .
PCWLITE2.ARC 211510 03/24/90 PC_Write Lite executables . .
PCWRITE1.ARC 67839 04/01/86 Part 1 _ Version 2.6 of the popular PC_Write
PCWRITE2.ARC 79612 04/01/86 Part 2 _ Version 2.6 of the popular PC_Write
PCWRITE3.ARC 39461 04/01/86 Part 3 _ Version 2.6 of the popular PC_Write
PCWRT303.ARC 179145 02/14/90 Update Executables for PC_Write to 3.03
PC_NAMES.ARC 167945 01/05/90 Pc_names Database_lables, Addresses
PEDIT165.ARC 106843 07/18/90 pEDIT v1.65 text editor with windows
PESFX.ARC 224708 03/16/91 PE _ The "Perfect" Editor _ Windowed
ASCII text editor.
PETPE.ARC 224708 04/08/91 The Perfect Editor, by Just Excellent S/W.
Full_featured ASCII text editor with 9 forms
of line drawing and other options.
PHRASE24.ARC 33160 02/18/89 PHRASE WATCHER V2.4 by George Yee
POPDBF35.COM 48331 10/08/90 Tsr To Edit/view Dbase Files
POPEDIT.ARC 32455 04/20/88 Pop Editor With Docs
PRIN28.ARC 10004 08/02/90 PRIN v2.8 format and pipe to PRN
PROLB131.ARC 22631 09/21/90 A massive labler program well featured
PROWRIT.ARC 318452 03/06/89 Professional Write V 2.0 Demo Disk
PROWRT45.ARC 86221 09/27/90 Wordprocessor / editor / file_disk manager
PSPOOL.ARC 3508 10/27/88 Print Spooler. Lots Of Options.
PW_1.ARC 302906 03/16/91 Prof. Write 2.2 New Ver. Trial Disk #1
Has Add New Grammer Checker 1/3
PW_2.ARC 359618 03/16/91 Trial Disk #2 2/3
PW_3.ARC 361200 03/16/91 Trial Disk #3 3/3
QEDADV.ARC 130046 04/03/90 Qedit Advanced A Small But Powerful Text
QEDIT139.ARC 70296 01/18/88 QEdit _ small, fast, easy to use editor
QEDIT207.ARC 120659 04/16/89 Qedit V2.07 Text Editor
QEDIT21.ARC 128714 02/26/90 QEdit v2.10 _ newest version
QEDITA21.ARC 130859 04/03/90 QEdit the programmers editor
QED_WP.ARC 3705 09/17/88 Makes QEdit act like WordPerfect
QQHELP.ARC 29500 03/01/91 Quick Help Shell for QEdit
QS.ARC 14241 01/01/80 Quick scan text files
RE.ARC 143476 01/17/90 Ravitz Ttext Editor V1.08. Many Features.
RETTIG.ARC 324435 10/22/90 Tommy Rettig's Clipper Library Entered Into
The Public Domain.
RR2310.ARC 96915 12/18/88 Set Of Fingertip Reference Manuals
RUBICON1.ARC 166391 01/20/90 Rubicon Desktop Publisher. Laserjet/Postscrip
RUBICON2.ARC 194544 02/24/90 Rubicon Desktop Publisher Font set
RUBICON3.ARC 167649 02/24/90 Rubicon Desktop Publisher Font set
SAGE.ARC 149975 10/12/88 Sagewords powerful word processor
SCREENWR.ARC 50444 05/02/85 Editor for producing screenplays
SCRIBE41.ARC 145400 03/01/91 Dbase Relational Report Writer... Fast.
SD_1.ARC 153916 07/30/90 Special Days _ Creates Nice Document For
Birthdays And Anniversaries. 1/2
SD_2.ARC 99860 07/30/90 Special Days 2/2
SEDTDOC4.ARC 79407 11/01/89 SEDT v4(261) license and documentation
SHOFKEYS.ARC 16841 07/28/88 Show Func_keys on bottom for W.P. 5.0
SIDE103.ARC 109426 03/10/90 ON_Side v1.03 prints sideways
SNIP22.ARC 13271 01/25/90 Cut text from one place and Paste in another
SOFTC101.ARC 70847 02/15/89 Access Dbase3 Files With Turbo C Progms.
Page - 19
SPAUDIT.ARC 43091 09/17/90 Sp Audit / Audits And List All Software Pkgs
SPELL.ARC 1872 06/09/85 Shareware spell checker
SPELLF.ARC 22014 10/30/89 Incredible Fast Spell Check Stores 64k
Words In 8k!
SPELL_CK.ARC 262360 12/17/90 Spelling Checker
SPF.ARC 148319 10/09/89 Spf/pc Demo _ Mainframe Like Editor For
The Pc Ok
SS13.ARC 182017 07/01/89 Stand Alone Spell Checker
SS14.ARC 182504 08/19/89 Sharespell V1.4 _ Spelling Checker, 51k+
SS16.ARC 193536 12/02/89 Super Spell V1.6 _ Spelling Checker With
58000 Words
SS20.ARC 262263 06/01/90 Sharespell V2.00
SS21.ARC 260368 01/15/91 Sharespell 2.1 Very Nice Spell Checker
SS23.ARC 262298 02/22/91 Share Spell v2.3 _ Standalone Spell Checker
SSPELL23.ARC 262298 02/22/91 Text file speller checker
SSQL22.ARC 138536 01/20/90 Shareware Sql Database Software From
STACK_10.ARC 4778 02/23/89 Command Line Editor (tsr) W/function Key
Use Ver.1.0
STYLE.ARC 96150 08/15/88 A Document Check For Grammar, Punct., Etc
TABS.ARC 273689 05/15/90 Adress Book Solution V2.0 Is Tsr And D_base
Compatiable.also Prints, Even Index Cards.
TED12.ARC 19527 07/24/90 TED v1.2 _ Small full_screen editor. Support
TED3.ARC 17943 03/03/91 Tiny Editor v. 3.0 (update of PC_Mag)
TEDPLUS.ARC 21258 11/30/88 Pc Magazine Ted Editor W/ Some Additions
THESAR39.ARC 142734 06/08/89 Nice Shareware Thesaurues Non_res
THESP22.ARC 217819 04/15/90 Thesaurus Plus 2.2 With 50,000 Words
THESPLUS.ARC 229558 05/23/89 On_line Thesaurus
TRW110.ARC 172794 05/28/91 Report on and convert format of text
TSCRIPT.ARC 32252 08/02/85 Another editor
TW11.ARC 19879 04/07/90 Tinyword And Tinyprint Small Text Editor
TW15.ARC 27988 06/29/90 TinyWord. Small, no frill text editor
TXTOUT13.ARC 26798 01/17/90 WP 5.x to ASCII Program
UED.ARC 36931 02/01/89 Editor Small Size(30k) Great Features
UED17.ARC 44605 01/13/91 Useful Editor v1.7
UEMACS39.ARC 45636 09/24/87 Micro_Emacs v3.9 editor
ULTANSI.ARC 19444 04/22/90 Ultimate ANSI Editor
ULTRA_1.ARC 203365 07/30/90 Ultra:base
Is A Database That Has A File Cabinet
Interface To Create Folders. In 3 Parts
ULTRA_2.ARC 205438 12/25/89 Second Part Of Ultrabase
ULTRA_3.ARC 174208 07/30/90 3rd Part Of Ultrabase
USLIBR.ARC 369921 01/11/91 Shareware Database Of 16000 Us Libraries
VDE122.ARC 66574 08/17/88 VDE text editor _ many nice features!
VDE131.ARC 74134 07/20/89 Small Full_featured Text Editor W/macros
& More!
VDE152.ARC 91969 04/27/90 Small Quick Editor
VDE16.ARC 114992 12/13/90 VDE is a powerful text editor that uses
either WordStar commands or pull_down menus.
The latest version has auto_reformating.
VDE161.ARC 128000 03/28/91 Video Display Editor _ Text/Word Processor,
version 1.61 _ freeware but of commercial
VDE16A.ARC 115083 12/30/90 VDE 1.6a Video Display Editor
Great text editor. load multiple files.
window, switch, cut paste between files.
Page - 20
VI.ARC 7999 10/23/90 A full screen editor.
VI57A1.ARC 152317 05/20/91 All the features of the UNIX vi editor
VIBIG.ARC 42378 02/22/90 Supposedly edits big files
WASTRIP.ARC 1798 01/01/80 Strips Writing Assistant files down to normal
WEIGHCHK.ARC 34712 07/01/90 Keep Record Of Daily Weight
WF200_A.ARC 173811 12/19/90 Industrial strength from Australia (A
WF200_B.ARC 128240 08/30/90 Word Fugue v2.00c utilities (B
WF200_C.ARC 120885 08/30/90 Word Fuge v2.00c documentation (C
WHAT.ARC 36105 04/29/91 Utility To Help You Keep Track Of The Content
WORDUP.ARC 60924 06/07/90 Dictionary, Thesaurus/tutor! Add Words.
WORDUTIL.ARC 33830 07/29/85 Utilities for word processors
WP2XY.ARC 3818 04/08/91 Word Perfect to XYWrite files
WP4.ARC 12215 07/29/88 New Pull Down Menus For Wordperfect 4.2
WP50ART1.ARC 166797 11/02/89 Wp50 Art Clips 1of 2.
WP50ART2.ARC 27203 10/22/88 Word Perfect graphics
WP50ART3.ARC 34319 10/22/88 Word Perfect graphics
WP50ART4.ARC 63358 10/22/88 Word Perfect graphics
WP50ART5.ARC 19314 10/22/88 Word Perfect graphics
WP50TUT.ARC 228512 07/20/89 Wordperfect 5.0 Tutorial
WP51.ARC 281450 11/14/90 Word Perfect 5.1 Demo
WP51MAC1.ARC 54509 03/02/90 WordPerfect 5.1 Macros
WP51MAC2.ARC 58418 05/21/90 Word Perfect 5.1 keyboard macros v2.0
WP51MAC3.ARC 71704 06/29/90 Wordperfect v5.1 macro and keyboards v3.00 .
WP51ME.ARC 5842 12/26/88 Logitec Menu For Word Perfect 5.0
WP5ART2.ARC 153623 11/02/89 Wp 5.0 Art Clips 2 Of 2.
WP5DV.ARC 500 06/19/88 Wordperfect 5.0 Pif For Desqveiw
WPA06.ARC 51447 03/24/91 Easy to use Programmers Text Editor
WPG_11.ARC 20250 08/28/90 Word Perfect Graphics _ Military and Machines
WPG_12.ARC 41540 08/28/90 Word Perfect Graphics _ Miscellaneous
WPG_13.ARC 13486 08/28/90 Word Perfect Graphics _ Transportation
WPG_5.ARC 87237 08/28/90 Word Perfect Graphics _ Miscellaneous
WPG_6.ARC 94182 08/28/90 Word Perfect Graphics _ Animals
WPG_8.ARC 132580 08/28/90 Word Perfect Graphics _ Holidays
WPM1.ARC 16857 07/07/88 All New Pull Down Menus For Word Perfect
WPM5C.ARC 27119 09/10/88 Menus for Word Perfect 5.x
WPMERGE.ARC 274085 02/20/91 DBase to Word Perfect Merge Format
WPT.ARC 963 10/07/88 Write Protect Tab: Software Toggle Protect
WPUTIL35.ARC 302603 02/28/91 Word Perfect Utilities. (macro/move/recall/
style/draw/PDox trans/forms)
WRDHPLJ.ARC 121859 04/14/89 LaserJet Font creater for Microsft Word
WSDOS.ARC 20241 04/12/87 Converts Wordstar document files to ASCII tex
XREF140A.ARC 151015 12/31/90 Xref V1.40a Data Dictionary For Dbf Files
XRS41DOX.ARC 47893 03/03/91 Docs For Xrs V4.10 (suggested)
ZIPPER10.ARC 185881 01/05/89 Fast Zipcode Search
ZIPS_DBF.ARC 286726 12/26/91 Dbf File Containing All Zipcodes W/ City
And State
ZIPZP714.ARC 54502 03/07/91 Zipzap 7.14 _ Latest Version Sector Editor
ZIP_DBF.ARC 282764 01/15/89 Zipcodes In Dbase Iii+ Format
ZMAIL326.ARC 276725 01/08/91 Zipmail Labels/letters/mailmrge W/many
Page - 21
ZPP.ARC 49379 01/04/91 Zippy Print v1.2 _ Easy_to_use Word Processor
ZWIZ12.ARC 120151 11/27/90 Zip Interface For Wordperfect Great
Page - 22
Mid-America Digital Publishing's Magnum One 02/19/92
Games 1
Name Bytes Date Description
10FRAME.ARC 52072 04/20/87 Bowling Game
1933.ARC 73807 04/29/91 1933 World's Fair, Walk Around The Fair,
Go Inside Different Buildings, Ega Required.
21.ARC 26842 10/29/85 Excellent graphics blackjack game
2_2.ARC 72377 12/04/89 A Great Basketball Game
3_DEMON.ARC 21084 02/18/86 Play Packman through Packman's eyes
42.ARC 14553 09/18/86 A TEXAS CARD GAME
4D_TIC.ARC 17629 04/12/90 Good 4_d Tic_tac_toe Game
4INARO.ARC 37332 10/18/91 Netbios Game
4X4.ARC 121550 04/29/91 Arcade Game Fourwheel Drive
Uploaded By: Denis Guelfi
6000.ARC 45467 07/03/89 Good Dice Game
688.ARC 184441 02/25/89 Submarine Attack Game
688SUB.ARC 184441 10/31/88 Working demo of 688 Sub game
747.ARC 36324 05/03/86 SIMPLISTIC 747 SIMULATOR
8BALL.ARC 53618 09/23/90 Pool Game _ Good Graphics
8PUZZLE.ARC 13341 12/22/88 The old "Slide the numbered Tiles" game
ABERMUD.ARC 138773 04/29/91 Abermud, A Multiuser Text Adventure Game
(tinymud Is A Derivative). For Unix Only.
ABLAST.ARC 95240 05/05/90 Arcade Type Game
ABYSS.ARC 27847 06/14/89 Game For Mean 18
ACQUIRE.ARC 38698 01/01/80 finance game
ADX.ARC 55717 12/24/87 24 Games Needs Gwbasic To Run
AFRICA20.ARC 52834 12/05/86 Text adventure game
AFSRACE.ARC 11367 12/05/87 another race course for Chuck Yeager's AFS
AFTYIA.ARC 3891 04/28/88 New Airport For Flight Sim
AGRAVATE.ARC 36544 12/18/89 Agravate Game
AGT.ARC 82499 11/09/88 Adventure Game Toolkit
AIRCOND.ARC 47215 03/19/88 Learn how to fix your air conditioner
AIRPLANE.ARC 46270 07/19/85 Prints various Airplanes to fold
ALASKA.ARC 22760 04/17/89 Golf Game For Mean 18
ALICE.ARC 57465 10/31/90 256 Color Gif Of Girl In Field.
ALIENWLD.ARC 130463 04/29/91 Cute Arcade Game In The Style Of
Asteroids. Unique Background Graphice. Reqs.
ALPHSOUP.ARC 179944 10/14/90 Cheat On Jumble And Other Word Games... Enter
A Word And Prg. Will
Unscramble.. Easy To Add Words To
AMEM10.ARC 249368 04/24/91 Test memory skills through animation
APOLLO.ARC 116344 08/11/88 Good Lunar Lander Game.....can Be Hard.
APPORG13.ARC 104040 06/26/91 Othello style strategy board game
ARCHEO.ARC 24124 12/18/85 Your the archeologist _ find the artifacts
ARCHERY.ARC 22402 01/04/88 Shoot Arrows At Moving Targets_fun.
ARPLANE.ARC 46270 01/02/88 Paper Airplanes To Print Out
ASTCHICK.ARC 209632 10/02/90 Astro Chicken From Sq Iii.
ASTEGAXT.ARC 9412 11/23/86 EGA asteroids game
Page - 23
ATLANTI.ARC 127160 06/22/90 Battle For Atlantis Game. Ega/vga
This Is Basically A Single_player Version Of
Global Wars. It's You Against 3 Computer
Controlled Opponents.
ATLANTIS.ARC 126971 03/13/91 War Game with Ships _ Cute
AUGUST.ARC 130389 12/05/90 A Jack Nicklaus Golf Course
AWARDS.ARC 4229 03/16/91 Mahjong Tileset. Desert Storm Medals.
AXRUD582.ARC 143268 06/27/90 Role Playing Game
A_10.ARC 2514 01/05/88 Add_on for Chuch Yeager's Flight Sim
BAB200.ARC 154731 02/08/91 Babble! V2.0: A Toy For People Who Love Words
This "text_mixing" Studio Babbles Endlessly
From "writing" Samples And Special Effects.
BABY.ARC 22997 05/17/88 Save Babies From Burning Building
BALLS.ARC 298076 06/05/90 Counter Rotating Chrome Balls Over
BANFF.ARC 22485 06/14/89 Banff Golf Course _ Mean 18
BANYON2.ARC 107215 07/06/90 Banyon War _ Shareware Game
BARBAR.ARC 34215 09/25/88 Game Kid Of Like Risk
BART1.ARC 9732 10/31/90 Bart Simpson
BASEBALL.ARC 123415 04/14/89 A Good Baseball Game
BASSCL12.ARC 169245 03/26/91 The Bass Fishing Tutorial
BASSLAK6.ARC 3477 03/24/90 Another Lake For Basstour
Uploaded By: Tim Greenstreet
BASSMAP.ARC 71908 02/19/90 Basstour Map Design Utility
BASSTR2.ARC 118703 03/02/89 Fishing Tournament Game _ Ega Graphics
BASSTR44.ARC 148091 01/24/91 Bass Tour 4.4 Ega Bass Fishing Tournament.
BATLSHIP.ARC 20426 01/19/91 Battleship V1.5 ,head To Head Or Computer.
BATSHIP.ARC 62780 09/23/86 battleship game
BATTLE.ARC 97691 11/03/90 Intra_galactic Battles
BATTLES.ARC 142423 11/18/90 Battleship Game. Pretty Neay
BATTSHIP.ARC 181612 04/25/90 Game Just Like The Board Game
Ega_vga Req.
BCK.ARC 87713 01/16/90 Baseball Card Keeper
BEAST.ARC 8029 03/01/89 It Is A Crazy Game Try It !!!!
BEGINS.ARC 110036 01/08/88 Star Trek Type Game
BERZERK.ARC 16595 08/21/86 Berzerk!.....fun
BEYOND.ARC 24384 01/17/90 Great 3_d Tetris Games
BH.ARC 45547 12/04/88 Bounty Hunter Game Uses Geography
BIBLGAME.ARC 73965 06/22/90 Test Your Bible I Q.
BIRDBRAN.ARC 5101 11/28/85 Can you catch the fish??
BJTALK.ARC 35562 01/10/89 Talking Blackjack Card Game
BJTUTOR.ARC 180158 11/26/90 Black Jackjack Tutor For The Vga & Rat
BJ_DEM.ARC 147289 02/27/89 EGA Blackjack game _ supurb graphics
BLACKJCK.ARC 21729 07/22/86 The best Blackjack game ever
BLDBRIDG.ARC 50345 06/22/86 Bridge Building Game
BLKJACK1.ARC 59320 04/29/89 Black Jack Tutor & Game
BLOCKOUT.ARC 105505 08/08/90 3d Type Tetris Game
BOTTLE.ARC 230924 10/15/90 A Graphical Adventure Inside The Genie's
Bottle (chapter 1). G_rated. Windows 3.0.
BOULDER.ARC 30907 03/24/91 Collect diamonds _ avoid falling rocks
BOWL.ARC 1925 12/01/85 A great bowling game _ challenging
BRDGPAL2.ARC 102479 07/27/89 Learn to play Bridge the card game.
BREAKOUT.ARC 2914 06/15/86 Try to break out the brick wall
BRICKS.ARC 10436 03/01/89 Try To Shoot Down The Brick Wall
BRIDGE.ARC 6928 11/26/85 The card game of Bridge
BRONTO.ARC 61332 08/17/88 Dianasaour Walking For Your Kid
Page - 24
BTOUR40.ARC 148589 04/29/91 Basstour
Fishing Simulation.
BUGS.ARC 11271 05/02/84 Action game like Centipede
BURGER.ARC 31744 01/01/80 Burgher Time!
BUSHWOOD.ARC 103899 10/10/90 A Jack Nicklaus Golf Course
BUZBUZBE.ARC 167209 04/29/91 Humorous Animation Of A Goldfish And A Bee.
Really Cute. Need Quickfli.exe
CAALAXRD.ARC 9125 11/04/90 L.a. Airport For Fs4 (flight Simulator 4)
CAL.ARC 91688 05/28/89 Create yor own calendars with notes
CARDFIL.ARC 5164 01/13/88 Great small popup address & phone #'s
CARDGAME.ARC 28173 09/18/88 Very Good Mouse Driven Solitare Game.
CARDS.ARC 81619 09/18/88 Menu Driven Poker And Hearts Game.
CARGORUN.ARC 39997 03/29/91 Try To Ship Your Cargo With Out Being
CASTLE.ARC 12486 01/04/86 Dungeons and dragons type game
CAVQUEST.ARC 63922 09/23/85 Excellent Dungeons and dragons game
CD_MAN.ARC 220159 01/20/91 A Great Vga Pacman Type Game
CEDT60.ARC 167668 02/04/90 Chess Editor 6.0
CENTIPED.ARC 9344 11/28/85 The arcade game of Centipede
CFB40.ARC 109127 04/29/91 Cunning Football V4.0 _ Awesome Fast_action
Football Simulation.
CHECK6.ARC 88986 06/26/88 Another Flight Game From The Airforce.
CHEKKERS.ARC 73348 01/19/88 Best game of checkers _ requires EGA
CHESS.ARC 4711 05/05/85 Color chess game
CHESS88.ARC 4711 07/18/86 CHESS GAME
CHIPPUTT.ARC 28178 01/01/80 Mean 18 Golf Game
CHOPPER.ARC 68729 06/08/90 Chopper Commando V2.0 Game Supports Mouse
CIPHER12.ARC 67167 07/12/90 CIPHER makes crypt_quotes type puzzels . .
CIRCUS.ARC 17288 01/24/86 The Circus Song _ CRTL_Break to stop
CITADEL.ARC 167650 04/18/91 An Excellent Tetris Game _ With Numbers Too!
No Runs Under Qemm/desqview
CLONEINV.ARC 85601 03/15/89 Space Invaders Clone _ Excellent Graphics
CNINGFTB.ARC 81630 04/20/89 Cunning Football V 1.2_ Ega Or Vga.
COMIC3.ARC 95537 01/10/91 Comic Game Rel 3.0 _ Bug Fixes
COMIC4.ARC 96709 01/10/91 Shareware Game _ Captain Comic _ Good
COMICFR.ARC 230437 10/16/90 Captain Comic (Fractured Reality)
COMICV20.ARC 95060 11/28/88 The Adventures of Captain Comic _ requires EG
CONQUEST.ARC 31661 01/08/88 Another Pinball Game
CORP.ARC 7027 02/14/86 You are president of a corporation
COVERT.ARC 115224 12/14/90 Demo Of Covert Action In Vga Only
CRAZE.ARC 140468 10/16/89 Phraze Craze _ A Wheel Of Fortune Game.
CRDSHRKS.ARC 126083 04/29/91 Nice Card Game
CRIBBAGE.ARC 6775 11/17/85 The card game
CROSWORD.ARC 2493 01/01/80 Make your own crossword puzzles
CRYPGRAM.ARC 55187 01/12/89 Cryptogram Solver Game With Examples. Lots
CRYPT20.ARC 71604 12/17/90 Explore dark chambers under the Church!
CRYPTAID.ARC 70281 06/01/89 Program To Help Solve Cryptograms
CRYPTO.ARC 17443 05/02/90 Computer Cryptograms. Comes with 75
CRYPTOGR.ARC 35698 04/14/90 A Puzzle Game
CSPOKER.ARC 161845 02/24/91 Color Strip Poker Req Ega Or Vga
CTD200.ARC 106939 04/29/90 Chess Editor 6.0 Like Bookup 7
CWC.ARC 59041 04/22/89 Make crossword puzzles to solve
CWC403.ARC 164829 04/29/91 Crossword (puzzle) Creator V4.03. The Best
There Is.
CWC_42.ARC 166927 01/01/90 Unique way to create cross word puzzles
CWP.ARC 76995 10/28/90 Crossword Publisher V1.0 By Longridge
Page - 25
CYRUS.ARC 105966 12/23/88 3d Chess Game Excellent Graphics
DAILYJK2.ARC 36763 07/27/88 New&improved Joke Of The Day Pgm_956 Jokes!
DANGER.ARC 41688 10/19/90 Simple Graphics But Fun Arcade Game.mono,
Cga, Ega.
DARTS.ARC 25545 04/29/91 A Super Darts Game
DA_GAME.ARC 28838 04/29/91 Offshoot Of Tetris _ One Or Two Player.
DBLOCK1.ARC 33339 04/29/91 Very Good Tetris Clone.
DCADCA.ARC 16164 11/09/90 D.c. Airport For Fs4 (flight Simulator
DDAVEVGA.ARC 99699 10/25/90 Dangerous Dave Awesome Vga Game.
Scrolling Screens, Great Action, Outstanding
Graphics. Like Commander Keen.
DECEIVE.ARC 12348 07/30/86 Flip up Fake Screen of Choice For Boss
DEFENDER.ARC 6066 12/31/85 Orbital defender game
DESERT12.ARC 192325 03/12/91 Hypertext Tale Of Gulf War (cga/ega/vga).
DE_FUSE.ARC 1655 01/01/80 de_fuse the bomb before it kills you
DMAZE100.ARC 38687 12/01/90 Explore mines searching for diamonds!
DOODAH43.ARC 54754 03/28/89 Horse Race Handicapper
DOSTRIV3.ARC 34460 09/23/90 Test your knowledge of DOS
DRAGCITY.ARC 46689 03/02/90 Dragracing Game
DRIVING.ARC 20778 11/23/85 Simple Spyhunter_like game
DSS.ARC 51552 10/20/85 dueling spaceships
EAGLES.ARC 92296 12/11/90 A Jack Nicklaus Golf Course
EASTBU.ARC 94011 12/03/90 A Jack Nicklaus Unlimited Golf Course
EG0519E.ARC 63303 04/29/91 Version 5.19 Of Tetris_like Game For Ega.
EGAROID.ARC 33077 07/08/89 "ega_roids" 2.0 Like Classic Arcade Game
EGAROIDS.ARC 33295 12/21/86 asteroids for ega
EGASOL.ARC 32738 08/25/88 Solitare for EGA _ requires EGA and mouse
EGASORRY.ARC 67048 04/03/88 Sorry! for EGA
EGATREK2.ARC 105170 05/18/89 Star Trek Game for EGA Monitors
ELIMINAT.ARC 29596 07/23/87 word guessing game
ENTRAP1.ARC 78519 04/29/91 Moraff's 1025x768 Logic Game (also Herc, Cga,
Ega, Vga) 3_d Graphics. Outwit Computer
Controlled Enemies By Changing The Maze_like
Playing Field. This Game Is The Ultimate In
ESP.ARC 20531 02/13/84 Tests your precognitive and telepathic abilit
EUCHRE.ARC 28261 01/10/91 The Game Of Euchre
EXPLORE.ARC 76496 01/09/91 Dungeon Explorer_ D&d Game With 64
Rooms,cga Ega.
FACEDEMO.ARC 175252 07/20/90 This Is A Demo Playable To 1500 Points.
FACETRIS.ARC 176535 04/29/91 Tetris Iii _ Faces!! Form Falling Facial
Features Into Recognizable World Leaders!!
Playable Demo From Spectrum Holobyte.
FACTS18.ARC 66800 03/26/91 Game Door Like Jeopardy
FAMILYFD.ARC 111791 03/24/89 The TV game Family Fued
FBPICKS.ARC 88191 08/28/90 Profootball Picks By Alc Software
FF2.ARC 281012 04/29/91 Funny Face 2. For The Kids. Make Your Own
Faces And Color Them.
FIRE.ARC 18163 11/15/85 Try to put out the fire quickly
FIREBALL.ARC 23466 01/10/91 Pinball Game Fast Action
Page - 26
FIREST.ARC 115808 12/04/90 A Jack Nicklaus Golf Course
FLDGEN41.ARC 243891 04/29/91 Field General V4.1 _ An Unequaled Football
Simulation. Very Strategy Oriented.
FLIGHT.ARC 83620 09/05/89 Top Gun Training school
FLIPPER.ARC 138631 08/11/89 Screen reader/demo 4use w voicesynthesiz
FLSMB.ARC 9200 11/14/90 Miami Fl. Airport For Fs4 (flight
FLTMARE.ARC 15547 03/01/89 A Game That Will Drive You Crazy
FLY1.ARC 5191 01/05/91 Graphic Game_ No Bad_vga
FLYACFT.ARC 31521 11/12/88 Dual Flying Acft. Byself/against Computer
FOOTBAL2.ARC 90611 09/24/90 FootBall for the computer
FOOTBALL.ARC 31380 09/13/88 Cga, Joysticks.you Control Ball Handler.
FRAC.ARC 52550 01/26/90 True 3_d Tetris Game. Excellent!! From
Sweden. Very Addicting.
FRAC20.ARC 112245 09/27/90 Latest Version Of Frac (3_d Tetris).
Includes Beetris 1.0 Demo. Gotta Be Played
To Be Believed.
FRAZZLE.ARC 56816 07/12/90 Frazzle V3.10 For Up To 4 Real Or Computer
Players To Play Dice.
FROG.ARC 26465 02/13/84 Like the arcade game of Frogger
FSEGAPAT.ARC 6871 03/24/88 Patch Msoft Flight Sim For More Colors Ega
FSPRO93A.ARC 237909 01/01/90 Flight Simulator Mode Utility Disk 1 Of 5
FSPRO93B.ARC 160830 01/01/90 Fs_pro 9.3 Disk 2 Of 5
FSPRO93C.ARC 164185 01/01/90 Fs_pro 9.3 Disk 3 Of 5
FSPRO93D.ARC 202500 01/01/90 Fs_pro 9.3 Disk 4 Of 5
FSPRO93E.ARC 85341 01/01/90 Fs_pro 9.3 Disk 5 Of 5
FTENNIS.ARC 43295 02/16/89 A neat tennis game from France
FUNFACE2.ARC 263476 12/01/90 Entertainment for kids of all ages
FUNLW.ARC 65816 03/01/89 Fun With Letters For Kids
GAMES10.ARC 832260 08/12/91 10 Great Kids Games In A Single File!!
GAMESOL1.ARC 122774 02/26/91 Solutions, Walk_thrus For Games Part 1 Of 4
GAMESOL2.ARC 84298 02/26/91 Solutions, Walk_thrus For Games Part 2 Of 4
GAMESOL3.ARC 100239 02/26/91 Solutions, Walk_thrus For Games Part 3 Of 4
GAMESOL4.ARC 92762 02/26/91 Solutions, Walk_thrus For Games Part 4 Of 4
GAMMON.ARC 5197 10/17/85 Play backgammon with the computer
GEMINI2.ARC 67455 09/10/86 tank game _ good
GEOBASE.ARC 75431 05/15/86 Geography database
GFL.ARC 142622 04/08/91 Gfl Is A Football Game With Graphics
GIN!.ARC 96033 04/29/86 Gin card game _ play against the computer!
GLOBTWAR.ARC 14672 04/28/86 Global Thermonuclear war (for PCjr)
GM90EVAL.ARC 220879 12/05/90 Gambler's Mate: Football Edition 1990
Official Unregistered Evaluation Copy
Data Files Updated Through Week 13!!
System 2: 46_36_2 56.1% Up +6.4 Units
System 3: 14_10_2 58.3% Up +3.0 Units
90 Totals 60_46_4 56.6% Up +9.4 Units
2 Yr Rec 133_104_7 56.1% Up +18.6 Units
I'm Winning, Why Aren't You??
GM90REG.ARC 10981 01/01/91 Gambler's Mate: Football Edition 1990 _wins
GM90W12.ARC 1644 11/28/90 Gambler's Mate: Football Edition 1990
_ System Results After Week 12.
It's Winning Again This Year.
Check It Out Only If You Want To Win!!
GM90W14.ARC 1846 12/11/90 Gambler's Mate: Football Edition 1990
Record Update Through Week 14. System 2 Went
5_1, Now At 58% For The Year! Record Speaks
For Itself, I'm Winning Why Aren't You?
Download Gm90eval.ARC For Official
Page - 27
Unregistered Evaluation Copy With Files
Update Through Week 13.
GM90W17.ARC 1956 01/01/91 Gambler's Mate: Football Edition 1990 _wins
GOLF.ARC 77368 05/07/88 Mean Green Golf Game
GOLFDEMO.ARC 197484 08/24/90 Demo Of Electronic Art's Pga Golf Tour...
Lets You Play The Last 3 Holes. Outstanding
Game, Even For A Demo. Great Graphics,
Aerial Views, Mouse Control, Sound, Etc.
GOODGOLF.ARC 30052 04/29/91 Good Mean 18 Golf Game
GOOGOLMT.ARC 226244 03/02/91 Young Math Game.
GOPHER.ARC 4139 09/07/90 Windows Gag: Gopher Burrows Into Display
GOTTA_GO.ARC 15436 03/29/91 Gives You Plenty Of Excuses To Get Off
The Phone
GOVT.ARC 65090 02/25/90 Tutorial on the American Government
GRAVWAR2.ARC 60345 04/29/91 Update Of Original Gravwars Game. Pd With
Turbo Pascal 4 Source. Nice On Vga__space
Ships Shoot At Each Other But Must Plan For
Effects Of Gravity.
GTW.ARC 23893 01/08/88 It Is Another Pinball Game
GW_SLT13.ARC 79465 04/01/90 Updated Version Of Global War You And A
HACK36A.ARC 250848 01/10/91 Dungeon _ Dragon Game
HACKMISC.ARC 46956 01/10/91 Display Oriented Dungeons And Dragons Game
HANGMAN.ARC 61341 11/26/90 That Old Spelling Game Put Together Good.
HBARREL.ARC 217729 07/16/89 heavy barrel just like arcade <action>
HEART6.ARC 74937 05/06/90 Card Game Of Hearts.
HELLTRIS.ARC 166213 04/29/91 Game Like Tetris But Better
Uploaded By: Denis Guelfi
HELPME.ARC 7048 07/15/90 a small voice trapped in your computer
HEX_S10.ARC 49275 03/02/90 HEX_A_Gone game and puzzel try it.
HIT.ARC 18589 05/27/88 Antimated Cartoon, use instead of PAUSE in BA
HOBBIT.ARC 5303 01/01/80 Simple game written in Basic
HOPPER.ARC 34767 10/09/90 Bridgehopper , Help The Men Cross The
Bridge, Cga.
HOVER.ARC 54378 07/24/90 Hovercraft 1.1
HUGECAVE.ARC 478421 01/08/90 Adventure In Humongous Cave Is Based On The
550 Point Version Of Colossal Cave, The
Original Adventure. Humongous Has Been
Further Expanded And Enhanced To Encompass
300 Locations And Over 200 Creatures,
Treasures And Puzzles Totaling 1000 Points.
According To The Docs, There Is A $100 Prize
To The First Person To Find 10 "secret" Words
HUGO.ARC 279335 01/14/90 Hugo House Of Horrors Game
HUGO12.ARC 279335 04/17/90 Hugo's House Of Horrors, Ver 1.2
HUGO2.ARC 327278 02/16/91 game
HUGOHNTS.ARC 4115 02/19/90 Hints For Hugo The Haunted House Game
HUGOII.ARC 327314 02/16/91 Hugo Ii Whodunit? 3d Adventure Extravganza.
From The Makers Of Hugo's House Of Horrors.
A Lot Of Fun!
HUGOWT.ARC 2920 04/05/91 Hugo's House Of Horrors Complete Walkthrough.
H_UGO.ARC 279335 01/14/90 Shareware Adventure Game
INSANE.ARC 47574 07/14/90 Cross Of Insanity By Dickinson Software
INSANITY.ARC 119460 09/05/90 Really Make You Go Insane..good Graphics
INSULT.ARC 26808 01/25/90 Lets You Insult A Friend
INTRIG20.ARC 317952 04/06/91 Intrigue 2.0. An Upgrade From First Release.
Sysops: This Package Also Contains The Term
Your Users Need. Many Fixes/improvements.
Page - 28
Carrier Monitor/multi_node Capabilities.
Players May Leave/receive Mail When Entering
Game. Runs From Term Program. Easy To
Install This 7 Player Game!
INVADERS.ARC 5138 09/17/85 Space invaders game _ Its great !!
IQ.ARC 36990 11/13/86 test your intelligence
IQ20.ARC 80400 12/08/90 I.q. Challenger V2.0
I_CHING.ARC 130113 01/02/87 oracle program
JACK.ARC 177607 02/08/91 Blackjack Tutor.
JEOPARDY.ARC 162261 10/08/87 The TV game Jeopardy
JEPPESEN.ARC 285627 07/10/90 Flight Plan Pilots
JETSET.ARC 43610 08/21/88 A Flight Simulator.
JINGLE.ARC 172386 03/29/91 Chirstmas Tunes
JIVE.ARC 12194 10/27/86 makes you computer talk a new language c
JKPOOL2.ARC 70342 09/23/90 Jim Kobbe's Pool Game In 3d. Version 2.0.
Ega Or Vga Required.
JM1S.ARC 155171 01/05/90 Vga Jigsaw Puzzle Game
JOHNSALP.ARC 48292 08/07/90 John's Alphabit / Age 3 And Up Learn
JOKEG05.ARC 271825 12/05/90 Audio File Of A Joke (use The Sound.ARC
JOUSTVGA.ARC 50427 04/19/90 Joust Game For Vga Only.
JUKEDEMO.ARC 155303 03/11/90 Juke Box Music
JUMPJOE.ARC 35677 03/04/86 Janitor Joe game _ like Donkey Kong
KASUMI.ARC 25819 05/02/89 A Golf Game From Japan For Mean 18
KEEN.ARC 212469 12/10/90 Commander Keen By Apogee Software
KIDGAMES.ARC 67353 03/10/89 Collection Of Educational Games
KINGDOM.ARC 51327 03/11/89 Arcade/adventure/stategy _ 25 Levels
KINGDOM.EXE 148800 04/08/90 The Best Game Ever! Quite Addictive!
KLONDK22.ARC 143166 07/18/89 Excellent Solitare Game _ Ega/mouse
KONG.ARC 29267 01/01/80 donkey kong game
KROZ_II.ARC 92562 04/08/90 Sequel To Kingdom Of Kroz; Return To Kroz.
Won Award For Best Game.
KUNGFU1.ARC 146025 08/08/89 Kung Fu Louie 1 OF 3
KUNGFU2.ARC 129543 08/08/89 Kung Fu Louie 2 of 3
LANDER.ARC 11153 06/15/86 Try to land the space ship
LARN.ARC 131133 01/10/91 A Great Adventure Game For Mono\color_
LASTWAR.ARC 4183 08/24/85 Stars Wars type space game
LAUGH.ARC 29776 08/02/90 Get A Laugh Out Of Your Computer.
LAWN2.ARC 60317 04/17/89 Mow The Lawn With A Lawn Mower
LC34.ARC 181101 02/13/90 Lotto Challenger 3.4 / Track Lotto
Numbers Check Your Winners.
LIFE2.ARC 17913 02/14/86 Complex game of life based on math
LIFE_21.ARC 21098 06/15/89 The Game of Life shareware version 2.1
LINKFOUR.ARC 18500 09/03/86 good pente_like game
LOCKJW10.ARC 104054 04/29/91 Nice Game Door
LOGICSOL.ARC 24965 11/25/88 Mouse Driven Solitare _ Very Unusual
LOYD.ARC 39612 03/13/90 Microlinloyd V1.1 Tile Game Where You Arange
The Tiles In Order.includes Mouse Driver.
L_BOWL.ARC 40538 01/01/80 Bowling League Secretary Program
_1JMAN.ARC 102239 06/01/91 Jumpman _ Vga/soundcard Support. New
Version Of Old Jumpman Game.
_1KEEN.ARC 175830 12/15/90 Captain Keen Episode #1 (nintendo Type)
_1PTOMB3.ARC 108215 09/24/90 Pharoah's Tomb, V.3.0 Graphic Adventure
Page - 29
_DANGER4.ARC 41614 08/31/90 Islands Of Danger, Ver 4.0. Arcade
Page - 30
Mid-America Digital Publishing's Magnum One 02/19/92
Games 2
Name Bytes Date Description
MAGIC.ARC 39188 06/22/89 Kids Program
MAHJNG.ARC 730442 04/08/91 Mahjong Program
MAHJNG32.ARC 87043 10/25/89 Mahjongg Ver 3.2. Excellent Ega Game
MAHJNG33.ARC 179607 05/02/90 Mah Jongg, Ver 3.3. Excellent Graphics.
MAHJNG34.ARC 135211 08/11/90 Mahjongg v3.4
MAHJONG.ARC 60213 09/26/86 a "card" game using Mahjong tiles
MAKAHA.ARC 93576 12/03/90 A Jack Nicklaus Golf Course
MAROONED.ARC 29411 01/04/90 A Mostly Text Adventure Game Where You Tr
MASTMD20.ARC 78204 07/01/90 Mastermind 2.0 _ A Guessing Game
MATCH.ARC 10865 07/29/82 Match up prizes _ like the game of Concentrat
MAXGAME.ARC 29977 02/14/89 "maxgame By Max Acid" Fast Paced Game
MAZE.ARC 31532 01/01/80 Try to find your way through the maze
MAZE21.ARC 51809 02/13/89 Maze Game _ Very Good _ Ega Only
MCMRPH15.ARC 90502 03/11/89 Adventure Game_ McMurphy's Mansion
MCRAYON.ARC 143423 12/07/90 Magic Crayon For Kids Ver 1.0 Needs Mouse
METABALL.ARC 32967 01/10/91 Challenging 4 Flipper Pinball Game
MICROPUT.ARC 54392 09/30/88 Nice Little Mini_putt Golf Game. Has
MILLE12.ARC 83324 03/04/89 MILLE BORNES V1.2 by Charles D. Robertson
MILLE41.ARC 153222 04/30/91 Milleborne Game
MINDCU.ARC 129337 12/22/90 Mindcube_ Ega Maze Game.
MINE!10.ARC 39525 04/15/91 Clear the mine fields with mine sweeper
MINIGOLF.ARC 43032 01/08/90 Fun Miniture Golf Game, Not Much Explenation
MJ.ARC 200754 03/25/90 Ancient Chinese Tile Matching Game
Challanging And Addictive _ Quite Good
MJASCII.ARC 4844 05/15/90 Extra Tile Set For Mahjng33. Ascii
MJLVEGAS.ARC 9887 05/14/90 Extra Tile Set For Mahjng33. Gambeling
MJONGG33.ARC 138349 07/12/90 MAH JONGG v3.3 the tile game .
MJOPTICS.ARC 11351 05/03/90 Mah Jongg V3.3 Optics Tiles _ Adam Rixby
MJPUTER.ARC 9622 05/15/90 Extra Tile Sets For Mahjng33. Computer
MJREICH.ARC 8123 05/15/90 Extra Tile Sets _mahhng33_ Wwii/germany
MJSTUFF.ARC 470389 07/27/90 Many Mahjongg Tiles
MJTILE03.ARC 10458 06/17/90 Extra Tile Sets For Mahjng33. Set # 3
MJTILE04.ARC 8306 06/17/90 Extra Tile Sets For Mahjng33. Set # 4
MJTILE05.ARC 6655 06/17/90 Extra Tile Sets For Mahjng33. Set # 5
MJTILE06.ARC 12244 06/23/90 Extra Tile Sets For Mahjng33. Set # 6
MJTILE07.ARC 8059 06/23/90 Extra Tile Sets For Mahjng33. Set # 7
MJTILE0X.ARC 80583 04/08/90 10 Alternate Tile Sets For Mahjongg V3.4
MJTILE1X.ARC 89454 04/26/90 10 Alternate Tile Sets For Mahjongg V3.4
MJTILE2X.ARC 105068 05/11/90 10 Alternate Tile Sets For Mahjongg V3.4
MJTRUCK.ARC 10047 05/15/90 Extra Tile Sets For Mahjn33. Trucks/cars
MJVGA11.ARC 107619 11/21/89 Mahjongg Chinese Game Vga & Mouse Req.
MJVGA21.ARC 237066 01/27/90 Mah Jong _V_G_A_ v2.1 _Execellent
MJV_SPOR.ARC 12728 01/16/90 Tiles for Mvjohng(sp?) tile game.
MLOTRA12.ARC 39498 10/28/89 Like The Old Simon Say's Game. Neat.
MLYAHT22.ARC 24937 09/22/89 good yahtzee game
Page - 31
MONKEY.ARC 285511 08/23/90 Lucasfilms Monkey Island Adventure...
Sampler Disk.
MONOP.ARC 53548 12/14/85 Monopoly for 1_4 people & play the computer
MONOP68.ARC 54066 07/06/87 The game of Monopoly for 4 people
MONOPOLY.ARC 36622 12/17/84 The game of Monopoly for 1 person
MOON.ARC 42624 10/06/86 Moon Buggy Arcade Style Game.
MORAFF.ARC 186498 04/06/89 "moraff's Revenge" 3d Adventure Game.
MORAFFBT.ARC 114186 02/18/91 Moraff's Blast Game
MORAFFPB.ARC 108379 03/14/90 Moraff's Pinball Game
MORIA483.ARC 272989 01/10/91 Dungeons Of Moria _ Single Player Dnd
MORIA487.ARC 280531 11/25/88 Latest Version Of Dungeons Of Moria.
MORIA51.ARC 234255 02/27/90 Ultimate Dnd Game, Newest!
MOUSEJET.ARC 90187 02/28/89 Hot New Game _ Need Mouse _ Exc Video
MSTRMIND.ARC 49324 05/23/90 Mastermind,minimaster And Advanced Masterming
Where You Guess Computer Des.cga/ega/vga
MUNCHER.ARC 16712 07/29/87 video eat_em_up game _ GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MURPHY16.ARC 91305 12/25/89 McMurphy's Mansion adventure game v1.6
MUSEUM.ARC 97909 11/27/90 Play An Adventure Game
NAMEVALU.ARC 38190 04/01/89 Calculate The Number Of A Name.
NFL.ARC 222582 04/29/91 Football Game
Uploaded By: Jim Gonzalez
NFL_TILE.ARC 15136 12/19/89 Tiles for Mah Jong Game?
NJQUOTER.ARC 11382 03/30/89 Have a new quote for the day at bootup
NOKEY.ARC 84792 03/20/91 Program To Run Mean 18 Golf Games
NOVATRON.ARC 25994 02/12/89 "novatron" Very Addictive Game
NTRAINS.ARC 35492 02/15/89 Add New Trains To Pc_rr.ARC (railroad)
NUMDROP1.ARC 57087 05/08/91 Great for kids learning their numbers
NYET.ARC 13907 06/16/88 Like Tetris _ fit the pieces together
N_CD_MAN.ARC 297724 10/17/90 This Is A Newer Version Of The Excellent
Pack_man Like Game Cd_man. Really Slick!
OFFROAD.ARC 18070 12/03/88 Offroad Racing Game
OFF_ROAD.ARC 16562 02/12/89 Drive 4x4 Equipped With Missiles.
OILCAP.ARC 120381 03/15/91 Oilcap, Neat Game, Good Graphics.
OTHELLO.ARC 4334 11/10/85 A game of skill. How good are you ??
OURUSTAT.ARC 84987 04/14/91 These United States Game
PACKMAN.ARC 43616 03/03/85 Just like Packman arcade game
PACMAN.ARC 7060 04/29/91 A Great Basic Game Of Pacman, Looks Just Like
The Arcade.
PACMAN11.ARC 29237 04/22/90 PACMANIA v1.1 and excellent arcade type game
PACMANIA.ARC 23009 11/09/90 PACMAN
PAC_GAL.ARC 24185 01/01/80 Pac Man type game _ you will love it
PAGA2.ARC 399693 12/14/91 Paganitzu 2, Second In Series Of 3 Games
From Apogee Software, Cga Or Better, Just A
Great Game.
PALMREAD.ARC 61898 12/11/88 Read your palm _ fun program _ must have colo
PANGO.ARC 13849 06/09/85 Try to squish the bees
PARATROP.ARC 9945 01/01/80 Sort Of A War Game
PATRIOT.ARC 60871 04/29/91 Shoot Dowm Skuds
Uploaded By: Steve Barber
PCBEAT.ARC 24876 02/16/89 Percussion program. Plays drum beats!
PCDEMOS1.ARC 192061 01/24/91 Demos Of Pc Globe/pc Usa __ 1 Of 2
PCDEMOS2.ARC 335928 01/24/91 Demos Of Pc Globe/pc Usa __ 2 Of 2 91 Edition
PCJIGSAW.ARC 115308 03/10/89 Ver 1.0 Put The Pieces Back Together
PCMAN.ARC 80676 08/13/87 Yet another packman like game/w pcgirl
PCOTHELL.ARC 35289 12/08/85 Othello
PCRR.ARC 103876 06/13/91 P.c.railroad
Page - 32
PC_DARTS.ARC 21269 04/03/89 Good Little Dart Game _ Okay Graphics
PC_RR.ARC 66497 04/29/91 Make You Own Railroad
PEARL.ARC 31390 01/14/88 Pearl Harbor _ arcade style game
PEGJUMP.ARC 3196 10/17/85 Great board game _ try it !!
PERESTR.ARC 203830 12/08/90 Shareware Game From The Ussr _ Pretty Good
PIG.ARC 40438 01/19/90 Dice Game
PINBALL3.ARC 24551 10/12/86 pinball game
PITCH.ARC 19286 02/27/88 develop perfect pitch
PMUSIC12.ARC 67291 01/29/90 True Polyphonic Music (three voice) v1.20
POKER10.ARC 94376 06/26/91 VGA and mouse required, excelent graphics
POLYMAZE.ARC 25716 01/10/91 Maze Solving Game
PONG3D.ARC 65944 01/01/90 Ping Pong 3_d Style
POPGAMES.ARC 24424 01/18/90 Tsr Games To Play At The Office. Very
PPUZZ12.ARC 270670 03/21/91 Picture Puzzle V1.2 _ New Release. Make Your
Own Size Puzzles (4_1400 Pieces). Display
The Picture In A Window For Help. Removes
Grid As You Bulid Puzzle. Pcx/gif/puz
PRISONER.ARC 76071 04/21/90 Small Puzzle Type Game
PUZZLERS.ARC 128929 04/29/91 Puzzlers 1.00 Is Endless Fun For Enthusuasts
Of Puzzles. Ten Categories, Various Levels
Of Difficulty. Store And Retrieve Files.
Compete Against A Friend Or Computer. Great
Graphics. Menu_driven. Requires Ega/vga,
512k. 8mhz Or Faster Processor Recommended.
PWRCHESS.ARC 165349 11/06/90 Power Chess V5.3 Uses Int Chess Rules,shows A
Clear Board, Library And More.
PYRO213.ARC 56576 05/17/90 Burn The World With This Fun Game
QUATRIS2.ARC 226684 11/12/91 A Tetris_like Game Only More Levels
QUBERT.ARC 35331 02/15/86 The game of Qubert
QUICTYPE.ARC 57648 07/13/89 Learn Touch Typing Game
QUINTA.ARC 41809 01/29/89 Ega Only Mouse Driven Game
RACE.ARC 126702 06/20/90 A Miniature Car Racing Game
RACE300.ARC 53241 08/19/90 Racetime300 By Ins'90
RBCUBE.ARC 92191 01/26/90 Another Version Of Rubics Cube.
REACTOR.ARC 6162 04/29/86 Try to keep the reactor running
REDBARON.ARC 71276 07/21/89 An Airplan And Shooting Game
REFLEX.ARC 26631 04/02/86 Another space_age shootem in basic
RINGWLDR.ARC 81263 12/29/89 Ring Weilder V1.1 Role Playing Game.
ROBOTS.ARC 80851 04/29/91 For Vga Only _ A Maze Type Arcade Game
Uploaded By: Jason Linton
RODNEY.ARC 59659 07/21/89 one_liners from Rodney Dangerfield
ROUGE.ARC 72016 11/14/90 A Multi Level Maze Game
RUBIK.ARC 9952 11/08/85 Fix the Rubik's cube _ challenging game
RUSS4.ARC 55147 03/23/89 Great Russian Word Processor
RUSSIAN.ARC 222426 08/25/88 Russian Made Programs Demo
SAGPINE.ARC 106940 10/14/90 A Jack Nicklaus Unlimited Golf Cours
SAILING.ARC 46960 06/05/86 Navigate the seas.
SATORI.ARC 54444 10/31/90 Board Game
SC275.ARC 213766 07/09/90 Second Conflict V2.75 Multi_player Galactic
Conquest Game, With Enough Complexities To
To Interest The Most Jaded Galaxy Player.
Not A Bbs Door, Tho A Version Is Available.
SCRAM.ARC 172333 11/15/90 Scramble V1.0
SCRAM10.ARC 172920 11/07/90 Pd Version Of Scrabble _ Ega\vga Only _
SCRAMBLE.ARC 141574 06/22/91 Word game _ interesting and fun
Page - 33
SCUDAT.ARC 118111 04/29/91 Shoot Scud Missiles Out Of The Sky
Uploaded By: Stan Mastrangelo
SCUDATAK.ARC 118111 01/27/91 Game Of Cud Attack
SDEMO.ARC 224241 07/25/90 Story Teller Demo. Uses Digitized Sound
Supports Many Sound Cards
Including Covox, Adlib, Sound Blaster & More.
SDI.ARC 64794 09/11/88 Strategic Defense Initiative Game
SECRET.ARC 22258 03/03/81 secret number guessing game
SEEKSINK.ARC 85666 07/14/90 The Game Of Battleship _ 1 Or 2 Players
SHAFT100.ARC 46032 12/01/90 Watch out for that open elevator SHAFT!
SHAPES.ARC 298664 09/25/90 Animated Shapes By Flix Productions
SHOOT.ARC 126819 04/29/91 Shooting Gallery Game Vga Required
Uploaded By: Denis Guelfi
SHOOT21.ARC 102694 07/12/90 Shooting Gallery v2.1 carnival type game .
SHOOTG10.ARC 100318 01/29/90 An Arcade Shooting Gallery [vga].
SHOOTG22.ARC 102039 11/02/90 Latest Vga Shooting Gallery
SHUTBOX.ARC 38202 03/08/89 New Variation On Dice Game.
SIERRA15.ARC 84789 04/29/91 Cheat Sheets For 15 Sierra Games
Uploaded By: Randy Rance
SIMCHEAT.ARC 2214 01/08/90 Add 16 Mill To Your "sim City" City. Makes
Being A Bad Mayor Easy.
SITRIS.ARC 68656 04/29/91 A Game Of The Mind
SKIING.ARC 18917 10/24/85 Test your skill at skiing the slopes
SLOT8V12.ARC 65629 03/06/91 8_way Pay Slot Machine For Vga
SLTRIS.ARC 68656 07/02/90 Shareware Ver Of Tetris_ Better
SNARF.ARC 65410 04/04/88 Run & shoot action _ great graphics _ require
SOL.ARC 5866 01/28/87 GOOD Solitaire game
SOLITARE.ARC 5145 01/01/80 Good solitare card game
SOLTIL27.ARC 81476 10/04/90 Solitiles 2.7. Cross Between Sol And Mj
SOLVESQ2.ARC 15203 01/21/88 Space Quest Ii Solution
SOPWITH.ARC 31271 05/25/86 Test your skills as a WW I flying ace
SOPWITH2.ARC 35876 04/17/89 Ww2 Airplane Game
SOUND.ARC 386595 11/11/90 Digitized Sounds..Works on all IBM's.
SPACEWAR.ARC 9602 01/01/80 Space war game like Asteroids
SPANISH.ARC 28766 08/17/85 Spanish Tutor, part 1
SPANISH2.ARC 29758 08/08/86 Spanish Tutor, part 2
SPEECH.ARC 88309 03/16/91 A Few Speech Utilities That Might Be Fun.
SPEECH2.ARC 19786 09/17/85 computer speech program
SPEEDBRK.ARC 3366 01/19/90 Slowing down the speed for games play.
SPELLGA.ARC 71639 05/26/89 Spell Games, educational for the young.
SPKRSYS.ARC 5038 03/23/86 Makes Speaker a DOS Device to control
SPORT140.ARC 574057 11/10/91 Sport Wan Email & File Xfr System
SPUT111S.ARC 105465 11/04/90 Another Demo Sound Files For Sput111.ARC
SQ3DEMO.ARC 284435 03/26/89 Demo Of Space Quest Iii _ Ta_dah!
SST115.ARC 2335 01/15/88 Add_on for Chuch Yeager's Flight Sim
STARGATE.ARC 27829 03/10/89 Arcade Type Game__excellent Shoot Em Up!
STARSHIP.ARC 46141 03/22/87 Starship Invasion _ a fun Star Trek like game
STARTECK.ARC 183272 04/29/91 Spaceship Takes Off
STARWAR.ARC 64873 08/20/91 Kind Of Like The Arcade (mouse, Joystick,
STRIKER.ARC 49564 07/31/85 Excellent arcade game with helicopter
SUBCHASE.ARC 25477 02/18/86 Throw the depth charges at the subs
Page - 34
SUPERFLY.ARC 66984 07/12/90 Superfly action game for EGA and VGA
SUPMAX20.ARC 67189 06/30/91 Beautiful graphics, classical MAXIT game
SUPRTREK.ARC 110036 07/17/86 Begin_a game that tests your skill to command
SWARS.ARC 27854 01/01/80 Space wars action
TANKB.ARC 37356 06/10/86 TANK COMBAT
TAPPER.ARC 50206 03/15/86 game
TERROR.ARC 26588 08/25/85 GAME
THORPACK.ARC 20332 12/23/85 Memory Resident Scratch Pad and Calculator
THROB5.ARC 191091 09/22/90 Cambridge Thoroughbred Handicapper v5.0
TICTACTO.ARC 7671 11/17/85 Play tic_tac_toe against the computer
TOPPGUN.ARC 26959 01/20/88 pinball game
TRAN.ARC 33115 09/10/88 Voice program for PC's
TREKRUN.ARC 70987 07/22/83 Galaxy Trek adventure game. Run all over
TREK_EGA.ARC 83004 05/09/88 EGA Star Trek game _ requires EGA monitor
TRISK.ARC 8665 07/02/87 Triskelion _ puzzle
TRIVIA.ARC 43720 10/04/85 Computer version of Trivial Pursuit
TRUCKER.ARC 8475 10/24/85 Truck driver simulation
UNO180A.ARC 37194 02/27/91 Use keys, joystick, mouse _ against cpu!
VBALL.ARC 25113 11/18/88 Fun volleyball game _ simple, but try it!
VGABOMB.ARC 37783 02/02/88 VGA Artillery Game
VGATILE2.ARC 61902 05/19/90 More tiles for Mahjong VGA
VGAWHEEL.ARC 68029 05/05/90 like Wheel of Fortune
V_MC.ARC 1675 12/13/88 How to use Visa M. Charge for business
WARDEMO.ARC 101533 05/02/89 Demo of Dan Bunten's ModemWars game
WC11.ARC 142823 04/19/91 Hangman, Anagram, spelling, Trakword
WEIGHT.ARC 21216 03/16/87 Weight Genie _ Gives info,tells probable weig
WHATSIT1.ARC 350468 02/15/90 WHAT IS IT picture game v1.00
WHEEL.ARC 37277 06/15/86 Like the TV show Wheel of Fortune
WILLY.ARC 41164 06/11/85 WILLY THE WORM?
WITCH.ARC 2220 10/15/85 Halloween checker game
WIZARD.ARC 11098 05/02/86 A Dungeons & Dragons type game to find the Or
WORDSK10.ARC 48215 12/28/89 Wordseeker _ a unique word puzzel maker.
XMASCARD.ARC 109125 11/18/86 Great animated Christmas Card from Sierra
XWING.ARC 12821 01/01/80 Star Wars fighter game _ takes good aim!
YAHTZEE.ARC 8165 11/10/85 The classic dice game of Yahtzee
ZIPCODE3.ARC 88587 01/13/89 Zipcodes for Oklahoma
ZZT30.ARC 109585 06/20/91 Battle mosters and ponder puzzles
Page - 35
Mid-America Digital Publishing's Magnum One 02/19/92
Financial Programs
Name Bytes Date Description
1099M14.ARC 41863 11/07/90 Easy data entry and printing for forms
123R3DEM.ARC 674549 09/28/90 Lotus 1_2_3 Rel. 3.0 demonstration disk.
1985TXYR.ARC 10844 03/04/86 Lotus 123 template with 1040, Sched A, B & W
ACCTG1.ARC 36322 01/10/91 Pre_written Accounting Letters _ 1 Of 2
ACCTG2.ARC 34349 01/10/91 Pre_written Accounting Letters _ 2 Of 2
ADDMACH.ARC 105986 03/12/90 Magnificent Adding Machinwill Make Your
Pc Into The Fastest Adding Machine And
Print Sideways.includes Profit Calculator.
ADRSBK3.ARC 81564 05/25/90 The Address Book 3.0 / Rolodex Type Program
ALM442.ARC 79504 12/04/90 Organize improtant address' for mailer
AMERTRST.ARC 5137 07/06/89 Americus Trusts, Description And Use
(stock Market)
AMORT.ARC 6285 11/09/88 Amortize Program
AMORT110.ARC 112441 01/28/91 Morgage Loan Amortazation schedules
AMORTIT.ARC 301838 04/29/90 Loan Amortization Program
AMORTZ12.ARC 59633 04/20/91 Easy to use financial loan caculator
AMTAX88.ARC 122208 11/10/88 Excellent program to help you do Federal Tax
AMTAX89.ARC 126632 01/05/90 AM_Tax 1989 do your U.S. Federal Tax
AMTAX90.ARC 179080 11/26/90 Shareware Tax Program For 1990
AMTXNY90.ARC 145455 01/10/90 Tax File
AM_TAX90.ARC 130961 12/03/90 1040 and selected IRS forms
AN20.ARC 175374 10/16/90 Calendar Alarm Schedule Appointment Pgm
BARTEND.ARC 183062 03/20/90 Bar Tender _ prints bar codes
BBMAIL35.ARC 403225 03/24/91 Full_featured Record Keeping System
BEANCT10.ARC 50628 10/24/90 Inventory management without tears.
BIDBIZ19.ARC 183273 06/22/90 Bid _ Biz v1.9 by I.J. Smith
BILPWR53.ARC 355337 12/21/89 BillPower v5.3 billing ledger by Integra
BLKBK512.ARC 170727 02/21/90 Black Book ,address And Label Maker
BOND_DUR.ARC 3327 11/19/86 BASIC program for figuring Bonds duration
BP58A.ARC 135322 01/06/91 Powerful Time Keeping,billing And More System
BP58B.ARC 185890 01/06/91 Bill Power V5.8 Billing & Accounting 2/
BP58C.ARC 168870 01/06/91 Bill Power V5.8 Billing & Accounting 3/3
BSM0290.ARC 58553 05/31/90 Baseball Statistics Manager.
BUSFORM.ARC 47546 06/25/90 Business Forms For Formgen
BUSLETR.ARC 337801 01/10/91 Text Business Letters_ 7 (360k) Disks W
CALC.ARC 12046 08/13/86 Calculator Program
CALENDAR.ARC 109673 06/13/90 Calendar Keeper 2.1b To Keep Track Of
Ideas And Appointments As Well As Print
Out Personal Calendars.
CALMATE3.ARC 156316 11/12/90 A full calandar scheduler/tickler
CALMATE4.ARC 158812 05/11/91 Schedule daily,weekly,monthly or whenever
CALPLUS.ARC 251952 06/30/90 Calander Program
CALULATE.ARC 12796 11/17/85 Nice little on_screen calculator
CARDEX.ARC 89631 04/12/86 Rolodex style address book _ many options _ b
CARS22.ARC 54422 03/19/91 With 26 user definiable catagories
CARS25.ARC 78694 07/01/91 tracks 26 user definable exp categories
CASHC.ARC 212691 11/29/90 Cash Control Version 1.2s.
CASHRT10.ARC 28553 12/03/89 Small business point_of_sale
Page - 36
CELLOG.ARC 3500 12/14/90 Mobile telephone call/charge keeper.
CHARTP.ARC 270106 04/29/91 The Best Shareware Stock Charting Program
CHECKING.ARC 174773 04/29/91 Check King A Nice Personal Check Balancer
CHEKBOOK.ARC 83334 01/10/91 Checkbook / Ledger Utility
CHKBK301.ARC 97051 07/14/90 Easy Cheek Book and accounts ledger
CHRNOS.ARC 138228 11/15/90 Chronological Timekeeper Events Database
CM170.ARC 179565 05/29/89 Checkmate V1.70a Ckwriter/financial Mgr
CMGL1.ARC 176887 12/06/88 General Ledger Program _ Excellent
CMGL2.ARC 53915 12/06/88 Manual & Doc's For Cmgl1.ARC
CMP101.ARC 433934 01/26/91 Checkmate Plus Check Book General Ledger
CMPDOC.ARC 115444 01/26/91 Checkmate Plus Doc File
CMP_1.ARC 433934 01/06/91 Checkmate Plus V1.0. Disk 1 Of 2.
CMP_2.ARC 115444 01/16/91 Checkmate Plus V1.0. Disk 2 Of 2.
CONTACT.ARC 227254 06/26/90 Client Tracking System
CPLUS211.ARC 161368 03/06/90 Contact Plus manger for sales contacts
CPLUS300.ARC 191765 01/10/91 Client tracking system (limit 25)
CT707_A.ARC 271233 02/10/90 Cash Tracker _ Fantastic Home or small
CT707_B.ARC 233193 02/10/90 business program
DALTON.ARC 76069 07/05/88 Mutual Fund Switch Program
DAYIOE.ARC 426851 11/24/90 Point Of Sales Type Program
DAYO_UC.ARC 138999 04/17/90 DAYO update and conversion utility .
DOLLAR21.ARC 85473 11/10/90 Financial Evaluater _ Pretty Good
DYOAP13A.ARC 280127 10/14/90 Dayo Acct's Payable (EXE)
DYOAP13B.ARC 59779 09/11/90 Dayo Acct Payable (Docs)
DYOAR13A.ARC 269602 10/15/90 Dayo Acct's Receivable (EXE)
DYOAR13B.ARC 54317 09/11/90 Dayo Acct's Receivable (Docs)
DYOBE13B.ARC 33408 10/06/90 Dayo Price Book (Docs)
DYOBO13.ARC 224929 10/15/90 Dayo Back Order
DYOGL13A.ARC 291004 10/14/90 Dayo Gen Ledger NEW!
DYOGL13B.ARC 66642 10/08/90 Dayo Gen Ledger (DOCS)
DYOIE13A.ARC 245636 04/22/90 Dayo Inventory (EXE)
DYOIE13B.ARC 60187 10/06/90 Dayo Inventory (DOCS)
DYOPE13B.ARC 64143 10/06/90 Dayo Point of Sale (DOCS)
DYOQE13.ARC 258151 04/22/90 Dayo Sales Quotes
DYORE13A.ARC 245306 10/14/90 Dayo Reports
DYORE13B.ARC 38464 09/21/90 Dayo Reports (DOCS)
DYOXE13.ARC 141127 04/22/90 Dayo Index
EASINV11.ARC 152469 09/03/89 Easy_Inventory v1.1 inventory system
EEBONDV5.ARC 62021 05/23/91 Latest Version Of Eebond, The Program
That Keeps Track Of Your Savings Bonds
EIMS12.ARC 169586 06/23/90 Equipment Inventory database
EXCHK4_1.ARC 232703 01/08/90 Express Checking Ver 4 Check Book
EXCHK4_2.ARC 103179 01/08/90 Express Checking Ver 4 Check Book
EXPCHK4A.ARC 183795 09/10/90 ExpressCheck v4.01 (1 of 2)
EXPCHK4B.ARC 78866 02/05/90 ExpressCheck v4.01 (2 of 2)
EXPCK4_A.ARC 181313 02/05/90 ExpressCheck v4.0 finance management .
EXPCK4_B.ARC 78866 02/05/90 Expresscheck from Expressware
EXPGH105.ARC 148584 06/01/89 ExpressGraph v1.05 from ExpressWare
EXPRSCHK.ARC 335459 01/08/90 Home Checkbook Program
EZF206_1.ARC 13826 02/15/91 EZ_Finance writen by a CPA (1 of 2)
EZF206_2.ARC 223390 02/15/91 EZ_Finance _ executables (2 of 2)
EZFL.ARC 251390 09/17/90 Ez Forms Lite
EZINV15.ARC 177178 06/09/90 Easy Inventory v1.5 for business use
EZLDGR31.ARC 152843 07/15/90 EZLedger v3.01 accounting and $register . .
FC4.ARC 139921 04/21/89 Fred's Checkbook! Req.384k_type Readme
FEDEX101.ARC 159653 01/21/91 Use on Federal Express or Express Mail
Page - 37
FINEGRAF.ARC 106910 06/22/89 Builds A Model Of Your Financial Future.
FINPAK.ARC 5621 11/08/85 A whole bunch of financial programs
FMPR1.ARC 223999 01/10/91 Finance Manager Ii Payroll Module Lite
FORMFILL.ARC 216237 07/18/90 Formfill Is Formgen's Supplement
FUNDDO11.ARC 141518 02/21/90 Program To Keep Track Of Mutual Funds/stocks
FUNDSWAP.ARC 76069 08/14/88 Mutual Fund Switch Program
FZMAIL20.ARC 94489 03/08/91 Prints Postnet (post office) bar codes
FZMLINV.ARC 90340 03/08/91 Bar codes for invoice/statement envelopes
GLAZER.ARC 38905 10/08/88 Basic Money Managing Programs By A.glazer
GM90LAST.ARC 220088 02/11/91 Gambler's Mate: Football Edition 1990 Won!
GP.ARC 206631 01/18/91 General Invoice Sales Tracker , Produces And
GRABB360.ARC 67580 11/26/90 Grabber 3.60 / Grab Any Cga, Ega Or Vga
GUID516A.ARC 157760 10/12/90 Legal forms, wills, real estate etc.. /2s
GUID516B.ARC 104510 10/12/90 Home and Business Legal Guide v5.16 /2s
GUIDE534.ARC 288238 02/20/91 Home And Business Legal Guide 5.32
HBMS42.ARC 143193 12/10/90 Financial recording and reporting
HEM10.ARC 119518 03/08/90 Hours Expenses and Milage tracking .
HH10.ARC 264140 07/24/90 Home Helper
HH13.ARC 208284 11/09/90 Database for household needs
HIGHTECH.ARC 158156 07/10/88 Stock Market Analysis Program
HOMECOST.ARC 38664 04/23/91 Evaluate mortages to find best for you
HOMEFORM.ARC 33416 06/25/90 Homeforms For Formgen
HOMELAW.ARC 228844 04/07/90 Severla Legal Contracts To Make Transactions
ICP51.ARC 289973 03/27/91 Inventory Control Program V5.1 _ 3.27.91
Update _ Complete _ Easy To
Use Modules For Selling, Ordering, Receiving,
Tracking Inventory. Asp
Shareware $20. Mailed By Auth.
INVEST1.ARC 36367 01/11/90 INVEST v1.0 Investment and Savings Analysis
JOBC112A.ARC 141969 11/19/90 Budget, etimate percent completion (A
JOSS1_A.ARC 207333 05/04/91 Job Oriented Spreadsheet (JOSS) 1 of 4
JOSS1_B.ARC 213008 05/04/91 JOSS 2 of 4
JOSS1_C.ARC 181799 05/04/91 JOSS 3 of 4
KGRAF.ARC 178255 04/01/89 Kwikgraf _ produces graphs from data you key
KISBILL.ARC 189773 04/22/90 Keep It Simple Billing & Invoice
LABELMST.ARC 171408 05/04/90 Label Master Mail Mgmt. Sys.
LABELS.ARC 185508 03/31/90 Label Maker
LBL421.ARC 55519 07/05/90 Prints 3/12 & 5/14 In. Disk Labels
LBLPLS22.ARC 79840 12/15/90 Print many kinds of labels
LEGAL.ARC 70943 01/10/91 Collection Of Legal Forms In Alpha Order
LEGAL1.ARC 23220 10/23/87 Legal forms _ Disk 1
LEGAL2.ARC 15482 03/04/86 Legal forms _ Disk 2
LEGAL3.ARC 20376 02/18/86 Legal forms _ Disk 3
LEGAL4.ARC 7545 02/21/86 Legal forms _ Disk 4
LEGAL5.ARC 8985 02/21/86 Legal forms _ Disk 5
LEGAL6.ARC 26851 02/21/86 Legal forms _ Disk 6
LITCOST1.ARC 136591 01/25/90 Lite Cost v1.0 _ track business expenses
LOAN.ARC 125758 11/30/90 Loan Acceleator V1.03
LOGBK131.ARC 85093 12/03/90 Log book for about anything
LOGBOOK.ARC 70402 03/10/90 Daily Logbook Will Keep Daily Records On
A Subject, Has Screen Calendar, Searching
And Printing By Date Or Log.
LP10026.ARC 238607 12/05/90 Maximize or minimize math progm'ing problems
LWDEMO.ARC 198788 09/14/90 Live Wire Investment Software.. You Need To
MA.ARC 32249 02/26/86 Micro_Accountant checkbook & budget program
MA3.ARC 205593 01/10/91 Mass Appeal V3.0 Mailing List Database
MADDM3.ARC 67737 12/20/90 Full featured 'desktop' adding machine
Page - 38
MAILMEN.ARC 16560 01/10/91 Mailmen Programs
MAILMGR.ARC 72523 03/05/89 Very good mailing list management program
MAINTA30.ARC 58830 05/16/89 Maintenance/service call tracking system _ pa
MAINTB30.ARC 110488 05/15/89 Maintenance/service call tracking system _ pa
MAINTC30.ARC 61808 05/15/89 Maintenance/service call tracking system _ pa
MAINTD30.ARC 108604 05/16/89 Maintenance/service call tracking system _ pa
MAINTUPD.ARC 3128 05/13/89 Update information about Maintenance/service
MAM.ARC 88401 09/18/90 Multi_function Calculator
MASS1.ARC 163111 01/10/91 Mailing List Manager,prt 1 Of 2
MATHPAD.ARC 70964 08/20/87 Full featured scientific calculator
MESGS.ARC 57179 07/03/89 Collection Of June Mesg. From Exec
Investors Con,
MILEPRC3.ARC 321502 08/12/91 Tracks Miles, Time, Money, Utils In Of On
MKTCGA22.ARC 49057 07/27/88 Marketcga 2.2s Stock/fund Charting For Cga
MKTEGA42.ARC 46012 07/27/88 Marketega 4.2s Stock/fund Charting For Ega
MKTSUP.ARC 133387 07/27/88 Stock/fund Prog, Needs Mktega42 Or Mktcga22
MM881107.ARC 306412 11/19/88 Mouse Magazine _ Stock Market Magazine On
MODAR2.ARC 163740 07/09/90 From Modern Microcomputing v2.0
MODBIL61.ARC 149294 08/10/90 Client billing Accounts Receivable
MONEY.ARC 40269 07/16/88 Money Management Program
MORTCOST.ARC 16292 04/24/87 BASIC program for Amortizations
MORTGCAL.ARC 55012 07/12/87 Good Mortgage calculator and more
MRKMTR31.ARC 505572 06/27/90 MarketMaster v3.10 investment aid
MRKTP11A.ARC 101576 12/04/89 MerketPlus v1.1 stock/mutual fund tracking
MRKTP11B.ARC 147763 12/03/89 MarketPlus v1.1 program disk (1 of 2)
MULTRK1.ARC 84976 12/21/89 MultiTrack client/prospect/project planner
MULTRK2.ARC 331221 12/14/89 MultiTrack disk
MUTUAL.ARC 224583 05/26/90 Mutual Fund Score Card 10 Record Limit.
MYGL200.ARC 96511 02/21/88 Nice little General Ledger program
M_APPEAL.ARC 274449 01/10/91 Mass Appeal, Ultimate Mailing List Mgr
NAMDAT41.ARC 369510 01/01/91 Address Book With Mailing List And Date
ND_1.ARC 228379 04/19/90 Names And Dates V3.3 Is An Adress Book,
Mailing List And Date Reminder System.
ND_2.ARC 142945 04/19/90 Second Part Of Names And Dates
NET49.ARC 37623 12/06/90 Novell File Server Performance Tester
NY90.ARC 165320 01/10/90 1990 N.y. State Tax
OFFICE.ARC 225974 05/05/90 Orderpro V2.0 By Automated Systems
ORDER.ARC 245264 06/06/90 Sba's Small Business Package
PAC4_1.ARC 129578 10/03/89 Part 1 of 3 of Painless Accounting
PAC4_2.ARC 234703 10/03/89 Part 2 of 3 of Painless Accounting
PAC4_3.ARC 182256 09/28/89 Part 3 of 3 of Painless Accounting
PACOMP5.ARC 216326 01/01/91 Use with Painless Accounting by Pierce
PAINLES1.ARC 196811 07/12/89 Accounting Package 1 Of 3
PAINLES2.ARC 189152 07/12/89 2 Of 3
PAINLES3.ARC 159807 07/12/89 3 Of 3
PAINLES5.ARC 659725 02/20/91 Painless Accounting 5.0 _ Latest Version
Full Featured And Easy _ No Payroll
PAPAY11A.ARC 128921 01/23/91 Painless Payroll v1.01 (disk 1 of 2)
PAPAY11B.ARC 160634 01/11/91 Painless Payroll v1.01 (disk 2 of 2)
PAYCHECK.ARC 195939 01/21/91 How To Make Your Paycheck Last
PAYMENT.ARC 2224 10/28/85 Do loan amortizations
PAYR222A.ARC 311937 03/14/90 PayRoll v2.22 does business accounting .
PAYR222B.ARC 327610 03/14/90 PayRoll v2.22 disk two of 2 set
PAYUS31A.ARC 286840 04/04/91 Uses 1991 USA tax tables (1/2)
PAYUS31B.ARC 328143 04/04/91 Print checks, state/fed taxs (2/2)
Page - 39
PA_COMP.ARC 275269 02/10/90 Painless Acctg. Graphics
PC1410.ARC 209600 04/29/91 Personal Calendar _ Tsr Appointment
PCA71.ARC 75763 01/11/90 Checking Account Mangager
PCBIDP21.ARC 111672 11/01/89 PC_BID Plus by I.J. Smith _ job cost est.
PCDEAL24.ARC 206705 05/23/91 Accounting Program _ Very Good
PCDRAFT.ARC 229804 05/08/90 Pcdraft Ii By Natural Software
PCEXPERT.ARC 244382 07/26/88 Pc_expert Stock Market Forecast System V1.0
PCPY305A.ARC 39218 10/11/90 Payroll with Federal/State/Local taxes
PCPY305B.ARC 184782 02/07/90 PC_Payroll v3.05 program files (2
PCT901.ARC 163074 12/31/90 Pc Tax Ver For 1990 Taxes
PCTAX901.ARC 163800 04/29/91 Pc_tax90 V90.10 _ Income Tax Prep
PC_AP13.ARC 55457 04/13/89 Accounts Payable Pgm
PC_GL35.ARC 316133 11/21/90 Medlin Accounting Package 3.5 / Has Ability
PC_PAY91.ARC 274449 03/08/91 Complete menu driven payroll system
PDSEP409.ARC 213248 11/25/89 PDS*EPRICE Electrical Contractors costing
PDSM102.ARC 231666 11/15/89 PDS*MEMBER _ Church Member program
PDSQ409.ARC 222902 11/15/89 PDS*QOUTE v4.09 complete job qoute system
PELTON_1.ARC 246152 05/15/90 Peltons Financial Utilities V1.5 Is Menu
Driven In Color For Time_value Problems.
PELTON_2.ARC 297497 05/05/90 Second Part Of Peltons Financial Utilities
PFROI1.ARC 96969 04/07/88 Investors Portfolio Management Part 1.
PFROI2.ARC 87397 04/07/88 Investors Portfoliment Part 2.
PHLBL20.ARC 55032 11/07/90 Stores information in index like ASCII files
PONY_EXP.ARC 166532 01/23/91 Quikly qoute shipping charges
POSTAL.ARC 109038 04/29/91 Useful Postal Information File With
Rates, Etc.
PROCALC!.ARC 91785 05/08/88 Good Calculator Program.
PST09A.ARC 142095 05/19/91 PST _ graph data _ set up indicators
PURCHASE.ARC 140630 05/09/90 Purchase Order System by Ron Byxbe
QPACS31.ARC 75476 11/06/90 Individual/family, easy menu driven
QUANT9.ARC 181065 03/25/90 Quant Ix Portfolio Mgt.
ROKMAR.ARC 69361 11/16/88 Rokmar home/office asset management system
ROSEJ402.ARC 153012 04/15/91 Invoice journal.. uses any general ledger
SALBIZ12.ARC 168963 06/15/90 Sale_Biz 1.2 tracks customers & products
SALESDOC.ARC 96329 06/27/88 New documentation for IN_CONTROL and how to g
SALEUPD.ARC 1397 06/05/88 Update information about IN_CONTROL
SALE_A26.ARC 81305 12/01/87 ACS IN_CONTROL client tracking package _ part
SALE_A27.ARC 116010 01/03/89 Client Tracker (or config to 30 diff...
SALE_A31.ARC 260384 12/26/90 Prospect/Client/Customer Tracker 1 of 4
SALE_B26.ARC 108441 12/01/87 ACS IN_CONTROL client tracking package _ part
SALE_B27.ARC 123472 01/03/89 ...business programs) 2 of 4
SALE_B31.ARC 46275 12/26/90 Prospect/Client/Customer Tracking 2 of 4
SALE_C26.ARC 41157 12/01/87 ACS IN_CONTROL client tracking package _ part
SALE_C27.ARC 74503 01/03/89 3 of 4
SALE_C31.ARC 218620 12/26/90 Prospect/Client/Customer Tracker 3 of 4
SALE_D26.ARC 79982 12/20/87 ACS IN_CONTROL client tracking package _ part
SALE_D27.ARC 107116 12/11/88 4 of 4
SALE_D31.ARC 40603 12/26/90 Prospect/Client/Customer Tracker 4 of 4
SM11.ARC 168036 02/18/91 Shedule*master V. 1.1 Appointment/todo
List Manager.
SM48.ARC 119164 04/02/89 Stockminder Stock Market Tracking Program
SMEXPERT.ARC 245023 12/18/88 Stock Market And Manatary Exchange Program
SPCI211.ARC 114267 12/28/89 SPC_Inventory v2.11 for business and...
SPREAD.ARC 4189 10/28/85 Consolidate data from Lotus .DIF files
SPRT109A.ARC 157297 05/01/90 Sport Private NetMailer (INSTALL)
SPRT109B.ARC 164937 10/29/90 Sport Private NetMailer (SUPPORT)
Page - 40
SPRT109C.ARC 91446 10/29/90 Sport Private NetMailer (DOCS)
STAX88.ARC 152235 12/27/88 ShareTax 1040 for doing federal taxes
TALLYHO.ARC 70682 09/24/90 Nice Financial Calculator
TAX.ARC 3188 03/04/86 Keeps track of tax expenses through the year
TCB_AP.ARC 275642 11/02/90 Taking Care Of Business _ Accounting
Package Disk 1 Of 6 _ Accounts Payable
TCB_AR.ARC 257510 11/02/90 Tcb _ Disk 2 Of 6 _ Accounts Receivable
TCB_GL.ARC 244722 11/02/90 Tcb _ Disk 3 Of 6 _ General Ledger
TCB_IN.ARC 132964 11/02/90 Tcb _ Disk 4 Of 6 _ Install Disk
TCB_MN.ARC 275489 11/02/90 Tcb _ Disk 5 Of 6 _ Main Disk
TCB_PR.ARC 300917 11/02/90 Tcb _ Disk 6 Of 6 _ Payroll Disk
TFO330A.ARC 142675 06/07/90 The Front Office v3.30 (1of3) . .
TFO330B.ARC 166655 06/03/90 The Front Office (2of3)
TFO330C.ARC 178728 02/24/90 The Front Office (3of3)
TM2.ARC 161234 04/12/89 Task Master v2 _ Task/assignment organizer
TMSTX24.ARC 111799 10/01/90 Lan aware time management system /ASP
TODOSW.ARC 457223 02/09/91 New Todo Program From Pricewise. Shareware.
TRACKER.ARC 80553 03/01/90 Personell tracker_name/addr/phone/sick/vac, e
TRADER1.ARC 167386 03/21/88 The Stock Trader
TSC138.ARC 24392 06/03/91 Time study for the production supervisor
TTR19C.ARC 144394 03/22/91 For Professionals who bill their time
WALL$T53.ARC 184523 11/19/90 Track/Analyse stocks and securities
XACT.ARC 251198 04/29/91 Calculator Program. Hp_11c Scientific;
Hp_12c Financial;hp_16 Programmers;
ZBCOLR32.ARC 297844 08/11/90 ZBest color version v3.2
ZBMONO32.ARC 296737 08/11/90 Zbest for mono systems
ZIPKEY2.ARC 211847 02/01/91 Zipkey v2.0 zipcode directory
ZMRAK_D1.ARC 148966 01/20/89 Zoomracks v 1.2 _ database in card format _ p
ZMRAK_D2.ARC 40629 01/20/89 Zoomracks v 1.2 _ database in card format _ p
ZPAY300A.ARC 333245 08/07/90 ZPAY Payroll v3.00 complete rewrite . .
ZPAY300B.ARC 327013 08/07/90 ZPAY Payroll v3.00 disk 2 . .
ZPAY391A.ARC 325569 01/04/91 Includes compressed storage (1 of 2)
ZPAY391B.ARC 274198 01/04/91 ZPAY3 by the ASP President (2 of 2)
ZPAYII19.ARC 306928 04/24/89 ZPAY Payroll System v1.9 from Paul Mayer
Z_APPEAL.ARC 457685 01/10/91 Option For Mass Appeal, 43,000 Zip Codes
Page - 41
Mid-America Digital Publishing's Magnum One 02/19/92
Communications 1
Name Bytes Date Description
16550A.ARC 27628 10/25/88 Supports UART 16550 buffers
315MOUSE.ARC 2234 04/03/91 TELIX 3.15 Logitech mouse menu!
3PMOUSE.ARC 71393 03/04/89 ProComm Plus mouse driver
9600.ARC 41233 09/21/90 Thread On 9600 File Transfers.
9600TEXT.ARC 16994 09/26/91 A pair of US Robotics text files about HST
9600_12B.ARC 15004 02/08/91 Outstanding Text On Modems And Protocol
9600_12C.ARC 15054 01/19/91 Text File For The Hst Modems
A2T21.ARC 14499 04/29/91 A Telix Dial Directory Program
AC_11FEB.ARC 284923 02/18/91 The Comperhensive Area Code And Exchange
ALAD130.ARC 347873 08/21/90 Aladen Term To Be Used On Genie (pay Service)
ALAD140.ARC 220276 11/26/90 ALADDIN v1.0 Communications for GENIE.
ALAD141.EXE 231936 02/15/91 A Program To Use Geni
ALADDOC.ARC 126250 08/16/90 Genie pc aladdin v1.30: dedicated comm prog
ALL_N_1.ARC 36923 01/12/91 All_In_1 phone dialer & database.
AM100.ARC 251313 12/15/90 Automatic Logon Using Qmodem
AP100.ARC 74553 04/29/91 Autopuma V1.0 _ Adds Automatic Puma Downloads
And More To Telix.
AP102.ARC 99096 04/17/91 Telix Script Auto_starts Puma And Bimodem
Downloads, Exits Telix If Left Unattended,
Other Features
APCP38.ARC 110072 01/10/91 Pc_pursuit / Procomm Dial Command Files
APR91BBS.ARC 5381 03/30/91 April List Of Local Bbs's
AREAC91.ARC 1510 03/20/91 Area Codes & their time zones as of 3/91.
ASCI2FON.ARC 32755 02/12/90 Telix 3.x fon file convert
ASYCLS10.ARC 9426 04/29/91 Asynchronous Class To Handle Serial
Communication. Source Included, Writtena Nd
Tested With Turbo C++ 1.0
Modems. If You Are Confused This Will Help
ATHELP.ARC 26462 01/10/90 At Command Help For Modem
ATMOD.ARC 1265 07/29/91 A very small modem communication program.
ATO63A.ARC 209768 03/18/91 Autosig V. 6.3a An Intelligent Terminal
Program For Access To Compuserve.
ATZ227.ARC 59760 11/21/90 Menu Program For Dsz (zmodem)
AUG91BBS.ARC 6284 07/31/91 Listing Of All Local Bbs's
AUTOCM10.ARC 29813 08/07/90 Automate {commo} sessions.
AUTOD101.ARC 3169 07/09/91 Telix auto_download script, IBM conf.,
AUTOLOG.ARC 6956 01/05/90 Telix script which learns how to log on.
AUTO_LOG.ARC 24465 07/25/91 Telix Salt brings you right up to the Ibm
conference prompt
AVENGER.ARC 3274 05/01/91 Information On Virus
AVGZ20.ARC 17244 09/26/90 DSZ log file analyzer version 2.0 _ Fast!
B5INSTAL.ARC 7889 05/28/91 Install Program For Boyan 5.0 3 of 3
BACKMAIL.ARC 169304 12/28/91 Easy_to_use Tsr Email, File Transfer
BBPOWERI.ARC 169960 02/16/90 Hotkey Frontend Including Bimodem Dsz Superk
Page - 42
BBS1190.ARC 70393 11/01/90 Another List Of Bbs's Around The Country
Dated 11/90
BBSCX2.ARC 11206 03/22/89 Chicago Tribune Article On Bbses
BBSHUNT3.ARC 185330 12/26/90 Latest bbs hunter software program
sysops, give your callers the chance to input
or search for bbs boards. contains docs.
BBSPEAK.ARC 2447 04/30/91 A text file with common bbs abbreviations and
Ascii artwork and their meanings.
BBS_JUL.ARC 63649 07/04/91 The bbs list for July 1991
BCOMM.ARC 18850 01/10/91 Back Comm Multi_tasking Communications.
BEWCONV.ARC 17674 09/19/90 Converts Qmodem 4.2's Bew Files To A Cr
Delimited List Of File Names For Use With
Almost Any External Protocol.
BEXE_240.ARC 239350 07/14/90 Binkleyterm v 2.40 _ overlaid version.
BFIX_240.ARC 2204 07/21/90 Binkleyterm 2.40 fix #1.
BFX2_240.ARC 2267 07/25/90 Binkleyterm 2.40... the second patch.
BGFTS211.ARC 179529 05/02/91 Background FIle Transfer v2.11
BGFTW211.ARC 24643 05/02/91 Background File Transfer 211 add_on for use
BIMOD122.ARC 203385 06/23/90 Erik (tm) Bi_modem, Transfer Both Directions
And Chat At The Same Time!! I. E. Upload And
Download Concerently
BIMOD124.ARC 204297 11/11/90 Bimodem Version 1.24 Recieve & Xmit
BIMOD_Q.ARC 1797 03/01/91 Script File To Use Bimodem With Qmodem
BIMOSH40.ARC 17829 11/12/90 Bimodem shell
BITSBAUD.ARC 5327 02/11/89 Complete Explanation Of Bits, Baud Rate,
Bps, Etc.
BIX.SLT 4420 08/04/91 BIX (Tymnet) logon script
BOYAN401.ARC 185432 04/29/91 Boyanterm V4.01 _ Communications Program
BOYAN402.ARC 150286 07/26/89 Boyan 4.01 _ 2of2 _ Manual/ext Protocols
BOYAN5A.ARC 232552 05/28/91 Boyan Communications Program _ Ver 5
1 Of 3
BOYAN5B.ARC 183748 05/28/91 Disk 2 Of 3
C1AFT100.ARC 15335 10/01/91 Procomm Plus script for automated file
transfers using MarkMail & ProDoor. Sends,
receives, renames mail packets. Set time of
day for transfers. Download files. Zip dir
scans. Unattended file transfers.
Exclusively for Channel 1
CALLFWD.TXT 2176 03/18/91 Disable Callwaiting A Novel Way
CATCL20C.ARC 56762 08/30/91 Automated Telix script for Wildcat BBS.
CBBS_12.ARC 137912 11/21/90 Freeware .exe Module For Quickbbs 2.6x
CENMODJ.ARC 45088 09/21/91 Small compact pgm to call Jmodem from your
communication program in MS_Windows;
09/21/91; George M. Cheney.
CIS.SLT 1009 08/04/91 Sample script for logging onto Compuserve.
CISTLX.ARC 4622 08/30/90 Salt Script for CompuServe. Enhanced Script
Fixes ^P problem with Telix in Terminal mode
and not on CompuServe. May prevent Telix
crashes on noisy phone lines.
CIS_USR.ARC 2663 01/09/91 CIS Switchs to U.S. Dual Standards
CLOSEDOR.ARC 87303 03/16/91 Is A Door To Run When System Is Down
CMODEM44.ARC 52506 10/31/90 Cmodem Protocol version 4.4
CNEZIP.EXE 102966 10/15/91 Certified Network Engineer Tests_see What
You Know!
COLORBOX.ARC 909 08/05/88 Colored Lights For Internal Modems
COLORT.ARC 4594 04/14/90 When Used With Telix It Will Make Colored
Page - 43
COMDEX90.GIF 94592 01/11/91 Some Of The Bbs Software Writers
COMMDRVR.ARC 39976 04/12/88 Utils To Write An Rs232 Comm Driver
COMMO45.ARC 131181 01/12/91 Commo, Ver. 4.5. An Excellent Shareware Comm
Program That Uses Dsz For Its File Protocols.
Ascii Phone Dir.
COMMO452.ARC 135552 03/19/91 Full_featured Telecomm Program.
COMMO453.ARC 138319 03/29/91 Commo V4.53 _ General Purpose Communications
COMMO454.ARC 142173 05/27/91 Small Fast Terminal Program
COMMO50.ARC 199167 09/06/91 Commo Terminal Program Version 5.0
COMMO51.ARC 204652 12/22/91 Machine Language Terminal Program
COMMTUTR.ARC 32560 06/11/88 Communications Tutor
COMMUTE.EXE 163968 12/29/91 Communications Program (self Expanding)
COMMUTE7.EXE 159360 12/29/91 Communications Software
COMPROTO.ARC 23187 04/29/91 Informative Text From Hayes Microcomputer
Products About Modems, Protocols And Speeds.
A "must Have" For The New Telecommunications
User And A Great Refresher For The "old Pro".
COMPUCOM.ARC 36540 04/22/91 This Is 9600 Speedmodem For Only $169.00
With Other Speedmodems It Can T/r At 9600 Or
Up To 19200bps. Check It Out
COMSETT.ARC 3005 10/16/90 Set Com Ports On Your Modem
COM_MONI.ARC 55248 07/25/88 Monitor Your Comm Port
CONTACT.ARC 142519 01/03/88 Business Or Personal Autodiler
CPD100.ARC 3397 04/27/90 CPDownload 1.00 _ Allows any protocol that
is capible of AutoDownload to be allowed to
use it in Telix (much like the AutoZmodem
that is already implemented). All you do is
enter the string CPD should look for. VERY
GO. Com
CSP101.ARC 27869 04/29/91 Uses Microsoft C Compiler As Telix Salt
CSP_V32B.ARC 18618 08/20/91 Dual Standard Modem From Compucom, Real
Cheap Price!
CSS11.ARC 31081 04/07/91 Newest Version of CSS! SIMPLE Salt Language
for those who have had problems with SALT
scripting. No programming skills needed _
write Telix 3.xx scripts in English! _ New
CUSA0191.ARC 62776 01/15/91 Info on BBS network
D2_112DX.ARC 108075 06/05/91 Qmail Deluxe 2 v1.12 _ 386/486 specific ver.
D2_112UP.ARC 182298 06/05/91 Qmail Deluxe 2 _ Upgrade package for current
Users. This is all you need to upgrade.
DBBS.ARC 23896 09/08/90 A Little Short Bbs For Telix 312
DBDIAL.ARC 5970 08/20/89 Dial The Phone From Inside Dbase, Using
Com1: Or 2
DBLINK13.ARC 80402 11/23/90 D'bridge File Request Program
DEADCAT.ARC 26374 07/01/90 Annouce_Only Answering Machine for Your Modem
DEC89BBS.ARC 4492 12/12/89 Dec Listing Of Local Bbs's
DEC90BBS.ARC 5126 12/19/90 List Of Local Bbs's For December
DELUXE2.ARC 342664 09/08/90 New Release Of Qmail Deluxe2 Offline Mail
DEMON217.ARC 31100 06/14/90 Demonhst V2.17 _ Sets Your Hst 14400 Or
Dual Standard For Max Cps Quickly & Easily
DEMON22.ARC 30805 07/23/90 Help In Setting Up Hst Modems For Max
DEMON25.ARC 48741 04/29/91 Demon Hst V2.5 _ Configuration Utility For
The Usr Hst Modem. A Must Have For High
Page - 44
Speed File Transfers.
DEMONHST.ARC 31100 06/14/90 This Program Sets Your 14.4k Usr Hst
DIAL20.ARC 63780 11/06/88 Dos Command Line Phone Dialer V2.0, New
DIAL32.ARC 93123 04/25/89 Phone Dialer W/mouse, Dos Line, Etc. With
DIALM31.ARC 129032 01/01/90 Dial W/mouse
DIALM50.ARC 98155 08/19/90 Phone dialer
DIALM51.ARC 84910 09/09/90 PDone dialer,updated_couple new features_bug
DIALT1.ARC 2733 10/16/90 2k Program To Dial Phone Numbers On Screen
DIALT2.ARC 3642 11/25/90 Vers. Ii Of Dialthat Dialer, Handles
Keybrd Conflict
DLX2FONT.ARC 76926 09/08/90 Font Files For Ega/vga Systems Using
DLX2UPDT.ARC 112944 03/04/91 For Current Users Of Pre V1.10 Qmail Deluxe_2
Users. This Is All You Need To Upgrade
DM100.ARC 36281 08/10/90 Dateme. 1.00. ez_reader add_on that allows
You to add larger taglines including date
Entered, location entered, the original
DOCSDSZ.ARC 71802 02/04/90 Document for dsz zmodem protocol. 5.
DORPCH35.ARC 169033 03/20/89 Door Patch 3.5
DP0925.ARC 9383 08/29/91 Latest patches for Procomm Plus v2.0/2.01.
DSZ0228X.ARC 40108 02/28/91 Omen: ZMODEM module of 2/28/91 cross_compiled
DSZ0404.ARC 112935 04/04/91 Forsbergs's X/y/zmodem File Xfr Module;040491
DSZ0404X.ARC 52556 04/04/91 Dsz Exe Vers.;faster;no Share/buffer;4/4/91
DSZ0411.ARC 103764 04/29/91 Dsz Or Zmodem File Transfer Protocol 04/11/91
DSZ0411N.ARC 9627 04/29/91 What Is New In The Dsz0411 Version
DSZ0411X.ARC 52179 04/29/91 Mhe Exe Version Of Dsz Or Zmodem File
Transfer Protocol Dated 04/11/91
DSZ0416.ARC 114054 04/29/91 Dsz For April 16. 1991. Update Of "handshake
DSZ0416X.ARC 52515 04/29/91 Dsz Exe Version 4/16/1991
DSZ0807.ARC 116941 08/17/91 Zmodem/ymodem Module
DSZ1001.ARC 90093 10/01/91 DSZ ver dated 10/01/91 Zmodem .com file
DSZ1001X.ARC 40512 10/01/91 Dsz ver dated 10/01/91 .exe file
DSZ1216.ARC 109552 04/29/91 Latest Release (12_16_90) Of Forsbergs Dsz
Protocols Driver.
DSZ404BG.ARC 49704 04/03/91 4_4_91 Add'l Background Info On Dsz Usage.
DSZBG.ARC 38306 09/04/91 Background info on DSZ from the Pro_Yam
DSZEXE.ZOO 51931 02/24/90 Dsz.exe (18 Feb 90) Version Of Dsz.com
DSZLOG10.ARC 42413 08/24/91 Zmodem Log Analyzer fast!
DSZNEW.ARC 4355 04/16/91 What's New In The *4/16/91* Ver. Of Dsz.com.
DSZWORDS.ARC 6849 07/27/91 Mobyturbo &c mag info from forsberg's bbs.
DTPBBS.ARC 18461 02/15/91 Desktop Publishing Bbs Around The Nation
DUAL0391.ARC 74056 04/27/91 Dual V.32bis firmware upgrade
DVBALL10.ARC 34587 09/27/91 Silly Desqview Demo. Bounces Balls Around
Between Multiple Invocations of The Program
Demo of Inter_Process Communications
DVEXEC.ARC 6097 03/11/89 Deskview Utility To Ease Bbs Operation
DVORAKS.ARC 281030 01/20/90 A communications tutor from Dvorak.
EASYM12.ARC 5614 12/28/90 Easymail version 1.2 script for telix 3.12
create messages offline then upload them and
d/l new mail automatically. saves time and
long distance charges. now supports the echo
mail prompt and d/l's mail packets to the
mail directory. works with pcboard 14.5
Page - 45
standard prompts only. freeware
ED35.ARC 84680 12/17/90 Easydial 3.5! Signfigant Upgrade Of A
Great Dialer!
ELSEWARE.ARC 41420 09/23/89 Remote Use Of Pc From Anywhere
EMMA22.ARC 29275 09/27/90 Emma v2.2 Terminal program for MCI
ESLNET.ARC 155137 09/17/88 2 Pc Mini Lan, Uses Comm Port
EW_V22.ARC 68953 07/09/90 Remotely Operate A Pc With Modem.
EXECHK.ARC 8169 12/07/90 Check for invalid serial number in your own
programs that you have created. Written in
Turbo Pascal.
EXECHOST.ARC 65493 07/10/90 Host Mode, Bbs Program For Telix 3.12 Or
EXHOST13.ARC 87269 11/03/90 Executive Host V1.3 A Powerful Host/bbs
For Telix
EXTBATS.ARC 1198 12/23/90 Batch files for external protocols Zmodem,
Puma, rC_modem, etc.
EZ134.ARC 184537 06/19/91 Ez_reader 1.34 _ the ultimate offline mail
EZDIAL10.ARC 9619 07/07/88 Pc Pursuit Dialing Scripts For Telix 3.0
EZDIAL11.ARC 9637 07/12/88 Does All Pc Pursuit Dial Tasks For Telix 3
EZ_SPELL.ARC 3180 03/25/90 How to add a spelling checker to EZ_Reader
FAC110.ARC 51024 09/21/90 Find Area Code v1.1 Command line or TSR
FAXCTRL.ARC 135277 12/28/90 Fax Control _ Controls A Fax, Telephone
Answering Machine, & Computer(bbs) All On One
Line. (at The Same Time.
FCCTRD.ARC 36293 01/02/91 Phone Co. & Bbs Reclassification Thread
FED_DATA.ARC 21823 01/16/90 Federal Reserve Bbs Data Files For Fed
Data Junkies!
FETCH10.ARC 14667 07/30/91 Telix script to select files to download
FIFO.ARC 2655 08/15/91 Good Utility For 16550 Chip
FINPUT.ARC 5113 01/01/91 Enhanced input routine for TurboPascal 6.0
FLAGIT1.ARC 2166 06/12/91 Telix script that allows you to point and
FMREAD10.ARC 17310 06/06/91 An off_line reader for fido net mail
FOLIS20.ARC 41434 01/06/90 Use Your Modem To Monitor Phone Calles .
FONDIR55.ARC 50611 09/05/90 Converts ALMOST any program's phone
directory to ALMOST any other program.
Procomm, Telix, Boyan, Qmodem, Telemate, PC
Anywhere, Carbon Copy, and many many more!!!
FONELIST.ARC 4028 11/09/90 Tech Support And Bbs Phone Numbers For
FREEMAG.ARC 878 06/26/90 Offer For Free Telecomm. Magazine
FSNIP101.ARC 18629 06/09/90 File_snip, the downloaders friend. captures
description of file to download, saves it to
disk and flags the file for download. asm
code included. v.1.0.1
FSTHST22.ARC 19895 08/10/90 Fast Hst Setup Program Ver. 2.2
FTAG30.ARC 34216 08/11/90 Filetag v3.0: tsr program allows you to point
And shoot filenames while listing a bbs' file
Directories online, then hot_key, & the files
Tagged will be typed for you when you are
GAATL.ARC 4520 08/13/91 Atlanta telix fon dir 245 entries sep
GAPDEMO1.ARC 432236 01/29/91 Pcboard Type Demo Bbs Disk 1 Of 3
GCZMODEM.ARC 11172 07/23/91 Zmodem can now be used with geoworks
ensemble's geocomm!!! this file requires
Page - 46
geoworks, dsz0613 or later, and any utility
to change .bat files to .com {last is
optional but suggested} this allows use of
dsz as an external protocol. requires
modifying autoexec and geos.ini warning:
will not multitask while downloading ,more
like a dos swap. i tried it, it works!
GENIESCR.ARC 805 08/04/91 A Telix script file to automate the logon to
GETFIL16.ARC 14321 06/03/91 Getfile v1.6 _ includes file descriptions
GETFILE1.ARC 16092 04/19/91 Getfile V1.1 _ Automatically Gets The File
Descriptions When You Download. Now Includes
GETS15.ARC 310548 05/30/91 The Comm Program of the future?
This BABY allows playing of Voices over the
modem (SB) (COVOX TWEETER) EGA graphics
(Like alex) rom remote (and even dos
services) Check it out
GSZ1001.ARC 143910 10/01/91 Graphics Zmodem Update
GSZ1007.ARC 144036 10/11/91 Graphic Zmodem Package
GSZ1015.ARC 144883 10/19/91 Version 10/15/91 Of Graphic Zmodem
GSZ1214.ARC 147091 12/25/91 Graphic Zmodem Package
GSZHINT.ARC 1898 11/21/90 New Dsz Program Title Screen And What Is
To Come.. New Name Will Be Gsz
GSZSER1.ARC 6176 08/03/91 Pre_Register GSZ.EXE V1.0.
GSZSER21.ARC 6868 09/16/91 GSZ_Graphical ZMODEM pre_registration
utility. Fix with GSZSER20.ARC when run with
8088 processors (run_time error)
GT1550A.ARC 152814 05/04/90 GT_Power Terminal. Upgrade
GT1600_1.ARC 181397 12/15/90 Gt Powercomm V16.00 _ 1 Of 6
GT1600_2.ARC 222205 12/20/90 Gt Powercomm V16.00 _ 2 Of 6
GT1600_3.ARC 88780 12/15/90 Gt Powercomm V16.00 _ 3 Of 6
GT1600_4.ARC 143128 12/20/90 Gt Powercomm V16.00 _ 4 Of 6
GT1600_5.ARC 89667 12/15/90 Gt Powercomm V16.00 _ 5 Of 6
GT1600_6.ARC 165635 12/16/90 Gt Powercomm V16.00 _ 6 Of 6
GTST210.ARC 154772 04/14/90 Sysop's tools for gt1550 host
H44FIX.ARC 6747 04/10/91 Patch Program to fix bugs in HOST44 when
used with Telix 3.15 and archive config bug.
HAMCOMM.ARC 91917 04/29/91 Ham Radio Communications Program
HIGHMODM.TXT 7815 03/26/90 Suggestions For 9600 Baud (or Above) Modem
HOST3.ARC 40290 04/21/89 The Absolute Best! Host Script For Telix3
HOST41.ARC 106552 02/13/90 Fantastic Host Script For Telix 3.12. By
Dan Horn
HOST42.ARC 110653 04/10/90 Dan Horn's Host_mode For Telix 3.12
HOST43.ARC 113342 05/01/90 Latest Telix Host
HOST44.ARC 156630 10/27/90 Telix Host Scripts V. 4.4
HOSTPLUS.ARC 13812 04/22/90 Improved host script & PUMA scripts
HOTALK.ARC 5587 05/22/91 Hot file capture from nixpix
HOTK_Z60.ARC 56664 04/29/91 Menu Driven Z_modem Interface
HP100B1.ARC 103083 03/01/91 Host+Plus 1.00 (Beta) is an enchanced Host
Mode which is more advanced than others,
such as HOST44. It has a message base and
file sections, among others.
HPBQMQM.ARC 2906 01/09/91 A Download Script File For Qmodem
HSCOMM.ARC 6702 04/04/91 Layman's Info On High Speed Modems
HST1440.ARC 29857 04/29/91 Program And Doc. To Set Up Your Hst
Page - 47
HST42BIS.ARC 1356 08/01/90 Get maximum out of a 14.4 with telix
HSTAUTO.ARC 53334 07/18/88 Configure Your Hst
HSTCNFIG.ARC 27394 04/29/91 Configure Your New Us Robotics Courier Hst
The Fast Way! (includes Kutsglue.ARC)...
HSTRESET.ARC 36513 01/10/91 Places Modem Offhook From Dos
HSTVSPCP.ARC 3128 02/06/89 Pc_pursuit Alternative: Usr Hst 9600 Vs
Pcp Explored
HST_SET3.ARC 13348 07/19/90 Set Up Your Hst To The Max And Even Tells
HST_SET4.ARC 13315 04/29/91 Instruction On Setting Up Your Hst With
Different Programs.
HYPERM.ARC 49240 03/11/91 Hypermodem Protocol. Faster than Zmodem !?!
HYPERP.ARC 59795 06/01/90 Free Implementation Of Superfast Protocol
HYPERP11.ARC 60312 12/31/90 Hyper Protocol Module
HYPERP2.ARC 63744 07/23/90 Hyper File Transfer Protocol Ver 2.0
HYPERP2D.ARC 63879 07/31/90 Hyperprotocol, Version 1.1d. File Transfer
Protocol With Compression.
IDCCOM12.ARC 167987 10/27/90 Idc Com Bbs V1.2
IF40.ARC 53829 09/16/88 Comm. Program For Fidelity Mutual Funds.
ILINK.ARC 26085 06/29/88 Demo Of Background Dialing Program
INTTRM10.ARC 150669 03/14/91 This Is The Term Program You Must Download
In Order To Play The Doorgame Intrigue.
INVESBBS.ARC 1592 02/25/88 Over 40 Investment_oriented Boards
IS16550.ARC 3974 08/19/89 Test System For Presence Of 16550 Uart.
ITQWK07M.ARC 4297 05/17/90 A Qmodem 4.+ script for Qmail or Markmail
JAN91BBS.ARC 5275 02/03/91 Local Bbs List
JAXHOST5.ARC 91377 01/29/90 Remote/host Communications Package
JBHOST10.ARC 5534 08/28/91 JBHOST for {COMMO} 5.0, small but good!
JLBLINK.ARC 402547 10/18/90 Smart Terminal Program For Use On Bix
JMD4TLX.ARC 40267 03/30/89 Batch Jmodem Download Scripts For Telix
3.11 Users
JMOD34.ARC 14234 03/19/90 New Jmodem Version 3.4
JMODM308.ARC 111897 01/02/91 Latest Version Of The Jmodem Protocol Driver.
JRUN222.ARC 21481 06/20/90 J_run v2.22: a file transfer shell Jmodem
JTDIAL21.ARC 10716 05/20/89 Bug Fix To Jtdial2 A Paradox Dialing
KER301EX.ARC 140676 07/19/90 Kermit v3.01 utilities. 2 of 3
KERMIT.EXE 145888 03/06/91 Latest Mskermit 3.02 25 Feb 91 From Columbia
KERMIT3.ARC 106296 03/26/91 Unix Comm & Terminal Emulator
L303.ARC 84241 08/25/90 Pop_up Tsr Phone Log Uses Dbiii Files
LANALY.ARC 42135 05/25/91 Lan Analyzer
LANDEMO.ARC 191449 12/07/89 Demo/features Of Saber Software's Lan
LANPERF.ARC 28634 06/05/88 Lan Performance Test From Pc Tech Journal
LANSERV.ARC 49622 07/27/89 Pcboard And Lantastic Setups
LANSETUP.ARC 8016 06/21/89 Lantastic Setup For Wildcat Bbs System..
LANSHARE.ARC 2176 11/14/91 Using Lanshare With Lantastic
LANTCP.ARC 3311 11/29/91 Setting up a Lantastic/TCP Gateway
LANTSTIC.ARC 939452 06/23/91 Lantastic Network Demo Disk _ Self Running
LANUTS.ARC 119439 10/30/91 Source Code For The Lan Utilities
LASER.ARC 32755 01/14/92 Netbios utility to share laser disk across
LASER4UP.ARC 22419 03/28/89 Program To Print 4 Pages On 1 Laserjet Page
LIB231.ARC 300215 05/11/90 The Liberator V2.31 _ Pcboard Automation
System For Telix
LIBOWLS.ARC 1237 09/03/90 Liberator Config And My Command File For
LITECOM6.ARC 235961 08/29/91 LiteComm v6.0 communications toolbox for MSC
& TC. Supports 4 com ports simultaneously.
Page - 48
Interrupt driven. (8_29_91).
LITELINK.ARC 2646 01/15/90 New Network With No Bickering _ For The User
LYNC10.ARC 61710 12/22/90 Lync V1.0 __ Small Communications Program
With Built_in Zmodem.
Page - 49
Mid-America Digital Publishing's Magnum One 02/19/92
Communications 2
Name Bytes Date Description
MB_250.ARC 116197 12/24/89 Multi_board V2.50 Fastest Way To Run A Bbs
MCISALT.SLT 256 08/04/91 Automatic logon for MCI Mail.
MDMCFG13.ARC 17420 05/01/91 Newest Config For Telix 3.15 Straight
From Telix Bbs.
MDMCFG15.ARC 17699 07/07/91 Modemcfg.EXE Progarm For Telix 3.15 Fixes
Problems With Very Fast or Slow Systems,
Speech Synthesis For The Blind Problems With
38,400 Modems, And Writing of Uploaded By:
MDMNOISE.ARC 4438 08/08/88 Explanation Of Modem Noise
MED0691.ARC 14967 06/23/91 Latest Medical Bbs List _ 06/25/91
MH111190.ARC 251366 11/11/90 Maxihost (11/11/90); Samle Shareware
MINTEL.ARC 139665 10/12/89 Online Communication Service_run By Minitel
MKE1090.ARC 6728 10/18/90 Milwaukee Bulletin Board Directory Sept. 1990
MLICK43.EXE 88115 01/09/91 Slick Communications v4.3 small & fast.
MMSCPT12.ARC 26079 06/09/91 MegaScript v1.2 _ for PCPlus and MegaMail
MNP_9.ARC 7225 10/14/89 Good Text Discussion Of Mnp Class 1 Thru 9
MNP_TEXT.ARC 5909 06/19/88 Info On Types Of Mnp Protocol.
MNU.ARC 95773 03/14/91 Fossil Driver For Communcations And Doors
Than Need A Fossil Driver
MOBYTRBO.ARC 2070 01/28/90 Info On Dsz's Moby Trubo Mode And What It
MODEM30.ARC 95267 03/31/91 Modem Doctor Ver 3.0
MODEM4.ARC 22496 10/01/90 From THE MODEM REFERENCE, by Michael A. Banks
A guide to how Modems work. Text.
MODEMD22.ARC 56292 08/07/91 Modem Doctor Version 2.2
MODEMD30.ARC 95269 05/23/90 Modem Doctor 3.0
MODEMDR.ARC 48272 11/24/89 Modem And Serial Port Tester
MPTTELIX.ARC 1889 04/20/91 Lets telix run mpt transfer protocol
MR0317.ARC 189371 03/17/91 Megareader 3/17/91. the megamail system
Allows you to download and upload mail to and
From bbs's. the megamail reader works with th
Megamail door and/or .qwk compatible doors
(such as qmail, markmail, and tomcat!).
With details on the file (scanv78.zip) and
Its infected contents.
MSK311.ARC 186219 09/19/91 KERMIT, v3.11, dated 09/19/91, with even
more improvements, now includes built_in
TCP_IP support.
MSK31DOC.ARC 79143 03/26/91 Ms_dos Kermit Protocol Docs
MSKRT310.ARC 394800 03/20/91 Ms_dos Kermit Protocol
MSZ0626.ARC 105728 06/26/90 Zmodem Version Dated 06/26/90
MULTISCR.ARC 4543 04/11/90 Executes multiple Telix scripts
MWORD22.ARC 240200 12/01/90 Ihost (11/11/90); Samle Shareware Bbsmaxihost
NAEC.ARC 69392 05/27/91 Novell Netware Education Center Info
NETCALL.ARC 11210 10/10/89 Lantastic Netbios Inteface For Turbo
Pascal 4/5
NETMAN.ARC 174028 03/26/88 Network Manager. Remote Control Over Net.
NETWORKS.ARC 11733 02/07/88 Info On Choosing A Lan For The Layman
Page - 50
NEWHOST.ARC 32266 04/04/89 Telix Mini Bbs Host Script _ Best Yet!
NHOST.ARC 53832 10/08/89 New Host Script For Telix
NIXPUB1.ARC 13042 08/11/90 Ny state *nix mail maps (internet)
NMODM163.ARC 44248 04/29/91 Nmodem V1.63 _ File Transfer Protocol That
Sends 2048k Data Blocks And Uses A 16 Bit
Crc For High Reliability In Rough Conditions.
NMODM167.ARC 27848 03/28/91 Modem program.
NMTRM130.ARC 22559 09/26/90 N_Modem v1.3 Treminal program. (9_26_90)
NOISE1.ARC 3080 01/10/91 Simple Phoneline Noise Filter
OCT89BBS.ARC 4217 10/17/89 List Of Local Bbs's
OPMED300.ARC 167834 11/01/90 Fidonet Compatible Message Reader (opus
And Compatible Cbcs)
OUTCOMM1.ARC 45070 12/16/90 Send Messages Out The Comm Port
OVERSEAS.ARC 7179 06/10/86 Listing Of Overseas Bbs's
OZBII11D.ARC 50427 08/06/90 Ozbext ii v1.1d: new_generation external pro_
Tocol module for compuserve b/b+ protocols;
Totally rewritten w/support for 16550 uarts,
High speed connects/locked dte, plus much
PANAL20C.ARC 195246 10/04/90 The Portfolio Analyst _ works w/ Progidy
PAT11B90.ARC 42065 07/28/90 Patchs For Procomm Plus 1.1b
PAUTOLOG.ARC 11897 03/17/90 Automates logon to prodigy, includes source
PCBBI.ARC 4909 03/27/91 Bimodem Batch Files For Upload And Download
PCBLAN.ARC 9531 06/21/89 Pcboard Lan Setup Guide. Good For Many Bbs
PCBVER10.ARC 280996 12/29/89 Pcboard Version 10 (old Shareware)
PCLABLAN.ARC 44747 05/15/88 Pc_labs Lan Performance Tests Release 2.0
PCMODEMS.ARC 4555 02/07/91 Updated MODEM config file for Procomm +2.0
PCOMZM.ARC 1855 01/21/88 Zmodem From Procomm
PCP&Z.ARC 1887 07/07/88 Text File For Using Pcp/hst Modem/zmodem
PCP20.ARC 33943 01/24/91 Patches For Pcplus 1.1 By Datastorm
PCP20NEW.ARC 3550 01/24/91 List of new features for procomm+ 2.0
PCP20_10.PAT 2432 01/26/91 Pcplus Front Screen Key Press Bypass
PCPABLE.ARC 20580 04/07/90 Checks Phone #'s For Pc Pursuitability
PCPAREA.ARC 11694 04/05/90 Procomm+ area code changer for 2 area
PCPM200.ARC 23234 12/27/90 External protocol menu v2.00 for Procomm.
PCPMOUSE.ARC 4574 07/14/90 Procomm Plus Mouse Driver
PCPN.ARC 1655 05/11/90 TELIX script for PCPNet boards (ie KEB)
PCZ31190.ARC 45355 09/29/90 Public Domain ZMODEM protocol module (9_29)
PCZ406.ARC 92546 04/29/91 Pcz V4.06.90 _ Public Domain Implementation
Of Zmodem, Ymodem, Xmodem, Xmodem_1k And
Sealink For The Ibm Pc Family.
PC_IPC.ARC 68353 01/10/90 Pc_ipc Inter_process Communication V1.0
PC_RELAY.ARC 1431 05/11/90 Telix Script For PCB Pcrelay Mail Run to Hub
PC_TALK.ARC 140068 04/15/90 Easy To Use Comm Program
PDQ_41.ARC 6182 03/24/90 Auto markmail and file xfr for procomm
PDREMOTE.ARC 8708 04/10/88 Clone Of Carbon Copy. Run Remnote Computer
PDRIVER5.ARC 307429 12/17/89 Packet Drivers Rev. 5: Ethernet, Slip,
PEAK14K.ARC 18815 09/22/90 Peak Your Hst 14.4 For The Best
PEAKHST.ARC 20082 04/21/91 EXE program to set up/tune HST dual standard
PHELP.ARC 18357 01/10/91 Online Procomm Help
PHONE.ARC 78956 06/25/89 Telephone Dialing And Phone Number Database
PHONEV4.ARC 13001 05/07/91 Check For Rings On Hung Bbs
PHOWIN21.ARC 70913 05/01/91 Phone Directory W/ Window Env
Page - 51
PHRASE.ARC 32279 04/08/91 Lists Poor Words Phrases In A Text File
PILOT.ARC 189082 04/18/91 Pilot Comm Program Tsr And Host Mode
PLUS2PAT.ARC 26781 02/08/91 Procomm Plus v2.0 PATCHES from Datastorm.
PLUSMOUS.ARC 13965 05/30/89 Run A Mouse With Procomm Plus
PML200.ARC 41862 05/28/90 Prodigy metastock load utility. will work
With prodigy or other dow jones quote service
Output put files. use pc magazine's prn2file
To capture from prodigy. also needs
Msp_pml.zip (here).
POE113PL.ARC 54276 01/30/90 Latest Update For Poe _ For Zmodem File
PRCVT243.ARC 9016 02/14/91 Convert Procomm 2.4.3 Dial Dir To Procomm
Plus 2.0
PROC243.ARC 126196 02/03/91 A Great Communication's Program
PRODIGY.ARC 135118 11/07/90 Prodigy Demonstration
PROGRA12.ARC 13482 04/10/91 Protocol Graph V1.2
PROM0701.ARC 61072 07/01/90 Promenu "modern protocol shell" 7/1/90 rev
menu_driven shell for file transfer modules.
PROTO10.ARC 26553 08/24/90 Protoman external protocol shell utility.
PROTOCOL.ARC 3685 01/02/91 Basic Discussion of Protocols on PC Modems
PUMA100.ARC 85658 01/13/90 The Puma Protocol V1.00
PUMA4TLX.ARC 3548 05/07/90 Ext. portocol for Telix Use with Puma100.zip
QANA_205.ARC 216387 04/29/91 Qmodem Analyst Reads Your Qmodem Log File
And Gives You A Report Of What You Did On
Different Bbs's Very Good Program
QBSER20.ARC 22919 10/31/90 QB Serial v2.0 serial communications library
QDIAL10.ARC 9642 01/12/91 Qdial V1.0 _ Pc_pursuit Dialer For Qmodem 4.2
QDIALV11.ARC 8070 06/01/91 QuickDial v1.1 phone dialer. (6_1_91)
QFE42.ARC 123788 09/01/90 Fon File Processor For Qmodem 4.2.
QL.ARC 9530 01/24/88 Simple Lan Linking Utility For Most Nets
QM42D2E.ARC 366002 12/26/90 Qmodem Update Files Only From Ver "d" To "e"
QM42F_1.ARC 232392 01/21/91 Qmodem Ver 42f 1of4
QM42F_2.ARC 244402 01/21/91 Qmodem Ver 42f 2of4
QM42F_3.ARC 138833 01/21/91 Qmodem Ver 42f 3of4
QM42F_4.ARC 246174 01/21/91 Qmodem Ver 42f 4of4
QM42MNU.ARC 20308 09/05/90 Qmodem Mouse Menu
QM43.ARC 864305 08/22/91 Qmodem 4.3 All Files In One
QM43_1.ARC 149457 08/12/91 QModem _ version 4.3 _ Zip file 1 of 4
Overlay files for QModem communications
QM43_2.ARC 210352 08/07/91 QModem _ version 4.3 _ Zip file 2 of 4
Main EXE files for QModem communications
QM43_3.ARC 116437 08/07/91 QModem _ version 4.3 _ Zip file 3 of 4
Help and miscellaneous files for QModem
communications package.
QM43_4.ARC 246143 08/20/91 QModem _ version 4.3 _ Zip file 4 of 4
Documentation file for QModem communication
QM4EXT.ARC 99196 04/29/91 External File Transfer Protocol's For
Qmodem 4.x. Includes Batch Files.
QMBIMODM.ARC 205665 04/29/91 Install Bimodem As An External Protocol In
QMDM_MSE.ARC 36622 03/03/91 "flop Down" Mouse Menus For Qmodem 4.2
QMEXPROT.ARC 16182 02/04/91 Add external protocols to qmodem
QMODEMDF.ARC 13974 09/03/90 Qmodem Ver 4.2 Modem Setup File And Now
QMQMPC34.ARC 36940 09/20/90 Qmodem Qmail PCBud fully automated script
QMSTAT14.ARC 39544 01/07/91 Makes A Calculation Of The Phone Bill You're
Page - 52
Going To Pay For Each Modem
Call. Portuguese Shareware By Joo Alves
QMSWP121.ARC 25372 05/19/91 Make QMODEM an 8K TSR. (5_19_91)
QNS310.ARC 24702 04/29/91 Automate Your Mail Transfers With Pcboards.
QSCRD121.ARC 18283 09/27/90 Quick Screens Terminal v1.21 (9_27_90)
QSNIP2.ARC 16245 04/29/91 A Tsr That Allows Quoting Within Qmodem.
It Is Compatable With The Scrollback Feature.
QTALK541.ARC 69770 05/18/91 Q_talk v5.41 small communications program
QUICKCOM.ARC 44017 06/09/89 Communications Lbry For Quickbasic 4.x
QWKM010B.ARC 146339 05/01/91 Qwkmerge allows combination of several .qwk
Packets from any one bbs into one packet.
Automatically deletes duplicate messages in
Merged packets and "untrashes" .qwk files
Altered by offline readers. a keyfile
Available upon registration enables extensive
User_specific configuration of the merging
Process. shareware by mike king.
RABIM40.ARC 22773 04/28/90 Setup program to use bimodem with
RAGTAGPC.ARC 6154 04/26/90 Procomm Plus Script For Using Jh2 To Add
Taglines To Messages While On Bbs.
RAGTAGQM.ARC 7134 04/26/90 Qmodem 4.x Script For Using Jh2 To Add
Taglines To Messages While On Bbs.
RAGTAG_3.ARC 9629 04/12/90 Telix Script For Using Jh2 To Add Taglines
To Messages On Bbs (when Not Using A Reader)
RA_100.ARC 691430 02/16/91 Remote Access Bbs V. 1.00 Fidonet Compatible
RBCOMM33.ARC 145185 04/29/91 Rbcomm V3.31 _ The "lean Mean" Comm Program.
RELAY_MZ.ARC 9247 05/19/91 Super Telix .slt used for relying with a RIME
hub. Does it all and is quite complicated yet
simple to use.
RENEX.KEY 835 08/04/91 A TELIX keymap for a RENEX Protocol
RINGBOOT.ARC 4469 04/26/91 Reboots After X Rings If Modem Won't
ROBO20_A.ARC 249042 02/25/90 Robocomm 2.0 (1 Of 2) Automated Mail Run
ROBO20_B.ARC 166885 02/25/90 Robocomm 2.0 (2 Of 2) Automated Mail Run
ROBO30_A.ARC 252126 04/29/91 Robocomm V3.0_disk 1 Of 2 _ Automates Your
Pcboard Sessions.
ROBO30_B.ARC 275374 04/29/91 Robocomm V3.0_disk 2 Of 2 _ Automates Your
Pcboard Sessions.
ROBO31_A.ARC 192134 05/23/91 Robocomm 3.1 (1 of 2) automate pcboard calls
With the ultimate tool for unattended
Communications. version 3.1 adds several new
Features. internal zmodem & ymodem_g, an
Integrated super_smart pc pursuit dialer
Special functions for sysops and an intuitive
Interface. a must have for bbs enthusiasts!
ROBO31_B.ARC 183749 05/23/91 Robocomm 3.1 (2 of 2) supports all popular
Mail doors for automated qwk & rep transfers,
Automatically downloads and uploads files and
Maintains a comprehensive database and
Catalog of files you want and files you have.
Features too numerous to name here!
Download it and revolutionize your modem.
ROBO31_U.ARC 268857 05/23/91 Robocomm 3.0 to 3.1 upgrade kit. only for
Use by people that already have version 3.0
Up and running. includes all files needed
To upgrade. see included upgrade.doc for
Instructions and summary of enhancements and
Page - 53
ROBUTL11.ARC 340212 02/26/91 Utilities for ROBOCOMM communications v1.1
ROS406.ARC 424707 06/29/91 Ros Multi User Bbs Very Fast
RS232.ARC 4427 05/12/88 Shows Lights For Internal Modem
RSDIAL.ARC 10968 11/16/90 Good Phone Dialer Easy To Use Small..
RSHLLGEO.ARC 2102 08/11/91 For Geoworks ensemble's geocomm this will
help you set up rsshell to run from geocomm
and get 10 external protocols w/ one icon in
the "world" directory. requires rshll215.zip
and protocol files. supports:hyperp, mpt,
dsz lynx, shadow, tmodem (4.00 & 6.02),
szmodem, bimodem, jmodem. also supports
gwterm so you can play global wars from
RSTUTOR.ARC 107620 11/30/88 Rs232 Tutorial With 70 Color Slides
RWG.ARC 1756 09/04/90 A batch file to compile and edit SALT
RZSZ_VMS.ARC 172190 09/12/90 Vms Zmodem_90(tm) Protocol Fast Reliable
Vms Compression Zmodem Crc_32
(dsz) Protocol From Omem Technology Inc. Las
SC31.ARC 22116 11/01/90 In Pursuit Of National Bureau Of Standards.
Set You Computer Clock And Use Pc Pursuit
SCRIPTPL.ARC 2957 06/30/90 SALT Scripts for Lynx, Puma, Jmodem.......
SCRIPTS.ARC 32384 08/04/91 More Telix Log_on Scripts!
SDIAL41.ARC 59224 12/29/90 Stardial 4.1 / Starlink Autodialing Utility.
Will Connect To Starlink Then Select Outdial
Nodes. Also Has Shell To External Protocols.
Dialing Directory, Tag Up To 10 Numbers For
SEND.ARC 6284 12/05/90 Sends String To A Com Port, Uses Fossil
SERIAL_1.ARC 7317 05/14/90 Turboc ++ Code Showing How To Use The Com
Port. Good Examples Of Classes
SFC30B.ARC 58293 01/12/91 Copy files at up to 115K baud via serial port
SHROM16C.ARC 12318 06/22/91 Freeas ALL RAM when you shell from Telix
SIMT20C.ARC 58868 11/08/90 Small Terminal Program
SK&J1202.ARC 193063 12/24/89 Superk & J_modem V4.47
SKHST101.ARC 135228 04/29/91 Superk Hst V1.01 High Speed External Protocol
SKHST102.ARC 101976 03/25/91 Super 8K Protocol for HST's v1.02. Includes
easy install and auto batch writing for
PCBoard and RBBS. Sends data in 8K blocks
for fast transfers.
SKHST105.ARC 142280 04/24/91 Super8K transfer protocol v1.05 (4_19_91)
SL.SLT 2176 08/04/91 Login script for Searchlight BBS
SLICK28D.EXE 57417 06/26/90 Modem comm program that's easy for new
SLICK43.ARC 90059 06/22/91 Terminal Program....Use w/DSZ
SLRN_110.ARC 43348 07/22/90 Roub's Telix Salt Script Writer V. 1.10
SUPERSAV.ARC 4075 01/16/90 A New Competitor To Pc Pursuit & Starlink
SUPRK445.ARC 187670 08/16/90 Superk External Protocols V.4.45, Including
Super8k And Jmodem.
SYSDEAL.TXT 10880 01/11/91 Us Robotics Deal On A Hst Modem
SYSOFFER.ARC 15635 04/29/91 Compucom's sysop offer for new 9600 bps modem
SZMOD131.ARC 318200 04/29/91 Szmodem V1.31 *new Protocol* Allows Multi_
Tasking During File Transfers.
*this Protocol Is Supported By Data Express*
Page - 54
SZMOD141.ARC 316639 01/29/91 Zmodem_compatiable Protocol More Features
SZMOD150.ARC 113237 07/09/91 Super Z Modem v1.50 Enhanced/compatible
SZMODMSE.ARC 1387 01/31/91 Logitech mouse support for SZModem protocol
SZ_TELIX.ARC 1902 02/13/91 Docs and batch files for installing Super
Zmodem (SZMOD131.ARC) in Telix 3.12..
T3FONFIL.DOC 3407 08/04/91 Technical layout of a Telix 3.xx .FON file
T3SCRIPT.ARC 47862 04/14/90 A Collection of Telix Log_on Scripts.
T3TOOLS.ARC 66229 03/24/91 Telix Utilities.
TADEX10.ARC 7556 04/23/89 Telix Auto Download For Exec_pc. Timed
TASKVIEW.ARC 2660 01/22/88 Batch Files For Running Taskview
TASYV406.ARC 40083 07/29/90 Streaming File Protocol, Baud To 115k.
TASYV411.ARC 40232 06/21/90 Fast High Speed Protocol <9600 And Above>
TASYV419.ARC 39735 04/29/91 A Streaming File Transfer Protocol For High
Speed Mnp Modems.
TBBS.SLT 1619 08/04/91 Logon script for TBBS boards.
TDIAL103.ARC 31388 01/15/89 Telix Script Files
TDIC100.ARC 35632 08/14/91 Telecomm. Dictionary v. 1.00 _ 400+ terms.
TE2_110C.ARC 239912 04/02/91 High Quality Shareware Comm Program For OS/2
Terminal Emulator/2 by Brady Flowers
Xyzmodem, VT100, ANSI, And Much More
TEAMATE.ARC 214422 02/26/89 Demo Of A Great Lan/bbs Program. Highlight
Bar Selec
TELECOMP.ARC 2916 04/29/91 Using the compucom speedmodem with telemate.
TELED211.ARC 127600 08/28/90 For Copying Disks To Files And Vice Versa
TELEREPL.ARC 100225 09/12/90 PC to PC communications
TELIX.WP 164439 08/04/91 This is a copy of the Telix.wp for WP5.1 I
had to miss a couple of pages at the front,
but otherwise it's the whole thing. Note
that the default printer is a Canon LBP4
TELIX315.ARC 464836 12/20/91 Telix, V3.15
TELIXANA.ARC 12402 02/03/90 This Program Analyzes Telix's Telix.use File
TELIXDV.TXT 2056 08/04/91 Hints on running Telix in Desqview
TELIX_DV.DOC 13519 08/04/91 Using Telix with DeskView and a mouse
TELX0791.ARC 46333 07/05/91 Telix v3.1x dialing dir of TheList.
TENDEM2X.ARC 100872 02/03/91 Operate A Pc Remotely Via Modem
TFEDEXXA.ARC 3426 05/22/91 Dexxa Mouse driver for Telix Fon Ed
TFE_100.ARC 38910 07/07/89 Telix 3.xx Phone Directory Editor
TFE_220.ARC 82772 07/22/90 Roub's Telix Fon Editor V. 2.20
TFE_221.ARC 73273 04/29/91 Telix foned v2.21 _ if you use telix, you
Need this .fon dir util!
TFIG312E.ARC 132565 03/15/91 Interactive, intuitive Telix tutorial w/man.
THELIST.ARC 70284 03/29/91 The List For April. The Largest National
Bbs List
THELP.ARC 6555 05/03/91 Telix 3.15 scripts show how to call your own
custom help screens from w/in Telix. Samples
for CIS included.
THOST125.ARC 47589 04/30/91 TinyHost v1.25 small host. (4_91)
TIMER100.ARC 7700 04/21/90 Telix script to execute other scripts at a
specified time. Capable of displaying
results (returns) from called scripts.
TIMIT10.ARC 14758 05/12/90 Time It 1.0 / Time Your Starlink Or Pcp Uasge
TINYTERM.ARC 22641 04/17/91 A 15k terminal program! no protocol support
Built_in (the author recommends dsz), but it
Is quite capable of handling ansi screens;
Perfect for laptops or desqview users!
TLCTL202.ARC 101981 08/19/90 Totalctl v2.002: allows you to use a fax or
Page - 55
Answering machine and computer on one phone
Line; support for procomm, qmodem, and telix
Included;formerly faxctl
TLX311M6.ARC 16865 02/10/90 Mouse system for Telix
TLX315_1.ARC 199187 04/02/91 Telix Version 3.15 _ 04/02/91 1 Of 3
TLX315_2.ARC 169691 04/02/91 2 Of 3
TLX315_3.ARC 95448 04/02/91 3 Of 3
TLX31MNU.ARC 9312 10/19/88 Telex Menu Program
TLX3INFA.ARC 2695 11/05/90 Information on new version of telix.
TLX3MNU1.ARC 10910 07/07/88 Telix 3.00 Logimouse Menu _ Adds Functions!
TLXDEXXA.ARC 3784 05/20/91 Dexxa mouse driver for Telix
TLXFON24.ARC 12921 07/20/91 Three telix fone dirs set to 2400
TLXMSE.ARC 2045 02/03/91 The BEST Logitech mouse menu for TELIX 3.12
TLXREF.ARC 2899 09/27/90 A configuration file for XREF112 to git
variable cross references for Salt script
TLXSET02.ARC 9722 01/19/89 Excellent Telix 3.11 Setup Instructions
TLXSET03.ARC 15576 01/14/90 How To Set Up Telix V3.12 For Best
TLXSRCH.ARC 1422 07/06/90 Search for directory entries from scripts,
TLXTIME3.ARC 44113 10/13/90 Telix script for Naval Obvs time&date Ver3
TLXTMSET.ARC 6473 12/12/90 Modified TLXTIME3.ARC to work with 4DOS The
original uses a date string on the form
12_12_1990, which is OK with PC_DOS and
MS_DOS, but not with 4DOS, which accepts
only the 08_04_91 form.
TLXTOOLS.ARC 176221 06/18/91 Power node utility for Telix comm prg.
TLXUM_C.ARC 10074 02/03/91 Slt Files To Interface Dsz With Telix
TLXUM_D.ARC 12296 06/03/90 Latest Upload Manager For Telix
TLXVGA40.ARC 5398 11/08/90 40_lines VGA/35_lines EGA _ great for Telix
MASM source included
TLX_MDRV.ARC 2650 08/02/91 Telix 3.11 Menu for Logitech mouse.
TM211_1.ARC 199328 06/07/90 Telemate 2.11 (first Of Three Files)
TM211_2.ARC 276636 06/07/90 Telemate 2.11 (2nd Of 3 Files)
TM211_3.ARC 152861 06/07/90 Telemate 2.11 (3rd Of 3 Files)
TMAIL111.ARC 22942 03/19/90 Smart Telix networking facility "THE MAIL"
Time Driven fiel and message transfer pkg.
TMOD610.ARC 51197 04/26/91 Tmodem v6.10 official release. Now has fix
for pc and board lockups due to
incompatibility w/versions prior to v5.01
when trying to connect to higher versions.
One additional switch command option. Error
messages/screens. Get 100% file transfer
efficiency! Color screen similar to MPt/Puma
TMODEM.ARC 25707 07/30/90 Tmodem, Extended Protocol Ms Dos
TMODEM24.ARC 41988 08/26/90 Tmodem File Transfer Protocol Ver 2.4
TOES114G.ARC 57292 05/21/91 Telix Opus eXpress Scripts _ Uncompiled
scripts for use with Telix and the Opus
Xpress door for off_line reading and
replying to messages. From FidoNet Zone 5.
TOLFREEC.ARC 60080 10/20/90 Complete List Of Toll Free Phone Numbers_
TRMAST16.ARC 128267 08/12/90 Transfer Master Version 1.6
TSET31.ARC 7719 11/30/88 Telix 3.x Script To Set Time From Us Naval
TSHARE.ARC 16040 01/10/91 Run Commumctns In Bckgrd Multitsk
TTY.ARC 1184 06/06/91 Communication control written in basic
Page - 56
TUM100.ARC 16174 10/13/90 A little program for TELIX
TXFDEC89.ARC 3464 12/12/89 Telix Dialing Dir For Local Bbs's
TXMDM101.ARC 5988 04/03/91 Telix v3.15 TELIX.MDM file replacement.
TXMDM103.ARC 17286 05/01/91 Newest Telix 3.15 Modem Config.
TXMDM105.ARC 8874 07/07/91 Telix.Mdm File For Mdmemcfg.EXE Program
TXMDM200.ARC 38827 09/14/91 Tlx315 Modems Cfg As Of 8_26_91
TXSWP121.ARC 25358 05/19/91 Make TELIX an 8K TSR. (5_19_91)
UBBS111A.ARC 237969 01/05/91 Pcboard Clone, Shareware, Multi_node
UC_20.ARC 218022 01/10/91 Unicomm Good Communications Prgm
UKBBTELB.ARC 22348 01/01/91 List of uk bbs in telix format latest
ULTRADL.ARC 37723 08/11/90 Automatic Phone Dialer.
USATLX01.ARC 2695 06/24/91 Telix Script file for reading USATODAY door.
Will automatically read and capture all 19
files from the USATODAY door.
USBBS78.ARC 61652 11/01/90 List Of Us Bbs's
USR42BIS.ARC 45286 04/29/91 Tired Of Waiting For Usr ? Here's How To Do
Your Own V42bis Upgrade.
USRLST13.ARC 15668 07/10/91 Create userlist bulletin for host for telix
USROBOT.ARC 18182 03/06/90 Read About The Us Robotics Modems And Sysop
V3I11.ARC 5080 02/05/90 Volume 3 Of Modem News
V42INTRO.ARC 8254 01/08/91 Information on V.42 Protocol Transfer
VALENT.ARC 90764 11/30/88 Address/phone/labeler
VMIX225.ARC 191292 05/21/90 Multi_tasker/user Version 2.25
VMSZ0606.ARC 156270 06/06/91 Forsberg's RZ/SZ X/Y/Zmodem for VMS (6_6_91)
WARPCOMM.ARC 88952 01/25/91 The Warp Communications Library
WATCHKAT.ARC 20108 08/21/90 Reboots Computer If Bbs Is Not Answering
WCOMM110.ARC 67805 02/02/91 Warp communications library v1.10 now multi_l
WCOMM111.ARC 68022 02/03/91 Warp communications library v1.11 in c & c++.
WHTPRT38.ARC 7989 12/08/90 What Comm Ports Do I Have In This Machine
WILDHST5.ARC 6861 08/17/89 Using The Us Robotics 9600 Hst Modem
WILLYDEM.ARC 825050 08/02/91 The Adventures of Willy Beamish Demo from
Dynamix/Sierra. Great VGA Grafix and great
Sound Card Support. Real game to be released
in September 1991.
WINREAD.ARC 89693 04/29/91 Offline Mail Reader For Windows
WIZLINK1.ARC 104357 03/15/91 Communictions interface for Sharp's WIZARD
WP_DELUX.ARC 1173 11/08/90 Use WP 5.1 as your editor in Qmail Deluxe2
WQVT430.ARC 124472 07/02/90 Winqvt V4.3 _ A Dec Vt220/102/52 Terminal
Emulator And Communications Program For
WTERM107.ARC 54485 03/30/91 \/\/_term V1.07 _ Bare Bones Comm Program _
Usefull To Those That Have Limited Disk And
Or Memory Space.
WXMD100R.ARC 16571 04/15/91 Wxmodem v1.00r, 4/91. public domain version
Of a decent external protocol. includes batch
Files for implementation as an external
Protocol for a comm program but similar
Files can be used to set up on a bbs. falls
Back to xmodem/crc if the connection fails
And then finally tries xmodem/sum.
XFER39.ARC 105512 12/11/90 Transfer V3.9 _ File Transfer Shell For Comm
Programs That Supports 24 Different Protocols
XFER42.ARC 61911 08/03/91 XFER v4.2 is the easiest way to add DSZ and
GSZ to your comm program. Features easy to
use pull down menus, point and shoot file
selection, batch uploads, MobyTurbo, etc.
Page - 57
Uploaded to CompuServe by the program's
XFERGEOS.ARC 1904 08/11/91 Batch file and instructions to set up DSZ or
GSZ as external protocols to GeoWorks
Ensemble's GeoComm. Requires XFER42.ARC, a
shareware program that is a shell enabling
all the features of X,Y,Zmodem,MobeyTurbo
and now Graphic Zmodem GSZ. More features
than prior Zmodem Geoworks file. DSZ/GSZ
required. and not included,some features
only w/registration of protocol.
XFONE800.EXE 260934 08/15/91 For Storing_tracking_updating, & Placing
800 # Calls
XMODEM31.ARC 19618 01/10/91 Xmodem Vers 3.1 Run With Xtalk16
XRS34EXE.ARC 99268 07/17/90 Express response system off_line rer/editor
V3.40 generic (response.exe file only)
You'll need xrs34fix & xrs33cor to set up.
XRS34OVL.ARC 102088 07/17/90 Express response system overaly version v3.40
Runs under 300k ram requires xrs34fix.zip
And xrs33cor.zip to upgrade.
XXFER33.ARC 41687 08/15/90 Xfer v3.3 zmodem transfer shell;easily allows
Batch up/downloads;can be used with a rodent:
YAMD1755.ARC 202110 03/14/90 Omen Tech Professional_yam/pc Demo Version _
YMOD100.ARC 39069 09/09/90 Ymodem Batch/ Ymodem_g Standalone Program
ZBOOT16.ARC 23342 03/14/90 Dsz Interface W/ Crash/file Recovery
ZC1750D.ARC 276223 01/22/90 Zcomm V17.50 Documentation _ File 1 Of 3
ZC1750E.ARC 199108 01/22/90 Zcomm V17.50 Executables _ File 2 Of 3
ZC1750H.ARC 128687 01/22/90 Zcomm V17.50 Online Help _ File 3 Of 3
ZC1752E.ARC 206953 02/18/90 Omen Tech's Zcomm V17.52 Executables
ZC1755E.ARC 200999 03/14/90 Omen Tech Zcomm V17.55 Executables 14 Mar 90
ZCOMD506.ARC 241071 05/06/91 ZCOMM docs, 5/6/91. Direct from Omen.
ZCOME506.ARC 186553 05/06/91 ZCOMM executables, 5/6/91. Direct from Omen.
ZCOMMEXE.ARC 196638 08/07/91 ZCOMM 17.84 .EXE (Pro_YAM knockoff) [2/3]
ZCOMMHLP.ARC 100520 08/07/91 ZCOMM 17.84 help (Pro_YAM knockoff) [3/3]
ZDOC0416.ARC 24709 04/18/91 Excellent explaination of the DSZ commands.
ZDOC0814.ARC 28731 08/14/91 DSZ Zmodem docs simplified.
ZIPAID15.ARC 32087 05/15/91 Test uploads utility for bbs for Telix.
ZMAX.ARC 48362 07/23/90 Faster Thann Zmodem?
ZMAX100B.ARC 80088 08/26/90 Zmax _ A Zmodem Driver With 'c' Source
ZMAXBETA.ARC 59876 08/18/90 Protocol driver that's a variation on zmodem
w/partial c source. v1.00.1 beta. based on
ZMOD400.ARC 40492 09/09/90 Zmodem 4.00 From Micro Tech Systems
ZMOD830.ARC 39476 08/15/91 ZMODEM v8.30 DSZ compatible module from the
authors of TMODEM. (8_15_91).
ZMODVAX.ARC 149891 08/24/90 Zmodem for dec vax systems.
Omen tech's zmodem to run under the
Vms environment, versions 4.7 or
Greater. allows for zmodem file
Transfers between vms and dos.
Page - 58
Mid-America Digital Publishing's Magnum One 02/19/92
GIF Picture Files
Name Bytes Date Description
386CHIP.GIF 226304 01_04_90 Picture of a 368 chip
49ERS.GIF 23424 01_22_91 Picture of the San Francisco 49ers logo.
55CHEVY.GIF 2993 01_04_92 55 chevy what ever
63VETTE.GIF 109696 10_22_90 A Gif Picture of a corvette
A6.GIF 109568 01_28_91 From the Gulf.... an A6 sitting on a
A7_E.GIF 121984 09_30_90 Nice air plane
ADAM1.GIF 42752 01_22_91 <1> Picture of the moon from earth.
AKAKA.GIF 249322 03_25_91 Picture of a falls
AKAKA2.GIF 221044 03_25_91 Picture of a falls
AKANE.GIF 16384 02_10_90 Picture of a liitle girl
AMBER.GIF 38067 03_25_91 Image of a pretty woman's face
AMERTANK.GIF 35372 01_24_91 Diagram of American M60A3 and M1A1 Tanks
APPLEBAL.GIF 96256 05_30_90 Nice colored balls
ARIEL2.GIF 244736 10_18_90 From "The Little Mermaid": Ariel is in
and is pulling petals off of a flower: "he
loves me, he loves me not, he loves me..."
BALLOON.GIF 42640 09_30_90 Hot Air balloons prep for liftoff
BAMBIT.GIF 5120 01_22_91 Picture of Bambi and Thumper.
BARTCLR.GIF 9344 05_07_90 Bart simpson
BARTSCLR.GIF 10368 05_07_90 Bart simpsom
BATLOGO.GIF 10240 10_22_90 Batlogo GIF
BIRD01.GIF 166925 12_07_90 Picture of a owl
BOAT2.GIF 4096 01_22_91 Boat on the ocean.
BOBCAT2.GIF 70586 01_30_91 Nice .GIF of a BobCat
CABLE4.GIF 187392 03_13_90 Beautiful woman. Adult! 640x480x256 SVGA
CAMELRID.GIF 96736 01_31_91 Reporters on a Camel in Saudi
CH1R037.GIF 147949 12_15_90 Nice Quality .GIF of a very pretty blond
laying on her side, smelling a tulip.
From Channel 1 BBS.
COMINGB.GIF 44032 01_22_91 Picture of a Shuttle launching.
COMPUTER.GIF 44155 03_20_91 .GIF of Computer Room
CPMANDLE.GIF 98386 01_26_91 640x480x16 Continuous Potential Mandlebrot
ELITE01.GIF 166912 12_22_89 <1> A GIF PICTURE OF TWO WOMEN
EWOK.GIF 48062 01_23_91 Face of an Ewok... for the kids
F117HANG.GIF 260213 02_02_91 From the Gulf: F117 in Hangar
F15LIFT.GIF 210481 02_02_91 From the Gulf.... an F15 taking off from the
Saudi Desert.
Page - 59
FALLS1.GIF 41600 10_09_90 Picture of a falls
FANTASIA.GIF 9216 01_22_91 <1> Gif file of Mickey Mouse From Fantasia
FRANGEL.GIF 5120 03_30_90 Your guess is as good as mine!
FROMBILL.GIF 14452 01_29_91 MS_DOS... Just Say NO! Cute.
GIF89A.ARC 22801 08_09_90 Text from compuserve detailing the new gif
file format. gif89a is an extension of the
'old' gif87a format.
GIZMO.GIF 32869 01_30_91 Strange contraption.
HEATHER2.GIF 46592 06_16_90 Heather Locklear
HORNET.GIF 74752 01_27_90 Plane picture
HOVER.GIF 5120 03_30_90 Hover the dawmed!
KITTY.GIF 58368 10_21_90 VGA .GIF of a laid_back feline. 320x200x256
LAUNCH.GIF 159342 05_06_90 Picture of the shuttle
LEO.GIF 182272 01_06_90 A GIF PICTURE OF LEO
LIGHTS.GIF 25856 01_22_91 Nice light house picture
LOCOMOTI.GIF 17408 04_17_90 Picture of a train
MANMOON.PIC 16384 10_22_90 Mac PIC of astronaut on moon.
MARSFACE.GIF 21504 10_22_90 An interesting GIF of a mars rock formation.
MIAMICE.GIF 8192 03_30_90 Just something to look at!!
MIRANDA.PIC 46080 10_22_90 Mac PIC of Uranus' moon with JPL expl.
MONARCH.GIF 13312 04_17_90 Nice butter fly
MORGAN.GIF 38016 06_16_90 Morgan Fairchild b&w
OPUS.PIC 26624 10_22_90 Mac PIC of Opus.
OWL.GIF 51200 09_30_90 <1> A GIF PICTURE OF AN OWL
PARROT.GIF 58368 10_22_90 Beautiful GIF of a parrot.
PASADENA.GIF 66661 04_17_90 Picture of pasadena
ROGERRAB.GIF 32768 01_06_90 Roger Rabbit.
ROSE.GIF 47104 12_08_90 Nice picture of a rose
SEASIDE.GIF 36864 05_09_90 Beach scene [320x200x256]
SI25.GIF 149504 02_22_90 Swimsuit image
SIMPSONS.GIF 15360 01_23_91 gif of the Simpsons
TMAHAWK1.GIF 225963 02_02_91 From the Gulf: Tommahawk at liftoff
TRACE003.GIF 41984 03_25_91 Stunning Colorful Ray Trace _ Hi_Res using
relatively few bytes
TURTLII3.GIF 173082 03_30_91 Ninja turtle
VPIC30.ARC 69574 04_29_91 File viewer for EGA, VGA, MCGA, SuperVGA.
Views .GIF, .MAC, .PIC, .PCX, .TGA, .IFF and
others. Slideshow capabilities.
VPIC34.ARC 87860 04_29_91 Latest version of SUPERB .GIF file viewer.
Includes drivers for most video cards.
SYSOP's NOTE: A must get if you have VGA.
VPIC40.ARC 93083 04_29_91 Latest version of VPIC, the BEST File Viewer
around. For EGA, VGA, MCGA, SVGA. Views
.GIF, .MAC, .PIC, .PCX, .TGA, .IFF, & more.
Includes drivers for most Video Boards.
VUIMG292.ARC 95108 04_29_91 Latest VUIMG, shows GIFS and more . . .
WIZZARD.GIF 18432 04_17_90 Picture of a Wizzard
YODA.GIF 197600 10_22_90 Picture of yoda
Page - 60
ZEBRAHI.GIF 204800 06_02_90 Picture of a zebbra
ZR1_1990.GIF 226055 10_22_90 Nice sun set
Page - 61
Mid-America Digital Publishing's Magnum One 02/19/92
Home & Personal Programs
Name Bytes Date Description
13RAMILL.ARC 3124 03/09/91 Nora Mill bread recipes for Meal Master.
646.ARC 103019 03/30/89 Pc Sig 646 Amy's First Primer (pre Reading
844.ARC 68259 03/30/89 Pc Sig 844 Pre School Musical Learn
ABOOK.ARC 53033 11/30/88 Address And Phone Number Database
AGETEST.ARC 2670 07/30/86 Determine your Medical Age with Questioning
ALMANAC.ARC 239955 08/16/89 The Electronic Almanac
AN.ARC 82543 09/28/89 Ample Notice_Alarm Clock and Appointment book
ANBS02.ARC 32631 09/05/91 Country & Western music, list of 500
cassette albums.
ANSWERS.ARC 203336 09/17/89 Scriptures For The Most Common Questions
ARCHTECT.ARC 39596 01/13/90 Draw Plans For Homes.
AREACODE.ARC 14446 07/20/86 Replaces Page In Phone Book For Areacodes
ATLAS.ARC 39788 01/10/88 Gives Route And Distances Between Cities
ATLAS1.ARC 259980 08/18/91 World Atlas Program
AUTOLBL2.ARC 110852 10/17/90 AutoLabel v2.1 Costomizable label_maker
BANK.ARC 86527 11/29/90 Bank Account Transaction System v3.0
BAR_B_Q.ARC 4388 04/02/90 Barbecue recipes for MealMaster.
BESTTEST.ARC 164822 09/08/90 Test/Essay/Question MAtch generator
BGTPL291.ARC 67245 04/03/91 Home Budget template for Lotus 1_2_3
BIBLEV.ARC 29527 06/21/90 Bible Verses For Your Computer
BITE10.ARC 63327 01/07/91 Excellent Weight_loss Program. Calcs
Optimal Calorie Range, Food Exchanges
BIZ_2_1A.ARC 219971 11/01/90 BizBase v2.1 Contact manager (11_90) 1/2
BIZ_2_1B.ARC 258462 03/06/91 BizBase v2.1 Contact manager (11_90) 2/2
BK45.ARC 162280 04/08/90 Version 4.5 of brother's keeper genealogy
BLKBOARD.ARC 178251 07/09/91 Blackboard. create your own diskette
tutorials. features sound effects, music,
graphics & text. easy to use. requires a
BREADS.ARC 37057 09/22/89 Several recipes for various breads.
CAL125B.ARC 250770 01/07/91 GroupWare scheduler,E_Mail,TTD,Notes,Calendar
CALAWAY2.ARC 22078 08/03/90 Callaway golf handicapping scorer.
CALKEEP.ARC 82625 10/10/91 <<ASP>> Calendar keeper ver 2.1 make your own
CALMT40C.ARC 158798 05/04/91 Calendar Mate v4.0c Scheduling & calendar
CALRP251.ARC 75340 04/08/91 CALRPT v2.51: produces a formatted calendar
CALSK102.ARC 91818 05/13/91 CALendar Preview for SideKick v1.02 (5_13)
CAL_MATE.ARC 158798 05/04/91 Multi_lingual personal calendar. (5_4)
CARS24.ARC 78708 05/26/91 Complete automobile report system _full
CASELINR.ARC 19909 10/14/90 Cassette case liner
CASEXT.ARC 2080 06/11/90 Extended description of case
CASHFL10.ARC 55971 01/01/91 Business cash flow forecaster. Predictions
CASSETTE.ARC 115549 03/15/89 Prints directories for cassette tapes
CCAKES.ARC 7652 03/03/90 Meal Master Chocolate cake recipes.
CCI.ARC 7024 06/11/90 CheeseCake ingredient information. Text
Page - 62
CC_TO_QB.ARC 3703 03/14/91 Converts Computer Chef recipes to QuikBook
CERTMAKE.ARC 414492 02/13/91 Flexible certificate maker. (2_91)
CHEZCAKS.ARC 5060 05/01/90 Meal Master Cheese Cake recipes.
CHKSTAR.ARC 250175 04/05/91 A Public Domain Prg. Much Like Quicken
CHKWAGON.ARC 3234 03/10/91 Chuckwagon Recipes for MealMaster (3_10)
CHRPRO3.ARC 101864 01/21/91 Part3 Dbase Complete Church Management
CINDONES.ARC 11171 11/27/90 Compuchef _ miscellaneous recipes.
CIO11.ARC 232917 03/22/90 Fully functional shareware version of
QUICKEN checkbook manager.
CKMSTR2.ARC 183555 06/07/90 Check master 2.0 excellent checkbook
management program
CKMSTR21.ARC 266246 10/14/90 Home Checking Program
CMATE.ARC 191290 10/22/90 Manages collectibles, cards, etc.. great !!!
CMSTR730.ARC 134531 06/01/91 Cassette Master v7.30 Cassette librarian.
CMSTR740.ARC 178642 07/21/91 CassetteMaster v7.40. Helps you catalog
cassette tapes, prints catalogs, lists, &
labels for the case and the tape. Entries fr
tape number, title, artist, and 3
user_defined fields. 07/21/91. Charles P.
Schell IV/ Unicorn Software Ltd.
COINS200.ARC 174277 03/20/90 Coin Collecters Database
COMPDATE.ARC 71255 03/28/90 Computer dating program.
CONDOM10.ARC 5275 05/20/90 Elite file encryption confound the
COUPON.ARC 31943 05/16/87 Keep track of your money saving coupons
CPLUS218.ARC 169181 03/19/91 Client tracker 2.18 for business/sales.
CREATE1.ARC 157267 12/09/90 Creativity package. enrich your creativity.
1/3 files.
CREATE2.ARC 153640 12/09/90 Creativity package 2/3
CREATE3.ARC 133575 12/09/90 Creativity package 3/3
CREDCRD3.ARC 66911 12/18/89 Credit Card Tracker And More
CRYS30.ARC 206125 06/28/91 Crystal Ball v3.0 The computerized psychic.
CSCHED.ARC 54128 08/01/90 Lets you keep track of pro football results.
contains the 1990 schedule, 1989
standings, 1989 playoff results, etc.
CSTARIII.ARC 235804 04/05/91 CheckStar III Checkbook manager (4_5_91)
DANDYWRY.ARC 210934 02/11/91 Dandylines & wrybits, 1020 quotations setup
in 5 stand alone files, may be run singley
or or invoked randomly from main module...
DELMSGS.ARC 10328 03/17/91 Delete Messages Wrote To You
DESKTEAM.ARC 121911 05/15/89 A Good Desktop Organizer & More
DIETHELP.ARC 142458 10/02/90 A Good(menu)pgm To Make You A Custom Diet
DIMSUM1.ARC 9681 05/23/90 Dimsum recipes for MealMaster.
DIPS.ARC 2046 02/06/90 Dip Recipes for MealMaster.
DIPS1.ARC 5610 11/12/90 Dip recipes for MealMaster.
DIPS2.ARC 10671 11/13/90 Dip Recipes for MealMaster.
DIPS3.ARC 4666 11/13/90 Dip recipes for MealMaster.
DIPS4.ARC 6446 11/18/90 Dip Recipes for MealMaster.
DIPS5.ARC 6103 11/19/90 Dip recipes for MealMaster.
DRAFTMAN.ARC 226202 02/20/86 Just Like The Name Says
DRBOBB.ARC 70334 09/18/90 Biorythm calculator & display, Graphics supp
DREAM.ARC 89863 02/12/91 Magic Mover __ Create Or Rearrange Your Dream
Home. Fun To Use.
DRS.ARC 991938 06/17/91 Doctor Office Mgt W/ Appointment & Scheduling
DRSHRINK.ARC 133136 08/20/90 Personality analyzer (vg)
Page - 63
DUBLTK20.ARC 127381 07/15/91 DUBLTAKE, v2.0; Dual window file comparison
utility with full ASCII viewing mode. Major
upgrade , very powerful utility.
DUT_CCF.ARC 64968 10/02/90 Dutch recipes in Compu_Chef ASCII format.
EDNACB.ARC 112715 03/10/91 Record, file, list and print your favorite
EEBOND.ARC 61833 12/27/90 Keep Up With Your Savings Bonds
EZF206.ARC 237340 02/15/91 EZ_FInance v2.06 Checkbook accountant.
EZTREE1.ARC 38339 07/27/89 Simple Geneology Tree Program
FASTBUCK.ARC 355936 11/30/90 Personal Money Management Program
FC4.ARC 104946 04/11/89 Fred's Checkbook _ fantastic checkbook manage
FOODSMP4.ARC 57698 03/25/89 Diet program with guides
FV134.ARC 9301 02/06/91 Verbose Archive Directory Lister
GARDPLNR.ARC 33247 12/22/87 helps plan your garden
GEOGRAPH.ARC 48149 10/06/88 Learn Capitals,states,planets,etc.
GLOBALHB.ARC 232623 09/27/91 Demo of globalherb which is a comphrensive
herbal reference library
GRCERY21.ARC 205040 02/22/91 The Grocery Shopper V. 2.1 Shopping List
GROCER20.ARC 39480 04/13/90 A grocery shopping helper & db.
GUIDE51.ARC 339719 10/13/90 Another Legal Aid Type Program
GUIDE512.ARC 345431 07/17/90 Home Legal Guide__ Ver. 5.12__ Legal Forms
GUIDE532.ARC 286973 01/17/91 Home&business Legal Guide
GUIDE61A.ARC 310950 05/10/91 Home\business Legal Guide V6.1 Disk 1
Of 2
GUIDE61B.ARC 308482 04/15/91 Disk 2 Of 2
HAMB1.ARC 5151 05/31/90 Hamburger recipes for MealMaster
HAMB2.ARC 9208 06/10/90 Hamburger recipes for MealMaster.
HAMB3.ARC 7931 07/08/90 Hamburger recipes for MealMaster.
HAMB4.ARC 7712 07/14/90 Hamburger recipes for MealMaster.
HBMS42.ARC 193022 04/29/91 Home Budgett Management System
HELPER.ARC 107555 06/24/89 A Ministers Helper/planner Program
HLTHRISK.ARC 193030 08/04/89 A Program To Analize Your Health Risk.
HMS4.PKA 82816 02/12/89 "home Mgmt".v 4.0 Menu Driven Good
HNDWRITE.ARC 101264 04/14/91 Excellent handwriting analyzer. (4_14_91)
HOMECOLL.ARC 21663 06/25/90 a collection of over 50 pre_designed
forms for home use. Requires Formgn4x.
HOMEINV.ARC 63028 05/22/85 Do a complete home inventory with this
HOT89C.ARC 146604 02/11/90 Home office tax calculator for 1989
HOUSEDES.ARC 31218 12/22/87 Design your own dream house
INFOSELT.ARC 184607 11/11/90 Post It Notes For Your Computer _ Exc
INVEST1.ARC 46937 01/23/90 Investment And Savings Analysis
JI.ARC 137381 09/02/90 Inventory Program For Business
JOBORIEN.ARC 102318 07/08/89 "job Orientation Inventory"
JOUR21A.ARC 200340 12/18/90 Personal Journal & Address Book v2.1a
KEY352.ARC 236961 08/24/90 KeyHole v3.52 recipe database + (8_90)
KINFOLKS.ARC 187411 04/15/89 Geneology Recording System
LABELS51.ARC 3135 03/14/91 Various labels information for WP 5.1
LBS2.ARC 19945 06/21/90 Cheesecake recipes from around the world.
Meal Master format.
LMASTR41.ARC 286279 02/07/90 Lood label program with many options
LOGCHK12.ARC 59959 04/29/91 Logchek (formerly Callview) Will Display Your
Caller Logs In Reverse Chronological Order In
A Scrolling Window. Key Phrases Are
Colorized To Make Reading Easier. V1.2 Now
Includes Keyword Searching. Written By
Page - 64
Michael Nelson Of Seahunt Bbs. Freeware!
MAILFILE.ARC 50539 03/20/91 Send Files To Users Mailbox
MAILLST.ARC 93739 06/19/90 Automates your personalized mailing lists
MAP100.ARC 48731 07/13/90 Menu application programmer v1.00.
MASDR54A.ARC 92913 04/27/91 SDL Master Directory DIR & Disk label printer
MAXICAL.ARC 113391 09/09/90 Appointment scheduler calendar system
MCHOC.ARC 10256 03/10/90 MealMaster chocolate rcipes.
MDEMO202.ARC 133361 10/09/90 Makedemo upgrade (text based) sound, animatio
MED106A.ARC 327356 10/07/91 Medical Office Disk 1 Of 2
MED106B.ARC 189437 10/07/91 Disk 2 Of 2
MEMBER.ARC 375613 05/29/90 Great Membership Program For Your Church
MENUPLAN.ARC 52084 10/02/90 How Many Calories & It Makes The Menu.
MG310.ARC 162008 12/21/90 Mirco Gourmet v3.10 Recipe database. (12_21)
MIZDOC25.ARC 13073 05/21/90 Moneymizer v2.5: personal checking, 1 of 2
MIZER25U.ARC 2139 05/27/90 Money mizer v2.5 update files
MM1000.ARC 486758 08/18/91 1,000 Recipes In Meal Master Format.
MM607S.ARC 102415 12/28/89 Meal_master A Database For Menus
MMAPET.ARC 7956 01/28/90 Appetizer recipes for MealMaster.
MMAPPLE1.ARC 7276 03/16/91 Apple recipes for MealMaster. 1 of 2
MMAPPLE2.ARC 6605 03/17/91 Apple recipes for MealMaster. 2 of 2
MMAS614.ARC 252669 11/09/90 MealMaster recipe database ver 6.14
MMBREAD.ARC 7132 02/17/91 Bread recipes for MealMaster.
MMCAJUN3.ARC 17029 11/12/89 Cajun recipes for MealMaster. (#3 in series)
MMCHIC.ARC 8318 04/03/91 Chicken recipes for MealMaster.
MMCOOKY.ARC 5608 12/29/90 MealMaster Cookie recipes.
MMCW_4_1.ARC 18567 02/17/91 Microwave recipes for MealMaster. 1 of 2
MMCW_4_2.ARC 17895 02/17/91 Microwave recipes for MealMaster. 2 of 2
MMDONE.ARC 710120 06/28/91 Mealmaster Db For W/ Many K's Of Recipes
MMEXICAN.ARC 10074 02/07/90 Mexican recipes for MealMaster.
MMFISH.ARC 1493 01/06/91 Fish recipes for MealMaster.
MMGERMN1.ARC 17294 01/20/90 German recipes for MealMaster.
MMGERMN2.ARC 22884 02/17/91 German recipes for MealMaster.
MMLOFAT2.ARC 8658 03/21/91 Low Fat recipes for MealMaster.
MMPICKLE.ARC 8856 12/29/90 MealMaster Pickle recipes.
MMSOURDO.ARC 6846 12/29/90 Sourdough recipes for MealMaster.
MMSTEW.ARC 1194 10/25/90 Stew recipes for MealMaster.
MMSTRAWB.ARC 7475 03/31/91 Strawberry recipes for MealMaster.
MMVEAL.ARC 933 01/06/91 Veal recipes for MealMaster.
MMVEGY.ARC 12863 04/14/91 Vegetarian recipes for MealMaster.
MMVEGY2.ARC 14703 04/14/91 Vegetarian recipes for MealMaster. #2
MM_TO_QB.ARC 3590 03/17/91 Convert MealMaster recipes to QuickBook
MORTOPT.ARC 58457 08/24/90 Mortgage prepayment system, shows roi for
MT_110.ARC 131971 05/17/91 Muzitrak cd cataloger. All new version 1.10.
This program will track all your CD's
MUSICV10.ARC 37925 04/03/91 Catalogues records, tapes and cds
MVTGO104.ARC 51521 03/21/91 Music video catalog: mobile & club dj's
NAMEVMC.ARC 238768 04/11/91 Spinelli: VMC Name/Address system
NAVYPASS.ARC 65028 05/22/90 Security System For Your Computer
ND11.ARC 190782 05/19/91 PC Nutri_Diet_Food analysis for 4700 foods
NFL_1991.ARC 54147 05/07/91 Track and predict pro_football scores for 1st
half of 1991_92 season. Registration gets
you the last half of the season.
ODAY222.ARC 117074 02/02/91 OmniDay electronic diary for up to 10 people
ODAY227.ARC 134668 05/24/91 OmniDay v2.27 Diary with up to 10 users
ODIZK231.ARC 110503 01/08/91 OmniDizk v2.31 Disk cataloger & labeler.
Page - 65
OMNIMEAL.ARC 115649 09/26/90 OmniMeal v2.30 recipe cataloger. (9_26)
PAL21.ARC 278836 07/09/90 Pal v2.1 peraonal appointment locator. has
some unique features.
PANAL20.ARC 190600 08/27/90 Portfolio analyst _ stock/bond/fund tracking
and analysis system. download prices from
prodigy, or enter manually. excellent, well
PC1420.ARC 208979 01/17/91 Personal Calendar Ver 14.20
PCAREA_1.ARC 84245 12/14/89 Area Code Program 1 Of 2
PCAREA_2.ARC 193186 12/14/89 Area Code Program 2 Of 2
PCBGT231.ARC 171337 09/03/91 PCBudget v2.31: complete, menu_driven home
financial management pgm; payment reminders,
automatic transactions, net worth,
income/ex_ pense, taxable items, VGA/EGA/CGA
bar graphs, print checks, on_line help,
mouse support; 09/03/91; ProLogic Software
and Services
PCBUD202.ARC 192927 03/24/91 PC_Budget v2.02 Home budget & record keeper.
PCIM15.ARC 62752 05/20/91 PC Images v1.5 Image recorder/player.
PCIMAG16.ARC 59143 04/10/91 PC_Image TSR to capture most screens to disk
PCIPPK.ARC 449538 03/29/90 PC IP drivers from MIT Labs.
PCM_D1.ARC 217428 06/12/89 "personal Contact Manager" Disk 1 Of 2
PCM_D2.ARC 163069 06/12/89 "personal Contact Manager" Disk 2 Of 2
PCPAYNEW.EXE 240319 09/05/90 Small Business Payroll Program (shareware
PCRECIPE.ARC 33054 09/07/85 Keep track of your favorite recipes with this
PCTICKLE.ARC 159976 02/06/89 Personal Organizer
PC_ECAP.ARC 81319 09/14/90 Electronic Circuit Analysis v1.10 by Peter V.
PDUTCH03.ARC 15939 10/02/90 Penn Dutch Recipes #3 Compu Chef format.
PDUTCH04.ARC 16265 10/02/90 Penn Dutch Recipes #4 Compu Chef format.
PERSONAE.ARC 5474 01/21/91 Who Are You When You Write?
PFROI40A.ARC 194792 10/16/90 Portfolio Manager, v4.0. 2 of 2 (10_9_90)
PFROI40B.ARC 177484 10/17/90 Portfolio Manager, v4.0. 1 of 2 (10_9_90)
PHLBL21.ARC 61583 08/25/91 Phlbl V2.1 Phil Herron Labeler. Print labels
and Rolodex style cards.
PIES1.ARC 39364 06/08/90 Pie recipes for MealMaster.
PIES2.ARC 9949 10/23/90 Pie recipes for MealMaster.
PITSTOP.ARC 43610 06/01/91 Great program for planning travel
PM23_1.ARC 215619 04/29/89 Property Management 1 Of 4
PM23_2.ARC 147302 04/29/89 Property Management 2 Of 4
PM23_3.ARC 42883 04/29/89 Property Management 3 Of 4
PM23_4.ARC 131110 04/29/89 Property Management 4 Of 4
PMANAG21.ARC 194530 08/13/90 Portfolio manager stock/bond/fund management
and analysis system. interacts with prodigy
and market manager. v2.1
PMANAGE2.ARC 194361 08/14/90 Portfolio manager stock/bond/fund management
and analysis system. track your investments.
this zip file replaces pmanager.ARC!!!!!
pmanager.ARC is missing 2 files...
interacts with prodigy and market maker.
PMIS_01.ARC 188539 04/16/91 Personal Management Information System v1.2
PROPAKD.ARC 121621 08/12/90 Falk programmer's productivity pack see extra
PROPAKP.ARC 244407 08/12/90 Falk programmer's productivity pack
PROS15.ARC 181181 04/07/91 Pro$tock v1.5
stock quote utilities for the prodigy
PRTCHECK.ARC 14902 05/28/91 PrintCheck check printer & database.
PS1410.ARC 147856 10/31/90 Appointment reminder w/ clock, calendar, etc.
Page - 66
PTASK.ARC 85956 02/11/91 Personal Project Tracker for almost any app
PVLAB101.ARC 69009 02/14/91 Plain Vanilla Labels v1.01 Easy & convenient
QBOOK96A.ARC 101778 03/01/90 QuickBook recipe database v9.6a (3_90)
QCHECK.ARC 355961 06/12/89 "qcheck" Ver. 6.01 Menu Driven
QEASY.ARC 29133 07/06/90 Address index program
QLABLE3.ARC 138484 04/09/91 QuickLabel v3.0 free_style labeler.
QTHOR.ARC 37579 06/01/90 Quick thoroughbred tracking system.
QUICKLST.ARC 179037 01/20/90 Home Inventory Program
READUT.ARC 98546 11/23/90 Enhance your writing with this, from new zeal
RECEIPT.ARC 2674 07/09/86 Handy for printing copies of receipts for reb
RECIPES.ARC 5081 12/28/90 Recipes For Meal Master.
REC_TAPE.ARC 25399 07/16/88 Librarian v3.1 _ cassette/reel/record/VCR tap
REM23.ARC 43804 02/19/91 Remind v2.3 Birthday/Anniversary, anything
REMIND50.ARC 52878 12/15/90 REMIND v5.0 Calendar/dates/appointments/list.
RESUME.ARC 93898 10/10/94 Easy to use flexible resume writer.
RES_SHP2.ARC 118484 12/17/89 Resume Program.
ROADW254.ARC 251773 05/31/91 Find The Best Route Between Cities
RP20A.ARC 88943 08/21/90 Recipe processor version 2.0 very good recipe
program will import meal master many featurs
RP27CS.ARC 195643 08/12/91 Uncut shareware version of the recipe
processor. now imports from compu_chef as
well as meal_master! also has new edit
options. includes fat, calorie, sodium, and
cholestoral calculator. 08_12_1991.
RQM.ARC 121833 02/15/91 Retirement quick monitor v2.1 will calculate
and display the savings necessary to retire
at any age.
RTM211.ARC 142101 01/05/91 Pop_up list of ToDo, Appointments, Schedules
RUNRIT.ARC 24152 06/05/91 Calculator for runners or joggers
SAS.ARC 311846 09/17/90 Point Of Sales Program (shareware)
SCART20.ARC 74151 08/07/90 Shopping cart v2.0 creates a grocery list,
including total cost of all listed items.
maintains info for up to 9 stores with price
comparisons & prints lists.
SCHED101.EXE 42628 08/06/90 Schedule program update v1.01.
SHOPAD11.ARC 151001 01/19/91 Shoppers Advantage V1.1 Database For Coupons
And Shopping Lists. Very User Freindly.
SHS10.ARC 333807 10/29/90 Smart home shopper v1.0 asp author. low reg
SIFD21A.ARC 145865 08/18/90 Phonebook And More! Does Everything
SIFM43A.ARC 195073 08/18/90 Excellent Menu And More. Pretty Nice
SIGN33.ARC 162790 12/30/89 Learn Sign Language!
SINE.ARC 8457 06/17/91 Stress reliever (?)
SITTER2.ARC 59145 07/11/91 Info for your babysitter displayed on your
PC. Will call you and/or emergency numbers.
SNAP14.ARC 131192 02/01/91 Such's Nice Address Program v1.4
SONGTIME.ARC 29263 08/28/91 If you record your own CDs on audio tape,
get this.
SOWEST1.ARC 12189 04/08/90 Info on Mexican cooking styles. (Not recipes)
SOWEST2.ARC 5900 04/25/90 Southwestern recipes for MealMaster.
SOWEST3.ARC 8694 04/25/90 Southwestern recipes for MealMaster.
SOWEST4.ARC 7146 04/25/90 Southwestern recipes for MealMaster.
STITCH23.ARC 85855 09/09/90 Cross_stitch Patterns Ver.2.3
STORM61.ARC 180220 07/24/91 STORM v6.1 Hurricane tracker.
SURVEY34.ARC 141373 01/18/91 SURVEY v3.4 opinion survey analyzer
TAKEHOME.ARC 219924 11/30/90 Takehome V 3.6 _ Net Pay Calculator For
TAPEMK15.ARC 62035 07/15/91 Helps you choose songs to go on audio tapes.
TCD103.ARC 42428 02/04/91 The Compute Diary v1.03 Menu driven diary
Page - 67
TFEDOB5A.ARC 104967 01/15/91 The Family Edge vb.5a Genealogy
TFEPRB5A.ARC 169788 01/15/91 The Family Edge vb.5a Genealogy
TFEUTB5A.ARC 137912 01/15/91 The Family Edge vb.5a Genealogy
TKLEX53.ARC 332044 12/21/89 Ticklex Appointment Scheduler & More
TM2.ARC 228511 04/21/89 Task Master V 2.0 By Rks_ An Organizer
TRAC10.ARC 118612 05/03/90 Employee Tracking Database _ Vacations,
Sick Leave, Etc. Latest Version
TYPINSTR.ARC 188634 03/20/91 Typing Instructor Learns You How To Type
UDNOTE11.ARC 76557 09/03/90 NotePad with many extras. May be TSR. (9_90)
UPLOT20B.ARC 198055 10/06/90 Universal Plotter v2.0 by Roy Lung (10_6_90)
VAC27.ARC 178361 07/27/90 Employee Vacation Scheduler_local Author
VMSYS2.ARC 158203 01/07/90 Records On Car Maint., Gas, Mpg & More.
W4_109.ARC 86311 09/03/90 Make Changes To Your Deductions.
WEDDNG20.ARC 142846 01/17/91 Wedding Planner/Organizer v2.00 (1_17_91)
WEIGTLOS.ARC 139422 10/02/90 Make Your Own Custom Weight Loss Program.
WILL.ARC 22185 07/29/86 will maker, just answer some questions
WORD.ARC 185420 12/17/89 Educational Program For Children,
Ages 4 To 7
WRITERS.ARC 87077 02/10/91 Handwriting analysis
ZIPCODR3.ARC 277932 09/01/91 ZIPCoder v1.22 Zipcode encoder. 3/3.
ZK0389.ARC 127639 04/16/89 Zipkey _ Zipcode Overlay As Of 03/01/89
ZK10E.ARC 116385 04/16/89 Zipkey _ Zipcode Utility For Data Entry
Page - 68
Mid-America Digital Publishing's Magnum One 02/19/92
Graphics, Sound & Video
Name Bytes Date Description
1989.ARC 8283 12/23/88 1989 Calendar _ Printmaster
3270.ARC 7472 01/31/91 Single Graphic driver _ WP 5.1
3DM.ARC 30227 01/25/88 Dalfi Grafics Demo Type 3dm To Run
3DMAND.ARC 335745 08/31/91 3D Mandelbrot Fractal Generator and Animator
w/many options. 8.91.
4GIF11.ARC 44777 10/01/91 Edit descriptions of GIF files under 4DOS
requires VPIC and 4Dos, works in dual screen
55CHEVY.ARC 3446 05/10/88 Gif Picture Of The Classic!
7_F14S.ARC 31827 07/12/90 Awesome fighter planes,ya know,top gun stuff
AAPLAY.ARC 85880 10/22/90 Autodesk's Animator Demo For .fli Files
ALLARD2.ARC 147333 04/16/90 Another Classic Car (gif Form)
ALPHATST.GIF 146164 07/16/91 Neat computer_generated image.
ANIM2.ARC 1512 08/18/90 Anamation demos in basic
ANI_DEMO.ARC 51562 08/23/90 Great animation drawing program. examples
ANSI137.ARC 49640 05/10/91 Different Ansi With Source.
ANSICOM1.ARC 39717 07/15/91 Collection of 45 colourful ANSI screens
compiled as "com" files _ explode to screen.
ANSICV11.ARC 49598 01/06/91 GIF to ANS converter.
ANSIDRV.ARC 5597 04/17/91 Using the ANSI Driver.
ANSIKWIK.ARC 21016 01/19/88 Add Ansi Color To Text Files Fast
ANSIMATE.ARC 76598 05/19/91 Learn how to use ansi.sys with ansi_mate put
ANSIPICS.ARC 178134 12/02/90 About a 100 ANSI graphics pictures.
ANSIPL20.ARC 185267 07/08/91 ANSI Play, version 2.0. Lets you add music
strings to ANSI graphics, edit, or remove
ANSIREM2.ARC 10692 04/24/91 Removes ANSI escape sequences from text files
& converts cursor forward commands to a
single space. (4_18_91)
ANSISHOW.ARC 308846 08/24/91 ANSI GRAPHICS tools. ANSI Digitizer, ANSI
Watch, Quick Titles, and ANSI graphics
Viewer. Requires ANSI.SYS to be loaded.
ANSISR03.ARC 126510 08/16/90 Collection of ANSI screens, volume 3
ANSISWAP.ARC 30062 09/16/90 Ansi file swap program.
ANSIWTCH.ARC 40815 01/01/91 Program: ANSIWatch GR70.0 File viewer that
ANSI_PAK.ARC 22685 07/04/90 A collection of amazing ANSI BBS
ASTRBLST.ARC 176551 06/28/91 Astro_Blast GIF 640X480X256
ATREK22.ARC 15337 05/22/90 Start trek fans, ANSI color files.
ATT_VGA2.ARC 5908 08/29/89 Run Vga On A At&t 6300
ATYPE_11.ARC 13638 04/28/91 A_TYPE v1.1. Displays ASCII, ANSI, ANSI
AUTOSKEM.ARC 93543 11/17/88 Auto Schematic Drawing Package
AXELF.ARC 2220 02/27/88 Play Axel F Theme On Your Computer
AZFLAG.ARC 3791 06/17/90 Here it is. the arizona flag
BACKTALK.ARC 11848 01/01/80 Makes Your Computer Talk Back At You
Page - 69
BANANOID.ARC 38745 08/25/90 Stunning Vga Paddle Game; Requires Mouse
BARTBORD.ARC 230117 03/20/91 .fli Of Bart On A Skateboard...so So
BASMUS.ARC 195879 09/29/90 Huge Collection Of Songs In Basic...good!
BGANS11.ARC 13674 04/17/90 ANSI viewer which also allows
BIKEBABE.ARC 182724 09/11/90 Great 640x480x256 Gif Of Girl On A
BINED.ARC 58622 11/05/90 Easy to use "sprite" animator for EGA,VGA
BIO302SW.ARC 36412 12/08/90 Biorythm charting in vga/ega. super quality.
BIOSFUNC.ARC 2482 07/03/90 Set video to CGA/vga/ega your choice
BLAST10.ARC 41566 05/28/91 Flat Ascii data file prep utility Strip
BMWDEMO.ARC 941915 05/02/91 DEMO of 1991 BMW'S, With Drivers TEST IN
GRAPHICS. Also highlites of their cars from
earlier years.
BUGSBUNY.ARC 8644 03/18/89 Yes, It's Bugs!
BWVID.ARC 6110 01/09/88 Let's You Run Color Prog. On A Mono. Mon.
BYDES.ARC 205027 03/17/91 ByDesign _ Shareware version from StreetWise,
Graphics designer for WordPerfect 5.0 & 5.1
BY_DESIN.ARC 291688 03/17/91 A Graphic Designer For Wordperpect
CARSON.ARC 22980 11/16/89 As We Know Him!
CARTOONS.ARC 330406 11/18/90 Collection of cartoons
CDA_ACAD.ARC 310561 06/23/90 Map of canada .dxfed from corel draw! v1.2
CGA3.ARC 51580 09/20/90 Emulate CGA text files to EGA/VGA
CINEMA10.ARC 42197 07/06/90 A very flexible slide show pgm
CLIP1.ARC 61759 06/24/90 A toolbook clip art sampler. runtime needed
CLIPPCX.ARC 61391 05/29/90 Clipper Function Library For Displaying
CLOCK3.ARC 12949 09/27/88 Rolex Clock For Cga
CLOWN.ARC 200657 11/21/89 Vgademo Program.
COASTER.ARC 335407 03/29/90 Great vga fli image of a roller coaster ride
COFFEE.ARC 7989 03/01/89 Graphics Show For You Coffee Drinkers
COLOR.ARC 1667 11/06/86 Set Screen Colors Without Ansi.sys
COLOR102.ARC 14144 03/23/91 ANSI screen colour utility.
COLORPG.ARC 2686 03/14/85 Add Color To Dos 2.10 Or Higher
COLORS.ARC 2065 02/21/85 System To Set Screen Colors At Startup
COLORS01.ARC 36099 11/19/86 Change Screen Colors From Dos
COLOURS.ARC 773 11/26/86 Change Display Colors
COLRSCRN.ARC 1667 11/30/88 Change The Color Of Your Screen At Will
COM2MAC.ARC 1085 08/17/90 Converting com pics back to mac from rawhide
COMPART.ARC 235198 08/15/91 Computer op_art gif format ray traced svga
CONFETTI.ARC 30499 11/21/89 Nice Graphic Demonstration (ega/vga/cga)
COWBOY.ARC 1418 07/06/91 Wonderful ansi drawing of a cowboy.
CRPGIF11.ARC 33146 04/16/90 Cropgif v1.1: cut out part of a .gif
and save it to another file. mouse
CRPGIF13.ARC 31916 05/09/91 Version 1.3 of this utility which allows you
to crop GIF files.
CRT_SAV4.ARC 6908 04/05/88 Cga Ega Vga Screen Saver
CRUMPICS.ARC 47496 03/23/91 Ansi screens, very good!
CSET.ARC 7150 07/14/87 Set Video Colors In "dos"
CSHOW811.ARC 283735 08/25/90 Cshow V8.11 Mac, Gif, Rle Viewer
CSHOW82.ARC 294796 10/01/90 Gif Viewer
CSHOW832.ARC 189053 06/01/91 Compushow V8.32, Gif, Tga, Pcx, Etc
Viewer. Supports Most Graphics Cards
CSHOW833.EXE 118278 07/22/91 Newest version of CSHOW 8.33a
CSHW833A.ARC 114972 06/19/91 CSHOW, v8.33a; .GIF viewer from CI$, 6/19/91
CSHW833B.ARC 193140 09/23/91 Update To Gif Viewer From Compuserve
DAZE40.ARC 81657 11/12/90 Dazzle _ A Pretty Good Vga Kalidascope
Page - 70
DBLAST10.ARC 214198 04/14/91 Turn Your Soundblaster Card Into A Drum
DCS1DEMO.ARC 135835 05/29/91 Computer concepts corporation's digital
commercial system (dcs) self_runing demo
v0 audio source storage, programming &
& retrieval system. network compatible.
can be used as an automation source, cart
deck, etc. compatible with satellite remote
DEBUT140.ARC 100562 07/15/90 ANSI drawing program that rivals TheDraw
DECOR10.ARC 255044 06/04/91 DECOR v1.0: Graphics Resource Browser and
Icon Editor for MS_Windows 3; retrieve icons
and bitmaps in a Windows program,
application or library; full clipboard
access to retrieve icons and bitmaps; full
16 color editing of icons; edited programs
can be run from Program Manager, File
Manager, or inside Decor; screen grab
utility captures screen to clipboard;
06/04/91; B.F. Wooton Computing.
DESIGN_8.ARC 66831 07/07/91 Very good ansi design program. One of the
DESKDOC.ARC 47604 01/10/88 Another Desktop Publisher (shareware)
DESTKNIT.ARC 53081 06/16/90 Bard's tale ii character
DISKPX19.ARC 58103 07/16/90 Diskpix v1.9:
DISPLAY.ARC 464478 12/30/90 Various Graphics In Cga,ega, & Vga.
DKB202.ARC 205179 07/22/90 Make your own ray_traced graphics. v2.02
DL_VIEW1.ARC 24285 03/21/90 .Dl viewer use to view vga image files
that end with the .dl extension note
this will not work with grasp images
DSTAR01.ARC 25100 05/11/90 Autodesk animation of tie fighter
approaching the death star. requires
DTP15.ARC 322032 12/15/90 Desktop Paint v1.5 Monochrome paint package
DW5_DEMO.ARC 233582 04/18/90 Demo of ibm's display write 5. (grasp)
D_7.ARC 21723 06/14/90 Scan of klingon d_7 battle cruiser.
EGA.ARC 37067 05/29/86 A Number Of Text Files On The Ega
EGA2VGA3.ARC 105625 01/13/89 Convert Gif 16_colors _> 256 Colors No
Video Req
EGA43.ARC 1005 08/03/90 Easy Switch Between 43 & 25 Line Mode
EGA50.ARC 2888 11/19/86 Set 25,35,43 Or 50 Lines On Ega
EGABLANK.ARC 1761 11/01/87 Screen Blanker From Pcmag 9/30/86
EGABLK.ARC 7847 12/05/87 Screen Blanker
EGACOLOR.ARC 28965 10/26/88 For Programmers! Helps Select Colors & Set
EGACUS.ARC 10638 05/14/87 Ega Palette Setter
EGADDEMO.ARC 54855 11/27/88 Ega Monitor Demo _ Excellent!
EGADEMO1.ARC 126081 01/15/88 This Is A Collection Of Ega Trix.
EGAFAST.ARC 30072 04/17/88 Source Code For Ega Screen Write Routines
EGAFNT25.ARC 63545 07/08/90 Ega Fonts
EGAFUN.ARC 283861 04/09/88 Great Ega Games_5 Total
EGAINFO.ARC 17831 07/15/87 Tech Info On The Ega Card
EGANORM.ARC 14559 05/04/87 Ega Mode, Cursor, And Palette Resetter
EGASAV.ARC 4191 05/03/88 Ega Or Cga Screen Saver.
EGASET.ARC 39322 11/30/88 Helpful In Adjusting Colors On Ega Monitor
EGA_UTIL.ARC 2334 03/22/85 Ega Utilities 120 Cols 50 Rows Etc. Good!
ESTORY91.ARC 52922 06/30/91 Enhanced StoryBoard _
Page - 71
This is the PRE_Release Version of 1.0
This version .91 is largely a GRAPHICAL Only!
EV678DEV.ARC 41720 07/03/90 Extended Bios functions for everex vido card
EVNANSI.ARC 47244 07/03/90 Support for everex video w/source
EXAMFLI.ARC 205561 05/26/90 Great future medical exam fli
EXPLO203.ARC 56225 02/02/90 Exploding style graphics screen saver program
with C source code
EXPLS122.ARC 13914 06/24/90 Screen Blanker W/fire Works Display
F005.ARC 78655 08/31/91 A great hi_res fractal, nice effect when
FALL05.ARC 14635 07/27/90 Pcx of canadian goose flying
FANSI11.ARC 5238 05/26/91 A couple of ANSI pics by Tim
FASTSCRN.ARC 537 05/15/88 Speeds U P Or Slow Down Screen Write
FGL101.ARC 12737 06/02/91 Fast Graf/Light 1.01 _ Fixes bug in
fg_tranfer (something like that) for versions
of FGL before June. Downloaded directly from
authors BBS.
FGL10_A.ARC 111922 05/31/91 FastGraph Lite 1.0 _ Graphics Library 1/3
100+ low level routines for programming in
MSC, MS FORTRAN, QuickC, TurboC, QBasic. 19
text and graphics video modes, mouse, sound.
FGL10_B.ARC 188880 05/31/91 FastGraph Lite 1.0 _ 2/3
FGL10_C.ARC 52471 05/23/91 FastGraph Lite 1.0 _ 3/3
FG_XMAS.ARC 33620 06/02/91 Christmas card from Ted Turner (author of
FG). Includes source. Good demo of the
types of things you can do with
FILM.ARC 49562 10/20/90 A character_graphics animation of my trip to
FINGERPT.ARC 154058 04/17/91 Finger paint pretty good drawing package
FIREBLNK.ARC 17933 03/19/91 Fireworks display for your pc.
FJOKE.ARC 56233 08/28/90 FBI Joke
FONTEDIT.ARC 156306 09/28/89 Hplj Soft Font Viewer & Editor (demo). Cga
Mouse Ok
FONT_M.ARC 69950 09/03/91 FONT MANIA is designed for editing EGA and
VGA screen fonts. The fonts may be saved in
a com file, or incorporated into batch files
to facilitate their subsequent use.
Menu_driven. 09_03_1991.
FOXS.ARC 52608 05/25/91 Hi res fox wolverine, hyena
FRACLAND.ARC 28634 02/28/91 Interactive 3d fractal landscapes vga.
FRACTL18.ARC 49195 03/21/90 Generate mandelbrot fractal images on
your pc
FRACWVE.ARC 66280 06/20/90 Dynamic animated graphics program
FRAIN14R.ARC 275943 08/13/90 Fractint v14r: a very powerful fractal
generator. easy to use and generates
interesting images
FRAINT16.ARC 396529 06/02/91 Fractint _ Fractal generating program v16
Built in demo, Online help.
FRASRC14.ARC 379746 08/02/90 Fractal c src 8/2/90 update fraint14 msc 5_6
asm and c source code update for one of the
best fractal generating programs available.
FREE15A.ARC 21905 05/27/90 Freeware 15 for old print shop status 5/29/90
FS4.ARC 34798 04/27/90 Hi_Res fs4 driver for the video7 1024i vga bo
FSTCAD.ARC 230697 11/07/90 Fastcad Demo_needs Mathchip,will Not Plot
Or Save Files
FULLTREK.ARC 392977 03/21/90 Fli format of startrek.
FUNNIES.ARC 22879 06/10/90 Comic strip characters for mjvga21.
Page - 72
FUSE.ARC 54827 11/27/88 Kaleidoscope For Ega _ Varied Patterns.
G14FIX.ARC 21793 03/06/88 Ega Screen Save/restore Fix For Glib14.arc
GDS105.ARC 155399 03/11/91 Graphics Display Program
GEOCLK43.ARC 157852 06/08/91 GeoClock v43 (EGA/VGA/SVGA version)
GEOSDEMO.ARC 631562 07/30/90 Geoworks' demo must have vga
GIF2WP36.ARC 28357 05/27/90 Convert .gif to wp5.x wpg graphic files v3.6a
GIFC075.ARC 10363 04/23/90 Utility to list gif files, w/stats.
GIFDES32.ARC 32795 08/11/90 Gifdesk v3.2 allows viewing multiple gif
images on screen at once & writing to
another gif file for cataloging.
GIFDESK3.ARC 32322 06/18/90 View mult. gif images at once on a vga
GIFEXE.ARC 29211 06/26/91 Allows GIF File to be saved as EXE
GIFNDX10.ARC 17402 05/12/91 Gif indexer v1.0 _ written by dan linton at
GIFPICS.ARC 48388 04/14/90 Ferrari, Goofy, Garfield, Wine Gif Pics
GIFSC112.ARC 41386 08/13/90 Program to list the screen size of gif files
GIFSIZE1.ARC 45025 07/19/91 Change the size/dimension of gif files.
GOLD20.ARC 407944 06/18/91 FastMenu GOLD v2.0 Graphic (GUI) Menu System
_VGA_ Only, many features
GRABB387.ARC 112555 08/12/91 Grabber v3.87. TSR screen capture.
GRABBIT.ARC 13395 06/13/90 Grabbit ("groger grabbit") v1.0
GRAFWK61.ARC 341786 09/06/91 █▓▓▒▒░░ Graphic Workshop 6.1 ░░▒▒▓▓█ View,
prints, converts, dithers, reverses, scales,
transforms,colour reduces, scans, colour
adjusts and crops image files,works with
TGA CUTEXE EPS and XT files. Supports mt
display cards, prnters ndHP scanners. Easy
menu driven interface, DOS 5.0 compatible.
GRAPH11.ARC 68173 08/21/91 Freeware Experimental Grapher version 1.1
Plots X_Y graphs of experimental data,
includes Turbo Pascal source.
GRAPHICS.TXT 8210 08/04/91 This is an editorial about how graphical
user interfacing could proove very harmful
to blind end users unless the industry gets
its act togother.
GRAYPL.ARC 1436 07/16/91 A CorelDraw 2.0 file of 100 shades of gray.
From Compuserve DTP forum.
GRFWK60D.ARC 322677 09/03/91 Graphic Workshop 6.0d. This is a complete
rewrite of Graphic Workshop. It views,
prints, converts, dithers, halftones,
transforms, effects and muttates image
files. Works with MacPaint, IMG, PCX, GIF,
EPS and a few others. Supports pretty well
all VGA cards and printers. From ALchemy
GRFWK61C.ARC 342481 09/09/91 Graphic Workshop v6.1a Graphics manipulator
for most popular formats & cards. 9_9_91.
GTEXT.ARC 5782 01/31/91 Graphic driver for WP 5.1
GWS61.ARC 462861 09/06/91 Graphic Workshop Ver 6.1
HANDS.ARC 100213 10/22/90 .fli Cartoon....good
HANDSCAN.ARC 35177 06/26/90 Current zsoft drivers for scanners. for use
with pc paintbrush iv plus.
HIRES.ARC 178381 08/18/91 Vga Graphic Resolution Test
HOTDOGPS.ARC 26119 04/17/90 Great vga grasp of hotdogs!
HPIIIDRV.ARC 415807 04/10/91 Latest Drivers For The Hpiii Laser
HP_EPSON.ARC 15488 05/11/91 Emulate Your Epson Drivers On The Hp Laserjet
Page - 73
IMPROC20.ARC 166836 08/30/91 IMPROCES v2.0, the ultimate SuperVGA GIF
editor. Many new features added since v1.10.
Edit up to 1024x768x256 GIFs with 1MB SVGA
IMPROC23.ARC 161199 09/26/91 IMPROCES v2.3, SuperVGA editor for GIF/PCX
images up to 1024x768x256. Commercial
quality program with many many features for
the serious GIF user/viewer. Latest version
direct from the author.
INCOLOR.ARC 8537 01/31/91 Graphic driver doe WP 5.1
INTELWIN.ARC 452671 08/23/90 Animated intel/windows ad.
INTRO.ARC 16669 05/14/91 ANSI animation example.
JULIA.ARC 57103 11/24/89 Multiple Fractals + Mandelbrot.
LANSI1.ARC 12265 05/08/91 Ansi viewer. Quick & easy ANSI viewing
LAWN200.ARC 60317 05/23/88 Mow The Lawn, Good Graphics
LEADERS.ARC 13752 02/18/90 Lj Soft Font _ Ornate Capital Letters_exclnt
LINES2.EXE 20472 01/25/90 Set # Of Lines On Ega & Vga Displays
LNFEDIT.ARC 222000 02/11/91 Look and Feel screen designer/code designer
demo with most functions enabled
LSGOPEN.ARC 30763 02/22/91 Collection of opening screens
MAC2PC.ARC 6251 03/09/91 Converts MAC GIF files to IBM PC format
GIF files.
MACTOWIN.ARC 13571 11/08/88 Converts Readmac To Windows Paint Format.
MIGCRASH.ARC 808907 10/12/91 Animation of the 1989 paris air show mig
MOREGIFS.ARC 58573 11/16/89 More Gif Pictures!
MOUSEJAM.ARC 25929 07/17/90 Use Your Mouse To Jam__create Your Own
MUSICBBS.ARC 17305 06/06/91 Ad for the Music Connection BBS Great ANSI
MUS_TIPS.ARC 12210 01/28/91 Tips for ANSI music
NANSI.ARC 50772 06/28/87 Ansi.sys Replacement, Also For 286
NANSI22B.ARC 53524 12/04/87 Nansi.sys Fast Screen Writes
NANSI30.ARC 19593 09/19/90 Replacement For Ansi.sys Driver
NANSI31U.ARC 24050 05/20/91 New Ansi V3.1, Fixes Problems In Nansi 3.0
NANSIUTL.ARC 6271 04/03/91 Utilities for NANSI written by the author.
NPSTECH.ARC 21976 03/20/90 Pic convert for new ps. technology related
OCRSHARE.ARC 438945 02/24/91 Optical Char Recognition Shareware
OOZE.ARC 102948 08/12/91 "Lava Lamp" type display for VGA graphics
systems w/C Source.
PABDUL2.ARC 23178 03/24/90 Singer/songwriter/choreographer paula abdul
PARROT.ARC 58553 11/06/89 Beautiful 256 Color Gif Picture
PCX_C.ARC 98760 02/11/91 PCX graphics "c"
PCX_DE.ARC 100435 02/11/91 PCX graphics d thru e
PCX_GH.ARC 129389 02/11/91 PCX graphics g_h
PC_KD353.ARC 163910 02/21/89 Pc_key Draw Ver 3.53 _ Main Program 1/4
PC_KDLIB.ARC 81371 02/21/89 Pc_key Draw Ver 3.53 _ Library Disk 2/4
PC_KDMAN.ARC 158666 02/21/89 Pc_key Draw Ver 3.53 _ Manual Disk 3/3
PC_KDTUT.ARC 135342 02/21/89 Pc_key Draw Ver 3.53 _ Tutorial Disk 4/4
PEACOCK.ARC 1268 09/21/86 Set Screen Colors From Dos _ Resident
PIC_THIS.ARC 154370 09/28/88 Drawing Program, Output In Postscript
PINS.ARC 2479 11/30/88 Info On Pin Connectors, Color,mono,parr,ser
PIXCAT.ARC 91829 05/24/89 Permits Printing Of Graphics_ps_pm_nr.
PM6.ARC 22493 06/06/88 Additional Graphics For Printmaster Plus
PMTOOLS2.ARC 158978 05/24/89 Print Master Tools Utility
PMUSIC12.ARC 89729 02/01/90 Real Music On Ibm Clones.
PRINTP.ARC 229258 01/14/91 Print Partner. Like Printmaster
PS7.ARC 77208 05/24/89 Print Shop Graphics
Page - 74
PSBIRDS.ARC 5590 05/24/89 Print Shop Graphics
PSCREEN.ARC 133358 07/08/89 "p_screen" Ver. 1.3 Create Screen Lib
PSFLAGS.ARC 2087 05/24/89 Print Shop Graphics
PSHAPE11.ARC 94277 03/10/91 A Great Drawing Program For Ms Windows
(a Simple Cad) (works With Version 2 & 3)
PSLIBN.ARC 1105992 09/30/90 A Complete Library Of Graphics For The
New Print Shop. Probably Almost Every
Graphic Ever Written. Catalogued By
PSPEOPLE.ARC 39199 05/24/89 Print Shop Graphics
PSTHINGS.ARC 32814 05/24/89 Print Shop Graphics
QVID.ARC 1924 11/09/88 Speed Up Ega Screen In Text Mode Only
QWIKANSI.ARC 10731 10/17/86 Complete Fast Screen I/o Package
RAM4EGA.ARC 1567 06/26/88 Puts Ega Bios In Ram. Fast Screen Updates
RESCHART.ARC 28669 11/26/88 Resis Value & Color Code Quick Reference
RNE_READ.ARC 47759 03/04/91 This Goes With Pslibn.ARC. It Contains
A Description Of All The Graphics In This
ROBOTRUK.ARC 203212 06/13/90 Fli (animated) picture of a robot truck _
needs aaplay or quickfli
SAYTIME.ARC 32189 01/11/89 Your Computer Talks To You__tells You
The Time
SCALMAST.ARC 37774 10/27/89 Guitar Scale Master.
SCNART.ARC 45293 08/22/90 Scenic artist. draw outdoor scenic views. ega
SCREENS2.ARC 19046 08/25/90 More good ANSI screens
SCRNPNT.ARC 76912 04/04/89 "screen Paint" Ver 1.1 Draw And Edit Prog
SHOWEYES.ARC 21728 08/06/90 Display computer eyes (ce) digitized images
SHWGIF.EXE 40873 09/17/91 Look At Gif Files As You Download Them
SHWGIF52.EXE 43616 08/04/91 This allows you to view a GIF as it is
downloaded therefore alllowing you to see it
immediately and you don't have to wait for
the compelted download to find you have a
corrupt or otherwise unwanted file (remember
only for gifs)
SIMCGA40.ARC 13636 01/27/88 Simulate Cga Ver 4.0
SOS104.ARC 9373 05/05/88 Save Our Screens Ver 1.04 _ Dimmer
SOS210.ARC 15136 01/26/89 Screen Capture/cut/paste
SOUNDS.ARC 162828 07/21/90 Incredible Digital Sound + Neat Game
SPLAT.ARC 4342 11/21/89 Nice Graphic Demo (ega/cga/vga)
SPRIT203.ARC 74529 08/06/90 Sprite maker v2.03: tool for ega programmerss
which allows the programmer to easily create,
manipulate, and save ega images for use with
many block manipulation functions such as
putimage and moveblock; can also be used by
folks to doodle
SPUT111.ARC 197093 11/03/90 A Must Have Utility For All Sound Cards
Plays All Sound Formats Even Uses Pc Speaker
SPUT111R.ARC 101710 11/04/90 Demo Sound Files For Sput111.ARC
SQZGIF30.ARC 114056 08/18/90 Sqzgif v3.0: converts large full screen gif
pictures such as 320x400x256, 640x400x256 and
800x600x256 & squeezes it down to 320x200x256
in .bld & .plt format
STARVIEW.ARC 36837 12/28/88 View The Stars
STS100.ARC 57125 03/10/89 "stereo Shell" Ver. 1.0 Two Dir.
SWITCH2.ARC 32323 02/04/91 Switches *.ans Screens _ Easy, Free
TDRAW330.ARC 225747 11/14/89 The Draw, Ver 3.30. Excellent Ansi Screen
Page - 75
TDRAW400.ARC 297203 03/16/91 The Draw Ansi Graphics Program Version
TDRAW500.ARC 213880 09/14/91 TheDRAW ANSI Drawing Program v5.0. The
classic BBS art program gets better!
TDTUTOR.ARC 19798 09/11/90 Thedraw tutorial program
TREKLAIR.ARC 208144 05/11/91 Fli file of the Enterprise on its greatest
TREK_FLI.ARC 128399 03/21/90 Fli Star Trek..
TRIDEN_T.ARC 6937 02/07/91 Graphic driver for WP 5.1
UNDERLI2.ARC 24593 01/22/88 Ega Underline And Set Palette Colors
VANSI.ARC 28602 01/26/90 Replace Ansi Sys For Vga Graphic Cards
Read Extra!
VDE151.ARC 110128 03/29/90 Update Video Display Editor
VDIAG.ARC 100314 08/16/91 Latest Diags For Supervga Boca Boards
VGABOMB.ARC 49758 08/29/90 Vga Artillery Game
VGACAD25.ARC 319413 05/12/91 VGACAD v2.5 Editor for .GIF/.BMP/.PCX files.
VGACAP72.ARC 88862 04/02/91 VGACAP v7.2 Fast super VGA capture & encode.
VGACAP74.ARC 90472 05/05/91 TSR capture/convert SVGA to GIF/PCX/BMP/TARGA
VGADIM.ARC 8432 10/19/90 Excellent Vga Screen Dimmer,w/spkr Option
VGAFONT.ARC 10389 08/23/90 Change The Way Your Vga Monitor Displays
Screen Font
VGAFX101.ARC 36750 12/01/89 Vga Tutor And Demo From Chris Dunford
VGAMAGIC.ARC 55128 10/20/90 Shows Off Vga Very Well
VGIF.ARC 34887 06/24/88 Excellent Gif Viewer.
VIDCOMP.ARC 1689 02/21/89 Text File Compares Video Speedup Programs
VIDEOT.ARC 27695 03/14/91 VIDEOTST: Identifies type of VGA adapter/test
VIDLIB.ARC 188326 02/13/89 "video Library" Ver 2.1 18 Fields Per
VIZ412.ARC 81989 06/06/91 Best Screen Accelerator. Latest Version.
VMOIRE14.ARC 66589 04/21/91 Screen Blanker With Patterns
VPIC16.ARC 71001 10/27/89 Vga Or Ega Picture Edit.
VPIC22.ARC 77138 11/29/89 Version 2.2 Of Gif/mac/rle Viewer
VPIC30.ARC 85540 10/31/90 View Graphic Files
VPIC33.ARC 106604 11/15/90 View Gif Files
VPIC46.ARC 103705 08/29/91 View Picture files ver 4.6 for
Gif.pcx.lbm.mac.pic files
VPIC_46.ARC 130474 10/03/91 Vpic A Gif Viewer, One Of The Best
VPT350.ARC 36611 04/30/91 Video Pallette Program
VUIMG251.ARC 70277 08/09/90 New Program To View Gif & Tiff Files.
VUIMG260.ARC 62402 05/20/91 GIF Viewer __ Pan, Zoom, Brightness Controls.
V_EGA43.ARC 3080 01/28/89 Run 43 Line Mode With Ega
V_MODE.ARC 9665 06/23/87 Ega Configuration Util _ Replace Vmode.arc
WARPDRV.ARC 9467 04/06/91 Ansi.sys Replacement, Configurable. Fast
WORLD29.ARC 212401 10/04/89 View/print A Map Of Anywhere
X29_2A.ARC 251213 10/29/90 .fli Jet Demo For Animator..very Good!
YOURLOGO.ARC 101016 11/29/88 Custom Logo Screens
ZACKIN.ARC 85500 07/18/87 Ansi.sys Replacement. See Byte 10/86
ZENO12.ARC 9080 01/15/88 Speed Up Screen Refresh Rate
ZENO13.ARC 9789 07/13/90 Fast Screen Writes _ Fixes Bugs In Prior V.
ZENO2.ARC 7025 10/24/86 Speeds Up Screen Writes, Very Compatible
ZENO22.ARC 14286 05/01/90 Fast Screen Writes. Tsr Load In Autoexec.bat
Page - 76
Mid-America Digital Publishing's Magnum One 02/19/92
ASM & C Language
Name Bytes Date Description
0929REF.ARC 168516 11/08/88 Programming Technical Reference Manual
1216REF.ARC 156449 01/04/89 Dos Programmer's Reference @ 12_16_88
1COM.ARC 46608 11/15/88 A Collection Of Pc_magazine Utils.
2COM.ARC 37148 11/15/88 More Pc_mlast Update:10_15_
ABSADR.ARC 9946 08/16/91 Calculate Segment, Offset, Or Absolute Add.
ADVANCEC.ARC 62872 01/24/92 Advanced C Routines
AECLIPD.ARC 7900 10/14/89 Clipper Udf To Dial Phone With 'c' Source
& Library
AMAG0289.ARC 18137 05/21/89 Assembly Lang Magazine Vol 1 No 1 : Feb '89
AMAG0389.ARC 23952 05/21/89 Assembly Lang Magazine Vol 1 No 2 : Mar '89
AMAG0589.ARC 16947 05/24/89 New Edition Of Assembly Language Magazine.
AMAG1289.ARC 32877 01/08/90 Assembley Language Magaziine _ Issue 4
ASM.ARC 12287 11/20/88 Various Assembly Language Utilities
ASMBLER.ARC 75825 11/20/88 A Number Of Useful Assembler Sources
ASMGEN1.COM 11264 02/07/86 Disassembler Ver 1
ASMGEN2.ARC 17944 10/23/88 Yet Another Sorce Code Generator. Good.
ASMGEN3.ARC 74342 04/19/89 An 8086/8087/8088 Disassembler W/source Code
ASMGN201.ARC 18551 03/17/88 Assembly Code From Executable File.
ASMWIZ10.ARC 41364 04/06/90 Assembly Wizard _ Asm Library Routines
ASM_MSC1.ARC 94289 11/20/88 Set Of Assembly Routines & Functions (1of3)
ASM_TUT.ARC 94839 03/25/89 Sm31 Zip 20499 \ma Disassemble 80286
Exe/com Files
AUTOCON3.ARC 84214 02/13/90 Utodile Zip 18215 \ma Simple Phone
Dialing Program With Turbo C Source.
BAT2EX15.ARC 38341 08/12/91 Bat2exe V1.5 Batch Language Compiler W/source
BC20P1.ARC 10417 06/22/91 Borland C++ Llast Update:10_12_1991
BEAV120.ARC 69008 05/01/91 Beav V1.20 Binary Editor And Viewer
BESTOF91.ARC 164145 10/16/90 Best Of Disk From 1991 By Pcmagazine
BFSORTS.ARC 41930 07/09/91 Public Domain Sorting Algorythms _ Ansi
C Source
BIOS31A.ARC 86310 12/06/88 Database Of Bios Info For Checking Origin,
BIOSDOS.ARC 24115 12/01/88 Bios To Dos Reference Card
BIOS_DRV.ARC 1507 12/21/87 H.d.tables For Award & Phoenix At_bios
BOB13.ARC 50788 10/02/91 David Betz's Last Update:11_14_1991
BOOTCODE.ARC 4904 06/13/91 Modify The Boot Sector To Load A Program,
W/.asm Src
BOSSA.ARC 248397 03/12/90 Window Boss C Library, Must Have For C
BOSSB.ARC 270743 03/12/90 Window Boss C Library, Must Have For C
BOSS_DOC.ARC 72906 01/14/91 Window Boss Documentation
BOSS_LB1.ARC 52359 12/30/90 Window Boss Llast Upd
BOSS_LB2.ARC 96672 12/30/90 Window Bllastlast Upd
BOSS_LB3.ARC 105125 12/30/90 Window Bllastlast Upd
BOSS_LB4.ARC 147351 12/30/90 Window Boss Library 4
BOSS_LB5.ARC 92252 12/30/90 Window Boss File
BOSS_SUP.ARC 137167 01/14/91 Window Boss Library Of C Functions
Page - 77
BSRC_P1.ARC 64267 11/30/88 Extensive Comm Program Written In Ms C 1/2
BSRC_P2.ARC 76200 11/30/88 Extensive Comm Program Written In Ms C 2/2
BUGLIST.ARC 4519 09/04/90 Bug Fix For Turbo C++
BXD.ARC 16425 05/06/88 Brand_x Disa
CANS2.ARC 25101 09/01/90 Answers To Common C Questions
CBIBCODE.ARC 160861 08/05/91 Source From The Turbo C Bible
CC01.ARC 5361 03/15/86 Assorted C Routines
CC02.ARC 70902 03/15/86 More C Routines _ Various Authors
CC03.ARC 91934 03/15/86 More C Routines
CC04.ARC 112901 03/15/86 Still More C Routines _ General
CCAS01.ARC 31929 03/15/86 Assembler Routines Linkable To C
CCC1053A.ARC 28759 01/01/90 Part One Of Three, C++ Oop System, Complete!
CCC1053B.ARC 225475 01/01/90 Part Two Of Three, C++ Oop System
CCC1053C.ARC 306598 01/01/90 Part Three Of Three, C++ Oop System
CCC_1.ARC 28759 12/25/89 Complete C Program <shareware>
CCC_2.ARC 225475 12/25/89 2 Of 3
CCC_3.ARC 306598 12/25/89 3 Of 3
CCHH01.ARC 32844 03/15/86 Header Files For Cc*.* Files
CDRIVER.ARC 8753 03/15/86 Set Up Dev Drvrs _ Asm And C Src
CGAZV5N4.ARC 51590 09/24/91 "c" Gazette Volume 5 N 4 Source Code
CGAZV5N5.ARC 44349 09/24/91 "c" Gazette Volume 5 N 5 Source Code
CHELP.ARC 128880 06/04/91 Collection Of C Tutorials
CIMCAT.ARC 12944 03/21/90 Ci$ Mssg Thread Cataloguer W/ C Source Code
CKIT175A.ARC 154323 12/04/90 Ckit Door Developer In C By Rickie Belitz
CLM89NOV.ARC 26305 12/25/89 Computer Language Mag Listings November 1989
CMPLRTUT.ARC 106407 06/29/90 Tutorial On Compiler Building _ Pascal And
C Source
CNEWS001.ARC 7006 03/03/88 C Newsletter Issue 1
CNEWS002.ARC 6054 03/03/88 C Newsletter Issue 2
CNEWS003.ARC 11387 03/03/88 C Newslelast Update:
COBALTS.ARC 68185 09/03/90 Music And Graphic Routines W/c Source
COREAIDS.ARC 79989 11/20/88 .asm Subroutines
CPPFOS.ARC 10636 05/21/91 A C++ Fossil Comm Class Library
CPPL1A.ARC 28654 07/15/90 Revised C++ Overloading Operators, See Extra
CPPTOUR.ARC 55890 06/25/89 C++ Tutorial In Hypertext
CPPTUTOR.ARC 189793 04/29/91 A C++ Tutor from Coranado. Lots of info.
CPROGS.ARC 59288 03/07/86 All Kinds Of C Routines To Use
CPTUTOR1.ARC 105723 07/20/90 Coronado C++ Tutorial Part 1
CPTUTOR2.ARC 98121 10/20/90 Coronado C++ Tutorial Part 2
CRACKER.ARC 20136 06/30/88 Un_assembler Utility
CSCREEN.ARC 45712 11/27/89 Full Screen Editor With C Source
CSOURC.ARC 54240 08/08/87 C Cross_ref And Source Lister
CSPOTRUN.ARC 79456 06/20/86 A Freeware Collection Of C Functions _ Msc
CSRC1.ARC 178143 07/27/89 Some Useful C Sources
CSR_001.ARC 86701 09/03/88 Quick C & Turbo C Toolbox. Part 1 Of 3, Vg
CSR_002.ARC 114667 09/04/88 Qc & Tc Toolbox, Dated 8_88, Part 2 Of 3 Vg
CTUTOR.ARC 197416 02/28/88 Se/self Teaching C Language With Document
CUG124.ARC 56517 02/15/86 C Users Group 124 Pd Tex W/source
CWDKIT55.ARC 24827 09/30/89 Centiwrite 1.10 Developer's Kit (text Edit
Or Unit)
CXL400.ARC 116610 11/19/88 Windows For Turbo C.
CXL41.ARC 92032 03/05/89 Cxl Windows For Turbo C. Latest Version.
CXL41_TC.ARC 32576 03/05/89 Turboc C Library For Cxl41.ARC
CXL50.ARC 253181 07/11/89 Cxl Windows For Turboc. Excellent.
CXL52_1.ARC 160031 02/19/90 Minor Update To An Excellent C Library _
Part 1 Of 2
CXL52_2.ARC 186161 02/19/90 Minor Update To An Excellent C Library,
Page - 78
Part 2 Of 2
C_CHEST.ARC 272279 10/13/90 The Almost_case C Language Toolkit
C_CONF1.ARC 184393 07/10/90 Msg Conf On "c" Good Info
C_CONF2.ARC 289625 07/10/90 Msg Conf On "c" Part #2
C_EDIT.ARC 43757 09/08/91 Program Source Code Editor
C_LIB.ARC 24729 08/09/90 C Library Files
C_TOOLBX.ARC 77243 03/30/88 Source Code From 'the C Toolbox' By J Hunt
C_TUTOR.ARC 204673 08/08/90 C Tutorial
C_TUTOR.EXE 91024 07/26/91 Fully Interactive C Tutor, Includes 10
C_UTIL.ARC 59288 08/09/90 C Utilities
C_WNDW.ARC 127064 01/28/90 Tool Kit For Tc & Mc Windows,menus And More
DBG.ARC 2784 05/30/88 "world's Greatest Debugger" _ Dr. Dobb's
DC104.ARC 11769 09/15/88 From Dr & Co With Source & Dest, List & Cop
DDJ0190.ARC 131263 12/19/89 Dr. Dobbs Journal 1_90
DDJ0290.ARC 35056 01/07/90 Dr. Dobbs Journal 2_90
DDJ0690.ARC 361698 07/30/90 Dr. Dobbs Journal 6_90
DDJ1090.ARC 47250 09/22/90 Drdobbsjrnl Collection Of Dos Extenders
DDJ1190.ARC 408067 10/27/90 Dr Dobs Jrnl Var. Source Pgms Mostly C
DDJ_CSPC.ARC 60165 12/13/89 Dr Dobb's Jour'l #159 : Winter '89 _ C
DDT150.ARC 52666 01/08/89 Dos Drive Tool V1.50 Edit Dir/fat/cluster
DE.ARC 20113 08/19/91 P/g Dos Editor W/masm Src, Aliases, C
DEBUGAID.ARC 13903 06/08/89 Information On How To Use Debug
DEBUGERS.ARC 56675 04/22/91 Collection Of Debuggers
DEBUGING.ARC 94818 04/12/88 Great Video/rs232/disk Dbg Utils For Xperts
DEBUGTX.ARC 233345 08/11/91 8088 Debuger
DELAYS.ARC 29279 07/20/89 Utilites Delay Timing With Source
DFLAT(R).ARC 94683 10/03/91 Al Steven's Dflat 6 In Source (ddj) (rehatch)
DFTXT(R).ARC 24996 10/03/91 Al Steven's Dflat 6 In Source (ddj) Doc Files
DIS86122.ARC 68783 01/17/88 Disassembler For 8086,80286,80386 Code
DISM.ARC 32821 06/13/91 8086 Disassembler _ Great!
DOCFILE.ARC 95184 11/15/88 Docs For 1com.ARC & 2com.ARC. Pc_mag
DU.ARC 19516 10/05/90 Enhanced Du (disk Usage)
DUMP1A.ARC 9450 09/13/90 Alternative Hex Dump W/c Src
E.ARC 19859 06/12/89 Public Domain Programmer's Editor With
.asm Source
E10_EDIT.ARC 40683 03/22/90 Dr David Nye's E Programmer's Editor, Pd
W/ Source
ECSTR1.ARC 28423 03/05/87 C String Functions (source) Part 1 Of 3
ECSTR2.ARC 28067 03/05/87 C String Functions (source) Part 2 Of 3
ECSTR3.ARC 26612 03/05/87 C String Functions (source) Part 3 Of 3
EDCOM45.ARC 7368 12/05/90 Multi_featured File Viewer W/assembly
EDIT_C.ARC 42257 03/13/85 Line Editor With C Source Code
EDWIN15C.ARC 87189 03/22/90 Edwin 1.5c __ A Programmer's Editor. See
Doc File
EEDIT4.ARC 23119 10/13/89 Excellent Editor From Tom Kihlken Of
Pcmag Ted.com
EGXSHOW.ARC 569876 09/18/91 Prototype Of Methods Of Dealing With Ega 640x
350x16 Color Mode 10h
EMAC16AS.ARC 101758 04/01/90 Freemacs 1.6a Masm Sources
EMSTOOLS.ARC 180126 02/04/90 C Source Code for Working with EMS.
This comes directly from Intel
Page - 79
EXE2SCR.ARC 3462 07/13/90 Convert Executable Files To Debug Scripts
EXEC31.ARC 91831 08/25/91 Swap Programs To Xms,ems,disk.with C,asm,
Pascal Source.
EXKEY4.ARC 11457 01/27/90 Fix For Tp & Other Compilers To Let Use
F11/12 Keys
EXTLIB20.ARC 73002 03/09/90 C User Interface Toolbox _ For Msc, Qc, Tc
And Lc
FGDEMO10.ARC 99601 10/11/91 Fastgraph Gui Grand Tour Demo W/source.
FGL105A.ARC 112007 10/11/91 Fastgraph/light Graphics Library (1 Of 3)
FGL105B.ARC 188884 10/11/91 Fastgraph/light Graphics Library (2 Of 3)
FGL105C.ARC 52472 10/11/91 Fastgraph/light Graphics Library (3 Of 3)
FILELST2.ARC 23659 10/07/91 Master Files List Generator. Much
FILEPTCH.ARC 26807 04/28/91 Allows You To Edit Files In Hex. Handy!
FLC2.ARC 38947 12/07/90 Flexlist Ii For Ansi C
FLCPP2.ARC 24917 12/07/90 Flexlist Ii For C++
FLIP.ARC 3242 06/22/88 Assembler Com File For Sys. Functions
FM_FM2.ARC 18857 05/13/91 File Modify Hex Or Ascii
FSDEBUG.ARC 23158 08/11/91 Full Screen Debugger
GIF_LIB.ARC 159308 03/02/91 Gershon's Gif Libry Of C Routines
GRABTEXT.ARC 64991 08/28/90 Screen Grabbing Utilities W/c Source
HARDERR.ARC 20440 10/13/91 Critical Error Management Technique Demo
INTERRUP.ARC 102105 12/27/88 List Of Intelast Update:07_01_1990 Ammer
JAZLIB.ARC 137893 12/18/88 Another Jaz C Library Of Functions
JAZ_CLIB.ARC 161537 04/09/89 Library For Lots Of Low Level Dos Function
In "c"
JUMBO.ARC 200303 11/03/90 Colorado Tape Software 2.38 (use Rwflop)
JUMBO241.ARC 193318 03/18/91 Jumbo Tape Software V2.41
K&R.ARC 17402 11/06/85 C Language Learning Aid W/source
K9.ARC 16995 06/27/88 Resident Programmers Utils (calc,timer Ect)
KEYCOMM.ARC 2335 09/20/88 Small Comm Prog In Assembler W/source
KLIPDIAL.ARC 9160 04/24/89 Dial Phone W/clipper _ Obj + Asm Source
LIST10.ARC 7648 08/12/87 List Files To Crt/prb, W/turbo C Source
LPMAC1.ARC 21460 11/20/88 Masm Macro Library
LW86.ARC 15770 11/20/88 Pop Up Assembler Language Quick Reference
MACROS.ARC 5150 07/26/91 The Macro Starter Kit 19 Macros W/instr
Req. Dos 5.0
MAP25.ARC 9978 11/24/88 Memory Mapper , In Colour
MASM.ARC 38690 03/07/85 Assembly Pgms & Macros As Learning Aids
MC20.ARC 189232 09/18/90 Excellent Small C Compiler, Very Portable.
MCOMM530.ARC 74529 09/08/90 Async Lib For Msc,qc,tc 16550 Support
MD8610.ARC 70619 01/08/89 Programmers Dissassembler _ Good
MFLMS101.ARC 172334 11/25/89 Bob Stout's C Func'n Lib : Msc/qc V1.01
Dtd 23nov89
MICKUP.ARC 29785 10/13/91 Tsr Diplay Of Mouse Functions, Reference
MONITOR.ARC 3709 01/14/92 Memory Resident Monitor W/asm Source
MSDOS.ARC 156449 03/01/89 Programmers Tech Ref For Msdos & Ibm Pc
MULTI_V.ARC 3164 04/20/88 Make Multiple Copy Of Ram Disk, Asm Source
NANSISRC.ARC 28449 05/22/86 Assembly Source For Nansi.sys
NDOS.ARC 3516 05/14/90 Command Line Editor And Macro Key Tool _ A
Must Have
NGDD.ARC 18951 06/15/91 Norton Guides Decompiler _ Works !
NG_INTS.ARC 38820 06/04/91 Norton Guide Of Ibm Interrupts.
NJFIN112.ARC 28885 03/01/90 Njfind.exe Nifty James's Finder 1.12&source
NJSORT11.ARC 37750 01/02/89 Nifty James Sort Rt(v1.11) W/ Msc And Masm
Page - 80
NORPT.ARC 8288 08/28/89 Disable Keys From Repeating, W/asm Src.
NTBIODOC.ARC 19268 06/26/89 Programmers Netbios Reference
PACKDISK.ARC 14624 04/29/91 C source to copy as many files as possible
onto a floppy in size order
PCC.ARC 184459 10/03/90 C Compiler, Shareware
PCMAG.ARC 60677 01/11/88 Official Pc Magazine Utilities _ Vol.#1
PCMAGCOM.ARC 73286 01/19/88 Pc_mag_com All Com Files To Vol7n3
PCMAGDOC.ARC 86772 01/19/88 Doc Files For Pc Magazine Utilities
PCMAGIRS.ARC 14367 05/07/88 Pc_mag Irs Listing As Of 88 May 07
PCMAGV6.ARC 15293 06/22/87 Pcmagzine Programs
PCPILOT.ARC 51853 01/14/90 Handy Programmers' Utility; Tsr Or Not; W/tc
PCTRACE.ARC 10724 10/28/87 Trace Program'bios Calls
PCZAP1.ARC 7812 12/22/90 Ver 1.10 Of Pczap_a Debug.com Replacement*
PC_INDEX.ARC 21022 05/29/90 Pc Magazine Listing 1985_1989
PDSRT320.ARC 40550 08/02/91 Pdsort V3.20 Pd Sort Program W/c Source
PDVIM.ARC 34316 11/07/87 Self Documenting Interpreting Debugger
PEPORES.ARC 6703 10/28/89 Good Tsr Debuging Tool
PJ64.ARC 49068 12/17/88 Source Code From Programmer's Journal Vol.6.4
PJC_ASM.ARC 16759 12/13/87 Programmer's Journal Ega Asm Routines
PLATUT.ARC 80040 03/19/88 Programmable Logic Array Tutor 4/87
PORTABLC.ARC 12913 08/30/90 C Source_utilities For File Transfer
PROG_C.ARC 56728 10/09/90 Msg Base Of "c" Program Comments
PSNOOP.ARC 91888 08/04/91 A Good Program To Disassemble Exe And Com
PTV1N1.ARC 162063 06/08/90 Code Pc Techniques Vol. 1 No.1
PTV1N2.ARC 28631 06/14/90 Code Pc Techniques Vol. 1 No. 2
PTV1N3.ARC 26620 08/01/90 Code P C Techniques Vol 1 No 3
PTV1N4.ARC 26296 09/13/90 Code P C Techniques Vol 1 No 4
PTV1N5.ARC 35072 11/07/90 Code P C Techniques Vol 1 No 5
PTV1N6.ARC 38079 01/21/91 Code P C Techniques Vol 1 No 6
QLIB.ARC 36383 01/24/89 Qlibs V1.2 Assembly Subroutines
RAID123.ARC 45117 10/28/89 Great Replacement For Debug, 5 Windows
Many Features
REFCARD.ARC 7561 03/18/87 C Reference Card (lattice) Vg
RESOURCE.ARC 45872 03/11/86 Resource Dis_assembler For 8080 Code
RESWAL.ARC 21360 03/09/88 Locate & View Specific Areas Of Memory
RFD12.ARC 4085 06/09/90 Remove From Disk 1.2 W/asm,com,doc Removes
RHSTDLIB.ARC 109118 10/20/90 Randy Hyde's Assembly Lang Lib With Source
RITESTRC.EXE 72099 06/25/89 Writes A C Struct For Any Dbase File Given
To It
RJ.ARC 4836 06/05/88 Remote Job Exec C Source For Netware
SCD113.ARC 115779 06/14/90 Soft C Database Lib Dbase Compatible!
Msc/tc Good!!
SCL120.ARC 306739 09/07/90 Screen/mouse Functions For Turbo C & Msc
SCRNMASM.ARC 5162 11/20/88 Masm Routines/macros To Modify Screen
SDF.ARC 21027 11/30/88 Disk Format With Asm Source
SHADOBOX.ARC 60155 11/19/88 Shadowbox Menus For Turbo C.
SHARE.ARC 57117 02/05/88 Shareware Tracing Program
SHELLASM.ARC 4326 03/04/88 How To Ivoke A Shell In Assembler (masm)
SMCPC.ARC 20884 01/20/88 Small "c" Compiler
SNIP1091.ARC 224833 10/04/91 Oct. 91 C_echo Snippets. Courtesy Of Bob
SNIP9_91.ARC 147619 09/18/91 Sept. 91 C_echo Snippets. Courtesy Of Bob
SORTDIR2.ARC 16170 09/16/91 Directory Sort/pack Optimized For Large
Page - 81
SORTDIR2.PDN 2182 09/16/91 Description For Sortdir2.ARC
SOUNDC.ARC 6528 03/29/90 The Only C Routine I Know Of For Accessing
STEP13.ARC 15916 03/19/88 Intercept & Display Int 13h Calls. W/asm
STPDOS12.ARC 22964 12/06/87 Step Thru Program At Int 21 Level. W/asm
STPDOS30.ARC 10078 06/23/88 Intercept And Display A Program's Dos Calls
TASM.ARC 49679 10/31/87 Table Driven X Assembler _ 6502,8051,more
TASM_VID.ARC 15512 03/25/91 Direct Video Routines Mono/cga/ega All
Source In Turbo Asm
TCB100T.ARC 117920 03/06/88 Turbo C Toolbox Dated 9/7/87
TCBEEP.ARC 3048 03/24/88 Another Turboc Beep Routine (1.0 Or 1.5)
TCCPLUS.ARC 3224 05/17/90 Borland's Press Release Of Tc++ 1.0
TCEKBD.ARC 11476 10/21/90 Tc Function To Access Enhanced Keyboard
TCHK.ARC 44974 08/09/90 C Library Files
TCHK050.ARC 44974 11/19/88 Video Library For Turbo C.
TCHK21.ARC 219973 06/20/89 C Function Library
TCHK21EX.ARC 150500 07/22/89 Turboc Library
TCHK21NG.ARC 108862 07/22/89 TCHK v2.1 Norton Guides for Turbo C
TCHKC1.ARC 220004 12/30/89 C Function Lib
TCHKC3.ARC 108428 12/30/89 Turbo C Lib
TCOOP.ARC 469039 10/26/91 Obj Oriented Pgm (c++) Source Files
TCPPT1.ARC 36379 09/07/90 Turbo C++ Patch Provided By Borland
TCREF.ARC 13200 08/14/87 Pop_up Turbo C Library Function Referencer
TCTUTOR.ARC 195395 10/26/91 Turbo C Tutor
TCXL32.ARC 84620 05/02/88 Full Featured Libraryof Turbo C Functions
TCXL551.ARC 528799 10/23/90 this is the latest release of the
TCXL_1.ARC 197122 07/21/91 A Great Lib For Memory Ma
TCXL_2.ARC 212021 07/21/91 And All Sorts Of Other Nicities
TCXL_A.ARC 139587 07/21/91 Tcxl Lib For Msc _ Small Model
TCXL_B.ARC 123772 07/21/91 Tcxl Lib For Borland Cs _ Small Model
TCXL_C.ARC 86292 07/21/91 Tcxl Lib For Zortech C
TCXL_D.ARC 82551 07/21/91 Tcxl Lib For Topspeed C
TC_DBF.ARC 16648 07/13/87 Access To Db3 Via C
TC_MENU.ARC 7094 11/19/88 Pulldown Menus For Turbo C.
TC_TUT.ARC 214046 01/28/90 Turbo C Tutor W/text And Source Files
TDCONVRT.ARC 19119 10/06/90 Tdconvrt Fix (turbo Debug 2.0) From Borland
TDE11.ARC 145190 09/06/91 Great Pd Text Editor _ With Full Source!
TEGLC.ARC 401062 02/16/91 Turboc++ Windowing Toolkit
TESS_5.ARC 28347 08/19/90 Library Of Routines For Developing Ram
Resident Pgm
TESS_A.ARC 21170 05/12/89 Tesseract Tsr Shareware For Assembly
Language V 1.10
TESS_C.ARC 33606 04/24/89 Tools For Writing Tsrs
TESS_DOC.ARC 49545 04/24/89 Documentation For Tess_c.ARC
THREAD.ARC 35383 05/10/87 C Language Help/tutor
TMAP110.ARC 5701 05/29/88 Memory Control Block Map
TODIR1.ARC 11208 08/14/90 Switch To A Directory, Across Drvs, W/asm
Src, Pubdm
TPC10.ARC 26298 10/23/88 Pascal To C Translator
TRACE.ARC 27007 11/30/88 Trace Table Of Int's, Incl .asm & .com
TRACE122.ARC 38149 04/19/87 Int Tracer W/src Ver 1.22
TRACE1A.ARC 37333 02/04/87 Int Tracer With Asm Com And Doc For Sure
TRAP13.ARC 7472 04/10/88 Trap Int13 Calls To Remove Copy Protection
Page - 82
TSRASM.ARC 2226 11/30/88 Terminate/stay Res. Utils For Asm
TSRDEMO.ARC 14916 05/29/88 How To Write Tsr's W/source
TSRDEMO2.ARC 16349 04/09/87 Demo: How To Write A Tsr Program
TUR_C_TU.ARC 229143 04/01/89 Turbo C Tutorial _ Great For Beginners
TVX.ARC 61541 07/30/89 Text Editor In C Source For Dos/unix
UASM.ARC 25644 03/16/86 Program To Disassemble .com/ .exe Files
UASMLS.ARC 27130 08/12/86 Unassemble To Masm Code
UCD.ARC 2792 12/09/89 Change Drive/dir; Finds Path Itself;with
Masm Src
USERFILE.ARC 24851 08/23/90 Look At Pcboard User File W/c Source
UTIL307.ARC 90862 03/04/87 Assembly Utilities
V10N01.ARC 118010 12/11/90 Pc_mag Pcspool Et Al
V10N02.ARC 123750 01/10/91 Pc_mag Lzselect, Hpnotes, Et Al
V10N03.ARC 90320 01/17/91 Pc_mag Journal, Clrcube, Et Al
V10N04.ARC 60656 02/01/91 Pc_mag Multiboot(mboot) Et Al
V10N05.ARC 121690 02/13/91 Pc_mag 2file & 2floppy Et Al
V10N06.ARC 83326 03/06/91 Pc_mag Source Files For 3/26/91
V10N07.ARC 43657 03/27/91 Pc_mag Encore Et Al
V10N08.ARC 75105 04/05/91 Pc_mag Cdx Et Al Source And Opr Files
V10N09.ARC 54952 04/16/91 Pc_mag Winsaver, 2dir Et Al
V10N10.ARC 44547 04/29/91 Pc_mag Progset,browse Et Al W/src
V10N11.ARC 99151 05/10/91 Pc_mag Chkpath Et Al
V10N12.ARC 74981 05/30/91 Pc_mag Wintext Et Al
V10N13.ARC 34591 06/12/91 Pc_mag Filectrl Et Al
V10N14.ARC 79372 07/11/91 Pc_mag_calendar,deb2scr,wincolor Et Al
V10N15.ARC 36539 08/09/91 Pc_mag Source And Opr Listings
V10N16.ARC 64334 08/27/91 Pc_mag Hugecalc,pcmfat,readboot Et Al
V10N17.ARC 86980 09/25/91 Pc_mag Fff, Move, Safemove Et Al
V10N18.ARC 24951 10/30/91 Pc_mag Cfgsave,bat Et Al
V10N19.ARC 64297 10/24/91 Pc_mag Bigcopy,caplk,numfiles,talk Et Al
V10N20.ARC 42895 10/28/91 Pc_mag Cpu_chk_type,delay,numlock Et Al
V10N21.ARC 45396 11/08/91 PC_Mag Iaca,CkDate,GetHome,Reboot, et al
V10N22.ARC 91388 12/08/91 Pc Mag Utilities 123191 Issue
V6_10_01.ARC 18434 12/30/90 Pc_mag Vol6n8 Thru V10n01 Index Et Al
V7N10.ARC 16936 04/30/88 Pc_mag Vol7 Nr 10 Pgms
V7N11.ARC 29933 06/21/88 Pc Mag_compare, Scantd, Trystd
V7N12.ARC 30748 06/21/88 Pc Mag Pgms_allkeys, Fsb, Scantd.c
V7N13.ARC 26097 06/21/88 Pc Mag Pgms_setmode, Qfn, Tryqfn, Coproc.
V7N14.ARC 33494 08/06/88 Pc Mag Programs Asm,com,bas,c Et Al
V7N15.ARC 54781 08/09/88 Pc_mag Fontedit, Tryqsort, Qwicksort.
V7N16.ARC 32307 09/13/88 Makebas,qsorti,tryqsi, Et Al
V7N17.ARC 67752 09/13/88 Dcache,env717,pp717,newval, Et Al
V7N18.ARC 44731 09/26/88 Pc Mag Colection Of Pgms Plus Pcmag.dir
V7N19.ARC 37556 10/14/88 Pc Mag Various Files Inc A Small Editor
V7N1DOC.ARC 2540 12/19/87 Non_wordstar Doc File For Pc Mag Vol 7n1
V7N20.ARC 28466 10/29/88 Config, String2, Videodem Pc Mag 11/29/88
V7N21.ARC 90889 11/14/88 Log, Strings2, Ansi, Fngetkey, Et Al
V7N22.ARC 41797 12/07/88 Pc Mag Envelope, Qwrite, Mousedemo Et Al
V8N01.ARC 27098 12/13/88 Pc_mag Pgms Bcopy, Import, Exp, Noise
V8N02.ARC 46231 01/08/89 Pc Mag Ansi,com,asm,bas Et Al
V8N03.ARC 26357 01/18/89 Pc_mag Ega Smooth Scrn By Arrow Keys
V8N04.ARC 37490 01/31/89 Pc_mag Vol4,1989 Various Asm,pas,bas
V8N05.ARC 19026 02/15/89 Pc_mag Vol 8 Nr 5 Asm,bas,pas Et Al
V8N06.ARC 32198 02/28/89 Pc_mag Mono,asm,bat,bas,c Et Al
V8N07.ARC 30953 03/13/89 Pc_mag Laserlst_com,asm,bas Et Al
V8N08.ARC 18224 03/28/89 Pc_mag Mouse Ctl Bas,com And Asm Et Al
V8N09.ARC 49252 04/26/89 Pc_mag Mousedemo,dback,calc Asm,com Etc
Page - 83
V8N10.ARC 22351 05/01/89 Pc Mag Setup2 Codes By Menu + Bat Files
V8N13.ARC 15150 06/10/89 Pc_mag Program Com,asm,basic Etc
V8N14.ARC 29894 07/06/89 Pc_mag Program Com,basic,c,etc
V8N15.ARC 40387 08/31/89 Pc_mag Ems Cache Et Al
V8N16.ARC 42974 08/30/89 Pc_mag Dirmatch Et Al Programs
V8N17.ARC 30744 09/08/89 Pc_mag Dimmer, Os2 Term, Brkstate Et Al
V8N18.ARC 60414 10/02/89 Pc_mag Menu Et Al Pgms In Pas,asm,bas Etc
V8N19.ARC 48018 10/17/89 Pc_mag First Class, Courier Et Al
V8N20.ARC 25708 10/26/89 Pc_mag Debugscr, Popmenu_asm,c,pas,bas
V8N21.ARC 45622 11/11/89 Pc_mag Pgms Case,decompress In Asm,bas
V8N22.ARC 42722 11/28/89 Pc_mag Alias Et Al Com,asm,pas,c,bas
V9N01.ARC 33015 12/11/89 Pc_mag Atdt, Didiv, Pcremote Com,asm,bas
V9N02.ARC 55411 01/02/90 Pc Mag's Batchman And Many More
V9N03.ARC 141774 01/12/90 Pc_mag Pcdata Toolkit, Asm, Bat, Pas
V9N04.ARC 177120 01/31/90 Pc_mag Games W/pascal Source Code
V9N05.ARC 23290 02/13/90 Pc Magzine File
V9N06.ARC 80125 02/23/90 Pc Magazine Programs
V9N07.ARC 62964 03/16/90 Pc_mag Utilities Et Al
V9N08.ARC 34386 03/30/90 Pc_mag Pgms Com,basic,pascal Et Al
V9N09.ARC 52477 04/09/90 Pc_mag Pgms Inc Source
V9N10.ARC 87283 04/27/90 Pc_mag Compute Et Al Utilites
V9N11.ARC 25922 05/17/90 Pc_mag Memmap Et Al
V9N12.ARC 63123 05/29/90 Pc_mag Prune Et Al
V9N13.ARC 57740 06/14/90 Pc_mag Pmview For Os/2 W/source In "c".
V9N14.ARC 57031 07/14/90 Pcmag Bar,bat2exec,click,reconfig,zipngo
V9N15.ARC 30711 08/03/90 Pc_mag Utility Conceal Source Files+com
V9N16.ARC 115525 08/25/90 Pc_mag Cmedit,metafile,syslock Et Al
V9N17.ARC 47598 09/12/90 Pc_mag Utilites.
V9N18.ARC 58558 10/04/90 Pc_mag Detect,metafile,pmcard Et Al
V9N19.ARC 38441 10/13/90 Pc_mag Progs Wsmooth Et Al
V9N20.ARC 57929 10/29/90 Pc_mag Very Powerful Sort Pgm Et Al
V9N21.ARC 232770 11/17/90 Pcmagazine File
V9N22.ARC 41810 12/04/90 Pc Magazine File
VACUUM.ARC 4711 03/23/88 Damaged Diskette Data Recovery Tool, W/asm
VBLANK1D.ARC 8099 10/05/90 Vga Screen Blanker.bug Fix.(asm Source)
VOL6N10.ARC 40842 05/11/87 Pc_mag 26 May 87 Progs: Makebar,slashbar
VOL6N10D.ARC 4435 05/17/87 Doc With Tips On Using Slashbar & Makebar
VOL6N11.ARC 10308 05/11/87 Pc_mag 9 June 87 Prog: Rpts (finds Dups)
VOL6N12.ARC 28326 08/05/87 Vol6 Number 12 Of Pcmagazine/
VOL6N13.ARC 15234 07/03/87 Pc Mag; 3 Jul 87
VOL6N14.ARC 37930 08/16/87 Pc Magazine Programs Vol. 6 Number 14.
VOL6N15.ARC 27661 08/15/87 Pcmag Utilities Includes Doskey & Dirnote
VOL6N16.ARC 41658 08/29/87 Pc_mag Programs Rn, Kbx With .asm
VOL6N17.ARC 36056 09/28/87 Pc Mag Pgms Vol 6 Nr 17
VOL6N18.ARC 14198 12/08/87 Pc Mag Pgms Vol 6 Nr 18 (updated 12_8_87)
VOL6N19.ARC 19089 10/31/87 Pc Mag Pgms Vol 6 Nr 19
VOL6N20.ARC 106716 10/31/87 Pc Mag Pgms Vol 6 Nr 20
VOL6N21.ARC 34827 11/17/87 Pc Mag Pgms Vol6 Nr 21
VOL6N22.ARC 14036 11/25/87 Pc Mag Pgms Vol 6 Nr 22
VOL7N1.ARC 24338 12/08/87 Pc Mag Pgm Vol7n1
VOL7N2.ARC 35702 12/23/87 Pc Mag Pgms Vol 7 Nr 2
VOL7N3.ARC 17673 01/08/88 Pc Magazine Programs For Vol. 7 No. 3
VOL7N6.ARC 28691 03/01/88 Pc Mag Pgms Vol 7 Nr 6
VOL7N7.ARC 20004 03/15/88 Pc Mag's Touch (date/time Stamp Changer)
VOL7N8.ARC 19152 03/25/88 Pc Mag's Staydown (kbd Stickshifter) Etc.
VOL7N9.ARC 22559 04/08/88 Pc Mag's Recorder & Other Programs
Page - 84
VSIX60.EXE 135341 03/01/91 Vern Six Lib Routines For Clipper
WASM201.ARC 99406 07/17/88 Wolf Assembler Version 2.01 _ Good N' Fast
WATCH_IO.ARC 6622 07/28/88 Watches All File I/o;pop_up Debugging Tools
WCOMM120.ARC 71830 02/18/91 Warp Communications Library V1.20, Now With
Fossil Support!!
WHATIS12.ARC 9243 07/07/91 What_is V1.2: Determine Compiler That
Built The Exe
WINDOWTC.ARC 76898 06/20/87 Windowing Routines For Turbo "c"
XFERREV2.ARC 7586 02/07/89 Xfern.txt File Reverser W/turbo C Source
XLT86.ARC 19973 06/20/87 Translate 8080 Asm Source Files To 8088
XMS206.ARC 91325 04/04/89 Source Code & App'n Notes For Himem206.ARC
From Ms
ZANSI_10.ARC 24108 12/19/87 Much Faster, Smaller Ansi.sys_asm
ZANSI_12.ARC 22269 07/19/87 Faster Smaller Andi.sys_asm
ZE3B.ARC 59599 12/16/89 Ze Is A Gp Editor For Programmers
ZZ631.ARC 56185 03/22/88 Zip Zap File/disk Hex Editor _ Version 6.31
Page - 85
Mid-America Digital Publishing's Magnum One 02/19/92
Name Bytes Date Description
123WKS.ARC 98432 10/29/88 A 123 Wks Library File With Micros
ACCNTS.EXE 35852 10/26/91 Keep Track Of What Files Were Opened Our Used
ALMAN.ARC 208776 05/31/90 Almanac For Planting, Personal Activity,
Etc. Includes Horoscope. Pretty Good!
AURA11.ARC 234569 09/17/90 Learn About And "see" Auras. Shareware.
BABYINFO.ARC 49622 10/16/90 Pregnancy Calendar
BASSCLAS.ARC 166373 11/21/90 Bass Class; Learn How To Fish; 6 Rods,
Depth Finder, 2300 Lure/color Combos, 3
Skill Levels. Reqs. 512k & Ega.
BIORETHM.ARC 37890 11/26/90 Check Your Biorethums And Print It Out.
BLIMP.ARC 1274 04/17/89 Message On The Blimp Run In Basica
BLTS.ARC 164718 10/15/91 October 14, 1991 Artisoft Bulletins
BLTS1191.ARC 212741 11/20/91 Artisoft Bulletins _November 1991
BOOK.EXE 135762 10/23/91 Code And Programs From Book On Using
CALIFDIV.ARC 195179 10/01/87 Some Tips To Getting A Divorce In
CERTINDX.ARC 3403 11/14/88 Idx Of "certificate Maker" Certificates
CHART.ARC 1995 04/30/88 Creates A 5 Generation Pedigree Chart
CHEAPCAD.ARC 21644 10/20/88 Simple Wireframe Cadd Program
CJACK.ARC 1399 02/15/89 Cracker Jack Receipe _ All But The Prize.
COURT.ARC 3271 02/20/89 Funny Things That Happen In Court. A
Text File
DAY2XMAS.ARC 750 04/24/80 Counts Days To Christmas.
DEA5.ARC 127121 07/26/91 All About Dos 5.0
DEBUG2.ARC 13774 05/12/88 Text File On Debug.com
DEBUGTUT.ARC 13459 08/10/88 Tutorial On Ms/dos Debug Utility
DEMOLAN.ARC 138418 02/21/88 Ibm Demo Of Local Area Networking
DEVDVR.ARC 22915 09/02/86 Device Driver Tutorial
DEVICE.ARC 7233 12/04/88 Show The Device Drivers In Use
DEVSTA32.ARC 2968 11/22/86 List Device Drivers Dos 2.1_3.2 Incl .asm
DOS4PAT.ARC 6915 02/20/90 Patch For Dos V4.0 And/or V4.01
DRDOS600.EXE 15540 10/30/91 Patch To Make Windows Run With Drdos60
And Lantastic
DSPTCH41.ARC 1717 01/09/90 Ibm And/or Ms Patch For Ver 4.0 And 4.01
DSUM23.ARC 15725 12/05/91 Disk Summary of All attached drives incl
EDUCATE.ARC 710574 07/06/91 Several Shareware Educational Programs
From Intelligent Educational Software
EXCON.ARC 84596 09/30/86 Extended Console Driver From Oct Issue Byte
EZSTART.NEW 42550 11/29/90 Setup Files For Ezpoint Includes Batch Util
F19CRACK.ARC 9989 01/03/89 Run F19 W/o Need For Key Disk
FCBZIP.EXE 19396 12/05/91 Patch for NOS 4.0 corrects FCB Problem
FFAM_PAT.ARC 2786 02/08/90 Fido Fam 5.03 Patch
FINGER3.ARC 3172 04/13/90 Give Someone The Finger
FIX_123.ARC 3365 11/23/89 Removes Opening Screen From Lotus 2.0
FONWRD.ARC 13582 02/02/90 Makes Words Outof Your Phone Number.
FRM2PRG2.ARC 16415 04/02/89 Convert Dbase Frm Files To Prg Ver 2.0.
Page - 86
FYI.ARC 109844 12/05/91 Another logon bulletin generator
GATECH.ARC 2317 04/17/89 Georgia Tech Fight Song
GETMAI.ARC 8889 12/18/91 Get mail from all servers
GETMAIL.ARC 9060 12/21/91 Updated Getmail and dump to file
GETMAIL2.ARC 9022 12/23/91 Updated getmail and dump to file
GETNODE.EXE 18592 04/03/91 Finds Node Address Of Arcnet Cards
HELLO4.ARC 730 08/09/90 Generate The American Flag.
HGDEMO.ARC 698677 11/14/90 Harvard Graphics 2.3 Self_running Demo.
Req's At 1.2 Flp Or Hd And 512k(it's A Big
Demo. But Worth The Down Load.
HOTPAT.ARC 1513 02/15/89 Patch Hotkey Z To Get Rid Of 10 Sec Delay
IBMDOS5.ARC 7944 08/19/91 Ibm Dos 5 Announcement
IBMDOS5.TXT 21711 08/19/91 Excerts From Ibm Official Announcement Of
Ibm Dos 5
IBM_BIOS.ARC 3747 10/04/87 Info On Ibm Bios _ Lots Of Good Stuff
INB.ARC 11333 11/05/91 Windows Sign In/out For Netbios Lans
INSULTS2.ARC 16182 01/07/91 Do Not Be Caught Short On Words. Be
Prepared With Some Great Insults For Your
IQ.ARC 22470 10/23/88 Test Your Own Iq!!
IQBOOST.ARC 22440 06/20/88 Iq Tutor (exercises)
ISADSK.ARC 4804 05/25/91 Replacement For Isadsk In Novell 2.1
JBASE12.ARC 154519 03/06/91 Database For Jokers
JOTIT.ARC 30736 11/06/91 Netbios Compatible Postit Notes For
KNWDBULS.ARC 6878 08/08/90 Collection Of Kenwood Service Bulletins.
LMAIL120.EXE 52543 11/23/91 Lanmail message and phone message TSR
LNMDM.ARC 95667 11/12/91 Updated Lanmodem From Cross
LOCATSAT.ARC 35480 11/12/89 Find Satellite Az./el. Easy For Your Location
MAGDEMO.ARC 124838 01/10/91 Lotus Magellan Demo
MARKUP.ARC 34661 02/20/91 Determine Markup Based On Costs & Selling
MED1.ARC 369128 07/20/91 Update Medical Office Patient Tracking
MEDISO.ARC 3056 10/15/91 How To Use Medisoft Software With Lantastic
MODSTAT2.ARC 170298 06/30/89 Statistical Analyzing Program
MSTRT104.ARC 93211 07/31/91 Program to allow users to customize the RLE
graphic for MS Windows startup screen
NBCHEC.ARC 4921 01/14/92 Utility to see if Netbios is active
NBSAMP.ARC 26727 01/14/92 Netbios status monitor utility
NBUTIL.ARC 23180 01/14/92 NetBios Utility
NETCON.ARC 34414 11/04/91 Netbios Compatible Conferencing System
NETMAI.ARC 36200 11/04/91 Netbios Compatible Net Mail System
NETNEW1.ARC 54880 12/03/91 Broadcast news on sign in to network
NEWLOG.ARC 102098 06/03/90 General Purpose Ham Log Program _ Well Done
NEWS.ARC 96671 11/14/88 Local Fido Net News Letter
NEWSRE.ARC 32560 10/15/91 News Releases From Artisoft October 14, 1991
NEWTON.GIF 43432 02/27/91 A fractal from Newton formula
NEWXCDMO.ARC 131508 07/14/91 Functional demo of EXCALIBUR II, the
legendary medieval role playing game.
Requires dorinfo1.def or chain.txt for use
as a door.
NM091.ARC 17193 05/29/91 Now Menu Version 0.91. This program will
make a menu out for any program _ Trak
Blaster, Vplay, GIF viewers, and much more.
It will give you a menu of all the files
(.VOC, etc) then create a batch file with
Page - 87
the command (Vplay, etc) and the chosen
NOSHELL1.ARC 24499 01/18/91 TSR to require DOS shelling password
NOSTOP2.ARC 1800 10/14/90 disable CTRL/BRK, CTRL_C, ALT_CTRL_DEL
NOV3FIX.ARC 40155 04/15/90 Several Novell 386 Patches For Netware
NOV90.ARC 13233 11/06/90 Code from CADalyst Magazine, Nov 90
NOVELL.GIF 3078 03/16/91 Novell login in VGA GIF
NO_FRAUD.ARC 2438 04/28/91 Counter arguments regarding fraud.ARC which
accuses Prodigy of stealing data from your
NUF210.ARC 47699 06/15/90 Nufind a unix find work alike v2.10:
NUMB43.ARC 162833 09/17/90 Numerology Program. Shareware.
OBRONM10.ARC 133163 02/24/91 Version 1.0 of MSDOS Oberon compiler and
libraries. Includes Wirth's language report
in postscript form. Compiles to standard
MSDOS obj modules. Language looks and feels
like C written for Pascal programmers.
OCT90.ARC 12218 11/01/90 Code from CADalyst Magazine, Oct 90
OCTNET.EXE 30464 10/08/91 Nettest For Netbios From Byte
OCTSC.EXE 85632 10/08/91 Postman And Mail Netbios Programs From
OKC_GM.ARC 3148 12/13/90 Okc_gm Logo
OKI192_3.ARC 24025 03/27/91 Setup Program for Okidata 192 & 193
OKLAMAP.ARC 30473 01/02/88 Mileage From Okc To Ok Towns
OKMAPV2.ARC 34373 11/14/88 Distances From Okc To Any Town In Okla.
OMNI.ARC 27984 04/05/88 Asks Many Questions & Analyzes You!
ORACLE.ARC 83541 10/24/88 Test Your Psychic Ability With This Prog.
ORANGE.ARC 6619 06/18/90 Orange co., ca. data for scanner buff.
ORCHVESA.ARC 2528 10/05/90 VESA BIOS Extension Driver for Orchid
ORG132SW.ARC 45889 12/28/90 ORG b1.32 Disk Organizer. Defragments disks
OSMO107.ARC 82913 07/08/91 Randy Rasa's Osmosis version 1.07. Aka
"Treasure Trove", this solitaire card game
requires skillful play and a good bit of
luck. Requires EGA or better and a
MS_compatible mouse.
PARABOLA.ARC 43224 12/20/90 Graph parabolas and other equations
PARODIES.ARC 12878 10/18/90 Parodies of Star Trek episodes.
PARTY.ARC 32595 01/17/89 Helps Planning Next Party With Recipes.
PASSGEN1.ARC 21205 12/23/90 Truly RANDOM 8_character password generator.
PAST1991.ARC 5752 02/02/91 Allow AT&T 6300 clock to go to 1992+
PAT31.ARC 22982 03/21/91 Patches several functions in the Clib 3.10
PATCH.ARC 146093 12/19/91 All Artisoft Patches in one file
PATCH12.ARC 112165 10/02/90 DOS implementation of GNU?'s PATCH w/source
PATCH43.ARC 2963 06/15/91 This program patches GEOCLK.EXE version 4.3
(date 6_8_91) to correct a small error in the
terminator position. It has no effect on
earlier or later verτº?{ns
PAUS12.ARC 29738 03/10/91 Morley's PAUSE/ASK utility v1.2 (3_10_91)
PB_C.ARC 4042 01/23/91 How to link Turbo C & PowerBASIC
PCACCE.ARC 68667 11/04/91 Netbios Compatible File And Bulletin
PCDOS40.ARC 14259 07/22/88 Ibm Pc Dos 4.0 Anncment, Upgrade, _ Text
PCLEARN5.ARC 221836 02/16/91 New Release (2/12/91) Of Outstanding
Computer Tutor.
PCMAG_UP.ARC 53895 02/18/90 Updated Versions Of Pc_mag Utils From
PCMINDEX.ARC 63891 07/19/87 Pc Mag Vols 4, 5 Indexes
Page - 88
PCMPR87.ARC 26804 12/06/87 Productivity Columns Index For Pcmag 1987
PCMPR88.ARC 29455 02/26/89 Pc Magazine Productivity Columns Index _
Vol 7, 1988
PCMPR89.ARC 26759 12/27/89 Pc Magazine Productivity Columns Index,
Jan_dec 1989
PCPPCB11.ARC 29987 07/14/91 Reformats Salt Air world_wide BBS list to
pursuitable list. Also outputs to Adial
format. Includes all exchanges to 7/13/91
PCRJAN89.ARC 34770 03/21/90 source code PcResource
PCRNOV89.ARC 55163 03/21/90 source code PcResource
PCROCT89.ARC 50220 03/21/90 source code PcResource
PCRSEP89.ARC 91035 03/21/90 source code Pcresource
PCSHL1.ARC 14181 10/07/91 Simple shell for Power C by Mix Software.
PCTOOL7.ARC 51734 07/03/91 Interesting series of messages from the
Compuserve CPS (Central Point Software) area
concerning the many, many, MANY perceived
bugs in the new PCTools version 7.0 upgrade.
If you have not yet purchased the product, or
paid for an upgrade, this is worth a read
before you do.
PCTV2N2.ARC 31820 08/12/91 Pc Techniques Vol 2 ,no 2 Code Listings
PCTV2N3.ARC 25589 08/12/91 Pc Techniques Vol 2 No 3 Source Code
PCWORLD3.ARC 167086 02/06/91 PC World PowerBase utilities vol. 3 (2_6_91)
PCX2CHAR.ARC 28355 09/14/90 Convert .PCX to CHARACTER format for printing
PCXSH30.ARC 184921 04/16/91 PCX_Show v3.0 Presentation/slideshow util
PC_C9105.ARC 4550 04/16/91 PC/Computing magazine _ May/91 utilities.
PC_MAG.INF 47321 07/27/91 Index Of Pc_mag Programs
PDS300.ARC 34904 02/09/91 PD Sort v3.00 External file sorter.
PDSRT211.ARC 24995 06/18/90 Pdosrt 2.1.1.. Public Domain program
PDX_WP.ARC 78674 11/14/90 Translate paradox tables to wordperfect docum
PDX_WP11.ARC 146062 12/28/90 VER. 1.10 OF PDX2WP. NOW HAS WP TO PARADOX CO
PEEK11.ARC 11917 09/29/90 PEEK v1.10 _ fast text string locator
PENNSTAR.ARC 33165 05/31/90 From audubon bbs_215_666_7657..self_extract
file of pennstar1 from u. of pa. med cntr.
PEPTOOL1.ARC 28933 03/26/91 PEP Tools v1.0 for Telix Communications.
PERCOMB.ARC 31675 03/23/88 Text On The New Perstor Controller.
PERL3041.ARC 161482 11/19/90 v3.0 of Practical Extraction & report Languag
PET.ARC 68697 03/12/91 SCREAM: "Pet Shop Boys"
PEWCHQ.ARC 135557 06/25/91 New release of COMMAND HQ program that has
enhanced computer opponent IQs and also can
cope with more modems. THIS IS NOT A PIRATED
COPY... You still need all the other CQ
programs to play. Also included is a text
file written by author of game (Dan Bunten)
that has info that isn't in the manual.
PFBFIX.ARC 17428 03/08/91 Fix for Adobe fonts converted from Corel
PHANTZ.ARC 125417 06/06/91 (UNIZ/ZENIX) Source code for Phantasia for
PHASERS.ARC 7326 01/28/91 Message "firing phasers, captain" for batches
PHONE344.ARC 49398 10/09/90 Phone Book for Windows 3.0
PIN.ARC 1891 10/19/90 Shows pin assignments for CGA/MGA/SER/PAR
PJ9_3.ARC 92304 10/07/91 Programmer's Journal Vol. 9 #3 source code.
PKPATCH.ARC 1593 01/20/88 Fix Bug In Pkzip 3.5
PLAYATM.ARC 24498 04/14/91 Playbill_ new ATM font.
PLAYBALL.ARC 150226 04/10/91 Complete 1991 Major League Baseball Schedule.
PLAYBOOT.ARC 23354 08/05/91 Allows you to specify a VOC directory upon
Page - 89
boot or call _ randomly picks a voc (up to
5000) and plays it. Try it _ M. Goth
PLOTV21.ARC 41808 02/21/90 Technical plotter v2.1
PLZIP.ARC 199952 11/14/90 Demo Plan Perfect
PMI.ARC 103691 08/10/90 This Program Is From Precision Monolitics
Inc It's Their Catalog With Cross_refferences
To Other Semiconductor Manufactures
PMTOOLS.ARC 11844 10/18/88 Another Print Master Tool Not Bad
POE.ARC 9743 11/01/90 The big bang according to edgar allen poe (te
POLBBS.ARC 3176 01/02/91 List of police bbss.
POP.ARC 184149 07/11/91 Pick operating system demo program
POPTYPE1.ARC 10671 04/28/91 TSR (10K) to send text to a prntr line by lin
PORT11.ARC 27879 10/07/91 New hardware debugger/port manipulator v1.1
PORTST11.ARC 44608 02/11/91 Test your ports in your computer
POWERTIP.ARC 57323 07/10/91 Best Power Tips And Utilities From Pcworld
PPROJECT.ARC 236134 06/07/90 Project Manager ___ Complete With Actor Code.
PRICES.ARC 2651 05/05/91 Prices for computers.
PRINDIR5.ARC 41423 10/04/90 TSR to redirect printer output to screen,
PRISM127.ARC 159457 08/01/90 Prism 1.27 _ virtual book publisher
PRO115.ARC 20190 04/09/91 ProPropt v1.5 Creates color DOS prompts.
PRO116.ARC 20610 07/07/91 ProPrompt version 1.16. Utility to build a
custom prompt without having to look up the
proper codes.
PROBE20.ARC 49468 04/18/90 Probe a program for maximun performence
PROMPTS1.ARC 2484 02/20/91 1.5K TSR displays current path screen corner
PRO_CR.EXE 76721 05/27/91 New version of pro cr Optical character recog
PS2ESD.ARC 5359 03/06/91 PS/2 ESDI drivers for Netware 3.10
PS44D.ARC 80670 03/25/91 Patriquin: PSearch v4.4d file finder.
PS44E.ARC 589 10/07/91 ┌─── Find that file FAST by Name or Text!──┐
PSCM12.ARC 91995 12/03/90 Project Source Code Manager v1.2
PSV120.ARC 39596 02/22/91 Novell Pserver.NLM update 2/24/91
PSV121.ARC 79179 02/24/91 Novell Pserver.VAP update 2/24/91
PSWAP.EXE 13852 01/14/92 Swaps LPT1 and LPT2 where IO ports are
messed up
PTERM2D.ARC 125985 09/02/91 The Pit v2.0: ANSI _USER_ interface terminal
program. Requires CGA, 286 and 64K expanded
memory or better! Speeds up game play with
embedded ANSI screens on the user side.
Allows plays music!
PTERM2D.ARJ 121752 09/07/91 The Pit V2.0 ANSI User interface _ speeds up
game play with embedded ANSI screens & music
PTR51DEC.ARC 192696 01/02/91 WP5.1 PTR Program 12_31_90 update.
PTV2N1.ARC 32864 03/26/91 Code from pc techniques, vol2,#1,apr/may '91.
PULL217.ARC 163798 09/20/90 Saa pulldown mouse supporting menu shell syst
PULL230.ARC 215609 10/16/90 Saa compliant dialog boxed pulldown menu shel
PURCH211.ARC 70121 09/24/89 Purchase Order Program
PUSHDIR.ARC 1967 10/07/91 Memorizes current dir, allows you to return
PVCMM1.ARC 26214 10/13/91 C Source Code for Virtual Memory
PWR14E.ARC 123134 12/27/90 Powerbatch v1.4e makes exe file from batch fi
PWZIP.EXE 17782 12/05/91 Patch for Nos 4.0 that corrects pw change
PXSRC_21.ARC 35543 04/14/91 PolyXarc v2.11 Source code. (4_14_91)
PYGMY13.ARC 65647 10/04/90 Compact forth system v1.3 w/assembler
QACETRAK.ARC 47514 03/01/90 Racetrak animation in .FLI format.
QBASE121.ARC 123161 10/01/90 Qbase v1.21 Structured query utility for .DBF
Page - 90
QBBED100.ARC 65491 11/28/90 Binary Editor For Msghdr.bbs;works In
Frontdoor Environments Only
QC420_2.ARC 260468 01/07/90 Quick Cache v4.20 Disk Cache. 2 of 2
QCMP114.ARC 12182 01/23/91 Network aware ver*qcmp*dunford's file comp ut
QEMM60.ARC 4211 08/18/91 Text file from Quarterdeck about the next
upgrade to QEMM and DESQview.
QESWP121.ARC 25354 10/07/91 Make QEDIT an 8K TSR. (5_19_91)
QEXT.ARC 4910 06/07/91 Quarterdeck XMS driver, v. 5.12 for DOS 5.0
QKMNU105.ARC 151134 01/11/91 Brilliant graphics menu system.
QPRO2REM.EXE 32875 11/15/90 Qpro 2 replace menu. features_ remember inst
QPTECH.ARC 68163 04/25/91 Quattro Pro Technical Sheets
QSCRT121.ARC 114397 09/27/90 Quick Screens directory convert. (9_27)
QSORT411.ARC 47838 10/07/91 Q_Sort Version 4.11. Excellent Sorter.
QUERY.ARC 1232 04/24/91 Enable true questions in a batch file.
QUES22.ARC 12543 02/12/91 Add Questions to Batch Files.
QUEST3D.ARC 145643 02/10/90 3_D DRAWING
QUOTE523.ARC 8670 10/07/91 Message quoting system for COMMO 4.53 (5_23)
Q_APARAD.ARC 19998 03/13/91 Question And Answers For Borland's Paradox
R2LAN.ARC 1903 11/14/91 Using R@lan With Lantastic
R3UTIL.ARC 59492 10/30/91 Updated Lantastic Utilites
RADAR.ARC 2008 10/23/90 How to avoid traps
RADIOTTY.ARC 28283 03/06/91 Shortwave NEWSWIRE to PC pickup converter.
RAMMAP.ARC 10801 10/07/91 Shows graph and list of all things in memory.
RDEX30.ARC 293744 10/02/90 RDEX v3.0 personal infrmation mgr. (10_2_90)
READCPM.ARC 8912 05/30/89 Read Cp/m Files From Ms Dos
RECALL31.ARC 31321 11/01/90 Comand Line Recall v3.1 TSR to recall command
RELEAS15.ARC 85146 07/09/91 A List of New Software comming out this year!
REMEMBER.WQ1 1684 01/28/91 Quattro pro 2.0 remember function is back!!!
REMIX106.ARC 11335 06/01/91 Music Video: Remixes,extended tracks + power
REMOPOSS.ARC 1987 11/14/91 Using Remotely Possible With Lantastic
REMZIP.EXE 20610 12/05/91 Patch for NOS 4.0 for Token Ring Cards
RENT113.ARC 71684 10/15/90 Rent All Popular Titles Of Commercial
Software For $2.50 Per Disk. Try It You Will
Like It! This Is Current Catalogue
REP504.ARC 8338 04/16/91 Garapic: File Search & Replace v5.04 (4_16)
REUNION.ARC 152790 06/07/90 high School Reunion Database Tracker, The
REVBIPX.ARC 12878 06/05/90 IPX Rev 3.01 Rev B IPX Shell
REVEAL12.ARC 39678 05/06/91 REVEAL v1.2 interactive memory mapper & tutor
REVIC.ARC 128956 07/10/90 Estimating tools for software development.
RFC0822.ARC 35482 08/14/90 Standard for format of ARPA internet msgs.
RFI_S91.ARC 737 05/23/91 Radio France Int'l _ Summer '91 Sked.
RHMTD.ARC 649625 11/11/91 Right Hand Man Test Drive _ Expires 12/9/91
RIME0791.ARC 21191 07/20/91 Rime Times Newsletter for July 1991
RIO2.ARC 123515 03/20/91 RIO v2.0 TSR to log DOS interrupts & results
RIR12.ARC 32105 01/07/91 Rock Directory v1.20 DOS "DIR" replacement
RITIME1A.ARC 22450 03/30/91 Rightime v1.0a correct at cmos time errors.
RITM11.ARC 31243 10/07/91 TSR for DOS v3.x and later to correct clock
RMAIL.ARC 44603 12/23/91 Rick Roth's Substitute E_mail for
RMT10.ARC 14997 07/20/90 Menu tools in turbo_C
RNED_S91.ARC 886 04/28/91 Radio Nederland _ Summer '91 Sked.
RNOR_S91.ARC 830 05/23/91 Radio Norway Int'l _ Summer '91 Sked.
RN_DR22.ARC 17228 03/15/88 Enhance Dr And Rn Utilities For Pcmag
ROADBLOK.ARC 35800 05/05/91 Road Block device driver tracker. (5_5_91)
ROBIN.ARC 8948 07/02/91 WIN3 BMP: Original artwork of Batman's buddy
Page - 91
(not by me).
ROBOMZ.ARC 117455 07/13/91 Robomaze II, Volume I _ The Lobby; Arcade
game w/900 number support ($2/minute)
ROCK106.ARC 19497 06/01/91 Music Video: Dance oriented and headbanger
ROCK109.ARC 30239 09/01/91 Sep91 videos _ geo. thorogood, elo 2,
screaming jets.
ROUTE.ARC 92951 11/24/89 A Printed Circuit Board Cad Program
RULER.ARC 14602 04/24/80 Put A Ruler On Your Screen.
SATDISH.ARC 3458 10/25/89 Basic Engineering Program To Calculate
SCBIDS2.ARC 32927 03/07/88 Figure Job Estimate/bids
SHRINK_U.ARC 21047 06/20/88 Tells You What Your Personality Is Like
SIG2000.ARC 231261 07/26/91 Pc_sig File Descriptions For Files 501_2000
SKY46A.ARC 77684 07/12/90 Skybase _ Night Sky Viewer.
SKY46B.ARC 67393 03/26/90 Skybase _ 2 Of 2
SLEEP_30.ARC 8988 04/11/90 Wait For Computer Time
SMOKER.ARC 51946 05/28/90 7 Day Program To Quit Smoking. Very
Well Done
SPECDISK.ARC 73110 10/30/91 Specs Of Artisoft Products
SPEEDING.ARC 7512 02/17/91 A Few Good Ways To Avoid A Speeding
STISTICS.ARC 146048 07/24/88 Biomedical Statistics. Good Tools!
STOCKS30.ARC 113720 01/15/89 Stock Shock Ver. 3.0 The Very Very Best
SWIMSUIT.ARC 100856 07/24/90 Sports Illistrated Swimsuit
UC3D.ARC 4691 03/25/91 Type Anything And Watch It Move In 3d
UDLOG625.ARC 36019 06/28/91 Pc Mag Utility Listing Thru 6/25/91
URINDEEP.ARC 2422 12/06/89 You Are In Deep When.................
UROLDWEN.ARC 1700 12/06/89 You Are Old When.........................
USACON.ARC 20794 02/21/88 United State's Constitution
UU_MHS.ARC 38071 12/05/91 UUCP to MHS and back
VCRDBASE.ARC 31665 12/03/88 Vcr Tape Catalog Program.
VGAUTIL.ARC 55671 07/18/91 From The Boca Bbs
VIEW.ARC 29033 04/10/88 Shows Position Of Stars And Planets
WAYNER.ARC 25726 01/21/89 Bytenet Dir And Wayner.txt From Nov87
WB100.ARC 123922 03/05/91 Work Book Ver 1.0 Teachng Aid For Kids
WINNET01.ARC 31895 11/05/91 Windows Based Network Management Utility
WNETMG.ARC 18296 12/03/91 Windows Net Manager for Lantastic
WNM20S.ARC 20454 12/18/91 Windows Net Manager for Lantastic
ZSUR.TXT 13326 06/22/91 It Could Be The Best Surge Protection
Page - 92
Mid-America Digital Publishing's Magnum One 02/19/92
Windows 1
Name Bytes Date Description
100SCRNS.ARC 177769 04/07/90 Color Screens for PowerBBS
1013ICO.ARC 386372 04/29/91 over 400 icons for windows 3.0
123PW31.ARC 15173 04/27/91 1_2_3 Power WIndow Lotus spreadsheet manager
1280BNCH.ARC 2813 01/02/92 Benchmark for 1280x1024 video
16COLOR.ARC 157110 09/04/91 Windows 3.0 VGA drivers for the Paradise
VGA's (800x600x16 & 1024x768x16)
16PSFNTS.ARC 395270 07/20/91 16 new fonts for atm
1700ICO.ARC 332853 01/29/91 1700 Icons For Windows
1858ICON.ARC 482005 03/25/91 1858 different icons which are self
extracting by alphabet letter
24PIN.ARC 65391 03/20/91 Replacement epson 24 pin driver for win 3.0
386CHIP.ARC 122072 12/20/90 Intel 80386 Bmp
3D.ARC 11431 02/05/91 Improve The Look Of Your Buttons In
3DBUTTON.ARC 25179 07/28/90 3 Dimensional Buttons For Toolbook
3FONTS1.ARC 109356 01/06/91 3 Fonts Fpr Atm Or Superprint
4FONTS1.ARC 152600 01/05/91 Win 3 : More Fonts For Atm Or Superprint
4SHELL.ARC 75989 08/24/91 Windows 3.0 shell for 4PRINT 4.10 and 4BOOK
4WIN100.ARC 33931 04/04/91 4Win "dos" window from a win app. for Win 3.0
usual commands supported.
4WIN110.ARC 40141 07/04/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
673WIN3.ARC 66192 08/09/90 Evrex 640x480 800x600 windows 3 drivers
678WIN3.ARC 141508 08/16/90 Device Drivers For Windows
678WIN3B.ARC 189545 11/14/90 1024x768 driver for Win3.0/Everex EV_678
8514SUBS.ARC 49804 09/28/91 Replacements for system font in Windows 3
A6BMP.ARC 108363 05/10/91 Windows wallpaper US Navy A6 Intruder
ABACO.ARC 10653 07/09/91 Abacus. Very nice colors.
ABCV1_0.ARC 14018 08/25/91 A simple windows 3.0 letter learning tool for
ABDUL_DC.ARC 158659 05/02/91 BMP of Paula Abdul and a Diet Coke!
ABOUT.ARC 6974 07/19/90 Help With The About Box In Windows
ACCOUNT.ARC 3862 08/12/90 Accounting Program For Windows
ACHART11.ARC 19126 04/20/91 Ascii Chart for win3. Also EBCDIC, Color
ACHART12.ARC 18383 06/07/91 WIN3: ASCII chart, ANSI/IBM_PC/EBCDIC charset
ACK.ARC 8677 08/23/91 .BMP of Bill the Cat
ACTORTUT.ARC 30139 10/18/90 Win 3 : Object Oriented Programming
Tutorial Introduction To The Actor Prog.
AD3.ARC 1556 06/02/91 Information on a BBS program for Windows
ADDRSB.ARC 17677 03/06/91 Toolbook app _ Professional's Address Book
ADIAL.ARC 1480 07/19/90 Win 3 : Crosstalk For Windows Autodialer
ADJUTNT1.ARC 36938 02/01/91 Atm Font _ Similar To Courier
ADLIB.ARC 64530 01/21/91 Adlib Card Drivers For Windows 3.0
ADON.ARC 277551 10/15/90 Win 3 : Adonis Clipart Shopper
ADR10C.ARC 172087 07/31/91 (ASP) Wilson Windowware _ Address Reminder
ADVENT.ARC 287153 12/04/90 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
AFONT.ARC 76478 12/31/90 Screen Font For Ventura And Corel Draw
Page - 93
AFORCE.ARC 15506 11/09/90 Win 3 : New Arcade Style Game For
ALBATROS.ARC 68826 03/17/91 Serified body font w/ low x_height
ALBM14.ARC 66974 02/07/91 Toolbook App. To Create And Maintain
Album Collections
ALM096.ARC 153762 08/10/90 Almanac Version 0.96 For Windows 3
ALM101.ARC 143862 10/19/90 Almanac Version 1.01
ALM103.ARC 146172 04/29/91 Almanac Program For Windows 3.0
ALM104.ARC 146353 01/18/91 Almanac 1.04 For Windows 3.0
ALM1_1.ARC 143862 10/17/90 Almanac Version 1.1 For Windows 3.0
ALMANAC.ARC 167484 05/22/91 Almanac Program For Windows 3
ALTKEY1.ARC 2001 02/24/91 This Toolbook Shows You How To Send <alt>
Key To Windows Through Openscript
AMORT.ARC 39405 04/02/91 Excel 3.0 amortization worksheets
AN101A.ARC 50931 02/15/91 Novell Application notes for Windows 3.0
ANIMAXXD.ARC 83767 02/15/91 Demo / Press Release Of Animaxx Animator
For Windows 3.0. Use Bmp Files To Create
A Animation / Slide Show.
ANSICO10.ARC 10526 02/25/91 Convert Windows 3.0 ZCO files to ANSI screens
ANTS.ARC 11797 04/26/91 WIN3 BMP: Ants Wallpaper version 1.0. Have
moving ants walk around your background.
ANYBIL31.ARC 189218 06/05/91 Anybill 3.1 _ Windows checkbook and bill
APDOCK2C.ARC 200093 08/09/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
APDOCS.ARC 63562 10/14/90 Docs For Aporia
APE.ARC 53775 07/09/90 A Bmp Of Cols Oh Most Famous Resident. I
Don't Mean Woody Hayes Either.
APIREF.ARC 4406 06/24/91 Documenting API calls_Visual
APOLLO.ARC 74767 05/31/90 Win3 BMP: Apollo spacecraft over Earth.
APOR13.ARC 124998 08/16/90 Windows 3 Utility Program
APOR14B.ARC 145713 10/23/90 Win 3 : Aporia Version 1.4
APOR14C.ARC 158770 01/14/91 Replacement Program manager for Windows 3.0
APORIA14.ARC 208852 10/21/90 WIN3:Graphic_oriented visual command interfac
APORICON.ARC 19843 08/27/90 Win 3 : Icon For Aporia 14
APPBAR.ARC 44662 10/14/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
APPDOCK2.ARC 19481 08/02/91 Application Dock v2.0 for Windows 3.
APPLES.ARC 58941 11/23/90 .bmp Of Apple Logo
APPSHL.ARC 29689 08/17/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
APPTIMER.ARC 20558 05/22/91 Execute Program At Certain Times In
Windows 3
ARACHNID.ARC 76913 02/15/91 Solitaire With A New Twist!
ARC13P.ARC 27357 11/28/90 Win 3 : Font For Atm Or Superprint
ARCHIVES.ARC 342443 06/23/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
ARCODEMO.ARC 7873 10/03/90 Toolbook App To Demonstrate The Use Of
AREACO.ARC 7286 06/15/91 Area code program in Visual Basic
ARNOLD.ARC 37592 01/24/91 Postscript Font for ATM & Windows 3.0
ASCII_3.ARC 5748 06/20/90 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
ASCVIEW2.ARC 31437 07/04/91 Ascii viewer v2.0 w/ print, goto, search
ASTRON.ARC 30174 09/07/90 Astronaut Floating In Space
AT.ARC 17778 01/14/91 Application Timer, Launch Programs At A
Preset Time.
AT12.ARC 17778 01/15/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
ATI201_1.ARC 127183 07/19/91 WIN3: ATIdrvr 800x600&1024x768x16,640x480x256
ATI201_2.ARC 108066 06/18/91 WIN3: ATIdrvr 800x600&1024x768x256,640x480x32
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ATI6_18.ARC 276993 06/18/91 ATI Win 3.0 drivers as of 6_18_91
ATIW300.ARC 311851 09/03/91 ATI Windows 3.0 drivers
ATIW32.ARC 164147 11/01/90 Ati Drivers_800x600x256,640x480x256, Etc.
ATIW3256.ARC 164142 04/29/91 Svga Driver For Windows 3.0 (ati Card)
ATIW3400.ARC 48585 01/02/92 ATI Windows 3.0 drivers
ATIW3DRV.ARC 190115 02/26/91 New Set Of Ati Drivers Direct From The
Ati Bbs. Fixes Problem Of Going To Dos
Full Screen Graphics Programs.
ATIWIN3.ARC 94804 06/20/90 ATI VGA board drivers for MS_Windows 3.0
ATIWN991.ARC 296830 09/03/91 ATI graphics board windows drivers for up to
800x600 256 colors with .5 or 1 meg display
ATL96.ARC 2968 06/26/90 Windows 3.0 ATLANTA `96 Olympic Logo.
ATLU11.ARC 110199 08/22/91 Windows 3 Atlas of the US v1.1
ATLUS.ARC 109567 06/22/91 Atlus is a Windows atlas of the United
States. It contains information on all of
the states and more than 150 cities in the
US. You can add more cities, update the
information about any city or state, test
your knowledge of US geography or perform
database searches for specific kinds of
cities. You can also add your own custom
information to any city. Requires VGA and
Windows Standard or 386 Enhance mode.
ATMARIST.ARC 57945 02/02/91 Atm Font
ATMBRUSH.ARC 64498 02/02/91 Atm Font
ATMFIX.ARC 4736 11/12/90 Adobe Type Manager Fix
ATMFNTS1.ARC 287999 01/14/91 Ps Fonts For Atm _ 1/7
ATMFNTS2.ARC 418458 01/14/91 2/7
ATMFNTS3.ARC 342921 01/14/91 3/7
ATMFNTS4.ARC 349267 01/14/91 4/7
ATMFNTS5.ARC 355544 01/14/91 5/7
ATMFNTS6.ARC 395613 01/14/91 6/7
ATMFNTS7.ARC 527755 01/14/91 7/7
ATMFON.ARC 143921 12/16/90 A Collection Of Atm Fonts From Cis
ATMFONT1.ARC 193676 04/29/91 Adobe Type Manager Fonts Post Crypt, Black
Chancery, RS Alison Etc. (6) Fonts. For
Windows 3.0
ATMFONTS.ARC 400784 11/28/90 Public Domain Fonts for ATM
ATMOID.ARC 9104 07/19/90 Win 3 : Astroids Game
ATM_PM.ARC 2510 05/15/91 Text file _ using Adobe Type Manager
with Pagemaker
ATM_WF.ARC 2044 06/23/91 How to include all font weights in wfnboss
conv. to ATM
ATOWIN.ARC 2937 08/16/91 To automate & simplify running AUTOSIG v6.8A
(and earlier versions) under MS_Windows
v3.0; 08/16/91.
ATRE12.ARC 223742 07/27/91 AI program for Windows 3.O: An Implementation
of an Adaptive Logic Network
ATTAXX.ARC 10513 02/07/91 Othello Type Game For Windows
AUTOD3.ARC 3410 01/12/91 Another Auto Dialer For Xtalk For Windows
AUTODI.ARC 7434 08/29/90 Win 3 : Crosstalk For Windows Autodialer
AUXIL.ARC 1457 03/18/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
BACKDESK.ARC 99886 07/23/91 BACKMENU/BIGDESK: WIN3 menu/desktop manager
BACKMENU.ARC 13711 11/14/90 Allows Menus On The Fly In Windows 3.0
BAMBYBMP.ARC 6086 08/23/90 Bamby bitmap for window 3 wallpaper.
BANGBANG.ARC 34668 10/19/90 Win 3 : Artillary Game
Page - 95
BARS.ARC 654 09/13/90 Win 3 : Jail Bars Wallpaper
BART.ARC 3152 02/10/91 Win 3 : Bart Simpson "say No To Drugs"
BARTEYES.ARC 13083 01/30/91 Bart Simpson Eyes That Follow Your Cursor
BASWIND8.ARC 184187 09/14/90 Basic Windows Tool
BATEMA.ARC 184507 10/31/90 Windows 800x600 Bmp Of Robt. Bateman
Painting Of Cardinal On Cherry
BBDDEMO1.ARC 281243 08/13/90 Win 3 : Accounting By Design Demo 1/2
BBDDEMO2.ARC 29700 08/13/90 Win 3 : Accounting By Design Demo 2/2
BBLCRD01.ARC 7897 10/14/90 Win 3 : Card File Of Bible Text
BBLCRD02.ARC 6511 10/17/90 Win 3 : Bible Card File # 2
BBVIEW.ARC 22611 04/12/91 A PIC viewer that can convert to .BMP
BCKMN135.ARC 21915 02/06/91 Back Menu V1.35 _ User Configuable Menu
BCKMN2.ARC 59221 06/07/91 Version 2.2 of Backmenu Fine Pop_up menu
BCKMN210.ARC 49648 05/20/91 Pop_up menus for Windows 3.0 background
BCKMNU21.ARC 49648 05/20/91 Backmenu 2.1 fixes bug in installation of
menu. Similar to X_windows. All menu items
BEDROCK.ARC 18046 04/02/91 ATM font set
BENCHG11.ARC 107807 06/02/90 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
BENG_BLD.ARC 16890 03/28/90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
BG06.ARC 22631 12/23/90 Win 3 : Update To Back Gammon. Now In
BIBWIN1.ARC 76720 07/30/91 Bible Window 1.0 _ Bible Quotes
BIGD21.ARC 27713 05/16/91 Virtual window system for Windows 3
BIGDESK.ARC 11226 02/22/91 A Very Large .bmp, Works Well With Hirez
BIGDSK.ARC 28613 05/14/91 Bigdesk v2.0 _ 9 window background program
BIGDSK22.ARC 37254 06/13/91 Update to Big Desk Windows 3.0 Many new
BILLWP.ARC 1896 02/13/91 Bill The Cat .bmp
BIORTH.ARC 18394 07/03/90 Win 3 : Do Your Biorythms
BITMAN.ARC 23869 05/09/91 Windows Bitmap Manager _ read Win bitmaps
bitmaps can be saved into BMP
BIVIDISC.ARC 20266 08/09/91 Library, VCR, Disco Program for Windows
BIZNIX1.ARC 2250 07/19/90 Release info for Biz_Nix, the first Canadian
invoicing & accounting program for Win 3
BIZ_NIX.ARC 513292 10/23/90 A Windows Accounting Program.
BKGFADE.ARC 6801 10/08/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
BLACKOUT.ARC 28670 03/17/91 A Mouse Practice Type Game
BLANK.ARC 6379 02/14/91 Freeware Screen Blanker
BLITFIX.ARC 9787 11/02/91 BLIT fix for Windows video
BLITZER.ARC 59380 04/05/91 Arcade game for Win 3.0
fly a chopper into underground.
slow and sluggish graphics, but then I have a
286 with 1meg.
BLKCHA.ARC 24767 12/03/90 Win 3 : Font For Atm Or Superprint
BMP.ARC 192060 07/23/90 Windows 3 Bit Map Screens 1 Of 5
BMP1.ARC 5787 07/23/90 Misc. pictures for windows 3.0
BMP2.ARC 8211 07/23/90 More misc. pictures for windows 3.0
BMP3.ARC 71149 07/23/90 4 Of 5
BMP4.ARC 66635 07/23/90 5 Of 5
BOARD.ARC 574 08/01/90 Win 3 : Pif To Run Pcboard
BOOKLT.ARC 168375 11/04/90 Assortment Of Toolbook Apps
BOOKLT01.ARC 167543 10/10/90 More Toolbook Apps
BOOKLT02.ARC 177975 12/10/90 Holiday Booklets Distibution For Toolbook
BOUNCE.ARC 19581 09/07/90 Ricochet Patterns For Windwos
Page - 96
BOXPLO.ARC 27597 09/08/90 Win 3.0 Loudspeaker Design & Stats
BOXPLT13.ARC 36292 05/16/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
BPUTIL.ARC 129956 09/14/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
BRICK3.ARC 4807 06/25/90 Windows 3.0 bricks program
BRUSHSCR.ARC 28369 01/24/91 Postscript Font for ATM & Windows 3.0
BTDEMO.ARC 24599 08/26/91 A VBasic (Windows) demo of bitmap buttons
with source code.
BTRTPW.ARC 1777 05/03/91 Beta ver. of Btrieve interface to TP for Win
BUDGET.ARC 15290 05/20/91 Home Budget program for Toolbook
from Headfirst Software
BUILDER3.ARC 11094 10/14/90 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
BURST.ARC 10036 09/07/90 Windows Gag:min Delay, Fractures Display
BWMANDEL.ARC 45852 07/24/90 A collection of b/w fractal bmp files.
CAL199.ARC 20965 11/24/90 1991 Calender for Windows
CAL1990S.ARC 8428 07/28/90 Win 3 : Calendar .bmp, 800x600
CAL1991.ARC 21067 11/24/90 Calendar For 1991 For Windows
CALEND.ARC 126092 10/01/90 Win 3 : Calendar Program
CALIGULA.ARC 28971 11/14/90 Caligula, A Calligraphic Font For Use
With Atm For Windows.
CALLBACK.ARC 5699 11/15/90 Toolbook Dll To Sense If The Toolbook
Window Has Been Resized Or Moved
CALVIN.ARC 100527 04/29/91 Calvin And Hobbes Window's Wallpaper (.bmp)
CANDLE.ARC 34657 08/31/90 Win 3 : File Search & Codesearch
CAPRI.ARC 18246 01/13/91 ATM Sinaloa typeface for Windows 3.0
CAR035.ARC 41739 11/25/90 Adobe CARTA screen fonts for Windows 3.0;
Adobe typeface library; 6,7,8,9,10,24 point
VGA rez FON files.
CARDCO.ARC 6744 11/03/90 Converts .crd Files To Ascii
CARTA.ARC 27427 01/24/91 Postscript Font for ATM & Windows 3.0
CASCADE.ARC 30350 01/25/91 Type 1 Ps Font For Atm/superprint
CASCADEW.ARC 12626 01/06/91 .wfn Font For Corel Draw
CASELIN3.ARC 22513 09/23/90 Win 3 : Audio Cassette Case Liner
CASLON.ARC 53644 01/24/91 Postscript Font for ATM & Windows 3.0
CBDEMO.ARC 26651 01/18/91 Sql Windows Combobox Dll Demo App
CCWINDEM.ARC 523260 02/25/91 Cc:mail's New Post Office Pack Demo
CDR_FONT.ARC 89855 08/28/90 Fonts for Corel Draw
CELTICS.ARC 60826 11/16/90 Celtics Logo In .bmp Format
CENTOLD.ARC 16566 03/28/90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
CENTOLDB.ARC 16663 03/28/90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
CENTOLDI.ARC 16725 03/28/90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
CENT_B.ARC 17367 03/28/90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
CENT_I.ARC 16799 03/28/90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
CFGSAVE.ARC 4716 10/11/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
CGMFLT.ARC 26622 01/15/91 AmiPro CGM filter _ inport CGM graphics
into AmiPro.
CHAIN2.ARC 30427 10/28/90 Connects Dos To Win3 Apps
CHCUR101.ARC 14838 01/29/91 Allows You To Hide Cursor, Move Cursor To
Center Of Screen In Windows. Version 1.01
CHDIR.ARC 6127 03/08/91 Word for Windows macro _ Change directory
CHECKERS.ARC 16746 08/02/90 Win 3 : Nice Checkers Game.
CHEM.ARC 21762 12/09/90 A New Periodic Table Of Elements
CHESS.ARC 56028 05/22/91 Chess Game For Windows 3
CHESS101.ARC 56028 09/23/90 A Gnu Chess Game For Windows V3.0. It
CHESSEXE.ARC 50631 08/26/90 Chess Game For Windows 3.0
CHESSNET.ARC 37620 05/08/90 Play Chess By Modem Or In Windows 3
CHGCRS10.ARC 26194 11/30/90 Windows 3.0 Utility To Change The Shape
Of The Mouse Cursor. Load, Edit Or
Page - 97
CHGCRS20.ARC 36301 09/27/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
CHGCRS21.ARC 36232 11/19/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
CHGCUR10.ARC 26194 11/30/90 Win 3 : Design You Own Cursor
CHILIPEP.ARC 49169 05/05/91 Adobe Type I font, also has .WFN in it
CHITOWN.ARC 27872 12/22/90 Atm Font _ Chi Town
CHKBK62.ARC 66727 11/03/90 WIndows 3.0 Checkbook manager v6.2 (11_3)
CICA2DB.ARC 9019 02/09/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
CIRCLESQ.ARC 33770 09/07/90 Beautiful, Wallpaper Painter For Windows
CIRRUSDR.ARC 125931 08/21/91 Windows drivers for VGA cards with Cirrus
chips. Cures display problems previously
encountered in 386 Enhanced mode when
running DOS applications with this type of
card. Obtained from Deico, a manufacturer of
VGA cards with the Cirrus chips.
cards with the Cirrus chips.
CITIZDR.ARC 124614 06/26/91 S/E Printer Drivers GSX 140, 145, etc for Win
CITYLARG.ARC 252309 07/02/90 Win 3 : Wallpaper Of Boston
CKBOOK66.ARC 70767 12/05/90 Check Book Version 66
CKERMIT.ARC 47655 10/27/90 Sliding Windows Kermit Program For W3,
A 3270 Emulation
CLEAN76.ARC 73009 04/08/91 Mcafee's Virus Remover V. 7.2v76
CLEANUP.ARC 24994 01/05/91 Clean Up Files & Directories In Win 3.0
CLICK11.ARC 39158 07/01/90 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
CLICK115.ARC 45390 04/29/91 Latest Release Of Click!filer For Windows 3.0
CLICK11A.ARC 44492 08/14/90 Click! Filer v1.1 for Windows 3.0 Side show
CLICK13.ARC 66484 03/08/91 Windows 3.0 file manager, multiple
directories most dos commands,working model
CLICK2.ARC 38568 06/26/90 File and prgram management system for windows
3. doc file is for version 1.1, but
executables are 2.0 (or appear to be). has
hot button feature for launching programs.
CLIK11.ARC 38568 07/26/90 Click Filer W/new Additions
CLIKFI10.ARC 26186 07/29/90 Click Filer. Like Prog Mgr For Windows 3
CLINR2.ARC 22611 10/08/90 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
CLIPBOOK.ARC 61996 11/03/90 Toolbook Clipart Book
CLIPTB.ARC 61132 06/23/90 Clipart Toolbook For Windows Ver 3.0
CLNDRMKR.ARC 216266 01/30/91 Calendar maker for windows 3. import
graphics files, place icons on dates, great!
CLOCK.ARC 20156 07/02/91 Visual Basic Clock
CLOISTER.ARC 35358 01/25/91 Type 1 Ps Font For Atm/superprint
CLOSEALL.ARC 4547 08/26/91 WindowCloseAll is a WFW macro that closes
all open files at the same time w/just one
cmd; 08/26/91; Daniel Goodman.
CLOWN.ARC 85125 11/09/90 A Bmp Of A Clowns Face, Excellent
CLPARTTB.ARC 253725 04/03/90 Toolbook clipart for windows 3.0
CLPWIN2.ARC 153354 02/04/91 Windows Clipart
CLPWIN3.ARC 111078 02/04/91 Windows Clipart
CLPWIN4.ARC 185480 02/10/91 Windows Clipart
CLPWIN5.ARC 150128 02/10/91 Windows Clipart
CLPWIN6.ARC 206323 02/10/91 Windows Clipart
CLPWIN7.ARC 153426 02/10/91 Windows Clipart
CLPWIN8.ARC 131162 02/11/91 Windows Clipart
CMAN_10.ARC 172363 09/05/91 ClockMan 1.0 is a Win3 utility that can be
programmed to alarm at specified times and
set off unattended operations.
Page - 98
CMDLINE.ARC 15934 09/17/90 Win 3 : Run Programs That Need Cmd Line
CMDP70S.ARC 217469 03/09/91 Command_Post v7.0S exec ctl for MS Windows 3.
CMPSKIT.ARC 76080 10/10/91 Font compose/preview/display for Windows3
COBOLM.ARC 2384 09/13/90 Nostalgic Wallpaper For Ex_mainframers
CODEPAD.ARC 49400 03/15/91 Programmers Editor
COIN.ARC 47727 06/07/91 Toolbook for coin collectors
COMBUS10.ARC 77927 08/19/90 Windows Software Card List
COMICB.ARC 5918 01/16/91 Comic Base 1.0 _ A Comic Book Cataloger
For Toolbook
COMICS.ARC 44802 06/07/91 Comicbook Toolbook Application
COMM.ARC 22315 09/04/90 A Toolbook Simple Comm Program
COMMAND.ARC 4421 10/18/90 A "better" Command Window For Toolbook
COMMFIX.ARC 26786 05/09/91 MicroSoft's fix for Win3 & Com 3 & 4
COMPTR.ARC 4650 01/26/91 Rle File Of A Computer That Can Be Used
as A Replacement Startup Screen For Windows
COMRESET.ARC 6999 01/10/92 Reset Com Ports
COMVIEW.ARC 119347 04/05/90 Common view demo from image soft for ms
CONCEN10.ARC 11056 01/09/91 Game of concentration for Windows 3.0
CONMAN.ARC 8005 12/05/90 Lan Connection Manager For Windows 3.0
CONNECT4.ARC 24830 04/21/91 A Game of Connect Four _ Windows 3.0
COOK.ARC 79345 09/14/91 A visually beautiful, yet powerful freeform
COOKBO.ARC 10035 06/08/91 Cookbook in toolbook
COOKIE.ARC 22798 01/15/91 Program To Generate Sayings Or Pearls Of
COOLCAT.ARC 9145 07/05/90 Win 3 : Garfield .bmp Background
COPYIT12.ARC 28553 01/27/91 Copyit Is A File Management Program That
Will Let You Copy, Delete, Rename, Move,
And Many Other Functions.
COPYIT13.ARC 39610 05/06/91 Copyit version 1.3 _ File Manager
COREL20.ARC 1644 11/20/90 Win 3 : Text On Corel Draw 2.0
CORELFNT.ARC 147928 08/07/90 Additional fonts for Corel Draw
CORNELL.ARC 2871 08/16/90 Cornell Logo Bmp
COYOTEWP.ARC 8890 08/23/90 Famous coyote wallpaper for windows 3.0
CPI.ARC 137313 08/13/90 Win 3 : Imageprep Demo Program.
CPMENU.ARC 2889 01/31/91 Enhancements For Menus Of Command Post
CPPWIN10.ARC 31271 01/11/91 Zortech C++/windows 3 Class Library
CPUUSE.ARC 6246 12/16/90 Monitor Your Cpu Usage
CPUUSE12.ARC 6246 12/16/90 Win 3 : Show Cpu Usage
CPUUSE13.ARC 6508 04/03/91 Monitor CPU use in Windows 3.0
CP_68M.ARC 64652 02/13/90 A Set Of Disk Utilities (like Norton) For
CP_70G.ARC 249969 07/27/90 Command Post 7.0g
CP_70J.ARC 257676 09/13/90 Command Post 70j For Windows 3.0
CP_70M.ARC 277173 12/20/90 Command Post For Windows 3.0
CP_70R.ARC 219087 02/10/91 Command Post 7.0r For Windows 3.0
CREPAI2.ARC 27165 06/07/91 New version of a Windows ToolBook game.
CTRYSCH1.ARC 172725 01/02/91 Country School Fonts For Atm
CUBIC.ARC 35468 05/22/91 Windows puzzle
CURPRO.ARC 1611 05/18/91 IBM lowers offers special price for Current
CURSOR.ARC 7007 06/17/90 Set cursor shape and style
CUSBUT10.ARC 15990 06/22/90 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
CUSTCL.ARC 121825 11/03/90 Customize Windows 3 Toolbook Displays To Use
256 Colors
Page - 99
CWICONZ2.ARC 40328 04/29/91 A Very Nice Set Of About 50 Icons For Ms
Windows 3.0. Already Set Up In .grp File
So You Can Display Them.
CXLXPLOD.ARC 4409 06/12/89 Win 3 : Program To Explode Windows
CYCLE.ARC 6236 09/06/90 Win 3 : Cycle Windows W/ Mouse Button
DAGNT14B.ARC 58606 04/10/91 Double Agent v1.4 Diagnostics/Info for win3
DARKWALL.ARC 4892 08/05/90 Win 3 : Bmp From The Darkside Of The Moon
DATAB13.ARC 76348 07/10/91 Toolbook Database for VCR tapes, Coins,
Magazines, etc.
DATASV11.ARC 226127 08/15/91 Dataserver name & addr database with ddl link
DAVYSD.ARC 150195 05/13/91 DAVYS ATM fontd
DAYBOOK.ARC 131113 08/14/90 Win 3 : Ver 1.0a, Bugs Fixed For Toolbook
DAYCLOCK.ARC 3992 05/29/91 Enhancement to Windows Clock
DAYGOLD.ARC 60296 12/03/90 Win 3 : Daily Gold _ Bible Quotes, Ques,
DB11US.ARC 25347 11/12/90 Read Dbase Files In Windows
DB11_US.ARC 24756 11/09/90 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
DC.ARC 39297 06/21/91 .BMP of fireworks in Washington D.C.
DC1.ARC 89901 06/21/91 .BMP of the Mall in Washington D.C.
DC110.ARC 24958 01/18/91 Diskcopy Utility For Windows
DC111.ARC 25180 03/15/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
DDEWATCH.ARC 21051 04/03/90 Program To Allow You To Monitor Dde
DDE_LIB.ARC 126285 12/26/90 Library for programming DDE in Win3. 9/90.
DEBBIE2.ARC 20846 07/04/91 Semi_nude BMP for wallpaper
DELEGAT1.ARC 37020 02/01/91 Atm Font _ Also Similar To Courier
DEMDAT.ARC 600988 06/01/90 Win 3 : Demo Of Super Base 4 3/3
DEMOP1.ARC 513472 11/08/90 Demo Of Logitech Ansel Graphics Editing
Program File 1 Of 3
DESK1.ARC 2234 11/18/90 Small program to stop Windows from redrawing
the screen. Creates some interesting visual
DESKN20.ARC 47955 07/29/90 Desktop Navigator For Windows 3.0
DESKNAV.ARC 96611 05/22/91 Desk Navagator For Windows
DESKTO.ARC 134890 06/20/90 Win 3 : Alternative To Phonebook & Dialer
DFLAT.ARC 101528 04/29/91 Al Stevens Dflat Saa/cua C Window Library
With Memopad Multiwindow Editor From His Ddj
May 1991 Column. This Is The May Incremental
Release Of The Complete Source. Hot Stuff
DH06.ARC 16942 02/08/91 Desktop Helper Version 0.6
DH10.ARC 27691 05/12/91 Utility to launch programs in Windows 3.0
DIALER11.ARC 18477 03/09/90 Ms windows metz phone dialer version
DIALERS.ARC 23799 10/23/90 Toolbook Dialer Addition To Daybook
DIALRM21.ARC 27275 08/05/90 Dialer v2.1: ms_windows phone dialer w/pop_up
windows, configurable pull_down menu and last
number redial
DICE11.ARC 29692 04/29/91 Dice 1.1 _ Windows 3.0 Program Rolls Dice.
Lots Of Options, Great For Games Or Studying
Statistics And Probability.
DIEGO1.ARC 50412 12/22/90 Atm Font _ Diego
DIGITAL.ARC 16783 04/29/91 A Digital Clock And Calandar For Windows 3.0
DIGITL.ARC 16783 09/19/90 Win 3 : Show Time, Date, Free Memory And
Free Disk Space.
DINAHBMP.ARC 76531 07/11/90 Win 3 : Nude Background. Really Nice.
DIRSIZ.ARC 16742 02/10/91 Directory Sizer 1.2 _ A Toolbook App. To
List Size Or Directories On Hard Disk.
DISCPOWR.ARC 26268 11/18/90 Win 3 : Disk Police, Program To Search
Page - 100
for Disk Space Hogs On Networks
DISTINCT.ARC 312976 11/22/90 Demo Of Distinct Back_up For Windows 3.0
Limited To 50 Files Or 1 Meg Of Data.
DIVELG.ARC 47635 06/07/91 Diver's log in toolbook
DIVELG11.ARC 37870 10/24/90 Divers Log Book
DJWIN3.ARC 144548 10/29/90 Win 3 : Desk Jet Drivers
DLCHK11.ARC 8559 04/29/91 Automate The Checking Of Downloaded Files For
Computer Virus.
DLGPATCH.ARC 977 11/20/90 Win 3 : Dialog Patch
DLLICON.ARC 256401 06/01/91 Windows 3.0 Icons in alpha order
DLR.ARC 23573 07/29/90 Dialer For Windows
DMAP.ARC 18852 07/02/90 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
DMDRIVER.ARC 1598 07/10/90 Fixes Bug In Windows Ver 3.0 Files
DMPPFM13.ARC 19077 09/15/91 WIN3: Printer PS/PCL Font Metrics dumper, v1.
DMPPFM14.ARC 19879 10/25/91 WIN3: Printer PS/PCL Font Metrics dumper, v1.
DN.EXE 76084 06/18/90 Desktop Navigator For Windows 3
DNBETA.ARC 91645 10/10/90 Win 3 : Metz Desktop Navigator
DNGR20.ARC 53715 02/14/91 Dingbats Retrieval for Windows. _ This is
a macro for WFW that lets you from any or
all characters in a font or character set.
DOLLAR.ARC 11004 10/27/90 Dollar Bill Wallpaper For Windows 3.0
DOMCASUL.ARC 26521 01/24/91 Postscript Font for ATM & Windows 3.0
DOORWAY.ARC 6274 12/05/90 Win 3, Fast Exit To Dos
DRWAT079.ARC 24412 08/27/91 Captures UAE error diagnostic info in Windows
DRWTSN.ARC 115645 08/12/91 Dr. Watson diagnostic tool for Windows.
Provides detailed information on the Internal
state of Windows when a system error such as
an Unrecoverable Application Error (UAE)
DRX100.ARC 37032 01/11/91 Dirx: Windowed Dir Of Executables
Compr/uncmpr .exe/.com
DSKLG1.ARC 42746 04/22/91 Disklog for Toolbook...Keep track of floppies
DSWINSUP.ARC 50359 10/29/90 Supplemental drivers for novell windows
DT.EXE 75988 06/18/90 Desktop Manager For Windows 3
DTT3.ARC 13422 08/23/90 Dick tracy bitmap for window 3 wallpaper.
DUMPCR21.ARC 40498 08/15/91 Cardfile dumping program v2.1: allows you to
open & edit a file in cardfile (.crd) or
text (.txt) format in ms_windows 3.0;
06/10/91. bay computer associates inc.
DUMPV1.ARC 13152 07/12/91 WIN3: Dump binary printer files in background
DV2WIN.ARC 3827 08/14/91 Improve Desqview Aware Programs Performance
Under MS_Windows
DVWIN3.ARC 9495 09/25/90 Use Windows 3.0 with Desqview
E3270.ARC 108156 05/07/91 3270 Emulation version 0.90 for IRMA Card
EAGLE30.ARC 5711 08/01/90 Eagle Bmp File
EAGLEBMP.ARC 48897 02/20/91 Eagle Bmp
EASEL307.ARC 65889 11/06/88 Easel Program To Work With Windows 3
EASEL41E.ARC 94347 08/01/90 Win 3 : Gif, Pcx, Bmp Viewer.
EASYBA.ARC 2081 07/27/90 Win 3 : Easy Backup Program For Windows
EDITPCBI.ARC 117661 03/29/91 E/VGA printed circuit board draw/designer
for Windows 3
EDITSCH2.ARC 130349 08/14/91 E/VGA electrical schematic draw/design v2.3
for Windows 3
EDREPL10.ARC 15767 08/07/91 EditReplay v1.0: provides easy access to
previously entered commands for MS_Windows;
08/07/91; Irfan Gowani.
Page - 101
EGAUTL85.ARC 5799 11/22/90 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
EIZOW30.ARC 167040 06/21/90 DRIVER: EIZO VGA 800x600 16c, 1024x768 16c,
ELANA.ARC 63239 03/10/91 Utility To Change Your Windows Config.
ELANA11.ARC 108572 04/03/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
ELEMENT2.ARC 15998 12/27/90 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
ELEMENT3.ARC 17522 02/16/91 Update To The Perodic Table Of Elements
ELLE.ARC 32441 03/30/91 Elle Mac, 640x480 Wallpaper
EMAG10.ARC 22365 01/02/91 Electronic Magazine From Microsoft
ENGRAVRL.ARC 29018 01/04/91 Engraver Font For Atm/superprint
ENUMW.ARC 12517 10/17/90 Enumerate Text Files
ENVR30.ARC 26670 10/23/90 Win 3 : Print Envelops _ Word For Windows
EPQS.ARC 27155 10/04/90 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
ET3000.ARC 140959 08/30/90 Tseng ET3000 Video Drivers
ET4000.ARC 201965 08/15/90 DRIVER: ET4000 640x480 2c, 640x480_800x600_1
ET4_DYNA.ARC 44610 09/19/91 ET4000 drivers
EVGA800.ARC 66192 08/10/90 EV_673 Windows 3.0 Drivers
EWTDEBUG.ARC 14948 12/04/90 Win 3 : Windows Debugging Tool
EXCEL30.ARC 5247 01/10/91 Info On The New Excel 3.0
EXCEL3A.EXE 1062034 03/06/91 Microsoft Excel 3.0 Working Model (1 Of 2).
EXCEL3B.EXE 1107639 03/06/91 Microsoft Excel 3.0 Working Model (2 Of 2).
EXECUTOR.ARC 14477 06/25/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
EXEC_PC.ARC 1587 02/14/91 Exec_pc Xwp For Crosstalk For Windows
EXITW10.ARC 2781 06/21/90 WIN3: Gets you out of Windows FAST
EXPAND.ARC 6612 08/27/91 Norton Desktop for Windows expands the
custom.mnu from 8k to 16k
EXZT222.ARC 121303 01/04/92 Remove Unwanted Files On Uploads
EYEWATCH.ARC 23868 09/07/90 Windows Novelty: Eyes Watch Your Cursor
EZFM12TD.ARC 326927 09/27/91 FormMaster v1.2 for Windows 3
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Mid-America Digital Publishing's Magnum One 02/19/92
Windows 2
Name Bytes Date Description
F16HUD1.ARC 4103 06/18/90 Falconat bitmap for windows 3.0
F16HUD2.ARC 4855 06/18/90 Win 3 : Falcon At .bmp
F16HUD3.ARC 4001 06/18/90 Win 3 : Falcon At .bmp
FACE.ARC 8734 09/07/90 100 Faces Appear At Randows Times
FANT.ARC 5417 06/12/90 Win3 BMP: Mickey Mouse as the Sorcerer's
Apprentice in Fantasia.
FAXDEMO.ARC 283880 09/08/91 WinFax Pro "Test Drive" _ Winfax Pro is the
leading send and receive fax software for
Microsoft Windows 3.0. This is a working
model "test drive" of Winfax Pro from Delrina
Technology. It works with most popular fax
boards. This test drive will work with or
without a fax modem. This "test drive" is
free _ feel free to copy and distribute!
FAXITDEM.ARC 179461 04/03/90 Ms Windows: Fax It Demo
FBUILD13.ARC 16376 12/09/91 Folder Builder builds document folders for Wi
FC100.ARC 31530 11/02/90 File Check _ Simple virus protection pgm (SW)
FCENTRAL.ARC 174774 06/04/91 Visual Basic File _ Floppy Formatter
FEM.ARC 35812 07/24/90 Front End Manager For Toolbook
FENCES.ARC 7948 07/18/91 Game for Windows
FETTEFRK.ARC 32351 01/24/91 Postscript Font for ATM & Windows 3.0
FF10.ARC 13749 10/16/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
FIDODIDO.ARC 9826 11/03/90 Corel Draw Picture Of Fido Dido
FILEFI33.ARC 85721 01/11/91 File Finder For Windows 3
FILEMA.ARC 21352 01/11/91 File Manager Replacement For Windows
FILEMA11.ARC 18334 04/30/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
FILESAVE.ARC 7549 02/05/91 Win3 Windows Save File
FILESRCH.ARC 10781 10/22/90 File Finder For Windows
FILETEST.ARC 12145 01/04/92 Return Error Level With Certain Suffixs
FILETOOL.ARC 13489 10/30/90 Another File Utility
FILEVIEW.ARC 62567 09/30/90 File Viewer For Windows _ Hex/dec
FILMGR31.ARC 123739 05/23/91 Shareware file manager for Windows 3
FILTER.ARC 7775 11/07/90 Win 3 : Filters Table & Excel Worksheet
FINDEMO1.ARC 195980 09/10/90 FINALE PC DEMO. 1 of 2 Req. Windows, EGA.
FINDEMO2.ARC 701945 09/10/90 FINALE PC DEMO. 2 of 2 Req. Windows, EGA.
FIRE54.ARC 19198 02/17/91 A Screen Blanker That Shoots Fireworks
FIREPLC.ARC 18773 02/05/90 Mood_Enhancer For Windows 3
FIREWORK.ARC 28538 06/26/90 Win 3 : Fireworks Screen Blanker
FISH3.ARC 10137 03/05/90 Win 3 : Fish For 3.0
FLASHE.ARC 7357 06/30/90 Stroboscope (needs Windows)
FLEURO.ARC 43589 07/18/91 Adobe ATM Font For Windows 3.0.
FLIPBAT.ARC 1135 05/29/90 Win 3 : Chris Kinsman's Flipbat File.
FLIPPER.ARC 35980 06/11/89 Win 3 : Changes Portrait To Landscape
FLOWER.ARC 32745 05/19/91 Windows wallpaper (BMP) generated by Fractint
FLOWSYM.ARC 11565 03/23/90 Win 3 : Metafile Flowchart Symbols
FM.EXE 14983 08/06/90 Freemem For Windows 3
FM31.ARC 123740 11/27/90 Newest version of file manager for windows!
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FM35.ARC 13015 08/06/90 Metz freemem 3.5 _ ms windows utility to show
free memory on screen _ freeware.
FMSOUN.ARC 64530 01/21/91 Win3 Fm Sound Driver_uses Ad Lib Or Sound
Blaster Cards
FM_W3.ARC 12098 05/18/90 Metz's freemem for windows 3.0.
FNTFIG.ARC 13288 10/11/89 Font Demo Program, Raster & Vector
FNTMGR.ARC 80503 07/23/91 FontManager for Windows 3 allows you to
build "fontpaks" to overcome the limits of
win.ini's allowable # of installed fonts.
You can also build custom fontpaks for
certain printers ... Another handy tool for
FNTMGR11.ARC 96969 07/14/91 Visual Basic Font Manager 1.1
FNTS31.ARC 101330 09/03/91 FontShow for Windows 3 allows you to print
catalogs and samples of your installed (via
ATM, etc.) fonts in several different
formats.Excellent utility for DTPublishers.
FOLDER.ARC 52933 04/29/91 Win 3.0 Allows Multi Group Folders
FOLDER21.ARC 52801 02/07/91 Prog. Manager Enhancer. Allows You To Add
Groups Inside Groups.
FOLDER31.ARC 62503 03/21/91 Folders for Windows 3.1 _ create sub_groups
FOLDERS2.ARC 51440 02/02/91 Folders v2.0 _ Allows groups within groups in
FONTER15.ARC 14019 07/10/91 Win 3.0 Visual Basic Font Cataloguer V 1.5.
FONTER20.ARC 14349 07/31/91 Fonter 2.0 _ view/print win 3 fonts.
Requires vbrun100.ARC to run.
FONTER30.ARC 21107 08/18/91 Designed to fill a gap in Windows 3x. Allows
you print a notebook of fonts with complete
character sets. Pop_up over Windows apps,
Cut&Paste special characters between Fonter
& other apps. Written in Microsoft Visual
Basic. Needs VBRUN100.DLL in Windows DIR.
May NOT operate properly w/SuperPrint.
FONTR4.ARC 30842 09/14/91 Fonter 4.0! the best win3 font viewer/printer
FONTSH30.ARC 100685 09/02/91 FontShow for Windows _ Version 3.0
Font Viewing and Cataloging Program for
Microsoft Windows 3.0 _ ATM Compatible
Updated with new function & performance
FONTSH41.ARC 130671 09/21/91 Font Catalog/Inventory/Samples, Etc..
FONTWN01.ARC 301477 07/27/90 14 new fonts for win 2.x/3.0. no extra
software required.
FOPEN.ARC 8533 06/25/91 Win3 Style File Open Dialog for Visual Basic
FORNR111.ARC 17576 10/10/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
FORTRAN.ARC 11321 08/13/90 Win 3 : Fortran Macros For Wfw.
FOXEXEC.ARC 24311 08/02/91 Foxbase to Excel via DDE
FP104.ARC 78514 01/27/91 Fractal Paint 1.04
FP10S.ARC 64600 01/04/92 Run Fidonet With Pcboard Systems
FPROT114.EXE 242688 03/28/91 Program Desinged To Protect You From Viruses
FRACT0.ARC 38037 07/28/91 Win30 256 BMP of planet rings.
FRACT1.ARC 37029 05/30/91 Windows wallpaper generated with Fractint
FRACT2.ARC 98139 05/30/91 Windows wallpaper generated with Fractint
FRACT3.ARC 27189 05/19/91 Windows wallpaper generated with Fractint
FRACT6.ARC 24723 05/30/91 Windows wallpaper generated with Fractint
FRACT7.ARC 20581 05/31/91 Windows wallpaper generated with fractint
FRACT8.ARC 49646 05/31/91 Windows wallpaper generated with fractint
FRACT9.ARC 23121 05/31/91 Windows wallpaper generated with fractint
FRACTNT2.ARC 200628 03/25/91 Fractint 2.0 for Windows 3.0 Fractal pattern
generator. Up to 265 colors at up to 1024x768
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FRANKLIN.ARC 619388 10/02/90 The Franklin Planner For The Pc. Needs
FREEM341.ARC 12723 06/01/90 Free memory for winws 3.0
FREEM410.ARC 12975 02/24/91 Display Free Memory In Your Computer,
FRITE.ARC 13022 06/19/91 Scares your icons away from your mouse
FRITZQ.ARC 16442 03/28/90 Outline Font For Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
FRITZQ_B.ARC 16309 03/28/90 Outline Font For Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
FRNKGH.ARC 12067 03/28/90 Outline Font For Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
FRNKGH_I.ARC 13099 03/28/90 Outline Font For Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
FRNKLN_B.ARC 13274 03/28/90 Outline Font For Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
FRNKLN_I.ARC 13312 03/28/90 Outline Font For Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
FSEARCH.ARC 7002 10/22/90 Search all disks for a file in windows 3.0
FSHLD14.ARC 33618 08/27/90 A Virus Protection Program
FSP_151.ARC 44663 04/29/91 Flu_shot V1.5 A Form Of Virus/trojan
FSRCH.ARC 7002 10/22/90 Win 3 : Another File Search Program
FTURACBI.ARC 12076 03/28/90 Outline Font For Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
FTURAC_B.ARC 12253 03/28/90 Outline Font For Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
FTURAC_I.ARC 12169 03/28/90 Outline Font For Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
FUN102.ARC 26496 06/14/90 Win 3 : Fun Little Programs For Windows
FUSE.ARC 4779 06/08/90 A windows utility to monitor cpu usage.
FUSE3.ARC 4933 06/08/90 New fuse for win3, runs on desktop.
FUTCBLD.ARC 11895 04/16/90 Outline Font For Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
FUTCBLDI.ARC 11754 04/16/90 Outline Font For Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
FUTC_LT.ARC 13484 04/16/90 Outline Font For Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
FUTC_LTI.ARC 13440 04/16/90 Outline Font For Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
FWITHCD.ARC 10668 05/30/90 Win 3 : Fun With Corel Draw
FWZM.ARC 30928 11/15/90 FWZip v1.00: PKZIP front_end for Windows 3
GADD15.ARC 7830 12/31/90 Word for windows macro to grab phone numbers.
GADD20.ARC 25910 06/12/91 WinWord Macro to get address info from IBM
GADGET.ARC 7019 07/21/90 Win 3 : Tool Book Examples
GADING.ARC 11873 12/21/90 Winword Macro For Inserting Special
Characters And Dingbats
GANDER10.ARC 44643 09/01/91 Gander 1.0 Binary/Text file viewer for Win3
GARMND1.ARC 44510 01/05/91 Another Font For Atm.
GARRETT.ARC 53945 03/17/91 ATM Font
GBORD10.ARC 6600 05/11/91 BorderPage v1.0. Word for Windows macro that
draws a rectangular box around the current
page. Configurable. Requires HP LaserJet III
(or IIIp or IIIsi) since it uses PCL5 cmds.
will not work (well) with Adobe Type
GCP42S.ARC 39551 04/29/91 Utility To Display/convert/manipulate
Various Format Picture Files In Ms Windows
GCP42SW.ARC 39551 06/17/89 Gif Viewer For Windows. Also Reads And
Writes Pcx, Mac, And Other Formats. Nice
GENOADRV.ARC 168667 01/24/91 DRIVER: Genoa SVGA 6000 800x600 16c, 1024x76
GGPE22.ARC 5429 09/22/90 Macro For Wfw
GGPR11.ARC 3803 09/22/90 Macro To Print Envelopes (wfw)
GHOST.ARC 7020 09/07/90 Spooky Carton For Windows
GHOST1.ARC 7020 09/25/88 Ms Windows: Ghost Bitmap.
GIF2BM.ARC 23591 08/01/90 Change Gif Files To Bmp For Windows 3
GIF2BMP.ARC 22635 06/04/90 Converts Gif Files To Bmp Files.
GIF2ICON.ARC 11003 07/28/90 Win 3 : Convert .gif's To Icons.
GJGASC.ARC 7377 07/30/90 A word for windows macro to create a
Page - 105
formatted ascii text file. one for complex
work _ retaining table tabs and the like __
and the other for messaging
GJGDOT12.ARC 11803 10/06/90 Dissect and rebuild WFW templates
GLOBEXL.ARC 43028 07/22/90 Win 3 : Lex Systems Globexl Object
Manager For Excel.
Library. Good.
GMAIL11.ARC 57177 05/16/91 Gmail 1.1 Xtalk for Win script to automate
PcBoard logon,mail and xfers.Shareware,G.
GORGEOUS.ARC 113424 12/02/90 Begin Your Windows Session With....
GOUDY.ARC 161267 01/05/91 Goudy Oldstyle, Bold, & Italic Font For
GO_OCR.ARC 182431 06/25/91 Great OCR package for Windows. Req scanner.
Will not work with bmp's (6/91).
GPSENV.ARC 7431 01/28/91 A Envelope Printing Macro For Word For
GPSENV2.ARC 14661 05/20/91 Print PS Envelope NEW version 2
Word For Windows Macro tp print envelopes on
PostScript Printer _ Many new options
GPWK12.ARC 21038 08/08/91 Allows you to define groups of apps to be
GQMAIL.ARC 3737 12/09/90 Crosstalk Script For Automating Mail
Transfers Using Either Mark Mail Or Qmail.
If Qmail Extended Prompts Should Be Set To On
GRABIT.ARC 36238 01/22/91 Screen Grabber From Moonvalley Software.
GRAFPLUS.ARC 279868 04/18/89 Ms Windows: Graphplus Demo For Windows
GRAFWK41.ARC 228263 07/21/90 Grafix Work For Windows 3
GRAFWK50.ARC 286766 01/19/91 Converts Between Several File Formats.
Mac, Wpg, Pcx, Gif, Tif, Msp, Iff, Eps,
Win 3 Bmp's And More!
GRALIG.ARC 27432 11/19/90 Win 3 : Font For Atm Or Superprint
GRAPHER.ARC 25261 01/06/91 Grapher for Windows 3.0 Graph f(x) functions
in a 2_dimensional cartesian coordinate
system using 'x' as horizontal and 'y' as
vertical. Nice program with customizable
GRAYBUTT.ARC 2711 07/17/90 Win 3 : Customizable Radio Button
GRKAMI2.ARC 2568 05/09/91 Ami Pro Macro to run Grammatik Windows
GRMNDBI.ARC 19923 03/28/90 Outline Font For Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
GRMND_B.ARC 21720 03/28/90 Outline Font For Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
GRMND_I.ARC 19602 03/28/90 Outline Font For Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
GRMTK.ARC 3695 10/01/90 Win 3 : Word For Windows Grammatik Macro
GROUPB.ARC 19125 06/23/90 Win 3 : More Groups For Windows
GROUPS.ARC 19125 06/23/90 Win 3 : Program Group Builder
GRPICO.ARC 3053 10/01/90 Win 3 : Change Your Group Icons
GSF11A.ARC 71179 12/09/90 WFW Macro _ Gadfly script formatter.
GTOOLS.ARC 29099 09/28/90 Wfw Macros. Templates, Self Documenting,
Installing, Containing Several Useful Macros
Includes Simple Toggles & Complex Envelope
GTOOLS2.ARC 45383 06/01/91 Word for Windows macros.
GTOYS.ARC 40008 10/26/90 Win 3 : Fractal Program For Windows
GUITAR.ARC 12103 07/23/90 Win 3 : Fretboard Map Of All Notes In A Scale
GW4WIN.ARC 412669 11/09/91 God's Word For Windows3: KJV Bible reference
HAND.ARC 4643 01/27/91 Rle File Of A Hand With Diskette. Can Be
Used As Replacement Or Startup Screen
Page - 106
Of Windows.
HANOI.ARC 6472 02/07/89 A Chinese Game For Windows.
HAYESESP.ARC 104426 05/09/91 Hayes ESP driver _ latest version
HEIDEL.ARC 35508 03/02/91 Postscript Type 1 font for Windows
Use with ATM
HEIDELBE.ARC 37179 12/22/90 Atm Font _ Heidelberg
HERMAN.ARC 7103 07/05/91 Win3 .bmp of herman from unger
HEX.ARC 33287 02/26/91 Hex Viewer
HEXCNV10.ARC 7737 08/02/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
HEXTRIS.ARC 8263 10/25/90 A New Form Of Tetris Using Hex Blocks
HFINANCE.ARC 147341 08/12/90 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
HIGHMEM.ARC 2153 06/03/90 Info On Loading Tsr's Into High Memory
HIHME.ARC 2153 06/03/90 Win 3 : High Memory Information
HIMEM3.ARC 5695 05/01/90 Windows 3 himem driver.
HIMEMBUG.ARC 6625 08/09/90 Text describing supposed bugs in himem.sys
2.6 as packaged with windows 3.0. includes a
test program.
HOP.ARC 4871 07/26/90 A New Game That Will You Nuts.
HOST2.ARC 6081 01/03/91 Crosstalk Host Mode Script. New Version
HOTKEY.ARC 18969 08/03/90 Assign programs to a single keystroke. (Pret
HOTPOP.ARC 16836 02/22/91 Start Apps Or Assoc Files From Hot Menu
HOTSHOT.ARC 13621 01/27/91 Font for ATM/Win3.
HOTSPOT1.ARC 18477 08/23/91 Quickly launch most often_used Windows3 pgms
HOTWIN.ARC 22733 03/11/91 Hot Keys To Pop Up Windows
HOTWORDS.ARC 13671 10/26/90 How To Make Toolbook "hot Words" On The
HOWRDFAT.ARC 26358 01/25/91 Type 1 Ps Font For Atm/superprint
HOWRDWFN.ARC 16528 05/06/90 .wfn Font For Corel Draw
HP3WIN3.ARC 284784 04/10/91 Windows 3.0 PCL_5 printer drivers for the
Hewlett_Packard LaserJet III, IIIP, IIID and
HPCALC.ARC 19017 10/25/90 Ms Windows App. Scientific Hex Calculat
HPCALC2.ARC 19017 10/25/90 Win 3 : Very Nice Hewlett Packard
HPENV.ARC 21226 08/10/91 Visual Basic Program to print envelopes
HREZWIN3.ARC 215056 12/07/90 Windows 3.0 Drivers For Compuadds Vga
HSTSAT.ARC 37943 05/26/91 .BMP of Saturn from the Hubble
HUNTER.ARC 36284 05/22/91 Windows 3 Utility
HUNTER19.ARC 24207 08/09/90 Win 3 : File Hunter Version 1.9
HUNTGREP.ARC 24207 08/09/90 Win 3 : Hunter 2.3 Grep Utility
HWRDLITE.ARC 26544 01/25/91 Type 1 Ps Font For Atm/superprint
HYDK420.ARC 233074 02/04/91 Hyperdisk 4.20, Disk Cache That Is Faster
HYFINA.ARC 148207 08/12/90 High Finance, A Personal Finance Program
HYODA.ARC 182114 01/30/91 Another Picture Of Yoda
HYPLK2.ARC 11263 10/16/90 Hyper Link To Win Sdk From Windows Editor
IBM.ARC 759 05/27/91 .BMP of IBM logo
IBM_HATE.ARC 6304 12/24/90 Bmp For Ibm Haters
ICCH13.ARC 21569 09/20/91 Icon Chooser v1.3: the ultimate MS_Windows
icon manager; manage all of your .ICO files
with the Chooser's intuitive "drag_and_drop"
interface; this file requires the Visual
BASIC runtime library
(VBRUN100.DLL);09/20/91 Keith Ledbetter
ICM11A.ARC 56229 04/11/91 Icon manager for Windows
Page - 107
ICMICA.ARC 51454 02/26/91 Windows Icons Zipped by category
ICMN10.ARC 55269 04/29/91 Icons For Windows Used For Printer,laserjet
ICNDL2.ARC 9093 02/03/91 Dos Program To Create A Dynamic Link Library
Of Icons Without The Sdk.
ICNDRW11.ARC 68921 06/26/90 windows 3.0 icon draw version 1.1
ICNS.ARC 3606 06/09/90 Collection of icon files for windows
ICNVIEW.ARC 2884 09/13/91 Icon viewer for Window 3.0 need VBRUN100.DLL
ICOCHZ12.ARC 21537 07/17/91 Windows 3.0 Organize and install all your
ICOMAGIC.ARC 37721 03/29/91 Icon Magic, Icon editor for Windows 3.0 w/
manuals formatted for Word and Write to
print on HP III
ICOMB1.ARC 16356 07/16/90 Win 3 : View 50 Icons At The Same Time
ICON1074.ARC 275776 11/06/90 Large Collection Of Win 3.0 Icons.
ICON330.ARC 58036 07/22/90 330 Icons For Windows 3.0 Applications ]
ICON400.ARC 99114 04/29/91 Icons For Windows
ICONBR11.ARC 21373 09/08/91 Icon Browser 1.1
ICONDLL.ARC 12268 09/19/90 Win 3 : Hook Icons Into .dll Files
ICONDR.ARC 32301 06/15/90 [win3.0] This Is The One You Have Been
Waiting For! A Shareware Icon Editor For
Windows 3.0 With Full 16 Color Capability.
Excellent Job!
ICONDR12.ARC 33401 07/16/90 Win 3 : Icon Drawer, Draw Custom Icons.
ICONDRAW.ARC 36615 06/26/90 Icondraw V1.1 For Windows 3.0
ICONDRW.ARC 36615 04/29/91 Windows 3.0 Icon Editing Program
ICONE.ARC 11222 07/21/90 More Icons For Windows 3.0
ICONFIX.ARC 14083 05/22/91 Icon Fixer For Windows 3
ICONLI.ARC 38842 07/09/90 More Icon's For Windows 3
ICONLIB.ARC 58036 07/22/90 Win 3 : Icon Library, An Executable File
That Contains A Huge Number Of Icons. You
Use It To Easliy Change Your Program Icons.
ICONLINK.ARC 48838 06/16/91 Drag and drop icon manager
ICONMGR.ARC 107551 05/22/91 Icon Manager For Windows 3
ICONMIX.ARC 18692 08/01/91 Eclectic mix of professionally done Win3
icons. 64 in all.
ICONPEEK.ARC 50304 01/09/91 The Handy Utility Creates A .bmp Of All
Your Icons.
ICONPLUS.ARC 34480 04/29/91 Develop Your Own Customized Icons For Windows
And Some Already Designed Icons For Your Use.
ICONS.ARC 2853 07/22/90 Windows 3 Icons
ICONS158.ARC 40817 07/05/90 Icons For Windows 3
ICONS2.ARC 96603 07/18/90 More Icons For Windows 3.0
ICONS300.ARC 79573 08/02/90 300 Icons For Windows 3.0
ICONTAMR.ARC 28136 11/16/90 Win 3 : Icon Manager Program
ICONWRK3.ARC 81506 08/26/91 Icon Works release 3 _ needs vbrun100.dll
ICONWRKS.ARC 247205 07/06/91 THE Windows 3.0 ICON manager/creator
IDRAW12.ARC 29781 07/13/90 Icon Drawing Program For Windows
IDX_UTIL.ARC 18400 01/02/92 Manage You Idx Files For Pcboard
IE13.ARC 35504 08/12/90 Icon Editor 1.3. Like Icondraw.
IE20.ARC 47145 09/08/90 A Dos Based Icon Editor For Windows 3.0
IEDIT30.ARC 91420 01/04/91 Icon Edit Version 3.0
IEXTRACT.ARC 28316 04/29/91 Icon Extractor For Windows
IE_13.ARC 35504 06/27/90 Icon Editor For Windows 3.0
IFW1.ARC 285466 01/25/91 Intellifont For Windows. Works Like Atm
IFW2.ARC 292075 01/25/91 Intellifont For Windows.
Page - 108
2/3 Part 3 Will Be Here In A Day Or So.
IGLESIA.ARC 48468 12/22/90 Atm Font _ Iglesia
IINJECT.ARC 33089 02/11/91 Insert Icons Into Programs And Make Them
Permanent, Even When Iconized.
ILLUSTRA.ARC 74283 08/26/89 Nice Adobe Illustrator Clipart, Use W/
Corel Draw Also
IMAGEBLD.ARC 62167 08/02/90 Image/icon Bldr For Use With Quickbasic
IMG.ARC 486621 11/11/90 Win 3 : Image_in Graphics Demo
IMOVIE.ARC 16305 05/16/91 Icon Movies v1.0 "the world's silliest"
Windows 3.0 program. Entertaining.
IMSTR01.ARC 43747 03/16/91 Windows 3.0 _ Icon Master. Icon Design Pgm.
IMSTR03.ARC 63975 05/26/91 Edit icons for Windows 3, even edit and
replace those in EXE files! Nice program.
INBOARD.ARC 11333 11/02/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
INFOP141.ARC 104043 12/08/90 Win 3 : Sysid For Windows
INIEDT.ARC 57622 09/19/91 .INI edit for Windows 3
INTEGRA.ARC 161647 05/01/91 Windows drivers for the ATI Integra. Up to
INTFONT.ARC 2054 02/02/91 Intellifont Is Being Released Free!
INTRVL.ARC 20560 06/30/90 Win 3 : Toolbook Application
IRELAND.ARC 83608 04/17/91 640x480x16 Ireland Wallpaper
IYMSR.ARC 297132 09/14/90 It's your money review of Windows 3.0
JANE.ARC 44344 02/23/88 Ms Windows: Msp Paint Foxy Girl W/
Valuable Shoe.
JAXCAM10.ARC 5248 04/14/91 JaxCam v1.0 Windows 3.0 capture to clipboard
JEDI.ARC 10650 02/01/91 A Rle Format Of Return Of The Jedi For
JESSICA.ARC 12773 12/20/90 Win3 BMP: Jessica Rabbit; To quote Roger's
lovely wife, "I'm not BAD, I'm just drawn
that way."
JOKER.ARC 9517 06/28/91 WIN3 BMP: Original artwork of Batman's foe
(not by me).
JPL.ARC 16498 07/05/90 Win 3 : A New Language Being Developed.
JULIE13.ARC 31023 12/27/90 Toolbook File To Convert Julian Dates To
Gregorian & Vice_versa. Also Finds The # Of
Days Between Dates. Useful In Prj Management
JUPITER2.ARC 142015 05/25/91 .BMP of a voyager collage of Saturn & Moon
K4V301.ARC 39063 11/16/90 Kawai K4 synthesizer Patch Editor for Win 3
KAMAKAZI.ARC 4339 10/18/88 A Game Of Chasing The Enemy And Shooting
KATHYBMP.ARC 279039 07/10/91 Windows BMP Wallpaper Picture
KAUFMANN.ARC 25283 08/27/90 Windows Font
KF200.ARC 33178 07/17/90 K_Free _ Display free disk space, memory & ot
KF30.ARC 51488 10/10/90 Windows 3.0 utility to indicate free RAM,disk
KF34.ARC 82464 02/05/91 Shows Disk Space And Free Memory
KF40B.ARC 124467 03/27/91 K_free V4.0b: Continuously Monitors Free
Windows And Ems Memory Along W/
Free Space On Any Hard Disk Drive Specified
By The User; Also Displays
Information On The State Of Windows & What
Type Of Hardware You Are
Using And The Number Of Programs Currently
Running Within Windows;
KFREE21.ARC 36647 08/15/90 Memory Free For Windows Applications
KFREE33.ARC 69045 12/19/90 Win 3.0 free memory & disk space indicator
KFREE4.ARC 7106 06/18/90 K_free ms windows 3.0 pgm that
displays the amount of free memory and
Page - 109
disk space on your system
KFREE40.ARC 125214 03/17/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
KIVIAT.ARC 22509 11/05/90 Win 3 : For Windows Developers, This
Program Pictorially Tracks Resource Usage
Such As Disk & Cpu To Find Misbehaving
KLOTZ.ARC 45795 05/22/91 Simular To Tetris For Windows 3
KLOTZ209.ARC 58445 02/06/90 Tetris_type Game For Ms Windows. Fun.
KLTZ211A.ARC 45766 11/11/90 Win 3 : Tetris Clone
KRM07.ARC 43373 03/27/91 Kermit for Windows
KYMOUS20.ARC 20218 08/01/91 Keyboard mouse emulator for Windows 3
LABEL2.ARC 13092 09/28/91 Label 2.0 Win 3.0 label pgm with toolbar.
Shareware, $10.00.
LAUN20.ARC 20535 06/26/91 Launch 2.0 Win 3.0 pop_up menu.Includes
setup utility with this update.
LAUNCH14.ARC 12583 03/05/91 Menu program for Windows 3.0
LAWIN3.ARC 12886 08/15/91 Software application notes for microsoft
windows 3.0, aldus pagemaker 3.01 and ms
excel 2.1c and hp laserjets iii, iiid, and
iiip printers. from compuserve.
LAYOUT.ARC 15684 08/13/90 Desktop Arranger for Windows 3.0
LENS10.ARC 7383 09/21/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
LETTER.ARC 43788 06/09/91 Letter Template for Word for Windows
LH0812.ARC 8837 08/20/91 Norton Desktop for Windows updated ZIP.PRS
LI110.ARC 116171 05/25/91 Multi_Purpose file utility for Windows 3.0
LI111.ARC 116796 06/23/91 File manager and viewer for Windows 3.0
LICO20.ARC 41684 03/10/91 List Windows 3.0 ICO files v2.0 (3_10_91)
LINOSCRP.ARC 29573 01/24/91 Postscript Font for ATM & Windows 3.0
LINOTEXT.ARC 36609 01/24/91 Postscript Font for ATM & Windows 3.0
LNCH181.ARC 14130 05/11/91 Start programs from desktop without PM
LOADMON.ARC 12363 11/02/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
LOCKM140.ARC 48643 09/30/90 Windows 3.0 security _ Lock keyboard & mouse
LOCKM152.ARC 59752 02/09/91 Windows 3.0 keyboard & mouse lock.
LOGGE.ARC 46820 07/16/91 Adobe ATM Font For Windows 3.0.
LOGO.ARC 1246 05/19/91 American Airlines Logo
LOGWIN30.ARC 1818 06/04/91 Using logitech Mice with Windows 3.0 (from
Logitech BBS.
LUTILS.ARC 6217 05/13/91 Utilities for Launch
LYWHIT.ARC 30240 08/09/90 Tasks and Drives utilities from LyWhit Softwa
LYWHIT11.ARC 30240 08/08/90 Lywhit soft utilities for win3 _ tasks v1.1
tasks, etc. drives v1.1 gives information on
LYWTASKS.ARC 10171 07/26/90 Shows tasks running & free memory for Win 3.0
L_S11VGA.ARC 13152 08/26/91 WIN3: Look&See: VisBas_written drv/dir browse
MACAW103.ARC 113482 07/31/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
MAG110.ARC 36674 08/30/90 WIN3: Screen saver with password protection
MAGIC102.ARC 35626 06/10/90 A great screenblanker for all versions of
WINDOWS. Not new, but most recent working
version here.
MAKEWINP.ARC 9157 05/07/91 Create source code required for a skeleton
Windows program. Requires MSC to compile
code. Upload by author.
MAP6.ARC 48724 06/09/91 Change your novel mappings in windows
MARK30.ARC 12070 05/22/91 <3> WIN 3 : get rid of the warning
on that windows 3.0 gives on apps that
are written for windows 2.11, be sure
that the app. is compatiable!
MATCH103.ARC 45018 02/18/91 Match _ Compare text files and report differe
Page - 110
MATHGRAF.ARC 28565 03/03/91 Mathgraf 2.3 _ Plot curves
MAXIMO_1.ARC 117176 08/20/91 Maximo Series 3 Maintenance, equipment,
inventory, reports, purchasing, work orders,
calendars, job planning & resources system
for Windows 3.0 Excellent demo. 1 of 4.
MAZAMA.ARC 20126 06/06/91 Win 3.0 ATM Mazama font. Based on M.G.B.
Patrician. Converted from Mac.
MCESCHER.ARC 219186 05/25/90 Escher's "hand drawing hand" windows
MEGAIC.ARC 122772 08/02/90 400+ icons for windows 3.0... you name it,
it's here.
MEGAICON.ARC 122772 08/02/90 Over 500 windows 3.0 icons!
MERMINAT.ARC 120591 08/17/91 Win App...Arnold's Back...over and over
again! Uses Sounder to play through your PC
METCN100.ARC 24815 11/07/90 WIN3: Converts metric <__> customary units
METZ_DLR.ARC 27230 05/21/90 METZ Dialer _ Dial phone numbers
METZ_DT.ARC 75930 05/21/90 METZ Desktop Manager _ Menu system and file m
METZ_FM.ARC 15105 05/21/90 METZ Freemem _ Display free memory
METZ_LK.ARC 24441 05/21/90 METZ Lock _ Security application
METZ_PH.ARC 44941 05/21/90 METZ Phones _ Personal/customer information m
METZ_RNR.ARC 20376 05/21/90 METZ Runner _ Quick method to run application
MEW3NG.ARC 119665 07/02/90 Mewel Norton Guides
MEWIN.ARC 119127 03/12/91 MicroEmacs for Windows
MEWINDOC.ARC 152502 03/20/89 MicroEmacs Documentation
MEXEC1.ARC 18629 05/09/91 Windows 3.0 utility for the win run command
MIAMIB.ARC 27751 04/08/91 ATM font miami for win 3.0
MIDD1.ARC 64122 09/24/90 Middleton Postscript Type 1
MIDIE100.ARC 104581 10/01/91 MIDI Edit _ Windows 3.0 based MIDI
sequencer. Has 64 tracks, powerful editing,
imports Adlib ROL files, uses standard MIDI
files, runs in ALL Windows modes. Requires
MPU401. Version 1.0
MISTRAL.ARC 43846 01/24/91 Postscript Font for ATM & Windows 3.0
MJSHEL40.ARC 34250 09/02/91 mah jongg tile set manager (vb windows
MLINK0.ARC 72867 04/21/91 Nice comm program for windows 3.0
MLINK08.ARC 72867 10/07/91 MLINK v0.8 communications program for WIN3
MLK08A.ARC 74942 05/14/91 Communications program for Windows
MLK090.ARC 127485 10/13/91 MicroLink v0.90: Windows 3.0 communication pg
MOEBRLE.ARC 18764 07/06/91 RLE file for Windows 3.0. Startuo os Escher
ants on a Moebius strip.
MOICONS.ARC 3142 07/28/90 More icons for windows 3.0 !!!! great icons!
MOONTL.ARC 25343 04/17/91 Windows 3.0 Displays phases of the moon
MOREICNS.ARC 1580 06/19/90 More .ico files.
MORSEWIN.ARC 5217 06/16/91 Morse Code for Windows 3
MOUNFRAC.ARC 11660 07/08/91 Random Mountain Fractals program
MOUSEW3.ARC 23699 07/17/90 Mouse driver for windows 3.0.
MS20B.ARC 16520 10/29/90 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
MSDOSLAB.ARC 2297 06/15/91 Ami Pro Labels for MS DOS 5.0 Floppy Disks
MSOFTFIX.ARC 2888 08/03/90 <5> Fix to run Windwos at higher baud rates
MS_OS.ARC 2319 09/27/90 Microsoft new support policy for users
MTM104.ARC 64441 05/01/91 Metz Task Manager version 1.04
replaces windows task manager _ GOOD
MULTIP.ARC 11900 01/10/90 MultiPad _ Multiple file editor
MUSICC.ARC 28493 06/07/91 Toolbook music catalog book
Page - 111
Mid-America Digital Publishing's Magnum One 02/19/92
Windows 3
Name Bytes Date Description
NAV050.ARC 127541 10/05/90 Win 3.0 navigator. Magellan_style interface
NEKO.ARC 24814 04/15/91 Neko is a cat that chases your mouse.
NEKO103.ARC 15186 05/23/91 Windows 3 latest version of NEKO
NETWIN.ARC 3058 06/13/91 Some info on getting Windows and Netware
NETWIN3.ARC 4398 09/04/90 Tect File for Programmers developing
networking apps for Win 3
NEWEXE.ARC 34636 08/29/91 Tool analyzes Windows EXE & shows API linkage
NEWEYE.ARC 4749 07/25/90 Interactive Eyes _ A bit different cursor tra
NEWICON.ARC 12034 07/19/91 Collection of Icons for Windows 3.0
NEWICONS.ARC 61064 08/12/91 Over 230 New Professionally Drawn Icons For
Windows 3.0 Release Date 8/12/91
NEWPAP12.ARC 6749 10/27/90 NewPaper 1.2 _ Wallpaper changer (saves tilin
NEWTSENG.ARC 271346 08/29/91 New Tseng drivers
NICON01.ARC 39399 08/06/91 Nicon V1.0 Dos based Icon Editor for Windows
Draw Dots, circles, paint, flip, scroll, etc
Req EGA/VGA + Mouse
NICON02.ARC 39212 08/23/91 Nicon V1.1 Icon Editor for Windows. Now has
a metalic look and a small bug is has been
NO2BMP.ARC 10944 02/05/91 Movell logo _ Windows 3.0 wallpaper
NODEE1.ARC 68225 09/01/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
NODEE1A.ARC 54097 09/20/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
NODOS21.ARC 51826 04/14/91 No more DOS icon when reduced.
NONAG10.ARC 6100 03/21/91 Eliminates the "nagging" on windows 3.0
shareware software.
NOTEBK16.ARC 41914 07/07/91 Notebook 1.6 Win 3.0 text editor.
NOVBMP.ARC 1979 02/05/91 Novell logo _ Windows 3.0 wallpaper
NOVICO.ARC 681 06/17/90 A Novell Icon for Windows 3.0
NPAPER16.ARC 19072 08/27/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
NPSTACK.ARC 10808 07/31/91 New products stack for cardfile (windows 3.0)
NQVT472.ARC 153340 08/15/91 WinQVT v4.72 WIndows vT220 emulator with
5_protocol support.
NSX.ARC 78827 12/29/90 Windows BMP of an Acura NSX.
OM20.ARC 80133 03/07/91 Windows Front End written in ToolBook
ORCHDDRV.ARC 201125 04/25/91 Orchid drivers
ORCH_PD2.ARC 200655 09/02/90 DRIVER: ProDesigner II 640x480_800x600_1024x
ORG110.ARC 42219 07/18/90 Organize! _ Easy to use personal information
ORG146.ARC 49961 07/28/90 Daily appointment calendar for windows 3
ORG150.ARC 77447 06/05/91 PIM system for Windows unlimited expansion
of individual items. Version 1.50.
ORGANIZE.ARC 42188 02/09/91 A diary for win 3.0
ORIEL.ARC 69903 07/31/91 Graphics based Windows 3 language
OS2.ARC 1753 05/27/91 .BMP of OS2 logo
OSF112.ARC 15663 03/01/91 Fabulous 3d color control in Win 3 Frames
OSWALD.ARC 30884 09/01/91 Decorative serif ps type 1 font
OVRTM100.ARC 20760 03/14/91 Windows 3.0 Overtime Tracker v1.0 (3_14_91)
P2WIN333.ARC 277542 08/20/91 Drivers for Windows 3.0 for use with Orchid
Page - 112
ProDesigner II.
PA20BTK.ARC 34738 08/02/91 Printer's apprentice 2.0 for windows.
excellent font preview/printing utility
written in visual basic. features a 3_d next
style interface, *new* printing options
including batch runs, ansi charts, spec
sheets, etc... hot links to clipboard,
winword, atm, etc. uploadd by author, bryan
PA210BTK.ARC 46751 08/20/91 Printers' Apprentice v2.10 font printing &
viewing for Windows 3.0: Good 3_D interface,
ANSI charts, font inventories, print options
& more.
PA30.ARC 58999 10/22/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
PACKRAT3.ARC 5748 07/16/90 Description of Packrat for Win 3
PAINTSHP.ARC 102822 05/24/91 Windows 3.0 Update to Paint shop.
PAISLEY.ARC 98768 05/19/91 Windows wallpaper (BMP) generated with
PANAPOST.ARC 2577 08/01/91 Driver for Panasonic KXP_4455 Postscript
PANLSRDR.ARC 340465 08/12/91 Driver for Panasonic Lasers Non_Postscript
PARAICOS.ARC 1341 05/01/91 Icons for Paradox 3.5
PARISIAN.ARC 24838 01/24/91 Postscript Font for ATM & Windows 3.0
PARWIN.ARC 57768 12/11/90 PARENTS family tree for Windows 3.0 (12_11)
PAULA_2.ARC 74443 06/07/91 .BMP of Paula Abdul
PBBSW149.ARC 344330 07/07/91 Power BBS 1.49 for Windows 3.x
under windows on 1 pc
PBTOOL2D.ARC 140270 10/29/90 Windowing utilities plus for power basic.
PBWINDOW.ARC 92453 09/10/90 V2.1 popup window utility for powerbasic
PCBWORLD.ICO 766 09/03/91 A Win3 icon that looks alot like the manual
cover logo.
PCCWIN.ARC 33567 07/25/91 PCCONNECT\Windows for Ziffnet
PCHART.ARC 33720 05/05/91 Bar and Pie charts for Windows 3.0 includes
source for Turbo Pascal for Windows
PCPWAVE.ARC 594 06/24/90 PCPLUS Windows Icon
PD_ATMPS.ARC 143921 12/16/90 Public Domain ATM fonts
PEIGNOT.ARC 22457 01/26/91 Postscript Font for ATM & Windows 3.0
PEPSI.ARC 1260 05/23/91 .BMP of a Pepsi Can
PERFM202.ARC 7411 08/06/91 Performance meter 2.02 for windows 3.0 now
written in turbo pascal for windows
PES.ARC 188763 05/29/91 Visual Basic Program. Personal Evaluation
PFP.ARC 84334 05/16/91 Text file printer for Windows 3
PFP201.ARC 118232 09/11/91 Programmer's text file printer for Windows 3
PH34.ARC 47971 10/03/91 Phones from metz v3.4. personal/customer
info manager for windows 3.0.
PHMSM1.ARC 13741 07/07/91 Windows Phone Messages.
PHONE341.ARC 48398 09/22/90 Metz: Phones v3.41 rolodex for Windows 3.0
PHONENUM.ARC 78987 02/05/91 Computer Technical Support for Windows 3.0
PHONES.ARC 56891 02/24/91 Windows 3.0 Phone dialer and book.
PIFHLP20.ARC 8464 06/22/91 Start WIN3 application in any dir from the PM
PINUP10.ARC 16186 12/01/91 Changes backgroup picture in Windows
PIPEWIN3.ARC 20587 03/28/91 Connect the pipes like Pipe Dreams
PIPEXE.ARC 24035 07/29/91 DBase to Excel via DDE
PIXF11.ARC 183636 08/16/91 Pixfolio 1.10 grapics image catalog for
windows 3.0.
Page - 113
PIXFOL.ARC 169503 06/02/91 Pixel Folio 1.0 Win 3.0 Catalog your image
files. Includes slideshow, database search.
Supports GIF/RLE/PCX/TIFF, etc.
PIXFON.ARC 19880 05/12/91 Pixie ATM Font
PIXIE.ARC 21506 04/29/91 Font for Windows 3.0 & ATM Type Manager
PM4DRVRS.ARC 65883 05/30/91 PM4 Windows drivers
POLOSM.ARC 19055 05/12/91 Polo script ATM font for Windows.
POLSEM.ARC 20816 04/29/91 Font for Windows 3.0 & ATM Type Manager
POLYANNA.ARC 10125 07/23/91 A Windows 3 Polymorphic animation.
PORTLAND.ARC 161900 08/08/91 WIN3 BMP: Portland, Oregon, as seen in the
PC Tools V7 documentation (one of the few
good things about V7!).
POSTANTI.ARC 25975 01/24/91 Postscript Font for ATM & Windows 3.0
POSTMAN.ARC 25126 05/01/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
POWERBAT.ARC 112239 09/19/90 Pretty good batch compiler... color, windows.
PPRBOY.ARC 8030 06/24/90 <1> WIN 3 : automatically toggles .bmp files
for wallpapers
PRODSNR2.ARC 290638 01/02/92 Windows apps
PROGSET.ARC 37476 04/29/91 Pc magazine utility to optimize win.ini
PROGSET1.ARC 21657 04/30/91 WIN3: Edit WIN.INI _ add/modify/remove entrie
PRVW12.ARC 31611 07/10/91 Windows 3.0 Font viewer.
PS.ARC 21013 08/27/90 Paint Shop v1.0 _ for Windows 3.0
PS112.ARC 27595 11/28/90 WIN3: Paint Shop, manipulate/cvt BMP, GIF, RL
PS150.ARC 73662 03/03/91 Paintshop for Windows
PS20.ARC 100861 04/23/91 PaintShop v2.0 for Windows 3.0 (4_23_91)
PSD34B.ARC 113140 05/09/91 Latest Postscript Driver
PSHAPE10.ARC 68822 02/22/91 Windows Drawing Program
PSHAPE11.ARC 69043 03/10/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
PSHELL21.ARC 38597 08/26/91 Windows 3.0.Paaishell 2.10B.
PSHELL22.ARC 41573 09/19/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
PSWIN3.ARC 86501 03/01/91 HP III Postscript drivers for Windows.
PS_ASC.ARC 16652 01/08/91 Toolbook app _ easy access to ascii/ansi font
PWIN3DRV.ARC 90524 04/23/91 New 24 pin driver for 6200 & 6300 printers
PWINDRV.ARC 265839 08/20/91 New windoes driver for orchid prodesigner
/sierra ch
QB4WIN33.ARC 2704 09/30/90 Minor fix for qb4win32
QDK_WIN.ARC 25599 08/12/91 Technical papers from QuarterDeck regarding
QEMM/Windows_3.0/DOS 5.0 : info & diagnostic
QEDDE.ARC 8755 06/02/91 Word for windows macro to use q + e to access
QEMMTIPS.ARC 1435 03/01/90 Qemm386 Tips & Stacker tips
QIXSPX.ARC 8634 08/29/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
QM10.ARC 18855 08/28/91 Netware queue manager for windows 3.0
QUE11.ARC 24770 09/10/91 The Print Que for Windows v1.1: MS_Windows
utility that allows you to list the files to
be printed and print them automatically;
09/10/91; Arthur S Chadbourne.
QUITWIN.ARC 4363 08/31/91 Mast animated (with sound) exit from
QVTNET16.ARC 162487 04/11/91 Windows DEC VT220 Terminal Emul _TCP & E'net
QVTNET23.ARC 208687 11/05/91 TCP/IP pgm for Windows3. Uses packet drivers
RACHEL.ARC 116244 09/16/91 Model rachel hunter!
RAM.ARC 1544 01/20/91 Change Hercules Graphics Station RES w/o
using setup
RCPWIN20.ARC 72305 11/26/90 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
RDBRGNDY.ARC 10992 07/04/91 Buyer's guide to Red Burgundy wine. In Win
3.0 cardfile format. Also includes is a
Page - 114
Windows 3.0 write file with a brief
introduction to red burgundy.
REALCK.ARC 4735 08/31/90 Win 3.0 check for real mode
RECIPEWN.ARC 85631 08/20/90 Recipe Maker _ Keep recipe database & make sh
RECRUN.ARC 20908 05/22/91 <1> WIN 3 : Record Macros and play them back
RECRUN30.ARC 34090 08/20/91 Windows 3.0 Recorder utility.
RESGAUGE.ARC 3555 06/04/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
RESTAR.ARC 1029 03/30/91 Utility to exit WIN3 and restart immediately
RETIRE.ARC 4169 08/28/91 Excel 3 retirement planner worksheet
RGA.ARC 6123 07/06/91 Revisited "Generic Application" for V.B.
RHYOLVER.ARC 7238 06/06/91 Win 3.0 ATM Rhyolite Vertical font.
Compressed all caps font similar to Rothman.
Converted from the Mac.
RICMUR.ARC 20047 04/29/91 Font for Windows 3.0 & ATM Type Manager
RIVER.ARC 15363 04/29/91 Font for Windows 3.0 & ATM Type Manager
RMD10A.ARC 113000 07/25/91 Reminder v1.0a. calendar & alarms for MSWin
3.0. keep to_do lists, print reports, launch
apps at scheduled times. dde support. from
Wilson Windowware/has registration reminders.
RNPRG200.ARC 14890 03/25/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
RNR120.ARC 18440 08/05/90 Runner v1.20: ms windows utility designed to
provide a quick method to run applications &
files; menu or cmd_line driven
ROACH.ARC 16363 07/13/91 Windows 3.0 _ little roaches hide under your
windows and scurry around as you move the
ROGER.ARC 9787 12/20/90 Win3 BMP: Roger Rabbit (as in Who Framed...?)
ROLLER.ARC 5726 07/16/91 AD&D Character Generator for Windows
ROLTBK01.ARC 3997 12/06/90 Rolodex for windows 3.x toolbook runtime.
RTF.ARC 5212 08/17/91 Documentation of Rich Text Format interchange
RUDEL.ARC 19908 05/12/91 Rudel ATM Font
RUDELS.ARC 21311 04/29/91 Font for Windows 3.0 & ATM Type Manager
RUNIT10.ARC 8486 03/30/91 Launch programs fast!
SABDU120.ARC 54019 03/28/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
SAGE12.ARC 134699 01/01/90 Application that displays gems of Wisdom
SAM210.ARC 18784 04/28/91 Excel 3 for Windows Macro version 2
Variations on File Menu Options
SATURN2.ARC 128421 05/26/91 .BMP of a voyager collage of Saturn & moon
SCAP.ARC 10207 08/13/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
SCNPEACE.ARC 72127 06/30/90 Screen peace v1.2 _ windows 3.0 screen saver;
truly excellent utility that comes with 15
assorted animated screens: fireworks, fish,
kaleidoscope, snowflakes, spaceflight and
more. add your own if you have windows 3.0
sys devel kit.
SCRLDLG.ARC 8731 05/02/91 Programming example of how to scroll an
entire dialog box. Nifty idea. Requires the
Windows SDK and MSC 6
SCRP12A.ARC 87799 08/12/90 Windows 3.0 screen blanker, restores on both
mouse movement and key press.
SCRUTL91.ARC 6032 08/21/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
SCUD.ARC 72314 06/22/91 Scudbuster _ visual basic program
SCUD3.ARC 162031 06/30/91 Scudbuster _ here we go again!
SCW101D.ARC 295187 09/02/91 Second Conflict for Windows V1.01d Space
Conquest strategy game for 1_10 players 50
Page - 115
turn Demo version. Look for comming review
in Computer Gaming World Oct issue.
SCW103D.ARC 136995 09/13/91 Second conflict 1.03 demo for ms_windows 3.0
SH301E.ARC 199693 12/05/90 Shell for Novell 286 and 386
SHARE2.ARC 2569 05/18/91 Interesting info on using Share.exe
SHELLYAL.ARC 55233 02/03/91 Shelly Allegro Script ATM Font for Windows 3
SHELLYAN.ARC 50400 02/03/91 Shelly Andante Script ATM Font
SHELLYVO.ARC 55057 02/03/91 Shelly Volante Script ATM Font
SHOOT11.ARC 11773 08/30/91 Dutch screen grabber for Windows
SHOWBO.ARC 43091 07/16/91 Adobe ATM Font For Windows 3.0.
SHOWR.ARC 36405 12/20/90 A Windows 3 .GIF editor.
SIGHT11.ARC 12997 09/18/90 A demo of an icon viewing program
SIZEIT.ARC 11118 03/20/91 Place and size windows in Windows 3
SKO1430.ARC 24672 01/02/92 Windows apps
SLEEPR.ARC 8769 08/23/91 Norton Desktop for Windows __ updated
SLOGAN.ARC 41687 04/16/91 Adobe Type 1 Font for Windows 3.0
SMITH12.ARC 170999 08/17/91 Money Smith v1.2 Home Accounting and finance
software for Windows 3.0 Includes full docs
and sample files for personal and business
use. Shareware (not crippled). Bradley Smith
$29.95 Registration.
SNAGIT16.ARC 50531 02/02/91 Capture contents of screen in Windows 3
SNAP402I.ARC 240759 09/07/90 Program formatter for Dbase code.
SNAPSH.ARC 18822 03/25/91 Snapshot 1.1 Win 3.0 screen capture
SNAPSH12.ARC 18931 04/06/91 Screen Capture Program 1.2
SNDS8.ARC 450664 03/05/91 Sounds for the FMsound driver
SNDTOOL.ARC 227095 04/09/91 Great program for manipulating sounder .SND
SNUZ100.ARC 84968 06/24/91 Snuz v1.0; simple netnews program (NNTP&SMTP)
SPACEWIN.ARC 11671 07/05/91 Windows 3.0 shows free disk space.
SPIRO.ARC 13106 02/05/91 SpiroGraph version 1.0 for windows 3.0
SPX_LOGO.ARC 11468 09/01/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
ST102.ARC 472163 11/29/90 Z_Soft's Type Manager program. Now self
updating to 1.02. Must be a registered user.
STAMP.ARC 29020 06/07/91 Stamp collection in toolbook
STARB.ARC 38518 05/12/91 Starburst ATM Font
STARS.ARC 3486 10/03/90 Dynamic background window tile for Windows3
STOOGBMP.ARC 9679 08/15/90 Windows 3.0 wallpaper of the three stooges
STOPW.ARC 4056 10/11/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
SUNSET.ARC 24684 06/20/90 BMP of a sunset on a tropical island
SUPRRM.ARC 25018 10/25/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
SV800.ARC 36579 05/25/90 Generic VGA 800x600 Windows 3.0 driver
SWBOOK.ARC 8136 07/04/91 Catalogue software in WIN3 VisualBasic
SWLOG.ARC 19568 06/06/91 Shortwave log for toolbook
SYSCOLOR.ARC 15884 08/08/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
SYSGRAF4.ARC 38823 08/15/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
SYSUP101.ARC 23152 08/25/91 System up time program for DOS and Windows3
SYSWIT.ARC 21520 10/26/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
SZ_SPARK.ARC 22920 08/18/91 Fractal bmp _ good coastline for parking icon
T3600256.ARC 48560 08/10/91 Trident 3000 drivers
TAIPEI50.ARC 150567 08/12/91 Taipei v. 5.0 Windows 3.0 updated game.
TASKMAN2.ARC 10789 05/31/91 Task manager for Win 3 with greatly expanded
application launch menu.
TCXL5521.ARC 197122 06/23/91 TCXL Window Lib. Best 'C' libs for windows,
Page - 116
menus, data entry and much more! Supports
MSC, Borland C, Turbo C, Top Speed and
Zortech. Very fast! This file contains
install and demos.
THM.ARC 22258 01/09/91 .XLS Excel file comparing hercules graphics
TIM.ARC 24356 04/20/91 Time is money! This program helps you track
the time you spend on your projects.
TIME241.ARC 12915 07/30/90 <2> Metz Time Clock 2.41
TIME250.ARC 12593 08/05/90 Digital date/time display for ms_win 3.0 metz
TIMEBI.ARC 61357 09/16/91 Time and Billing shareware program
TIMEFRAM.ARC 4810 05/06/91 Digital Clock for the topmost window's captio
TIMEZON.ARC 11848 02/27/91 WIndows 3.0 time zone display application.
TITUSDOS.ARC 329122 09/11/91 Windows for the rest of us? 9.11.91
TO.ARC 19556 01/16/91 Takeone, Irish shareware game for Windows
TODOV1_2.ARC 26351 08/15/91 To Do List organizer v1.2: Windows 3
TOXTOOLS.ARC 31706 07/14/91 Windows 3.0 Misc. desktop utilities
TPRINT.ARC 5159 04/10/91 Start of a Printer Unit for TP for Windows
TRIBE.ARC 21261 07/16/91 Adobe ATM Font For Windows 3.0.
TRIBECA.ARC 39644 03/17/91 ATM Font
TRIDENT.ARC 574513 06/17/91 Trident drivers
TRUEV10.ARC 33925 08/16/91 True View v1.0. Targa (.TGA) file viewer for
MS_Windows 3.0. Uses BPS(tm) shading and a
uniform palette to view multiple images at
once. Also views BMP files. Requires Vermont
Microsystems X/Series 256, Cobra Elite
Spectrum, or Design Master VGA graphics
controllers to view high quality,
photorealistic images. 08/16/91. Jim
TS073.ARC 2739 11/03/90 Logitech Tech support help sheet #73
TSENGDRV.ARC 205132 08/14/91 Tseng Drivers for Windows 3
TSNG4311.ARC 320169 01/30/91 Tseng 4000 drivers
TTYFIX.ARC 6473 11/05/90 Windows 3.0 TTY fix.
TUNNL256.ARC 10625 08/21/90 Win 3 tunnel of 256 colors.
TVGA30.ARC 302652 06/26/91 Trident TVGA: 640x480x256, 800x600, 1024x768
TVGAWIN3.ARC 128753 08/12/90 WIN3: TRIDENT high_res video display drivers
TWB.ARC 1139 05/22/91 A text file describing a new BBS dedicated
to Windows computing (X and WIN3).
TWEAK3.ARC 38823 03/07/91 Tweak Windows video
TWIN3_0.ARC 204051 01/29/91 Boca Research Super VGA drivers as of 1_29_91
TYPEVW10.ARC 7879 08/15/91 Type View 1.0 for Windows. Font previewer.
Specifically designed for use with ATM.
UC30_1.ARC 184884 08/30/91 Unicom 3.0 #1 executable and config
files.very good.
UC30_2.ARC 116211 08/30/91 Doc file for unicom 3.0 as online help.
UC_30B.ARC 301813 09/29/91 Unicom 3.0b communication program for Windows
UC_3B.ARC 301813 09/29/91 UNICOM 3.0b terminal communication program
UDEL110.ARC 62808 08/29/91 Ultimate del _ DOS & Win3 improved versions.
UNDOCFCT.ARC 24868 08/28/91 Find any undocumented calls made by your
Windows programs. Works from Windows or DOS.
UNICOM.ARC 166813 05/22/91 A windows communication program
UNICOM30.ARC 301540 09/04/91 Unicom 3.0_ The latest release of the best
communication program for the Windows
enviroment. Many new features. (9_1_91) AV.
UNITED.ARC 5440 09/08/91 Great wallpaper for windows.
UNITS2.ARC 181183 07/08/91 Unit Conversion program
Page - 117
UNITY.ARC 51959 05/19/91 Windows wallpaper (BMP) generated with
UPRWES.ARC 51809 05/12/91 Upper West Side ATM Font
USHER14A.ARC 17981 07/16/91 Latest version of application menuing prg
USHER14C.ARC 19553 08/16/91 Usher 1.4c Windows 3 app launcher _ uses 14K
USINGDDE.ARC 16767 11/05/90 Toolbook document on using DDE in toolbook
UTL105.ARC 19936 07/10/90 Assorted Windows 3.0 utilities.
UUCODE16.ARC 23351 10/17/91 Unix_compatible UUencode/UUdecode for Windows
UWWIN102.ARC 40107 11/25/91 Communications program for Windows
V7600256.ARC 115309 06/04/91 800x600x256 video driver for Video_7 VRAM VGA
V7NWIN30.ARC 338185 05/22/91 Video_7 Windows drivers
V7WIN3.ARC 141268 05/23/90 Video 7 Drivers
VBBOOK.ARC 31076 09/06/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
VBDOS.ARC 8100 07/12/91 Access Dos function through Visual Basic
VBPSETUP.ARC 3190 06/25/91 PSETUP.DLL a Win3 LIB Give VBasic Apps Print
VBRUN100.ARC 166858 06/23/91 Microsoft's visual basic runtime. Download
this and save the trouble of including it in
all uploads and downloads in V.B. programs
VBTOOLS.ARC 175425 06/17/91 Various classes and resources for VisBasic.
Requires VBRUN100.ARC
VB_SDK.ARC 5767 07/07/91 Wallpaper _ Bloom county needs Visual Basic
VCRCAT2.ARC 16024 06/07/91 Newccr toolbook catalog
VMODE.ARC 13025 10/09/91 Change Windows video mode
VOL1014.ARC 79372 07/11/91 PCMag WinColour program, allows more variety
for Window area, colours, replace control
panels coulour program
W123R2.ARC 841 07/19/90 Lotus 123 pif and icon for windows 3.0
W3ET4.ARC 410432 10/22/91 Tseng ET4000 SVGA Drivers for Windows _ 91082
W3PINDRV.EXE 78437 01/28/91 Nec pinwriter drivers for windows 3.0
W3PKTDR2.ARC 69652 07/16/90 Clarkson Univ. packet drivers for Windows
W3SETCOM.ARC 2641 07/05/90 Configure COM3/COM4 for Windows
W3TSKMAN.ARC 7903 05/19/91 Windows 3 Task Manager. User_defined menu
WAB2B.ARC 18434 09/01/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
WALLPAPR.ARC 165282 06/02/90 WIN 3 : backgrounds for windows
WALPAPER.ARC 32996 09/13/90 About half a dozen backrounds for windows
WANG.ARC 584 04/24/91 Real Wang logo Bitmap, can be tiled for
WANGWAL2.ARC 1227 04/14/91 Yet another Wang Wall Paper .BMP, much better
WATRFAL.ARC 199372 05/25/91 .BMP of a Waterfall. Hi Rez
WB2TOOLS.ARC 300925 01/20/91 Time Management Tools
WBPRIMER.ARC 92149 11/19/90 WinWord Macros and Dialog box editor
WC15_A.ARC 428494 07/17/91 WinCOMM 1.5, Windows Communications Program.
Supports Zmodem, ANSI Colour, etc. Unzip to
1.2 Mb floppy and install from Windows. Disk
1 of 2.
WC15_B.ARC 190799 03/22/91 WinCOMM 1.5, Windows Communications Program.
WC300.ARC 44525 11/15/90 <1> WIN 3 : Clock/Alarm
WCATWIN3.ARC 2056 07/08/90 WIN 3 : how to run wildcat bbs under win 3.
WCDBRK2.ARC 26299 06/07/91 Codebreaker game for Windows
WCK150.ARC 85602 11/02/90 WinCheck _ Checkbook program for MS Windows (
WCK30E.ARC 264064 08/01/91 (ASP) Checking/Savings/Credit card/Budget
manager. Prints checks, custom reports,
ribbon bar.
WCKBAL_E.ARC 48124 07/24/91 Wincheck account summary utility
WCLICK.ARC 24909 05/26/90 WIN3: file mgr, split windows, supports PKZIP
WCLOCK10.ARC 5504 09/06/91 A world time clock for Windows 3.0. This
clock will display times for Local, NYC,
Page - 118
Chicago, Denver, LA, London, Paris, Rome
Moscow and Tokyo. Requires VBRUN100.DLL not
included in ZIP file. Freeware!
WCRON10.ARC 63878 08/04/91 Unix's cron_like utility for Windows 3
WCRON20B.ARC 160139 11/27/91 Unix's cron_like utility for Windows 3
WED11A.ARC 106372 05/03/91 Windows 3.0 programers text editor.
WED12H.ARC 143949 09/17/91 (ASP) Wilson Windowware WinEdit 1.2H
WED12J.ARC 148656 09/29/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
WEMORY.ARC 8235 06/06/91 Displays memory Windows 3.0.
WHISKERS.ARC 17583 09/26/90 Assign simulated keys or clicks to middle & r
WIN30APT.ARC 2665 07/23/91 QEMM Patch Instructions for owners of 5.11
WIN30DRV.ARC 125998 06/05/90 Windows 3.0 paradise driver
WIN30_DM.ARC 2647 10/07/91 From Ontrack Systems about Win3
WIN32.ARC 8913 08/22/91 MS White paper (RTF format) on the future of
Windows. 32 bit API is closer than you
WIN3BKG.ARC 90435 10/07/91 Windows 3.0 background screens
WIN3DISK.ARC 3924 06/24/90 Text on w3 and hard disks
WIN3PARK.ARC 4340 10/07/91 WIndows 3.0 Hard Drive Parker
WIN3PR.ARC 8766 06/22/90 <6> WIN 3 : identified problems
WIN3PROD.ARC 140539 09/19/90 Orchard VGA Drivers
WIN3PRSC.ARC 3935 10/07/91 WIndows 3.0 Print Screen
WIN3SDL.ARC 4149 10/04/90 Download this file on how to use the new
drivers contained in windows supplemental
disks 1 through 7.
WIN3STAR.ARC 3805 07/10/90 Windows 3.0 Star back ground
WIN3XSER.ARC 51632 02/07/91 Vermont microsystems x/series driver version
0.9 for windows 3.0.
WIN3ZIP.ARC 58944 04/04/91 Zip file manager for Windows 3.0.
WIN3_256.ARC 128338 01/02/92 Windows 3 256 color driver
WIN8514.ARC 173478 02/15/91 Windows 8514 driver
WIN86.ARC 9623 07/15/91 Hints for speeding up Windows 3
WINA100.ARC 26156 10/04/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
WINAMT.ARC 13841 06/13/91 Mortgage amortizer for windows
WINAPI.ARC 27326 05/14/91 Windows API calls not documented. A must for
Visual Basic programmers
WINBATCH.ARC 153859 05/22/91 <1> Batch File Processing for Windows 3.0
WINBDF.ARC 22211 09/12/91 Convert/View X11R4 (X/Windows) fonts as
Windows .BMPs (font must be <16x16) Requires
VBRUN100.DLL which is not included here
WINBEGIN.ARC 18125 06/04/91 Windows 3.0 _ generates a template soure code
file for Borland C++ and Zortech. For
WINBENCH.ARC 39027 10/24/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
WINBIBV.ARC 28800 08/30/91 Windows 3 bible verse of the day.
WINBLINK.ARC 5538 05/26/91 Blinkie v1.03, Mac style cursor tracker for
Windows 3.0 (u/l by author)
WINCAP.ARC 2944 07/30/90 <1> WIN 3 : capture screens or windows to
WINCD.ARC 14128 10/03/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
WINCHECK.ARC 166113 04/23/91 Checkbook balancer
WINCLI.ARC 18939 05/08/91 Windows command line processor.
Page - 119
WINCLI10.ARC 47815 10/07/91 MS_Win 3.0 command line interpreter v1.0:
WINCLI21.ARC 41741 05/26/91 Create a DOS_like prompt to launch DOS/WIN ap
WINCLOCK.ARC 16322 07/27/90 Configurable date/time display for windows (w
WINCNV.ARC 2881 07/26/90 Convert 256c GIFs to 16c BMPs (needs PICLAB &
WINCOMM5.ARC 485732 10/25/90 Communications program loaded (no {{kk|si{:)
WINCOMMR.ARC 5786 10/29/90 WinComm Macro Language Reference
WINCON.ARC 13012 08/09/91 Microsoft Strategy Discussion from CIS
WINCRON.ARC 42388 10/07/91 Win ver of cron_run program at timed interval
WIND50.ARC 1989 10/07/91 Using WP 5.0 with Windows 286 and 386
WINDMAIL.ARC 115015 08/23/90 Simple E_Mail/BBS for any LAN w/ shared disk
WINDOS1.ARC 60541 08/01/91 A GREAT! idea. A WIN 30 program that when
run changes the screen to a graphical DOS
screen ("C:>"). From there all normal DOS
commands like dir, cd, etc., will run.
WINDOZE.ARC 17816 10/07/91 Those Byte Brothers have done it again.
WINDRV.ARC 302653 05/20/91 Latest 7/91 Trident drivers for Windows
WINEXIT.ARC 4621 08/10/90 Another exit_Windows program w/ optional dial
WINEZ1.ARC 17236 07/13/91 Installs all running appts. in menus on all
title bars. Windows 3.0
WINEZ2.ARC 45366 08/09/91 Windows Menu System on the menu bar
WINEZ20.ARC 25332 07/16/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
WINEZ21.ARC 46402 08/28/91 Revised version of very nice program
management utility for Windows 3.0.
WINFAX.ARC 2627 07/18/90 Windows Faxing Program
WINFERN.ARC 33921 04/22/91 Generates the IFS Fern under Windows. Source
Code included.
WINFON.ARC 14343 06/24/91 Replacement Fixed and System Fonts for VGA
WINFRACT.ARC 195295 07/28/91 Fractint for Windows 16.11_Create fractals
Last revision date in archive: 07_28_1991.
WINFUTUR.ARC 2295 12/01/90 Future directions for MS Windows 3.0
WINGIF10.ARC 57876 03/08/91 Windows GIF viewer
WINGIF14.ARC 71335 08/06/91 WinGif 1.4 View/Save GIF, PCX, BMP files
WINHV20.ARC 37429 07/24/91 WIN3: Hex file viewer with string & hex searc
WINICON7.ARC 83331 12/26/90 More ICONS for Windows 3.0 (.BMP)
WINICON8.ARC 91593 12/27/90 More ICONS for Windows 3.0 (.BMP)
WINICON9.ARC 102880 12/29/90 More ICONS for Windows 3.0 (.BMP)
WININIT.ARC 6051 08/08/91 Easy custom setup startup desktop for Windows
WINLK121.ARC 17711 05/22/91 WinLock v1.2191: a locking system for
Windows 3.0 environment; provides basic
computer security.
WINLOAD.ARC 26963 07/09/90 Give choice to load/not load Windows at bootu
WINMAG.ARC 63317 08/15/91 Disk Magazine covering Windows Exclusively
WINPARK.ARC 2671 07/07/90 Hard disk parking pgm for Win 3.0
WINPOK.ARC 53017 09/26/90 <9> WIN 3 : poker game
WINPR.ARC 4416 10/09/90 MS Press release announcing new apps
WINQ099.ARC 53425 10/07/91 Windows 3.0 QWK mail reader _ The best...
WINQ110.ARC 71578 04/14/91 Windows 3.0 message reader for .qwk packets
nice, and very useful (don't get it if you
to use the ansi echo, tho').
WINQ120.ARC 82698 05/11/91 Windows 3.0 message reader for .qwk packets
WINQ130.ARC 105815 08/16/91 QWK compatible message reader which runs
under Microsoft Windows 3.x. $30
WINQWK13.ARC 110011 10/28/91 Q_Mail/Mark Mail reader for Windows3
Page - 120
WINROACH.ARC 10512 08/01/91 An interesting diversion as roaches hide
under your windows and scatter when you
uncover them; squish them with your mouse.
WINSETUP.ARC 3841 10/07/91 This is a windows setup for qmodem.
WINSP105.ARC 375719 09/18/91 WIN3: Spelling checker, works in any window
WINSPELL.ARC 365009 09/02/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
WINSQL.ARC 150196 06/02/91 Orion SQL for Windows _ Database Manager
Interactive relational database manager
using ANSI standard SQL and Microsoft
Windows. Easy to use _ and affordable.
WINSRC.ARC 296426 06/16/91 Source code for Fractint for Windows v16
WINSWEEP.ARC 12075 10/30/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
WINTIDE.ARC 17172 03/21/91 Tide clock for Win 3
WINTIME.ARC 20118 08/28/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
WINTIPS2.ARC 30545 03/27/91 More tips for Windows
WINUP2.ARC 299129 06/24/91 Novell Netware utilities for Windows 3.0.
Direct from Compuserve's Novell forum
WINUTIL1.ARC 338877 11/07/90 Windows 3.0 utilities. (11_90) 1 of 3
WINUTIL2.ARC 330743 11/01/90 Windows 3.0 utilities. (11_90) 2 of 3
WINUTIL3.ARC 327470 11/01/90 Windows 3.0 utilities. (11_90) 3 of 3
WINVN060.ARC 287691 07/01/91 vn_like UseNet News reader v.0.51 (w/ C src)
WINWORD.ARC 103821 03/15/91 Collection of great macros for WFW
WINZIPPR.ARC 20869 07/18/89 Windows 3.0 zip/unzip
WIN_ICON.ARC 6578 08/12/90 Some icons from compuserve windows sig (3.0)
WIN_UAE.ARC 2737 08/20/90 Text file & info on w3 UAE
WLDTIME.ARC 29130 09/10/91 For Windows displays world time zones
WMAIL101.ARC 53686 08/10/91 Windows 3 mail reader version 1.01 for UUPC
WMAIL11A.ARC 56215 11/14/91 Windows mail program
WNAV06C.ARC 185412 05/11/91 Winnav .06c Win 3.0 shell for launching apps,
manipulating archives and scanning for virus.
Some bugs squashed from .06b and some
WNQVT473.ARC 154605 08/30/91 Terminal Emulator for Windows.
WNQVTNET.ARC 205838 10/11/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
WNRIP143.ARC 8425 06/27/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
WNSCAP10.ARC 10207 08/13/91 Windows3 screen capture, all or part of scree
WORKOU.ARC 18839 06/07/91 Work_Out Tracker for Toolbook
from Headfirst Software
Keep track of your exercise progress
WORLDTIM.ARC 5877 08/13/91 Clock with selectable Time Zones
WOUT11.ARC 31189 04/08/91 Windows 3 outliner
WPALPH.ARC 36866 01/09/91 WPEdit _ Programmer's editor for Windows (alp
WPFMFIX.ARC 31319 09/11/91 Windows PFM fixer/modifier for type_1 fonts
WPOST11.ARC 10672 11/25/90 Electronic Post_it (tm) notes for MSWindows3.
WPST31.ARC 66717 09/03/91 Windows 3 Post_It notes v3.1
WPWINFO.ARC 5547 09/12/91 Info on Wordperfect for Windows fr WPCorp
WP_SPX.ARC 5024 08/25/91 WP Invaders module for Screen Peace for Win
WR13.ARC 72184 11/12/90 WinRead v1.3 good off_line mail reader
WR22.ARC 73753 05/29/91 Winreader v2.2 _ .QWK mail reader for Windows
WSCAN84B.ARC 121295 10/11/91 Windows3 version of McAfee's virus scanner pg
WSEND14B.ARC 18880 02/27/91 Ver 1.4B of Novell Send Command for Windows
WSMOOTH.ARC 40889 10/09/90 Smooth scroll documents in a window.
WSPACER.ARC 6742 09/13/91 NDW Batch Builder application (Windows) _ My
first attempt at aBB app _ saves and
restores named desktop configs of apps, so
that you can return to the same group when
Page - 121
you wish.
WTIME03.ARC 31664 09/03/91 World Time for Windows version 0.3 (from UK)
WTIME11.ARC 39177 09/28/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
WUNA200.ARC 48646 10/01/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
WUNZIP12.ARC 13526 04/12/91 Arc/Unarc program for Windows 3.
WUNZP107.ARC 32125 07/14/91 Windows 3.0 unzip.
WUZ.ARC 17429 08/31/91 Winunzip 2.0 Adds file viewer,specify path
for unzipping archives. Does not shell to
Dos for unzipping. Windows 3.0.
WX60WIN.ARC 138349 06/30/91 Weather Forcaster. Needs VBRUN100.DLL
WYSIWYG.ARC 5059 04/28/91 WYSIWYG printing for WIN 3.0 C src from "C"
X10WIN10.ARC 26032 09/08/91 Windows App to control the BSR X10
X10WIN11.ARC 30095 09/23/91 Miscellaneous Windows Utility
X10WIN30.ARC 122304 09/07/91 X10WIN is a software controller for BSR/X10
light/appliance CP_290 module using your
serial port. For Windows 3.0a use you also
need VBRUN100.DLL, which is not included.
XTW12.ARC 2038 05/12/91 Annoucement of Crosstalk for Windows Update!
XVTDRAW.ARC 83411 09/12/90 Drawing Program
XVTDRAW1.ARC 78073 07/29/88 Object_based drawing for MS Windows, XVT std.
XWORD1.ARC 37783 07/25/90 <4> WIN 3 : Crossword Program
YODA11.ARC 76940 09/05/90 Win3 BMP: Yoda at his desk. Excellent!
ZIPAPR.ARC 42187 12/30/90 Run WIN3 wallpaper from zip file, save HD
ZM301.ARC 88011 10/23/90 ZIP/LHARC shell for Windows 3.0 w/mouse supp.
ZODIAC.ARC 39635 10/27/90 WIN3 BMP: Signs of the Zodiac wallpaper
Page - 122
Mid-America Digital Publishing's Magnum One 02/19/92
Printer Utilities
Name Bytes Date Description
1124RS20.ARC 97527 01/24/90 Panasonic KX_P1124/Epson LQ_2500 printer setu
3812PRN.ARC 17162 08/15/90 IBM 3812 Pageprinter driver
3DFONT.ARC 68292 07/22/90 3d or shaded fonts, large pt,
4PR400.ARC 203053 03/12/91 4PRINT ver 4.0 _ Print utility which allows
printing 4 or 6 pages on a single sheet of
paper. For LaserJet or DeskJet.
4PRNT310.ARC 101693 03/16/89 ASCII File Print Utility for HP LaserJet prin
51APRLST.ARC 8327 04/23/91 List of printers supported by WP5.1_4/22/91
51APRNEW.ARC 2537 04/12/91 New/deleted WP5.1 printer drivers 4/22/91.
51JANNEW.ARC 1510 01/12/90 New/deleted WP 5.1 printer files 1/25/91
800BBS.ARC 2006 01/28/90 This is list of 800 bbs numbers
AARDVARK.ARC 26063 04/14/91 ATM font aadvark
AC12MUSC.ARC 33533 06/14/90 Accu music printer v1.2; print music
notation on dot matrix or laser printer.
ALABL2.ARC 110765 07/09/90 Autolabl! ii: general purpose label maker
ALABL31.ARC 92874 03/30/91 AutoLabl! v3.1 Flexible label printer
ALTPAGE3.ARC 5999 05/17/89 Print on both sides of paper
ANSPRN.ARC 1282 08/13/91 PowerBASIC source for printing strings
through DOS/ANSI
ASCIIHEB.ARC 12044 03/10/91 Hebrew Letters on monitor or DM/Laser printer
ATM_SCRP.ARC 40646 02/01/91 Script Italic font for ATM
BANNER.ARC 1993 02/23/86 Prints a banner on printer
BANNER85.ARC 26710 07/01/88 Print banners on any printer
BARCODE5.ARC 15564 03/24/91 Prints multi_format bar_codes for dot matrix
BF2FN3.ARC 70776 11/21/88 Additional Fonts for Bradford 2.0
BIG_CAL.ARC 35750 09/03/87 big calendar printer
BOOKLET.ARC 5172 09/05/90 WPCorp. Macro for printing WP 5.1 booklets
BOOKLS11.ARC 116097 09/15/91 Booklets v1.1: menu_driven pgm prints
documents on Laser printer & DeskJet for
folding into a booklet (four pages/sheet of
paper); spports A4, LETTER, LEGAL, EXEC
paper; left and right indent, top & bottom
margin, extra space for fold, page #'ering,
file name &/or date header; font scaling,
extensive printer error recovery, etc;
09/15/91; Sympathetic Software.
BOTH35.ARC 79269 01/14/91 Format text for printing on both sides
BOTH350.ARC 24098 08/15/89 Print on both sides of paper
BOTH360.ARC 25183 11/11/90 Print On Both Sides Of The Page.
BRDFORD2.ARC 133770 03/19/88 NLQ & 40 fonts for dot matrix printer
BSCHART.ARC 20404 05/22/90 Postscript font bs charter cq roman
BUSCARDS.ARC 41251 10/30/88 Prints Business Cards
CAL2TEK.ARC 6928 01/02/92 CAL2TEK
CALKPR21.ARC 82625 02/01/90 Keeps events in a database
CANONLBP.ARC 2488 10/25/86 Text file with Printer Codes for Canon Laser
CARDPTR.ARC 129766 10/16/88 Prints Disk Labels And Index Cards
CASSETTE.ARC 17487 07/10/88 Casette labeler (I hope!)
CASSLBL.ARC 59684 10/23/88 Casette labeler (I know...)
Page - 123
CASSLBL2.ARC 39978 03/18/90 Make audio cassette labels on IBM mode printe
CCP.ARC 153896 06/17/88 Calendar Creator Plus_ Nice Calendar
CDMST660.ARC 130912 05/29/91 CD Master v6.60 Aid for cataloging & printing
CLM3.ARC 17116 10/29/87 Casette label maker
CMPRSF10.ARC 13180 10/16/90 Compress HPLJ III bitmap fonts_save prtr mem
COPYCAT.ARC 43175 05/10/89 Format ASCII file for printing w/hdrs/pgnrs
COVER.ARC 2446 12/27/85 Prints disk directory _ fits floppy sleeve
CRAM_V21.ARC 19320 12/31/90 CRAM v2.1, Place 6 pages of text on 1 sheet
CRTDUMP.ARC 3390 08/27/86 Color Screen Dump for NEC Color P5 Printer
CTLABEL.ARC 19920 05/31/88 Audio Cassette Labeller
DBFSCR20.ARC 76270 04/10/91 Uses a screen painter and template files to
generate data entry screen code for your
programs. Includes templates for Clipper,
dBXL, Code Base 3, SkipJack, dBASE 3, and
DBLSIDE.ARC 7529 10/09/86 Nifty utility to let you print on both sides
DEXICAL.ARC 136460 06/06/90 Calendar maker
DISKLABL.ARC 16713 04/15/88 Disk Label With One Line Comment.
DJ301.ARC 47959 06/12/90 Updated windows 3.0 driver for hp deskjet
printer series. fixes several bugs..
DJFONTS.ARC 197655 10/12/89 HP _ DeskJet soft fonts by Elfring
DMP203.ARC 50108 11/01/90 Print spooler v2.03 Can use EMS, EXP or disk
DMP205.ARC 56589 02/10/91 Resident print spooler, spools to disk, memor
DOCCON.ARC 136713 03/10/89 "document Control" File Your Documents.
DOCPRINT.ARC 64244 02/04/89 Alternative formating/printing of .DOC files
DOCPRN.ARC 75426 01/26/91 Format and print text files for EPSON printer
DOCSM330.ARC 77800 03/21/90 Print 4 pages of text on one page. Epson comp
DOCSMASH.ARC 39582 07/27/89 Prints more pages per sheet on printers
DOL.ARC 67272 04/15/91 Printer Dolly. Pop up printer control for HP
Laserjets, Deskjets, Epson LQ, and Canon
BJ10e printers.
DOSFONTS.ARC 9682 08/13/91 Courier fonts v1.1 for dos apps in ms_win
3.0 also tsr vga courier font for use w/out
DOTAB10.ARC 9283 03/04/87 Fake margin: insert spaces start of each line
DOUBLE.ARC 44897 03/06/88 Print Both Sides Of A Text File
DOWNFONT.ARC 11541 02/08/88 Printer font utility
DPRINT3.ARC 15432 04/06/88 File printing util, formats and paginates tex
DSP207.ARC 112245 12/05/90 Print Spooler. Supports various memory setup
DUMP0891.ARC 14896 08/06/91 Dump graphic screens to LaserJet/Epson printe
DVPS1.ARC 12202 05/24/91 DESQview print spooler
DWNFNT15.ARC 3817 08/07/90 Downfont v1.5. font downloading utilities for
hp laserjet ii/compats. 08/07/90. bob lentini
EDIT_PDM.ARC 107993 03/29/91 Dot_Matrix print utility for EDITPCBI.ARC
ENGRAVED.ARC 10140 05/14/90 Engraved font for the LJII Last revision
date in archive: 05_14_1990.
ENV261.ARC 43185 06/14/90 Prints letter address on envelope v2.61
ENVELOPE.ARC 48316 04/04/89 "envelope Maker" Ver. 2.3
ENVLJ730.ARC 86413 01/08/90 Print envelopes on any HP compatible.
ENVLJ739.ARC 89745 01/02/91 Prints bar code and FIM codes on envelopes
Use with a laser jet printer
ENVMKR33.ARC 61114 06/20/91 Envelope maker for Dot Matrix/Diablo printer
EPASC.ARC 1551 06/18/90 Epson control codes in editor_usable
files to include into your text file.
EPLQFNTS.ARC 121008 03/31/88 Fonts for Epson LQ800/1000 printers
EPSNUTIL.ARC 756 08/22/85 Epson printer utility program
Page - 124
EPSON.ARC 7442 12/16/85 Epson printer driver for EGA graphics screens
EPSONUTL.ARC 1271 10/23/85 Set printer modes with this program
EVAFONT.ARC 72866 12/26/90 TSR to change fonts at the DOS line.
EZLBLR10.ARC 40743 04/18/90 Generate all types of labels quickly
EZTYPE32.ARC 25020 04/08/90 Print formatter: paginates/headers/margins
FF.ARC 677 01/16/86 Send a form feed to printer from DOS
FILEQ.ARC 104271 04/28/91 Queue up to 15 files to the printer
FINGER.ARC 5341 01/08/87 PFS: sign language alphabet font for First Pu
FLOWCNTL.ARC 2808 12/18/84 Alter serial port COM1 to use ^S/^Q handshake
FONT.ARC 25668 02/27/87 FontEdit for IBM ProPrinter
FONTID.ARC 10748 04/23/87 Download Soft Fonts to HP Series II
FONTMSTR.ARC 23143 08/24/87 Dot Matrix printer enhancement
FORMFEED.ARC 1141 10/21/88 Sends formfeed to printer
FORMFILL.ARC 162741 10/25/90 Fill in forms created by FormGen
FORMGEN.ARC 103080 10/25/90 Make, save and print your own forms
FORMS.ARC 133618 10/27/88 Create/print Forms Of All Types
FRMFIT30.ARC 129490 02/19/88 Template production for pre_printed forms
FXMASTER.ARC 17370 07/17/88 Menu_select 160+ Epson FX fonts/features v3.3
GLABEL.ARC 45616 06/08/89 Label Scheduling/printing Utility
GOFICHE1.ARC 17985 07/26/90 The smallest type you can read on your hp.
15 pages on 1.
GRAB57.ARC 337576 11/02/90 TSR grabs address from letter, prints envelop
GRABPLUS.ARC 349566 06/15/90 GrabPlus the ultimate envelope printer . .
GRAFD1.ARC 17631 08/18/90 Memory resident screen print utility for use
w/hp laserjet or epson fx series and their
respective compatible printers; once grafd11
is loaded it will dump both text & graphics
screens;supports monochrome, cga, ega, & vga
screen modes with up to 256 colors assigned
to up to 16 attributes; grafd1 is invoked by
pressing the "print screen" key(s)
GRAFD10.ARC 17631 09/02/90 Works with any graphics printer
GREYBAR.ARC 9934 11/08/90 Make greybar forms with your laser printer,
GRID10.ARC 7307 03/10/91 Make an 80x75 screen layout on laser printer
GTOPST.ARC 32318 10/23/90 Print .gifs on a postscript printer.
HDLU40.ARC 18153 02/14/89 List your HD's files & directories on printer
HOLYFONT.ARC 42619 07/22/90 Large outline or hollowed out font
HP3DRVS.ARC 99329 12/26/91 Hp Lazer Jet 3 Drivers, Includes The
Hp_iiisi In Post Scrip
HPII.ARC 14900 08/16/90 Print sideways on hp laserjet 2
HPLJCON.ARC 14100 05/27/87 LaserJet printer setup utility
HPUTILS.ARC 29743 01/14/88 HP utilities
HP_EPSON.ARC 12146 05/11/91 Emulate an Epson printer on your HP Laserjet.
IBM2HPJ.ARC 18464 06/09/86 PC Paint pics to hp laserjet
IBMLABEL.ARC 4152 04/17/86 Prints various labels
IBM_4019.ARC 69327 03/08/91 IBM 4019 Laser Printer Driver
IMAGE.ARC 115460 07/13/89 Read and write 256 color Windows bitmaps (.BM
IMP400A.ARC 200652 10/31/90 Letter Quality from a dot matrix printer, 1/2
IMP400B.ARC 201804 10/31/90 Letter Quality from a dot matrix printer, 2/2
ISIGNS50.ARC 84276 11/03/89 Make banners (down page) & signs (across page
ITALICS.ARC 2508 10/23/85 Set Epson printer for italics printing
JETPLT12.ARC 57162 08/27/91 Jetpilot v1.2. Control your lasrejet. Run
TSR or standalone, use expanded memory.
KILL_LF.ARC 3585 03/27/91 Add linefeed/carriage return to ascii text
LABEL3.ARC 18156 08/27/86 Label maker for printer
LABELER.ARC 25854 09/19/84 Label printing software
LABELRX4.ARC 4723 06/10/85 Label printing software
Page - 125
LABELS.ARC 22848 05/12/88 Label program for 5 line labels
LABGEN.ARC 186323 09/04/91 A nice little generic label generator.
LABLMST2.ARC 134121 11/27/87 Printer label utility
LABLMSTR.ARC 38850 06/13/88 Label Master Ii, Great For Disk Labels.
LASER.ARC 258234 10/09/88 Gen. HiRes data plots on dot matrix/Laser ptr
LASER34A.ARC 2613 05/02/90 Laser Graphics v3.4 Generate/display/print
LASER34B.ARC 167696 05/02/90 Laser Graphics v3.4 2 of 4
LASER34C.ARC 139013 04/24/90 Laser Graphics v3.4 3 of 4
LASER34D.ARC 185209 04/25/90 Laser Graphics v3.4 4 of 4
LASERJET.ARC 39458 04/23/87 HP laser jet utilities
LBANNER.ARC 3595 07/01/88 Print banners
LBLDBF.ARC 117252 12/07/89 Utility To Creat/modify/print Labels From
Dbf Files
LETHEAD3.ARC 104185 08/06/89 Print logos and headings on letters, etc.
LETRHEAD.ARC 18127 07/30/86 Lets you design and print a letterhead design
LETTRIX.ARC 124528 12/14/90 Dot Matix Printer Utilities Choose From
More Than 20 Different Fonts
LIST.ARC 5759 01/02/92 File lister to printer
LJ2DJ.ARC 32533 02/15/90 COnvert LaserJet fonts to DeskJet fonts.
LJBOOK22.ARC 16387 02/18/90 Vern Buerg's Laserjet Book Program V2.2
LJBOOK25.ARC 7489 03/18/90 Print Files 2_up On One Or Both Sides Of
LJBOOK32.ARC 10059 01/08/91 Print booklets with 4 pages per sheet w/LJ
LJETFON1.ARC 93085 11/29/90 Ljet fonts disk 1 of 8
LJETFON2.ARC 111403 11/29/90 Ljet fonts disk 2 of 8
LJETFON3.ARC 81049 03/06/90 Ljet fonts disk 3 of 8
LJETFON4.ARC 93929 11/29/90 Ljet fonts disk 4 of 8
LJETFON5.ARC 85814 11/29/90 Ljet fonts disk 5 of 8
LJETFON6.ARC 95813 11/29/90 Ljet fonts disk 6 of 8
LJETFON7.ARC 58397 11/29/90 Ljet fonts disk 7 of 8
LJETFON8.ARC 70748 11/29/90 Ljet fonts disk 8 of 8
LJFONT&U.ARC 266645 03/22/91 LaserJet Softfont Package
LJFONT10.ARC 6741 05/29/86 HP laser jet fonts
LJIII.ARC 8222 11/25/90 ADI driver for HP LaserJet III _ ACAD
LJPLOT10.ARC 14922 04/30/90 LaserJet III Plot program to plot HPGL w/.C
LJPRT1.ARC 27730 03/25/91 Laser Jet Printer controller v1.0 (3_25_91)
LJUTILS.ARC 1543 06/06/88 Set LaserJet printer formats and modes in DOS
LJ_BRIDG.ARC 100529 03/19/90 Download softfonts to lj automatically
LJ_SIGN.ARC 14045 08/31/91 DEMO of HP LaserJet digitized letterhead and
LLCABLES.ARC 1883 09/13/90 Cable pin_outs for LapLink Cables ser & par.
LM40.ARC 172477 04/13/89 Label maker 4.0
LM51.ARC 335640 12/11/91 LabelMaster v5.1, printer label maker w/diale
LMAGIC.ARC 164457 12/15/90 Label Magic Also Envelopes, Leter Heads
With Graphics.
LOADFONT.ARC 137347 04/29/91 A font loading program and fontss for the HP
LOTCALC2.ARC 187387 09/02/91 Updated Demo of Lotto Calculator. EGA/VGA,
640K RAM, Epson printer for Graphic
printouts required. Mouse is optional.
Advertises the BEST lotto program on the
market today for the price. It really is!
Use pkunzip 1.10 to unzip. Type run or 3_md
then press enter. CEC
LOTOFN.ARC 54184 03/12/88 Some fonts for PFS: First Publisher
LP.ARC 6069 05/10/87 LP file printing utility
LP13.ARC 10951 07/07/87 Unix_like file printer
LPR_LPQ3.ARC 46131 10/14/89 Utilities to enhance DOS's PRINT.COM
LPT2DSK.ARC 7169 12/13/86 Redirects Printer Output To Disk File
Page - 126
LPTCOM02.ARC 7409 04/19/88 Redirect LPT to COM2
LPTX600.ARC 22056 03/18/87 Redirect printer output to a file
LPTX601.ARC 22056 04/09/87 Lptx600 + A Small Bug Fix
LPTX700.ARC 33134 12/03/87 The Latest Lptx Printer Redirection Util
LP_OKI.ARC 7832 08/16/85 V.Buerg's Print OKI file w/ headings
LQ.ARC 7109 06/09/85 Makes Epson or IBM print near_letter quality
LQ15TSR.ARC 16070 02/14/88 TSR printer controllers LQ1500/KXP1524/KXP109
LQCHR121.ARC 14004 05/31/89 Design own char sets for Epson LQ compat prnt
LSRPRT21.ARC 45497 08/08/90 Laser printer v2.1: ascii text print util
for laser & ibm/epson dm printers.
customizable options.
MB_LP15.ARC 15343 02/12/89 Unix_style paginating file printer
MPAGE113.ARC 24113 08/19/91 Print multiple pages per sheet on PS printer
MPMPR2.ARC 66042 01/25/88 IBM graphics characters for Epson printers
MPP.ARC 25651 11/05/87 Make your printer look like a Laser printer
MPRINT40.ARC 70688 02/01/89 Multicopy/multifile print, now DESQview_aware
MSLXV101.ARC 45630 06/26/91 MIC Source Lister Extended v1.01: utility to
print ASCII text program source files;
06/26/91; Maya Integrated Coventures.
MSPOOL2.ARC 4473 03/19/85 Print spooler handles LPT1_4 and Com
MTXT31.ARC 74680 09/06/89 MicroText 3.1, print 4 pgs on 1 pg, tiny type
MX_1000.ARC 18713 12/07/88 Setup Program For Star Nx_1000 Printer
NEC3550.ARC 1272 06/07/90 Ms word 5.0 printer driver for the nec
NOBS.ARC 2237 01/02/92 No back space
OKI.ARC 3051 07/11/84 Printer setup util for Oki 192/193 IBM ver
OKISET.ARC 8706 04/16/84 2 okidata ml_92 printer setup utilities
ONSIDE13.ARC 109561 02/17/90 Sideways printing for PC_compatible printers
ON_SIDE.ARC 109253 01/16/89 ON SIDE by Expressware
P55.ARC 80619 05/06/91 Print Plus v5.5 Text file(s) print utility.
PACIFIC.ARC 5356 10/05/89 First Look At Pacific Hplj Postscript
PAFP21.ARC 131116 01/25/90 PAF genealogy print utility v2.1
PAGE.ARC 1059 01/02/92 Page feed
PANASON4.ARC 28291 10/29/89 Great Utility For Setting Print Modes On
All Panasonic Printers.
PCBANNER.ARC 19207 07/01/88 Printer banners
PCLCM128.ARC 34445 05/30/91 Compresses HP_PCL raster data. With C source
PCP.ARC 12751 06/12/89 Memory Resident Print Control Program.
PCPR130.ARC 12570 07/12/90 Text formatter: multiple files to printer/dis
PCSET16.ARC 39547 09/02/91 PCSet v1.6 (Printer Control Settings) allows
you to print plain DOS text files to a
printer using any allowable effects such as
underlining, bolding, italicizing,
overprinting, etc. Can also be used to print
long documents in condensed form. 09_02_91.
PC_FONT.ARC 49493 09/23/85 Great printer control program
PC_LABEL.ARC 47048 08/24/86 PC_Label ver 1.2, label maker
PF260.ARC 31322 06/12/91 Port Finder _ COM & LPT port control, stats
PFEPSON.ARC 8685 05/01/88 Text formatter for Epsons & compatibles 5/88
PGRAF110.ARC 160590 06/21/91 C language Printer Graphics Interface, v1.10
PHLBL142.ARC 52351 06/27/90 The Phil Herron Labeler v1.42 . .
PHLBL201.ARC 55856 02/03/91 PHLBL v2.01 Simple ASCII label printer.
PI11.ARC 5561 05/29/88 Print intercepter utility
PIV101.ARC 93002 05/17/89 AsEasyAs sideways/pretty print utility
PIVOT20.ARC 128443 07/05/90 Pivot prints WKS or WK1 files sideways
PLABEL.ARC 11928 10/24/85 disk label printer
PLB111.ARC 18543 07/28/90 Pro labeler 1.11 label printing program
PMANIMAL.ARC 37872 05/17/88 Printer animal thing
Page - 127
PM_PS_BS.ARC 18344 01/30/87 Convert Printmaster graphics to Print Shop &
POP_EPSN.ARC 13231 12/29/85 Epson memory resident printer utility
PPP107.ARC 22242 01/01/80 Pop_up printer utility
PPRINT13.ARC 34668 08/02/90 Print or display large doc/txt files easily.
display certain pages, adjust page lengths,
etc. very useful for large doc files.
PPRINT51.ARC 79484 03/22/91 Patriquin: Page Print v5.1 utilities.
PPRINT53.ARC 80890 04/29/91 Patriquin: Page Print v5.3 utilities.
PPRINT55.ARC 108055 11/22/91 Patriquin's advanced printer utility, v5.5
PPV31.ARC 25975 08/09/90 Print plus v3.1 file print utility. point &
shoot files for printing.
PR.ARC 13900 02/25/87 Flexible and fast text file printer
PREPRINT.ARC 11580 09/30/87 Determine how many printed pages in a file
PRFORM17.ARC 22384 06/16/88 Multi_function printout formatter, w/C source
PRIN12.ARC 3403 05/21/90 Print utility that filters embedded codes
PRIN23.ARC 6395 06/15/90 Prin v2.3 printer file manipulation
utility. adds page number, margins,
etc. configurable.
PRIN28.ARC 9972 07/29/90 PRIN v2.8 format and pipe to PRN
PRIND25.ARC 17030 04/16/90 Redirect printer to file/screen/printer on cm
PRINDIR.ARC 6062 11/29/89 Redirects printer output to disk file
PRINDIR6.ARC 31857 02/25/91 PrinDir v6.0 Print redirector. file/prntr/scr
PRINDIR8.ARC 31959 11/07/91 COM/LPT port redir. to any other port or file
PRINT.ARC 29200 06/13/87 Formatted printer output
PRINTDOC.ARC 17215 04/23/88 Print text files on both sides of the paper
PRINTER.ARC 10451 01/08/84 Print to HP LaserJet II or IBM Graphic Printe
PRINTER2.ARC 2926 02/18/85 Simple Epson printer utility
PRINTFIX.ARC 16020 07/24/90 Corrects problems in program printer output
PRINTGAL.ARC 69980 05/21/88 v2.0 _ Printmaster/Printshop/Newsmaster utili
PRINTI.ARC 9255 08/20/90 Printit! v2.0 allows you to print documents
that have no form feeds in them without
printing across the perfs on fanfold paper
by inserting them as necessary; also allows
you to print with or without page numbers
PRINTM12.ARC 2278 07/30/90 Print message in colour.
PRINTPAS.ARC 5898 04/27/91 Prints Pascal source files on Epson. W/src.
PRINTQ11.ARC 4755 03/21/87 Microsoft C interface to PRINT.COM
PRINTSC.ARC 4088 02/01/90 EGA/VGA graphics printscreen to Epson or HPLJ
PRINTZZZ.EXE 70185 06/13/91 New version of printcop/printzip.exe
PRISC.ARC 2083 01/05/89 Selective print screen by lines, disk option
PRN2FILE.ARC 10683 12/16/87 Redirect printer to disk (w/asm)
PRNDSK.ARC 8478 10/20/86 Print To Disk Instead Of Printer_asm
PRNT1.ARC 2516 12/29/85 Printer setup menu for Epson/IBM
PRNTEST.ARC 34142 01/02/88 Printer test and diag. utility
PRNTFIX.ARC 1119 10/14/89 TSR fixes printer busy timeout problem
PRNTGL15.ARC 90939 12/22/90 Printgl v1.5 Pen Plotter emulator for DMP
PRNTPL56.ARC 77983 06/11/91 Print Plus_Tag multiple files for printing
PRNTSCRN.ARC 9826 05/01/90 Printscreen utility
PROFF.ARC 70868 02/17/88 Roff_like printer driver
PROLB111.ARC 9098 07/27/90 ProLabler v1.11 a massive lable program
PRSWAP.ARC 1139 06/27/85 Swap Graph chars for ASCII (PCMag v4 #19)
PRT2SCRN.ARC 2577 08/03/88 Redirects & stops shift PrtSc lock
PRTFILE.ARC 28334 11/12/87 Text file list utilities w source
PRTGL109.ARC 78834 08/17/90 Printgl v1.09: prints hpgl plot files to many
printers & view on screen;support cga/ega/vga
s_vga,hgc. this version is beta release as of
Page - 128
PRTLABEL.ARC 11601 01/01/80 label printer
PRTLABL5.ARC 71298 01/04/89 Menu_driven label printer
PRTPLUS.ARC 21587 10/12/90 Print Plus v4.0 Print file formatter. (10_12)
PRTSC1.ARC 5374 04/15/87 Enhanced PrtSc replacement, sets print sizes
PSEND.ARC 8403 09/29/87 Sends controls to printer from text file
PSET.ARC 7569 05/06/88 Printer Setup _ C Source Code
PSETUP12.ARC 9057 08/19/90 General Printer setup utils. v1.2 (8_90)
PSGRAFIC.ARC 7418 11/07/87 Additional graphics for Print Shop
PSICONS4.ARC 18968 02/16/87 Print Shop graphics library
PSLABEL.ARC 25709 11/08/86 printshop/printmaster label printer
PSTASH20.ARC 2799 02/15/89 Redirects lpt output to file
PTHP.ARC 7101 02/05/91 Print to hardware port feature information.
PTRERR.ARC 16289 05/29/90 Test program for printer ports and drivers
PULSAR.ARC 25785 07/10/91 Visual Basic Printer Control Application.
QFONT15.ARC 113230 07/22/89 QFONT PreRelease. Fonts for HP Laserjet
QMSKISS.ARC 11490 09/30/86 Printer utility
QP.ARC 9615 08/18/88 Nifty Background Print With Turboc Source
QP20.ARC 30395 12/25/90 QuickPrint v2.0 Views & Prints ASCII text fil
QP260.ARC 34548 06/09/91 QuickPrint v2.60 Prints text files & adds ff
ROD_FX.ARC 13874 09/07/87 TSR printer setup utility for Epson FX
ROD_PR.ARC 13956 08/29/87 TSR printer setup utility for IBM Prowriter
RPRN.ARC 2574 10/21/85 Redirect printer output to disk file
RPTP13.ARC 9529 06/11/91 Ron's Print To Printer _ Text file formatter
SCRNDUMP.ARC 2565 01/02/92 Screen dumper
SEIKO.ARC 223633 08/20/90 Seiko label printer demo.
SETLIPS.ARC 18532 10/28/86 Printer utility
SETOKI.ARC 5042 08/06/86 Okidata printer utility
SETPRINT.ARC 2034 02/29/88 Send printer function cmds
SETPRN.ARC 1842 12/08/85 Printer utility
SETPTR22.ARC 23649 01/14/90 Ptr ctrl pgms for Epson,Oki,Citizen,HPLJ2, et
SETUP.ARC 1645 06/15/86 Printer utility
SET_PRTR.ARC 2982 05/05/86 IBM/Epson printer utility
SF300.ARC 196789 12/11/90 Simple/easy forms generator/processor
SFNEC.ARC 75731 11/15/84 Utilities for NEC 8023 printer
SHOWPCL.ARC 20387 02/18/90 Hewlett Packard PCL file disassembler
SIDER.ARC 23166 01/12/88 Print spreadsheets sideways, TP Source & .COM
SIDEWAYS.ARC 2069 01/02/92 Sideways print program
SIDEWRIT.ARC 22692 04/22/87 Print stuff sideways
SILNCE2.COM 6272 07/07/86 Latest Vers. Of Silence (quiets Pcs)
SLASH0.ARC 16515 01/20/90 Print Slashed 0's On Epson Dot Matrix
SMPSQZPR.ARC 30968 06/26/90 Squeeze Print for Epson dot_matrix printers
SNAGIT.ARC 28983 03/21/91 Print utility that windows forgot to be used
SP.ARC 5793 03/14/86 Print spooler, with documentation
SPOOL.ARC 20673 02/01/86 Printer spooler
SPOOLER.ARC 5901 06/15/90 Dynamic print spooler uses EEMS (LIM 3.2/4.x)
SPOOLG.ARC 3472 07/18/88 Fast print spooler
SPOOLRII.ARC 39206 11/27/89 Background print spooler
SPS.ARC 3108 04/30/87 Select Lines For Partial Print_screen
SQC250.ARC 16945 12/08/91 Powerful command_line printer control utility
SUPLABL.ARC 98043 05/27/87 Label program _ many options, fast
SWPLPT_A.ARC 1104 04/12/91 Swap Utility for LPT1 & LPT2 .COM version.
SWPLPT_C.ARC 3685 04/12/91 Wap Utility for LPT1 & LPT2 .EXE version.
TAGPRINT.ARC 28053 01/31/87 TSR PrtScr replacement
TEMPOMF.ARC 154995 05/21/91 10,40,50,90 tiempo style font from More Font
TIEMPOIT.ARC 25872 05/20/91 40 pt tiempo italic landscape frpm More Font
TSPRN15.ARC 93062 07/11/90 Printing txt files, w/Diconix & Zenith laptop
Page - 129
TSRDL.ARC 49982 05/04/89 TSR font download for Laserjet printers
TSRDL2.ARC 109953 10/10/89 TSR Download _ Elfring Soft Fonts for HP
TWOSIDE.ARC 27508 07/22/91 Utility for printing on both sides of the pag
TYPERITE.ARC 5338 01/01/80 Turns your PC into a typewriter
VEDEMO.ARC 125662 11/13/90 Printer utility
VGAPRIN.ARC 52876 02/19/91 Utility to send VGA fonts to printer.
VPRINT.COM 1536 03/22/84 Redirects Lpt1: To A Disk File
VPRINT.DOC 1920 03/22/84 Documentation For Vprint
VPRINT5.ARC 15565 04/14/88 Redirect Lpt Or Comm Ports To A Disk File
VPRNT301.ARC 13057 04/12/87 Printer redirection to disk file, v3.01
VSPOOL.ARC 20570 03/20/89 Versa_Spooler v1.01 multi_printer spooler
WPHP2.ARC 128894 04/15/91 WP51 driver for HP Laser and compatibles
WPHP3.ARC 75664 04/15/91 WP51 driver for laser Toshiba, Panasonic, etc
WPHP52AP.ARC 187254 04/18/90 WordPerfect 5.1 additional prn drivers for HP
WPHP53.ARC 234007 04/15/91 Word Perfect 5.1 Laser III Drivers
WPLS50.ARC 148903 04/15/91 WP51 driver unsupported for misc oddball
WRAP.ARC 7816 03/06/86 Make printer skip over perf, set column width
XONXOFF3.ARC 2440 07/09/90 XON/XOFF interrupt_driven serial printer drvr
YACPU.ARC 11343 09/03/91 Prints planning calendar on a HP LaserJet III
ZPRT10A.ARC 17172 03/04/89 ZPRT V1.0a by Charles D. Robertson
Page - 130
Mid-America Digital Publishing's Magnum One 02/19/92
Pascal & Turbo Pascal
Name Bytes Date Description
360X480.ARC 2950 04/29/91 Pascal code for getting 360x480x256 video on
6DATGEN0.ARC 49897 03/25/91 Pascal DATAGEM V6 generate single screen,
single databases for Turbo Pascal.
ANSIVIEW.ARC 10896 01/30/91 Implement WriteLn and GotoXY in a Turbo
Vision window for Turbo Pascal 6.0
ANSI_130.ARC 18575 04/29/91 A set of Pascal ANSI routines.
ASYNC11.ARC 31463 04/29/91 Async com routines for Turbo Pascal 5.0
BANK.ARC 2660 04/29/91 Turbo Pascal 5.5 _ OOP Example
BBSKIT.ARC 62705 04/12/91 Pascal 5.5 & 6.0 TPU's to make a BBS
BINOBJ.ARC 1793 04/29/91 Turbo Pascal unit generates .OBJ format
BOOST4.ARC 90510 10/23/88 Excellent set of routines to boost your
BOWLAVE2.ARC 15712 08/18/91 Turbo Pascal program that keeps track of
your bowling average week to week and also
gives your high game,average,series.
Includes source code. v2.0.
BTREE4.ARC 16105 01/24/88 Turbo Pascal 4 Btree Routines In Tpu File
BUFFERS.ARC 10180 04/29/91 TPascal 5.5 _ OOP IO Buffering Routines
C2PAS08B.ARC 11800 04/29/91 If you're 'C' sick! Try this excellent C to
Turbo Pascal converter.
CALTP.ARC 2105 04/29/91 Calendar functions for turbo pascal 4
CLEARMEM.ARC 1912 10/03/91 Tp Unit To Initialize Stack, Heap & Globals.
CODEGEN.ARC 18627 04/29/91 Generates Turbo C or Turbo Pascal Include
CONTOUR.ARC 62279 04/29/91 Turbo Pascal source code for a countouring
CRC32.ARC 9848 04/29/91 Very fast 32 bit CRC in MASM, C and Pascal
CROSSREF.ARC 3602 04/29/91 T Pascal/Basic Cross Reference (text)
CRS_TP05.ARC 30055 08/13/91 Catalog of ALL the TURBO PASCAL files on the
Canadian Remote Systems BBS. Sorted into 54
catagories. 75K unzipped!!!
CTOPAS.ARC 6260 05/31/88 Convert 'c' To Pascal
CURSET.ARC 9396 05/31/88 Pascal Cursor Set Routine.
CW_WRITE.ARC 107048 04/23/90 Centiwrite mini_text editor with Turbo
Pascal TPU.
DBOOK1_5.ARC 38977 09/28/90 CCOM/CFAX Turbo pascal phonebook/group prog.
DDUTIL12.ARC 8317 08/23/90 Doubledos utilities unit v1.2 for tpascal +sr
DDUTIL20.ARC 8042 05/15/91 Double Dos utilities unit v2.0 for T Pascal
DELAY6.ARC 589 05/08/91 Patch for the DELAY statement of Turbo
Pascal 6.0 Corrects erratic timing with the
DELAY procedure on systems running at 33MHz
or better. Uses DEBUG. Difficulties with
this patch were noted by Tech Support on at
least one '486 system.
DIR.ARC 7740 04/29/91 Turbo Pascal unit to pop up a directory
DJVGA02.ARC 15327 05/18/91 DJVGA v0.2 Unit for T Pascal 6.0 EGA/VGA
DOCDEM.ARC 5050 07/21/91 Turbopascal For Windows .dll Math Lib Example
Page - 131
DOCIT.ARC 18466 04/29/91 Documents C/Pascal/etc. files
DRIVEFND.ARC 1223 04/29/91 Turbo Pascal unit to find available drives in
a system.
DVUNIT.ARC 2031 09/17/90 Turbo Pascal unit for making programs
Desqview aware.
EAGLFAST.ARC 78811 03/26/91 EafleSoft's fast replacement TPU for Turbo.
Pascal 6.0 800% speed increase. 3_91.
ENGINE.ARC 15686 03/29/89 Recursive Directory Engine.
ERR_FUNC.ARC 38449 09/17/90 Tp Run_time Error Tracer And Descriptor
EXEMOD.ARC 5207 04/29/91 Modify EXE files from within Turbo C or Turbo
EXITPAS.ARC 1670 05/14/90 Unified scheme for handling multiple
exit procs in tp5.
FACILIS2.ARC 36992 04/29/91 Source to a pascal compiler
FAKECRT.ARC 3027 08/28/91 A replacement for the ReadKey in Turbo
Pascal's CRT unit. Will use F11 & F12
FFIND.ARC 14178 04/29/91 Turbo Pascal file finder
FILEMOD2.ARC 19338 04/29/91 Some File modulars!
Turbo Pascal 5.x
FOSCOM12.ARC 14896 08/27/89 Fossil Communications Unit W/ Source
FULLDB13.ARC 13903 10/19/91 Adds .obj Debug Info To Tp 5.5, 6.0 Or
Tpw 1.0 Files!
FUTILS.ARC 28240 04/29/91 TP 5.5 routines: swapvar, cvt Pascal_c, more
FUZZ.ARC 3635 04/29/91 Pascal Source Code for "fuzzy" search. GREAT!
FXWINDOW.ARC 10230 04/29/91 Turbo Pascal v4.0+ windowing routines
GPHTXT.ARC 8443 02/17/90 GphTxt.Zip provides Turbo Pascal 5.X users a
graphic screen, text file device driver.
Simply include graphtxt in your uses clause
and then you have full use of writeln and
readln on the graphics screen with any font
GRU.ARC 29397 04/29/91 Memory_resident help for the Turbo Pascal BGI
Graphics system.
GSDB21.ARC 94791 01/05/91 TPascal complet dBASE .DBF access sources
for creating/reading/writng to dBASE &
compatible .DBF files.
IBMCOM.ARC 7276 04/29/91 Wayne Conrad's latest COM driver unit for
turbo pascal 5.0. Interrupt driven transmit
and receive. Source code.
ICOPY121.EXE 16133 07/20/91 Icopy v1.21 _ better then xcopy. has *many*
options. Written in Turbo Pascal 6.0.
Self_extracting lzh format.
INFOP125.ARC 79763 04/29/91 exe and pascal source of system information
checker. updated now checks for 486
INTRFC4.ARC 19664 12/24/90 Prints Interface Section From Tp4 .tpu
INTRFC55.ARC 46084 02/26/90 Dumps Tp 5.5 .tpu File
INTRFC61.ARC 52186 03/28/91 Turbo Pascal 6.0 TPU interface lister w/src
KMOUSE10.ARC 9895 04/29/91 Turbo Pascal 5.x mouse driver routines!
KRUSE_11.ARC 120957 12/01/90 Various Utilities for Turbo Pascal '90.
LINKS.ARC 3756 04/29/91 Turbo Pascal 5.5 _ OOP Example
LOANCALC.ARC 17197 04/29/91 Determine mortgage costs, etc. (TPascal srce)
LOTUS1.ARC 7025 04/29/91 Pascal Source for read/write of WKS & WK1!
LTCOMM50.ARC 89364 04/29/91 Lite Comm Communications 5.0 source!!
Page - 132
in Turbo Pascal 5x
LZHSRC97.ARC 8019 12/18/89 Turbo Pascal Source For Lzh Arc/dearc
LZHTV10.ARC 38611 04/21/89 Turbo Pascal Source For Viewing Lzh
Archive Contents
LZHUFE.ARC 21326 04/29/91 Turbo pascal LZH huffman de_coding with
source. Very well documented code.
MAKHELP.ARC 25081 07/05/91 Creates online help for Turbo Pascal
MICROT.ARC 2301 10/11/90 Pascal source code for high resolution delay
timing to 0.838 microsecond accuracy using
speaker timer chip. Compatible with all IBM
and compatible computers. Does not disturb
running TSR clocks. No self calibration.
MKDATA.ARC 47730 04/29/91 DataGen Kit 3.02 for Turbo Pascal
MLAPI.ARC 3382 04/29/91 MultiLink Advanced API for Turbo Pascal 5.0
MODEM3.ARC 4860 03/20/89 MODEM PROG IN UCSD PASCAL (Z80,8080)
MOU105.ARC 51190 09/30/91 Tp & C Mouse Library _ Graphics Cursor In
Text Mode!
MOUSE.ARC 11494 08/06/91 A set of Turbo Pascal Units for mouse
programmers not compiled so enjoy.
MOUSTOOL.ARC 98353 05/10/89 Robust Set Of Mouse Routines
MRGSORT.ARC 25071 04/18/90 Fast Pascal Sort Routine By Cb Falconer
MUSIC.ARC 5605 04/29/91 Music pascal source to construct music
NEWSHELL.ARC 2712 04/29/91 Shell to command.com within turbo pascal
NGTP.ARC 131862 04/29/91 Norton Guides data base for Turbo Pascal
NG_CLONE.ARC 32308 04/29/91 Norton Guides Clone!! Turbo Pascal Source!
NONSTOP.ARC 5089 09/27/90 T Pascal code to trap Ctl_Alt_Del, Ctl_C, etc
NOTE20.ARC 30568 04/29/91 Text Editor with Pascal Source
NRPAS13.ARC 258088 05/02/91 Over 400 Turbo Pascal subroutines from the
book "Numerical Recipies," recently released
as shareware. You really need the book to
understand the programs, but if you already
have the book, these files will save many
hours of typing.
OBJSTR.ARC 2777 03/06/91 TP 5.5/6.0 Object Oriented String Handling
OPBONUS.ARC 252376 03/21/91 Bonus programs for object professional for
Turbo Pascal 5.5/6.
OPINT102.5RC 72704 02/11/89 Opus interface .TPU Turbo Pascal v5.0
PALPLAY.ARC 32696 08/12/90 Palette play v1.0: allows an easy visual way
to change the colors of ega/vga palettes when
coding in turbo pascal
PARSERAD.ARC 5420 07/18/91 Turbo Pascal Parser demo. Source code
PASCAP.ARC 13392 04/20/88 T/pascal Convert Keywords To Upcase.
PASED14.ARC 134443 04/29/91 Editor for use with Turbo Pascal 5 command
line compiler. Uses EMS, only 6K in main RAM
PASHELP_.TXT 1850 07/20/91 Pascal graphics programer needed now.
PASLEDIT.ARC 15675 04/19/91 Library of string handling routines and
Page - 133
simple line editor in standard ANSI Pascal.
PCL10.ARC 20760 07/21/91 Communication Routines For Turbopascal
PC_MOUSE.ARC 3010 04/29/91 Turbo Pascal unit to interface with a
microsoft compatible mouse _ functions,
definitions, etc.
PIBCAT.ARC 76501 04/01/89 Tp Source To View Archive Contents_
All Popular Formats
PNL001.ARC 7728 04/29/91 Pascal Newsletter #1: Discussion of generic
structures & TP program optimization; P.Davis
PRINTR3.ARC 79870 04/29/91 printer utility forurbo Pascal
PROBOTS.ARC 79360 04/29/91 Pascal Robots. Program your robot to attack
and defend itself.
RBOOTP55.ARC 859 05/14/90 Tp 5.5 source to reboot computer.
RODENT_3.ARC 27147 04/29/91 Mouse routines in basic, pascal and c.
ROS_TP07.ARC 56128 08/13/91 Catalog of ALL the TURBO PASCAL files on the
ROSE MEDIA BBS. Sorted into 54 categories
145K unzipped!
SCRED1.ARC 144051 04/29/91 screen generator for TURBO_C/TURBO Pascal
SETCOL.ARC 20860 04/29/91 Allows you to set your global color
attributes in your Pascal programs with just
a call to this function.
SETFATR.ARC 6398 04/29/91 Set and view file attributes. Includes pascal
SPOOL100.ARC 20968 04/30/90 Turbo Pascal unit to spool a file to printer.
STACKARY.ARC 3005 01/29/91 Turbo Pascal library for stacks implemented
an array.
STACKPTR.ARC 1336 02/12/91 Turbo Pascal library for stacks implemented
pointers. Source code included.
STRG61A.ARC 47730 01/23/91 Turbo Pascal 6.0 string functions. (1_91)
STRLIB12.ARC 6841 01/21/91 String Library v1.2 for Turbo Pascal 5.5
SYS60.ARC 38246 02/21/91 Sys60 Replacement Unit For Turbo Pascal 6.0 _
TAN_SND.ARC 12271 07/28/91 Pascal source for Tandy 3 voice sound.
TCHK20.ARC 146881 01/13/89 Turbo C Library. 200+ Functions
TCLOCKS.ARC 4733 12/17/90 Turbo Pascal 6.x Turbo Vision routines.
TECHJOCK.ARC 141066 11/19/88 Routines Written In Pascal
TEXTF.ARC 12267 04/29/91 Turbo Pascal v5.5 OOPS Unit for faster ReadLn
TEXTIO.ARC 5113 04/29/91 Fast Text I/O for Turbo Pascal 4 or 5
Provides Buffered I/O for text files as
well as seek capability.
TIMEBOM2.ARC 13092 04/29/91 Time Bomb 2.0 __ program to demonstrate a TSR
that waits in the background until a
specified time and then executes a task. With
Turbo Pascal source.
Page - 134
TJTOT10A.ARC 236871 05/19/91 Technojock's Object Toolkit For Turbo
TJTOT10B.ARC 279354 05/19/91 Technojock's Object Toolkit For Turbo
TOOLS4C.ARC 93209 12/27/88 Keyboard & Screen Routines For Turbo C.
TOTDEM.ARC 100394 02/11/91 TechnoJock Turbo Pascal Oop Library 1/3.
TOTDOC.ARC 212147 02/11/91 TechnoJock Turbo Pascal Oop Library Docs
TP5PATCH.ARC 10902 04/29/91 Turbo Pascal 5 patches from Borland
TP5TSR.ARC 17825 04/29/91 Source code to Dr. Dobbs articles on TSR's
from May and June '89 in Turbo Pascal 5.0
TP6BUGS.ARC 2658 10/10/91 Sept 91 Tp 6.0 Bug List
TP6MAP.ARC 9401 02/24/91 Turbo Pascal 6.0 MAP file. Turbo Vision
TP6SBV.ARC 7065 02/09/91 Turbo Pascal example of Sound Blaster
TP6UTIL.ARC 15763 11/20/90 3 utilities for TurboPascal 6.0 (TPCONFIG,
TPA2_A.ARC 53277 04/29/91 Shareware integrated assembler for Turbo
Pascal 4.0 or 5.0
TPAINT15.ARC 105683 05/04/91 Turbo Paint v1.5 Full_featured paint program
TPASMATH.ARC 1957 04/29/91 TP5 Math functions in Turbo Pascal source
TPCPUID.ARC 5890 07/14/91 Turbo Pascal CPU ID Source Code.
TPDB314.ARC 66011 01/31/91 TurboPascal tools for dBase files v. 3.14.
TPDEV.ARC 5483 09/28/91 Dos Device Driver Written In Tp 6.0
TPFLEX.ARC 25196 04/29/91 Turbo Pascal Object/Array/List/Queue flex
TPFZM100.ARC 21988 07/29/91 Zmodem Source In Tpu Form
TPHRT3.ARC 59472 07/23/90 Hi_res timer toolbox tpu v3.0 for tp5.x
TPLY143.ARC 91496 03/11/91 Turbopoly (Turbo Monopoly) Version 1.43
Slick little Monopoly_style game with user
selectable rules.
TPMENU50.ARC 30271 04/29/91 Turbo Pascal menus
TPML2INL.ARC 25345 04/29/91 Turbo Pascal machine language to inline code
TPNET5.ARC 20072 04/29/91 Turbo Pascal 5.0 NOVELL API_revised TPNET.ARC
TPNET.ARC labeled for 4.0 & 5.0 but actually
for versions prior to 4.0
TPPCX.ARC 43406 01/29/91 TurboPascal tools for handling PCX files.
TPPOP18C.ARC 27275 04/29/91 Turbo Pascal Memory Resident Popup routines
TPRAT5.ARC 13229 12/21/88 Mounse Driver For Turbo Pascal Editor
TPROLOG.ARC 5393 08/04/91 (Turbo) Prolog predicate parsing utilities
and other functions. A Must
TPSBK100.ARC 88652 07/28/91 SoundBlaster Toolkit for Turbo Pascal.
Allows you to use many of the SoundBlaster
functions using Turbo Pascal, including
playing .CMF files.
TPSCHK11.ARC 15754 04/29/91 Make your Turbo Pascal 4.0+ pgms viral aware.
Add a CRC selfchk to prevent viruses, hacks,
and other stuff.
TPSCRNSV.ARC 5040 04/01/90 Screen Saver written in Turbo Pascal.
Demonstrates how to write TSR's and blank
TPSEEK.ARC 13122 04/29/91 Turbo Pascal v5 HD benchmark from Ryle Design
Page - 135
uses TPHRTV timer toolkit
TPSHARE5.ARC 6814 04/29/91 Using Turbo Pascal v5.0 in a network
TPTSR.ARC 31848 04/29/91 Make turbo pascal programs TSR's
TPU2TPS.ARC 7571 07/24/91 Create New Rtl In Tp 6.0/tpw 1.0
TPU55A.ARC 129859 04/29/91 Turbo Pascal 5.5 TPU disasmbler w/ Pas source
Thorough TPU tech description, looks like
William Peavy has done a NICE job! Thanks!
TPU6.ARC 148829 07/05/91 Hex Dump Of Tp6/tpw1 Tpu File.
TPU60.ARC 123333 04/01/91 Turbo Pascal 6.0 TPU disassembler. (4_91)
TPWSPY.ARC 20453 07/26/91 Turbo Pascal for Windows version of SPY.
TP_ASM22.ARC 54202 04/29/91 Is an integrated assemabler for Turbo 5.0 5.5
TP_XMN.ARC 16157 04/29/91 Examine ASM output of Turbo Pascal.
Interleaves source code with disassembly
for entire TP4 units. Real nice!
TSHELL10.ARC 34810 04/29/91 Turbo Pascal pre_processor 3.01A only.
TSNAP101.ARC 16378 04/29/91 TSR to add brief commands to Turbo C/Pascal
TURBOCHT.ARC 2188 09/11/90 Turbo outrun cheat
TVCOLOR.ARC 5624 08/27/91 Turbo Pascal Turbo_Vision Colors: Text_file
explaining how to modify the color pallette
of a Turbo_Vision application.
TVMENU.ARC 2548 12/17/90 Turbo Pascal 6.x Turbo Vision routines.
TW200D.ARC 44942 05/09/90 Turbo windows 2.00d _ for turbo pascal 5.5
TWARS.ARC 74951 04/29/91 Source for Tradewars 2000 on_line game in
T_REF5.ARC 149663 04/29/91 Excellent Turbo Pascal 5 Reference
VIS082S.ARC 367272 04/18/91 Pascal source code for a BBS program
VMMNGR.ARC 35406 07/16/90 Virtual memory objects for Turbo Pascal 5.5
VMUNZIP.ARC 65396 04/29/91 VM/CMS version of UNZIP by Samuel Smith.
VSCODE23.ARC 16630 03/01/91 Pascal_designed encrypt/decrypt of data.
VSCREEN.ARC 6705 08/09/91 Turbo Pascal Virtual_screen unit. Build
screens while hidden on the HEAP.
WINPASCL.ARC 71421 04/25/91 Pascal for MS_Windows. Not bad!
XWORDTST.ARC 104544 06/07/91 XWORD Source in BASIC & Pascal.
ZDISK.ARC 8673 04/18/91 T_Pascal to ZERO unused sectors on disk w/.PA
Page - 136
Mid-America Digital Publishing's Magnum One 02/19/92
BBS Doors & Utilities
Name Bytes Date Description
15RPCH33.ARC 129839 09/28/88 Door Patch program for PCBoard 14
4NOD2PCA.ARC 3780 02/07/89 Goes With 4node2pc.ARC
4NODE2PC.ARC 5362 02/05/89 Run 4 Nodes With Lantastic/omniview
ADD2BBS.ARC 24232 10/17/90 Move Files Locally
ADFILE21.ARC 13274 02/04/91 Local Upload Files To Bbs
AI.ARC 39481 07/12/91 Chat Program For Bbs
ALLEYCAT.ARC 35639 07/22/88 Doors Builder For Wildcat! Systems. V1.11
ANSI_F.ARC 31964 12/12/90 Ansi Driver For Pcboard
ANSI_I.ARC 39279 01/02/92 Replace ANSI in PCBoard systems
BADUSR10.ARC 25319 11/26/91 PCBoard login door to allow a sysop to
display a message (file) to ANY (or all)
users desired when they log in to your BBS.
Solves the problem of users not being able
to read their personal mail!
Can also be used as a make_shift adopt a
door program! ■ FREEWARE ■
BBSEXT19.ARC 38780 09/29/91 Check Files On Pcboard For Dupes
BIMOD111.ARC 87616 07/20/89 Newest Version Of Bimodem Xfer Protocol
BOOM_110.ARC 36599 08/03/89 Send And Receive Files In Fido
CAL14S13.ARC 45182 04/09/89 Caller Log Bulletin Maker For Pcboard
CAL14S21.ARC 64926 02/19/91 Log Analizer For Pcboard 14.5
CAL14S22.ARC 65281 12/08/91 Calls V_22
CAL14S5.ARC 46652 11/10/88 Call Analyzer For Pcbeta14_the Tool Shop.
CAL14S6.ARC 48582 12/31/88 Make Graphs From Pcboard Caller Logs
CAMKT008.ARC 128996 09/28/90 Program Doors For Pcboard
CARRS1.ARC 333301 03/18/91 List Of Files On Cdrom From One Source
CCDOR214.ARC 79117 12/26/90 Pcboard Credit Card Door Update
CKIT15A.ARC 115435 08/13/90 C Door Kit For Pcboard 14.5
CKZP101.ARC 15918 01/27/91 Scan Uploaded Files For Virus
CNTM095B.ARC 50674 10/04/91 Count Files In The Dirs W/pcboard
CONVERT.ARC 6854 05/27/90 Convert Ansi Files For Pcboard 14.5
CONVPCB.ARC 55527 12/30/91 Convert PC_EXEC file list to pcboard
CVTMIX12.ARC 8272 07/15/91 Changes Your File Description Format
DBILL36.ARC 109838 04/12/91 Doorbill, Ver 3.6 _ Door Manager For
Pcboards 14.5. Has Many Great Features!
DBQFIX.ARC 19955 04/15/90 Fix Queue In D'bridge
DETRSH11.ARC 11776 02/24/90 Works With Pcbverify
DE_TAG14.ARC 19839 11/19/89 Remove Tag Lines
DFMS20.ARC 11564 10/26/90 Directory Files Manager For Pcboard
DFRAME21.ARC 146537 03/23/91 Dorframe, Ver 2.1. Doors Developer For Quick
Basic 4.5.
DIRF220.ARC 17796 09/26/90 Convert Pcboard Dir Files To Fido Type
DIRLWR.ARC 23382 12/04/91 Convert Pcboard Dir List To Lower Case
DIRUP.ARC 14590 05/15/89 Add Files To Pcboard Locally
DLCNT157.ARC 82334 01/26/91 File Download Counter _ Pcboard
DLDOOR17.ARC 58080 06/18/89 Front End For Pcboard/prodoor
DM_309C.ARC 24857 04/06/89 Doormaster 309c
DOORCON1.ARC 15245 10/27/90 Quickbbs Doors With Pcboard
Page - 137
DORPCH34.ARC 130545 05/17/89 Door Patch Files
DORPCH37.ARC 129051 01/02/91 Door Patch 3.7
DVPCBEV.ARC 4455 04/29/91 Tips on event handling running PCBoard multi
nodes running under DESQView.
EC100.ARC 208969 12/28/90 Tradewars Type Game For Pcboard
EVTIMER.ARC 37910 06/25/88 Event Timer For Pcboard
EXEC.ARC 2406 02/10/91 [missing description text]
EXLIST10.ARC 36651 05/16/90 Make Screens For Pcboard
EXZT11.ARC 19110 06/15/90 A Different Pcbtest.bat File.
EXZT12.ARC 21320 07/09/90 Test Files Uploaded To Pcboard 14.5
EZQUOTE.ARC 27762 07/30/88 Add Quotes To Pcboard
EZ_DIZ10.ARC 37512 01/08/92 Ez_diz V1.0 _ Process One Or More .ARC File
File_id.diz Or Desc.sdi Descriptions From
The *command Line* And Place Them Into Your
Pcboard 14.5+ Directory List Automatically
Without Doing "local Uploads". Save Time &
Frustration Moving Files To Other Subdirect_
Ories. May Be Used In An Event If Desired.
Will Not Process A File If Already Listed.
FACTS.ARC 63284 01/16/91 Trivia Type Game For Bbs
FDC_281.ARC 50931 04/06/91 Filedownloadcounter For Pcb
FDC_310.ARC 71151 07/01/91 File Download Counter
FDC_320.ARC 71108 08/14/91 File Download Counter For Pcboard
FERS197.ARC 65280 12/21/90 Pcboard Forsale Door
FIXCTY16.ARC 65998 02/15/91 Fix Address On Logs
FIXPORT.ARC 492 03/15/91 Pcb Verify Fix Com Port Problem
FOYER051.ARC 8151 11/29/90 Run Single Node Doors On Multi_nodes System
GATE20B2.ARC 134150 08/07/89 Pcbgate 2.0 Beta 2
GIFT40B7.ARC 91940 01/04/92 GIFtest 4.0ß Public Beta, Command line
GIF util for PCBoard 14.5a and ProDoor
sysops to test uploaded GIF files for
errors and insert resolution into the file
descriptions where the sysop desires.
Returns an error level, so works with any BBS
software. Now supports com ports up to
19,200 baud! $15 Shareware by Dave Navarro,
GUT(200).ARC 75066 02/01/91 Guts, Door Game For Pcboard Bbs
GW15PAK.ARC 150746 12/18/89 Global War 1.5 W/gwterm Bbs Risk Type
HELPPCB.ARC 104303 07/06/90 Downloadable Help Files For This Bbs
ID10.ARC 36424 01/08/92 Id V1.0; Create, Edit And Modify File_id.diz
And Desc.sdi Files. Id Is A Menu Driven Ded_
Icated Text Editor That Will Create Either
File_id.diz Or Desc.sdi Or Both File Formats
And Place Them In Zip Files For You. Id Takes
All The Guess Work Out Of Using These File
Description Schemes And Makes The Authors
Work Easier. A Must Have! 1/08/92; Ron Brandt
IFTODAY.ARC 7304 11/05/90 Do Events By Date For Pcboard
INCEVENT.ARC 9445 11/21/90 Increase Event Times In Pcboard
INC_11.ARC 118720 07/15/90 Incognito Door For Pcboard 14.+
INTERPCB.ARC 31959 04/20/90 Move Fidomail To Pcboard Data Bases
IP131.ARC 36347 06/07/91 Interpcb Fido Mail Adaptor For Pcboard
IRSUSER1.ARC 17591 04/29/91 Program to create a list of all users of a
specific security level from your PCBoard
USERS file.
Written by: David Boyd and Joe Dargie
Page - 138
JPA_DS10.ARC 14557 02/19/91 Change Date And File Size For Pcboard
KEVENT10.ARC 11873 06/20/90 Run Multi_events In Pcboard
KMAIL275.ARC 95753 04/27/91 Kmail v2.75 _ 'QWK' compatible Mail door for
PCB 14.5. Supports 1024 conferences, file
sharing and locking for networks, uses PCB's
TPA interface. Now sets msg_read and reply
flags. Official RNET support.
LABLOC1.ARC 131416 06/15/91 File Checker For Local Uploads
LANHELP.ARC 4708 10/12/89 Help Files For Lantastic
LANUTI15.ARC 61330 11/06/89 Lantastic Utilities
LASTCALL.ARC 15483 05/17/89 Who Was The Last Caller On Pcboard
LOCKER10.ARC 17836 10/30/90 Lock And Unlock Comm Ports For Pcboard
LOCKER14.ARC 19657 12/17/90 Lock And Unlock Baud Rate
LOCKOUT.ARC 66779 04/10/88 Lock Troublesome Users Out Of The System
MAKEDIZ.ARC 30311 01/10/92 Makediz Version 1.0 _ This Is A Great Sysop's
And Author's Utility For Maintaining The New
File_id.diz And The Older Desc.sdi File
Description Formats. You Can Use Makediz To
Create, Edit, And Add Either One Or Both Of
The Above Formats To A .ARC File Or You Can
Save Them To Text Files On Disk. Easy To
Use And Saves A Ton Of Time! Not Crippled!
Registration $10 _ Us Funds.
MENUS145.ARC 18319 06/07/90 Menus For Pcboard 14.5
MKDIZ_12.ARC 30637 01/09/92 »»»»»»»»»»»makediz Version
1.2««««««««««««« Create File_id.diz Quick
And Easy For Your Will Create And Zip It Into
The File Of Your Choice, V1.2 Minor Cosmetic
Change !!
MSGSWAP.ARC 101078 06/08/91 Pcboard To Fido Message Transporter
NEWSGEN.ARC 12764 05/13/90 Make News Files For Pcboard
NITKILL.ARC 30864 06/05/89 Kill Netmail For Pcboard (killer Dog)
NMAIL11.ARC 13966 07/04/91 Use With Pcboard And Fidonet Mailers
NXTEVENT.ARC 12087 01/11/90 Pcboards Recognize Mailer Events
ORDERDOR.ARC 71419 02/04/91 Forsale Door With Credit Card Options
OV_MSG.ARC 203547 10/17/90 Messages On Omniview (multi_tasker)
PCB@.ARC 6585 05/31/90 For Pcboard 14.5
PCBCHEK7.ARC 41404 07/03/89 Remove Pcboard.sys On Carrier Loss
PCBCS136.ARC 52344 01/05/91 Pcboard Log Analizer
PCBD120U.ARC 34774 09/09/90 Pcbdraw For Pcboard
PCBDAI36.ARC 46986 03/20/89 Pcbdaily For Pcboard
PCBDEP17.ARC 84342 02/17/91 Time Deposit Door For Pcboard
PCBDIRSD.ARC 36299 05/08/91 A Utility For Pcboard To Allow Each Dir File
To Be Placed In A File
PCBD_111.ARC 30215 07/26/90 Pcbdraw For Pcboard
PCBEM10U.ARC 48339 04/28/91 Pcboard Event Timer, Allows Running
PCBEM11U.ARC 50844 09/23/91 A Pcboard Event Manager. Multi_event And Many
Other Good Utilities
PCBEM12U.ARC 51888 09/28/91 An Event Manager For Pcboard V_14.5. Allows
Multi_events, Controls Activities.
PCBFV10.ARC 53949 07/19/90 File Viewer For Pcboard 14.+
PCBFV21.ARC 72301 11/21/90 File Viewer For Pcboard
PCBGATE2.ARC 236473 12/15/89 Move Fido Type Msg's To Pcb Message Base
PCBGIF20.ARC 160813 08/03/91 List Gif Sizes In The Description Line
PCBIDX1.ARC 22208 12/16/91 Remove Files From Pcboard Quick Index Files
PCBLUP12.ARC 15809 05/15/89 Upload Locally To Pcboard
Page - 139
PCBMSG1.ARC 38565 10/21/91 A Message Manager & Generator For Pcboard
V_14.5. Many Handy Utilities
PCBNET01.ARC 244708 12/30/90 Pcboard Echo Mail System
PCBNET19.ARC 19520 11/21/90 Update Users File For Last Message Read
PCBNET21.ARC 20599 11/29/90 Update Last Msg Read For Pcb In Echos
PCBNET22.ARC 22513 12/18/90 Handles Updating Last Msg Read In Pcboard
PCBNET24.ARC 22594 12/27/90 Set Last Read Msg Number In Pcboard
PCBNET25.ARC 22906 01/10/91 Set Last Msg Read In Pcboard
PCBNET28.ARC 23539 05/01/91 Set Mail Flag For Pcboard Bbs
PCBNET29.ARC 23647 09/18/91 Notify Of Mail Updates To Pcboard Users
PCBQBBS2.ARC 38224 02/19/88 Run Quickbbs As A Door In Pcboard
PCBRAT.ARC 11866 07/21/90 Ratio Program For Pvboard
PCBRT201.ARC 17520 01/11/89 Pcboard Up/download Ratio Adjuster
PCBUCR24.ARC 59677 06/01/88 Track Pcboard Users
PCBUDA20.ARC 44387 03/20/89 Up/download Ratio Program
PCBV31B6.ARC 174033 12/28/89 Pcboard Call Back Door
PCLS0100.ARC 16938 02/02/91 Who Called The Bbs Today, Function
PDSI004.ARC 209603 05/13/91 List Of Files On One Companys Cdrom
PEP.ARC 116102 03/18/91 Painless Event Processor. Set Programs To
Run On A Set Schedule (backups,etc)
PKINS710.ARC 104943 01/02/92 Pkinsert Version 7.10 Released Jan 1st 1992
Check Archive Integrity, Insert Comment/
Taglines, Scan For Virii, Add And Delete
Disclaimers, Etc. Handles Zip, Lzh, Arj And
Arcs W/in Arcs. Support For Pcb V14.5a And
*any* Other Bbs Software. Perfect Sysop
Hands_off U/l Monitor! Highly Configurable.
Version 7.10 Handles An Unlimited Number Of
Archives, 4 Billion Nested Archives, And A
Major Reduction In Memory Requirements.
PREVENT.ARC 7900 05/09/90 Run Multi_events With Pcboard 14.5
PREVNT23.ARC 12316 09/26/90 Multi Events In Pcboard
PROBBS20.ARC 51145 02/28/90 Run Prodoor As A Bbs
PROBNK14.ARC 40794 06/03/88 Pro Bank Door For Pcboard
PRODOR31.ARC 179657 10/09/89 Prodoor For Pcboard
PROKIT33.ARC 199420 06/28/90 Doors Kit For Pcboard
PROLOT14.ARC 33044 06/03/88 Pro Lottery Door For Pcboard
PROPCK25.ARC 46405 05/29/89 Propack 2.5
PROWHO15.ARC 34503 11/10/88 Who Upl What Door For Pcbeta14_tool Shop
QNE_ID10.ARC 38062 03/26/88 Utilitie To Work On Quick News Files
QUPDN4.ARC 44014 09/16/88 Top Uploads And Downloaders
RAMATK10.ARC 13675 10/26/90 Request Files Door For Pcboard
REMDOOR.ARC 54876 12/15/88 Remote Door For Pcboard
RERECYCL.ARC 6740 07/29/89 Recycle On Errorlevel For Pcboard
RUNONDAY.ARC 35407 11/05/89 Run A Batch File Based On A Day
RWCNF10.ARC 320686 08/13/91 Pcboard Utl To Manage Cnfn
SECADJ10.ARC 16378 04/17/89 Security Adjuster For Pcboard
SEP91BBS.ARC 5619 09/04/91 Local Bbs Listings For September
SH11.ARC 7211 01/04/92 Run most any program from a door
SIGNOF20.ARC 99741 11/28/87 Newset Version Of Signoff
SM1D083.ARC 36357 04/09/89 User Registration Door For Pcb14
SMLNET1D.ARC 133682 12/26/88 Netmail For Rbbs/pcb
SMLNET1F.ARC 231748 06/20/89 Small Net Fido Mail Door
SSS_RATE.ARC 57215 07/04/89 Adjust Security Levels By Up/down Ratio
STULTS.ARC 5146 03/26/91 Send A Message To A Selected Pcboard User
TAGGER35.ARC 28938 03/01/90 Tag Pc Board Files For Latter Download
TAPEDR41.ARC 109356 06/11/91 Bbs Use Tape Drive As Dl Vehicle
Page - 140
TCAN.ARC 4114 05/17/89 Trash Can File For Pcboard
TDXLPCB2.ARC 30850 10/04/91 Make Screens With Tdraw For Pcboard
TEXT145.ARC 5533 07/16/90 Pcbtext Additions
TGTRIV33.ARC 108852 05/17/89 Top Gun Trivia For Pcboard 14
TIME_IN.ARC 7530 10/30/89 Run A Batch Based On The Time Of Day
TODAY23.ARC 78613 05/17/89 Famous Birthdays And Important Events
TOPTEN11.ARC 35910 05/01/91 Top 10 Callers/uploaders/
TUDPCB14.ARC 40319 09/07/88 Tutor Door For Pcboard 14.0
TUTFILES.ARC 45356 08/02/88 Tutorial Files For Tudoor14
TW2V601A.ARC 211868 10/28/88 Trade Wars By The Orig Author 1 Of 2
TW2V601B.ARC 88491 10/28/88 Trade Wars By The Orig Author 2 Of 2
UBD10.ARC 99822 01/03/91 Pcboard Birthday Door Program
UDBSV530.ARC 236372 10/28/90 User Data Base For Pcboard
UDBSV540.ARC 229827 05/03/91 Pcboard User Data Base Version 5.40
UFM1V01.ARC 226472 12/27/89 Pcboard Caller Maint.
USAGEV13.ARC 27928 04/24/91 PCBoard Bulletin Generator Giving A
Percentage_Per_hour of The Boards (Nodes)
USBDOR40.ARC 66540 11/09/90 Usbbs Door
USBDOR42.ARC 75254 07/06/91 Bbs Type Door For Pcboard
USE532B.ARC 33758 03/18/91 Udbs Update For Registered Users
VERIF10.ARC 120338 05/19/90 Verify Door For Pcboard 14.+
VIRTST11.ARC 3494 08/09/90 Virus Checker For Pcboard
VLTBRK12.ARC 40432 05/20/90 Vault Breaker For Pcboard
VUCALS20.ARC 12188 11/25/88 View Pcboard Caller Logs
WCB4M11.ARC 10693 04/16/90 Who Was Caller Befor Me (for Pcboard)
WHO2.ARC 28663 08/07/91 Who Is On The Other Lines
WIN3PCB2.ARC 5428 12/26/90 Run Pcboard Under Windows 3.0
XNET134U.ARC 194677 05/05/90 Crossnet For Pcboard 14.x
YQOTD13.ARC 128239 07/21/91 Add Quotes To The Front Of Your Bbs
YT28BETA.ARC 183491 10/02/90 Yankee Trader Door
ZDCS160.ARC 214359 07/23/91 Check Files For Virus On Local Uploads
ZDOOR33.ARC 150782 03/13/89 Zmodem Door For Pcboard
ZIPLAB8.ARC 139340 05/13/91 Utility For Pcboard
ZLABP_11.ARC 218552 10/29/91 Ziplab Plus For Pcboard
ZLABP_16.ARC 236951 11/22/91 Check upload to PCBoard systems
ZLAB_19A.ARC 241148 12/26/91 Check files as they are uploaded
ZLPLUS10.ARC 214308 09/21/91 Ziplab Plus For Checking Uploade Files
ZODIAC11.ARC 26603 02/26/89 Horoscope Door For Pcboard
ZODIAC20.ARC 37033 03/29/91 Zodiac File For Pcboard
Page - 141
Mid-America Digital Publishing's Magnum One 02/19/92
BBS Utilities
Name Bytes Date Description
147UPDAT.PVT 16363 11/13/91 <11> List Of Okc Fido Nodes.
2DAPNT14.ARC 74673 10/06/91 *.msg 4d Netmail Packer With Many Features
2DAPNT15.ARC 80646 11/26/91 *.MSG 4d Netmail packer with many features.
Supports .PNT dirs
2DAPT131.ARC 58528 10/03/91 Point Redirection Package V1.31 (bug Fix)
A2TS101A.ARC 10206 07/24/91 Auto Update Tosscan With Areas
ABOOT200.ARC 17523 04/28/91 Autoboot 2.00. Now Desqview Aware!!
ACC_0110.ARC 135314 01/15/92 A new version of the User/Point manager
with many features
ADOPT.ARC 9640 11/24/91 Make Files.bbs List Of Lost Files
AF_120.ARC 51592 10/08/90 Areafix 1.2 Supports Zones
AF_129.ARC 66138 12/06/91 Areafix v1.29 *gamma* available to all
AMAX_220.ARC 92831 12/17/90 For Binkley Mail Setup
AMGRFIX4.ARC 15146 07/12/91 Fix'es A Problem In Tosscan Program
ANSIBBS.ARC 4884 07/08/89 Ansi.sys Replacement W/o Remapper
APLK_112.ARC 26612 06/19/91 Multiple Diff/list File Appliquer With
Automatic Uncompress
APNT_102.ARC 126508 10/03/91 Apoint V1.02 _ Pointlist Generator
AR2FD100.ARC 5258 12/19/91 Converts Areas.Bbs to Folder.Fd
ARCH_LOG.ARC 10179 08/15/91 Timestamp And Archive All Log_files In Arj/
AUSER210.ARC 50883 02/27/91 Autouser V2.10 Ra/qbbs User.bbs Auto_update
AUTOHTC.ARC 39711 08/23/91 Automatic Hatch Of Files (needs Tick!)
AUTOMAIL.ARC 26933 04/16/91 Automail V1.0, Holds Mail Till Call Out
A_TYPE12.ARC 13865 01/15/92 Show asc/ans/ansi music/avatar 0+
files from DOS
B2DAY321.ARC 204483 08/09/91 Bbs2day V3.21: Definable System_usage_graph
For Bbs & Mailer
BBE_V505.ARC 56762 09/20/90 Small Front_end Mailer For Bbs's
BDOC_250.ARC 112866 09/16/91 Binkleyterm 2.50 Complete Docs (2.30 Plus
BEXE_250.ARC 178137 09/16/91 Binkleyterm 2.50 Executables And Update
BID14.ARC 48309 12/27/91 BBS Info Door v1.4 New User Help
BKLA105.ARC 64899 09/27/91 Bulletin Maker For Binkley Logs
BNU170.ARC 74187 10/25/89 Fossil Driver
BONK117B.ARC 111541 10/01/90 Handles Binkley Mail
BOP_103.ARC 4488 10/15/91 Backbone Operating Procedures
BOXB314.ARC 42426 10/20/91 Log Analyzer For Fd/ts/imail/qbbs
BREAKUP.ARC 8455 08/17/91 Breaks Up Large Text Files For Editing
BSML_250.ARC 164810 09/15/91 Binkleyterm 2.50 Executables, Update Doc (sma
(small Memory)
BSRC_250.ARC 452956 09/16/91 Binkleyterm 2.50 Source
BTD_301.ARC 31704 11/30/91 BBS Telephone doorway _ Non mailer BBS
BTEVT10.ARC 35928 07/28/91 Automates The Creation Of Binkley.evt File
COMPR211.ARC 24625 10/28/91 Compress Almost Any Bbs/mailer Log By # Of
Days. Nice!
Page - 142
COMPR220.ARC 26305 12/01/91 Compress almost any BBS/mailer log by #
of days.
COMPR230.ARC 26753 12/22/91 Compress almost any BBS/MAILER log by # of
CONF_400.ARC 66567 08/24/88 New Version Of Conference Mail
COST_405.EXT 1920 09/11/87 Phone Costs
CPML_110.ARC 47934 03/03/91 Moves Offline Mail Pkts To Online Areas Safel
CPML_120.ARC 51084 10/29/91 Copymail V1.20 _ Mail Pkt Management Utility
CRR0130.ARC 41461 11/22/91 XRS_Door compatible offline reader for CP/M
DB130A.ARC 282104 12/14/89 D'bridge Disk 1 Of 5
DB130B.ARC 279456 12/14/89 Disk 2 Of 5
DB130DOC.ARC 174022 12/14/89 Disk 3 Of 5
DB130INS.ARC 18078 12/14/89 Disk 4 Of 5
DB130UPG.ARC 14562 12/14/89 Disk 5 Of 5
DB_131G.ARC 707284 12/28/91 DBridge 1.31 Gamma
DELAY.ARC 29094 06/24/91 Delays N Secs, Or Till A Certain Time.
DIAL_405.EXT 2176 09/11/87 Dialing Prefix's
DIR2FILE.ARC 7394 05/24/91 Create Files.bbs From Directory Including
.gif Information
DIRC100.ARC 42499 09/17/91 Dirc Ver1.00, Checks Compression Technique Of
.exe Or .com Files
DIRT0424.ARC 44663 04/25/90 Make Complete Files Listings
DIRTYDOZ.ARC 26352 06/01/89 Dirty Dozen List V10a
DLCFV312.ARC 57231 03/12/91 Track And Analyze Downloads
DOM100.ARC 8261 02/23/91 Creates An Errorlevel Equal To Day Of Month
DOMFX105.ARC 10060 01/14/92 DomainFix v1.5 for Binkley/Squish or FD
DOORS13.ARC 35888 05/22/91 Door Utility For Bbs's
DOORSKL3.ARC 102352 01/15/92 Door Writing Kit w/SRC for "C" Programmers
DORSKEL2.ARC 87160 12/05/91 Create BBS Doors _ MSC/TC Door Skeleton Code
DUCHIE.ARC 972077 09/22/91 Duchie Mailer 2.91 From Holland
DVRUN.ARC 2092 03/02/89 Open Windows
EDITNL40.ARC 19575 07/08/88 Adds Nodediff To Older Nodelists
EEHS_030.ARC 13506 07/06/91 Format> Echomail Engine Scanner For
Use With Ee_030.ARC
EE_030.ARC 88221 07/04/91 Echomail Engine V 0.30 <shell & Utils> & Bug
Fix For Eepacker
EFT100.ARC 175479 07/03/91 Enhanced File Transfer Door For Sbbs Or Ra
EKORPT20.ARC 286192 12/13/90 Echomail Stat Reporter For D'bridge
ENET_201.ARC 16434 01/15/92 Extract Selected Nodelist Segments (v2.01)
EXITEDIT.ARC 7156 09/17/91 Small Exitinfo.bbs Editor For Ra/qbbs/sbbs
EZSTART2.ARC 27269 12/29/90 Ezsetup For Ezpoint (no Ronset/env Variables)
FAKETO4D.ARC 11502 10/05/91 Move *.?lo Files For Your Points Into A
.pnt So They Can Login W/4d Addr.
FAREA10.ARC 12672 02/04/91 Fix Areas.bbs After Editing
FATAL14.ARC 17684 04/22/90 Resident Critical Error Handler (tsr
FATT120.ARC 101933 09/17/91 Fattach 1.20 _ Off_line Filerequest Server
FATT121.ARC 104254 10/19/91 Fd Offline Filerequest Server Version
FD202.ARC 611951 09/25/91 Frontdoor 2.02 Noncommercial Release
FDANLZ20.ARC 39070 05/11/91 Fd Usage Log Analyzer/manager/archiever V2.0
FDCT113B.ARC 56834 11/24/90 Nice Cost Utility Only For Fd
FDC_004.ARC 7505 02/19/91 Shows Fd's Inbound Or Outbound.his Contents
FDDEV202.ARC 41931 10/02/91 Frontdoor Developer's Kit 2.02
FDFAQ001.ARC 4217 09/25/91 Frontdoor, Frequently Asked Questions _
Page - 143
FDHELP05.TXT 1895 09/19/91 List Of Frontdoor Help Nodes
FDHM210.ARC 132223 09/27/91 Fd_history Manager (international Version)
FDLA100.ARC 62467 12/17/91 Log Analyser for FrontDoor
FDLOG120.ARC 48052 12/02/90 Frontdoor Log Program
FDND110.ARC 31803 03/31/91 Fdnd Nodediff Processor V1.10 _ Major
FDPI_201.ARC 17258 08/14/91 Fd_protected Inbound For Fd 2.01
FDRC_100.ARC 20499 08/12/91 Frodo Remote Control Manager
FDSCHECK.ARC 6712 08/22/91 Automatically Update Your Fd 1.99c Files
For Fd 2.01
FDSND_20.ARC 152304 12/17/91 Interface UNIX UUE & UUD to FidoNet world
FDTR201.ARC 47614 01/15/92 In/Out History Statistics
FDVIEW10.ARC 18235 08/09/91 Filedoor Logfile_stat/download Online Filevie
FEBBS190.ARC 305782 12/06/91 File area mgr for Quick/RA/Opus/SuperBBS
FEMALE14.ARC 8921 02/22/91 Frontdoor Format Log Entry Generator.
FFIX121.ARC 53048 05/16/91 Smart Filerobot W/areafix Interface
FGETS121.ARC 15459 09/10/91 Fget/fsend For Frontdoor 2.01
FIDOLIST.ARC 3765 09/23/91 Fidonews Program Versions List
FILELIST.ARC 21236 04/18/91 Master Files.bbs List Generator. Tc
FILEREQ.ARC 12603 04/11/91 Get "files" List Using Requestor Function
FLOMSG15.ARC 19109 05/25/91 Change messages .FLO to .MSG
FLX112.ARC 15987 06/22/91 File Area Updater For Opus/max/compat
FMS110.ARC 38000 02/09/91 File Monitoring System _ Fd 1.99c, 2.00
FNEWS840.ARC 27119 10/07/91 Fidonews 8 40 1991
FNEWS841.ARC 25644 10/14/91 Fidonews 8 41 1991
FNEWS843.ARC 32898 10/28/91 Fidonews 8 43 1991
FNEWS844.ARC 25002 11/04/91 Fidonews 8 44 1991
FNEWS845.ARC 17832 11/10/91 Fidonews 8 45 1991
FNEWS846.ARC 13641 11/18/91 Fidonews 8 46 1991
FNEWS847.ARC 10588 11/24/91 FidoNews 8 47 1991
FNEWS848.ARC 11552 12/01/91 FidoNews 8 48 1991
FNEWS849.ARC 12723 12/09/91 FidoNews 8 49 1991
FNEWS850.ARC 13780 12/16/91 FidoNews 8 50 1991
FNEWS851.ARC 16336 12/23/91 FidoNews 8 51 1991
FNEWS852.ARC 28718 12/30/91 FidoNews 8 52 1991
FNEWS901.ARC 29607 01/06/92 FidoNews 9 01 1992
FNEWS902.ARC 26421 01/12/92 FidoNews 9 2 1992
FNPGAT26.ARC 20058 01/15/91 Re_release Of Fnpgate Due To Compiler Error I
FREDDIE1.CPT 303616 01/09/92 Freddie QWK Offline Mail Reader for
Macintosh Machines *New
FREEDISK.ARC 18227 02/23/91 Sets Errorlevel If Diskspace Becomes Low
FRI_201.ARC 50460 09/19/91 Update Files.bbs With Node* And Weekly News
FSORT116.ARC 10350 02/16/91 A Small Utility For Sorting Your Files.bbs.
FTAR_V1.ARC 49831 12/08/91 [missing description text]
FUSL_120.ARC 59670 02/19/91 Freq_tool (request/compares Filelists)
GETKEY.ARC 2492 02/22/89 Run Multi Bbs's Under One Mailer
GHOST236.ARC 120708 06/12/91 New Ghostwriter Fixes Swap Bug
GMD_300.ARC 179362 09/12/91 Grunged Message Detector
GMD_310.ARC 179268 11/03/91 Grunged Message Detector, Dos & Os2
GRATUPD.ARC 8255 05/04/91 Updated Goldrat Menus For Golded 2.31p
GUS_140.ARC 23974 06/30/91 Gus V1.40 Handles Arc/arc+/arj/dwc/hyp/
Page - 144
HEAD_105.ARC 67106 03/01/90 Sysops Offline Reader/editor
HLIST109.ARC 13949 10/03/91 Hlist V1.09 Files.bbs File List Compiler
HOTFILE1.ARC 21521 06/21/91 Top Download Lister For Ra/quick
HSTDSWIN.ARC 1290 10/22/90 Bbs Hst/ds Settings For Windows 3.0
HUBROUTE.ARC 9969 06/22/90 Hub Route mail
IBINK10.ARC 17120 03/09/91 Use Tosscan With Binkley ???
IDOOR101.ARC 50916 11/23/91 Info_door v1.01 BBS Top Ten Graph Utility
IDOOR105.ARC 51194 12/28/91 Info_door v1.05 BBS Top Ten Graph Utility
IM2RA_25.ARC 20250 03/09/91 Imail 2 Ra/frodo/qbbs/areasbbs Conv.
IMAIL120.EXE 333339 08/18/91 Imail For Move Mail With Qbbs/ra
KILLTWIT.ARC 31631 01/12/91 Delete Echomail Msgs From Selected Users
KILL_OFF.ARC 56671 12/17/91 Removes Inactive Passthru Areas From
ConfM/QM/Hudson/Squish Systems
LASTC_10.ARC 12106 09/26/91 Get Lastcaller Information Via Binkley.scd
V2.50 File
LASTC_11.ARC 15787 09/29/91 Last Caller Info From Binkley.scd 2.50
LC_160.ARC 47685 05/04/91 Shows Today's Callers To Ra/fd/d'bridge
LISTECHO.ARC 13281 03/10/90 List Path's & Seenby's Of A Msg Echomail Base
LK_100.ARC 10909 03/22/91 Pointop/sysop Logfile Watch Util.
LOGDATE.ARC 26286 12/23/91 Rename Any Log to User_Specified Date Format
LOGE_006.ARC 7436 12/19/90 Create A Binkley Log Entry
LSTCRC14.ARC 16699 09/11/91 Compare Crcs Of Areanames In Areas.bbs _ V1.4
Now Supports Fidonet.na
LSTFMT22.ARC 30208 09/29/91 Lstfmt _ Format A Nodelist Into Human
Readable Form
MAKEARC3.ARC 48557 12/05/90 Mail Router/archer Maker/outbound_> *.msg Lin
MAKRAW20.ARC 4753 09/23/89 Raw Filelist Generator
MAMM_100.ARC 11421 02/17/91 Monitors The Modem For Max
MAMM_102.ARC 239838 09/28/91 MilqueToast beta 1.02
MA_102.ARC 55743 12/17/91 Msg alert, Opus/Fido, QBBS/RA, & TPBOARD
MA_103.ARC 54503 12/29/91 MsgAlert v1.03 (removes memory limits on
DV setups).
MA_104.ARC 54181 01/15/92 MsgAlert V1.04
MBOU101.ARC 12120 01/22/91 Type Msg Bouncer.
MERGETIC.ARC 5705 03/29/91 Merge 2 Tic Attaches In 1 Msg
MIP_100.ARC 7737 01/19/91 Modem Initialization Program.
MKNL_240.ARC 81802 12/01/90 Make Nodelist 2.40
MKXRS102.ARC 102532 01/12/91 Xrs Message/reply Tosser V1.02
MLIST151.ARC 37717 02/16/90 Make Msg Report Into Bulletin
MLOC176.ARC 36335 09/17/91 Maximus/ra Fast File Locator Replacement
MOB_TRIM.ARC 11987 04/16/91 Log Fat Triming Utl, Will Trim Multi Logs
MODEM25.ARC 7912 06/16/91 New Modem Ver 2.5 New Features For Fast
MOVEIT14.ARC 32247 09/10/91 File Area Mgr, Can Use Remotely
MPI100.ARC 6889 06/22/91 Dos Filter To Identify Mail Packets, W/tp5.0
MREN250.ARC 32273 07/04/89 Message Renumber
MRLINK.ARC 18594 04/23/91 Qbbs Replylinker (uses ^amsgid / ^areply)
MSCN200.ARC 27669 04/22/90 Use Multiple "welcome" Screens
MSGCPY11.ARC 30919 10/13/91 Save Echomail Addressed To Local Users
(opus 1.70 & Fido V12)
MSGED207.ARC 92036 02/06/91 Read And Write Messages For Fido
MSGFIN10.ARC 19755 01/24/90 Find Msg Addressed To An Individual
MSGM201.ARC 108270 09/08/91 *.msg Editor For Windows
Page - 145
MSGM203.ARC 110832 10/28/91 *.msg Editor For Windows Messagemaster V 2.03
MSGQ160E.ARC 102275 10/26/91 Msged/q _ Quickbbs Compatible (hudson
Type) Message Editor V1.60
MSGQ160S.ARC 115981 10/26/91 Msged/q _ Quickbbs Compatible (hudson Type)
Message Editor _ Source Files
MSG_42.ARC 78996 10/09/91 *.msg Reader/editor/manipu. _
MSG_45.ARC 94817 01/07/92 Message reader/editor now supports Squish
MT320.ARC 133752 08/11/91 Msgtrack 3.20; The Complete Netmail Manager.
MTA100.ARC 99771 08/05/91 Msgtrack Log Analyzer V1.00 Summary Stats
MTAUVE56.ARC 106381 09/17/91 Make Them Anything Bug Fix (update Only)
MTA_VE55.ARC 439796 09/17/91 Make Them Anything, All_format Archive
MTS_V705.ARC 101211 04/23/91 Make Them Yourself_ All Archiver Repacker
MT_100.ARC 232250 09/17/91 Milquetoast 1.00 (a Binkleyterm_like
Mailer For Windows)
MXML_161.ARC 106127 08/04/91 Maxmail 1.61, Qwk/text Mail Door Update
MXMS_161.ARC 140240 08/04/91 C Source For Maxmail V1.61
NDSCN110.ARC 14210 02/04/91 NodeScan
NETSTAT.ARC 27688 10/17/91 Generates Status Msgs For Nodes Based On
Raw Nodelist Data
NEWSC120.ARC 26692 02/28/91 Comfortable Mailchecker/mover
NLAN_100.ARC 26044 06/28/91 Nodelist Analyzer
NLSTAT13.ARC 32249 08/11/91 Fidonet Nodelist Statistics V1.00
NODEDIFF.A17 73199 01/16/92 FidoNet NodeDiff for day 017
NODELIST.A17 623274 01/17/92 FidoNet Nodelist for day 017
NODEREQ4.ARC 43908 11/20/90 Format For Requesting A Node Number
NODIFY.ARC 20993 08/26/91 Send Messages & Report On Nodelist
NOFLO100.ARC 20771 07/12/91 Noflo V1.00 : Use .?lo Attaches With
NVIEW13.ARC 29137 02/16/89 Frontdoor Nodelist Reader/editor
OFFLI116.ARC 86545 10/21/91 Offline V1.16 Qwk Format Offline Reader
OFFLI122.ARC 106818 11/03/91 Offline V1.22 Qwk Format Offline Reader
OFFLI124.ARC 109754 11/22/91 Offline v1.24 QWK Offline Reader
OFFLI132.ARC 115022 12/13/91 OFFLINE the QWK offline reader.
OFFLI134.ARC 115854 12/29/91 OFFLINE the QWK offline reader.
OFFLI135.ARC 121266 01/06/92 OFFLINE the QWK offline reader.
OMKRD201.ARC 68613 01/03/92 New OMK Reader with QWK...
OMMM_170.ARC 90736 07/14/91 Mail Packer
OPARS102.ARC 89887 08/12/91 Oparse for opus type
PECHO10O.ARC 31724 01/03/91 Pecho 1.00. Point *.msg Automated Maint Util.
PKMAS300.ARC 61199 10/15/91 Multi_archive Packer/unpacker For Zmail/
PKMAS302.ARC 61404 09/08/91 Multi_archive Packer/unpacker For Zmail/
Confmail _ Bug Fixed
PKMAS32A.ARC 23280 09/22/91 Pksoft Multi_archive System V3.02a _
Maintenance Release Only
PKTHDR2.ARC 38429 01/15/92 Type 2 Packet Inspector w/C Source
PKTZ_011.ARC 17506 06/19/91 Pktize 0.11 _ Generic .pkt Generation Utility
PKT_SZ11.ARC 11227 12/28/91 Packet Size, limits size of packets to
toss, ver 1.1
PLST_133.ARC 39144 09/27/91 Parselst 1.33 (dos) Nodelist Compiler
PLZ22.ARC 15939 08/27/91 Please Version 2.20 Some Fixes
POLICY.ARC 16757 07/28/88 Fido Network Policies, Guidelines, Etc...
POLICY4.ARC 28280 06/03/89 Fidonet Policy Doc #4
Page - 146
PROFILE2.ARC 164761 09/08/91 Ra Professional File System _ Major
Update! Release
PS_USR10.ARC 27387 05/16/91 Password System _ Allows Up To 40 Users,
Logging, Etc
PULLDIR.ARC 16172 04/21/91 Simple Scrollable Dir List W/c Src
PVERT.ARC 93464 01/15/92 PD Pkt <__> QWK Translator w/ C Source
PXDOS21A.ARC 39605 05/12/91 Polyarc, Un_compress Everything V2.1a
PXSRC21A.ARC 36231 05/12/91 Polyarc, Un_compress Everything V2.1a,
PXVIEW_E.ARC 72600 03/27/91 Display Paradox .db Files In Bbs Enviroment.
QBBED217.ARC 158408 09/19/91 Quickbbs Message Maintenance And Debugging
QBBED225.ARC 166249 10/19/91 Quickbbs Messagebase Debugger And Viewer
QBBED255.ARC 252107 01/16/92 Editor and Debugger for QBBS Messagebase
QBOP_10.ARC 110985 06/01/91 Edit Bink Config, Outbound, And Event Files
QM100PAT.ARC 10064 12/17/90 Patch For Qmail 1.0
QME116B.ARC 41256 02/23/90 User_file Editor And Nodelist Viewer
QMLOG100.ARC 46566 03/18/91 Reports Qm Log File Stats To File/msg
QMSWAT04.ARC 7368 09/25/91 The S.w.a.t. Team For Qmail, Kills Passthru
Areas Based On Inactivity
QM_100.ARC 86489 12/17/90 Qmail _ Fast Mail Proc/packer/remapper
QNODE.ARC 28874 04/03/91 Fast!! Nodelist Compiler For Opus / Bink
QPATCH_1.ARC 12879 02/23/90 Use Quickbbs Doors With Opus 1.03
QUTIL100.ARC 42717 06/07/91 Ra/qbbs Area List Utility (fc)
RAD204.ARC 151115 05/11/91 Generic Remote Access Database System V2.04
RAD209.ARC 156844 10/03/91 Remote On_line Database V2.09 Dbase
RAD211.ARC 156971 11/23/91 RAD v2.11 Universal On_line Database
RAID0122.ARC 111441 08/08/91 Raid 1.22
RANDO092.ARC 47177 08/13/91 Fun! Random Origin Files
RANDO093.ARC 47298 11/23/91 FUN! RANDom Origin files (skips Squished)
RANDO100.ARC 48223 12/30/91 FUN! RANDOm Origin files, now does
REC_110.ARC 104212 09/10/91 Remote Echo Control, Areafix Clone For Zmail
1.12 & Up
REC_120.ARC 130283 01/15/92 Remote Echo Control 1.20, Major enhancements
and improvements
REC_120R.ARC 132261 01/15/92 Remote Echo Control, Ver 1.20 Re_Hatch,
Major improvements and Upgrade
REC_DOCS.ARC 45243 01/15/92 Correct Docs for REC version 1.20
RENAMRC1.ARC 15757 03/13/91 Make Back_up Files W/unique .ext
RFA200.ARC 83990 07/13/91 Command Interpreter Via Netmail
RFW_V110.ARC 122960 04/23/91 Qbbs/ra/sbbs Windowed Filelist _ Major
ROBOT410.ARC 25579 10/03/91 Robot V4.10 Robot Mailer System _ Pkt
ROBOT411.ARC 26380 01/15/92 Harvey's Robot Mailer System *.pkt
ROBO_037.COM 61705 05/10/89 Robo .37
S2A_V101.ARC 44231 07/15/91 Send_to_all User Bulletin Maker For Dorinfo
SBBSL100.ARC 23028 05/30/91 Sbbslist Nodelist Browsing
SEND_100.ARC 20869 02/16/91 Send Netmail To Host Of Recipients (w/source)
SENT112C.ARC 12610 06/22/91 Sentinel Msg Area Freshness Tester (maint.
SEXP110.ARC 14563 02/22/91 Export Messages To File/prn Using Criteria.
Page - 147
SHOWANSI.ARC 21833 12/27/91 On_line ANSI Picture viewer
SIZML200.ARC 19889 12/31/90 Keeps Compressed Mail Bundles A Reas. Size
SLOG.ARC 37662 09/10/91 Stores File(s) As Date, Your Choice Of
SLRENAM2.ARC 31049 01/21/91 Slrename 1.1 _ Minor Bugfix From Orig Version
SLRENAM5.ARC 48130 12/22/91 Alias<>Real Name echomail message converter
for Searchlight BBS
SMAST300.ARC 109407 07/26/91 Full Featured Allfiles Lister And Blt Mkr
SNXT_100.ARC 9054 01/19/91 Sysop Next Pgm, Use With Most Any Bbs
SORTF_20.ARC 5542 09/23/89 Sort All Files
SPLITPKT.ARC 2222 05/01/91 Splits Large Mail Packets Into Smaller Sizes
SPNT_120.ARC 63372 12/17/91 Major update. Scan/Toss for points w/HUDSON
SPOINT1B.ARC 56814 11/22/91 Echomail Toss/Scan for points using HUDSON ms
SQSH_100.ARC 297692 11/07/91 Squish Mail Tosser/scanner/packer
SS3.ARC 4504 04/17/88 Screen Blanker Mga/cga/ega
SWIFT025.ARC 172381 04/21/91 "swiftbbs For Points" Messaging System
SYSINFO.ARC 3529 02/23/91 Shows Contents Of Sysinfo.bbs (qbbs/ra/sbbs)
SYSL_20.ARC 67521 09/27/91 Master File List Creater Files.bbs Or
SZML2SRC.ARC 11809 01/01/91 C Source For Sizml200 Pkt Mover Pgm
TBE_001.ARC 99388 06/28/91 The_box Edit V1.00, Shareware Msg_editor
For .msg/ra/rbbs Frmts
TDSNEW.ARC 13495 01/09/92 TDS PCBoard Files List * Updated 01_01_92
TFTD.ARC 24024 02/18/90 Quotes For Bbs Operation Online Or Local
TIA114.ARC 12687 06/22/91 Fix Archive Datestamps Based On Contents, Now
TICK207.ARC 105654 02/09/91 Tick 2.07 Beta
TICPOS13.ARC 25472 10/05/91 Post Net/echomail For Tic Files & Reset
File Date
TMEXE.ARC 53372 05/16/91 Trackm 4.12 Exe_only *please* Replace 4.1?
TMOVR330.ARC 53175 01/08/91 Trackm_overlay 40kb Less Free Ram (exe/ovr)
TOWN10.ARC 24994 03/16/91 Announcement Door For Ra/x/q/s/rbbs Systems.
TRKMT424.ARC 133335 09/17/91 Trackm 4.24 (tiny) Network Aware
TRKSDS42.ARC 130432 06/30/91 Trackm 4.20 Tiny Version (see Readme.sds)
TRUNCLOG.ARC 6784 01/13/91 Frontdoor Logfile Truncator
TS2GMD.ARC 10977 12/19/91 TosScan to Grunged Message Detector (GMD)
TSCNV104.ARC 33208 09/10/91 Tsconvert For Fd 2.01
TURBOBLA.ARC 9886 10/07/91 Turbo Bbs Lister In Ansi. List Files
TWAY_131.ARC 66970 11/04/91 Thruway _ Universal Echomail Passthru Area
Mgr, Program
TWIST02.ARC 9882 03/30/91 Imail Work With Ts,makes Qecho 4d Capable
U2TXT01.ARC 10347 12/30/90 Users.bbs To Ascii Text File Cvtr Ra/quickbbs
UBM_102.ARC 37297 12/30/90 User Base Manager Utility (ra/qbbs/sbbs)
UMAIL005.ARC 23402 03/05/91 Unpacks Echomail _ Suports Zip, Arc, Zoo,
Pak, Arj And Lzh
USERFRMT.ARC 36024 05/03/91 Name & City/state Formatter For Omegabbs
VCOPY82.ARC 55273 09/29/91 Vcopy Utility (replaces Dos Copy & Xcopy
VFOS_50.ARC 2697 09/18/91 Video Fossil For Binkley Term In 50 Line
VGAPAL10.ARC 12879 08/18/91 Vga Palette Utility
VIBM_110.ARC 3787 08/23/88 Video Fossil For Binkley
VLIST848.ARC 7395 12/02/91 Comprehensive Version Listing (12/02/91)
VLIST849.ARC 7584 12/10/91 Comprehensive Version Listing (12/09/91)
Page - 148
VLIST852.ARC 8317 12/30/91 Comprehensive Version Listing (12_29_91)
VMGR112.ARC 45692 09/17/91 A Vote Manager For Fidonet Systems
VP2_409E.SZH 98051 09/27/91 Vpurge Modified Confmail 4.09e W/source
VP_409E.ARC 66091 09/27/91 Vpurge Modified Confmail 4.09e For Dos
VSUMX109.ARC 341662 09/29/91 Hypertext Vsum, September 1991 Release
VSUMX110.ARC 381114 10/22/91 Hypertext Vsum, October 1991 Release,
From Patricia Hoffman
VSUMX111.ARC 397017 11/26/91 HyperText VSUM November 22, 1991 Release
WALL16.ARC 15619 04/01/91 Grafitti Door For Ra/q/s/x/rbbs Systems
WEDIT200.ARC 163480 01/15/92 Fido/Quickbbs/RemoteAccess windowed message
WELCOME.ARC 62093 06/09/91 Welcome Packet For Net147
WNODE21.ARC 26066 01/15/92 4D nodelist compiler with TP unit
X00V124.ARC 110912 10/10/90 Fossil Driver
XCHG_103.ARC 13585 03/20/89 Xchange Arc To Zip
XFDV201A.ARC 70120 05/08/91 Bug Fix! For Filedoor V.2.01
XFD_V202.ARC 128376 05/16/91 Filedoor V.2.02: Bug Fixes & New Options
XLAX_253.ARC 157831 09/28/91 Fast! Nodelist Compiler, New Feature!
XLIST213.ARC 175513 04/23/91 The All Avail Cosysop And Filelist
XPF224.ARC 10138 02/18/90 Create New Files Listings
XR240.ARC 22440 10/12/89 Xrobot 2.40
XRDOR200.ARC 136152 05/05/91 Xrs Door 2.0 (formerly "rax/qmx/sex" Or
XRS450AT.ARC 216731 05/31/91 Xrs 4.50 "286" Executable Versions And
Related Files
X_NEW101.ARC 17108 04/23/91 Show New Files Online From X_list Filelist.
YUCK_200.ARC 69140 10/30/90 Fakenet Point List Maker
ZCFG120.ARC 74717 08/14/91 Zmailcfg V1.20, Updtd For New Zmailh
ZIPSTR25.ARC 25331 02/19/90 Zip View/read/test/extract Door
ZMH124.ARC 90923 09/17/91 Zmailh For Hudson Type Messages Bases
ZNS_110.ARC 6689 02/23/91 Zip Nodelist Shell
Page - 149
Mid-America Digital Publishing's Magnum One 02/19/92
DesqView Net Files
Name Bytes Date Description
386PCBDV.ARC 5087 03/01/88 Run Pcboard On A 386 Under Desqview
50LINE.ARC 622 01/08/92 50 line move for DesqView
513233.ARC 2072 07/05/91 Release Notes Qemm 5.13
ACCTEST.ARC 11116 02/06/89 Allcharge Card Test Pgms
ACTSK.ARC 9848 10/01/88 Brings Up Sidekick In Desqview Window
ALLCC205.ARC 145596 03/23/89 Allcharge Card Utilities
ALLCC251.ARC 172107 04/27/91 Allcharge Card Software Ver 2.51
ALLDOC20.ARC 5401 01/28/89 Allcharge Card Docs
ALLEMM4C.ARC 11305 01/31/89 All Charge Card Driver 1/29/89
ALLMENU.ARC 168483 02/11/91 Allcomputer System Diagnostics Ala Mft
ALLREMMS.ARC 45252 08/08/89 Remm.sys Ver 3.1,3.30,4.1,4.3,4.31 For As
APIBRO.ARC 15243 03/21/91 Tec Note On Qd's New Api Products
APICSAMP.ARC 122731 02/25/89 Partial Update To Api_exam 1/3
APISHARE.ARC 15727 10/23/88 Example Pgms & Source Using Shared Mem
APITOOLS.ARC 18015 02/25/89 Partial Update To Api_exam 3/3
ARTSPEC.DVN 12261 11/13/89 Specifications For Submitting To Dvet New
ASCIITBL.ARC 6544 03/12/88 Dv Aware Ascii Table
ASQ120.EXE 187915 03/07/91 Qualitas Tutorial On Memory Management
ASQ130.EXE 190848 04/18/91 Qualitas' Memory Analizer_update From 120
ASTREMM.ARC 4640 01/29/89 List Of Ast Remm.sys Attributes
ATTMEM.ARC 8336 10/01/88 How To Use 2 Meg. Of Ems With Dv
BACKDRP2.ARC 4983 10/13/90 Wallpaper For Desqview
BALLPT.ARC 2271 10/16/91 Patch For Dv To Make Ballpoint Mouse Work
BEC_BBS.ARC 4759 12/04/89 Info On Running Pcboad And Desqview
BG.ARC 3138 06/13/89 Force Window To Background
BOARDS.ARC 12007 04/23/90 Manifest Reports On Ems 4.0 Boards
BOYAN4DV.ARC 5819 02/11/89 Boyan4 Under Dv
BUZY.ARC 1356 03/21/91 Utility To Set Back/foreground Ticks
BUZY102.ARC 1356 05/29/91 Customize Fg & Bg Tics
BYLOAD.ARC 7913 10/01/88 Desqview Setup For Boyan
CALCDV.ARC 27565 03/12/88 Dv Aware Calc W/c Source
CD_CHECK.ARC 3036 07/06/91 Check Carrier Detect Before Opening New Task
CHAT.ARC 19764 07/09/88 Split Screen Chat For Opus, Works With Dv
CHKDV.ARC 6029 10/01/88 Asm Source To Make Program Desqview Aware
CHKMEM.ARC 1439 12/08/88 Quick Memory Free Checker
CLD2_120.ARC 7381 05/28/89 Swap Opus To Disk Mem For Outside Prgms
CLKWATCH.ARC 20591 03/13/90 Fixes System Clock Time Loss Under Dv
CLOCK01.ARC 3095 03/21/91 Dv Clock With Asm Source
CLOSE_IT.ARC 2598 11/03/91 Close Open Files Left From A Crash
CMD20.ARC 36596 05/13/90 Allows Remote Control Of Dv Processes Via
CNTDWN.ARC 2835 06/25/89 Simple Dv Aware Countdown Timer
COLORTBL.ARC 4678 12/08/88 Dv Aware Color Table /c Src
COMM3N4.ARC 2476 09/16/89 Tecnote On Using Com3 And Com4 In Dv
COMMO421.ARC 74993 07/20/90 Terminal Program
CONCURE.ARC 36098 09/20/89 Determine A System's Multasking Capabilit
CRON12.ARC 52299 11/28/90 Unix Like Event Timer Works Under Dv
CRON16.ARC 73713 01/20/91 Unix Like Event Scheduler
DESQ121.ARC 29077 12/06/89 Desqview Command Line Utility
Page - 150
DNANSI.ARC 2779 01/08/92 Replace DVNansi in Desqview
DRDOS6.ARC 5636 12/12/91 TEC Note on using DRDOS 6.0 with QEMM
DSKLSS.TEC 2786 04/20/91 Tec Note On Qemm On A Diskless Ws
DUAL_MON.ARC 4034 11/05/91 Setup For Running Dual Monitors In Dv
DV022590.ARC 12713 03/03/90 Desqview/qemm Online Chat With Qos Tech Supt
DV2SCRIP.ARC 2774 12/07/90 Command Line Dv Script Converter
DV2VIEW.ARC 4684 06/24/90 Run Two Screens With Desqview
DVBLANK.ARC 1386 01/08/92 Dv Screen Blanker
DVC15.ARC 45736 11/24/90 Dv Commander: Control Window From Dos
DVC16.ARC 47632 01/12/91 Dv Cmdr: Cont. Dv Window From Dos Command Lin
DVC17.ARC 53332 04/24/91 Control Desqview From The Command Line
DVCLK14.ARC 2029 04/11/91 Puts Clock On Window Border
DVCPY050.ARC 52392 12/26/91 DV aware file copier
DVCRON10.ARC 29493 12/21/91 Unix like cron utility for Desqview
DVDAYS3.ARC 4876 04/23/91 Calendar/day Calc Program
DVDEVL10.ARC 6368 08/12/91 Load Device Drivers In Desqview Windows
DVDOS.ARC 2309 03/14/89 Desqview Info On Envirement
DVDUMP2.ARC 6208 03/12/88 Desqview Memory Display
DVECT.ARC 8713 01/11/87 Capture Dv Interrupt Table
DVEX0320.ARC 3344 03/23/89 Execute Files In Other Windows Of Desqvie
DVGLUE.ARC 170129 01/10/90 Programers Interface To Desqview. Provides
DVGLUE10.ARC 160025 08/13/88 Dv Api Functions; Source Code
DVINT390.ARC 31600 07/15/90 3rd Version Of 1990 Dv Interrupts
DVINT590.ARC 52776 11/17/90 5th 1990 Version Of Dv Interrupts
DVINTB2.ARC 1999 08/12/90 Dv Subroutines For Ibm Basic Compiler 2
DVINTQB.ARC 1869 08/12/90 Quick Basic Dv Subroutines
DVKPOL2.ARC 1537 07/08/88 Dv Utility: Fine_tune Keyboard Polls
DVLIB.ARC 17864 05/27/90 Desqview Api Library: Msc Compatible
DVLOAD.ARC 11711 07/08/88 Load Programs Into Dv From A Batch File
DVM.ARC 4405 10/10/87 Dynamic Memory Viewer _ View Mem While Run
DVMACROS.ARC 5296 03/12/88 Masm Macros For Dv Function Calls
DVMAM11.ARC 21712 11/24/90 Memory Allocation Manager For Desqview
DVMON11.ARC 11446 05/26/88 Monitor Your Desqview Usage
DVMON13.ARC 8579 07/08/88 Dv Monitor Of Cpu By Programs, Ver 1.3
DVMU12.ARC 102702 05/26/89 Create Submenus From Open Dv Window
DVMULTI.ARC 12907 10/26/89 Mips Magazine Dv Test Programs
DVNARCS.ARC 14908 10/11/89 Dvnet Contents Arc Pak Zip Lzh Files
DVNET.LST 7236 08/15/90 Complete Listing Of All Dvnet Nodes
DVNET.MAP 4105 08/12/90 Distribution Map Of Dvnet
DVNET101.ARC 8593 11/16/89 Vol1n1 Of Dvnet News
DVNET201.ARC 8179 02/25/90 Dvnet News Vol2 No1
DVNETBIO.ARC 3707 12/13/91 Updated Netbios Driver for Desqview
DVNOVELL.ARC 4628 01/25/89 Notes On Running Under Novell
DVN_INF.ARC 6991 06/05/90 Information On Joining Dvnet
DVOPEN.ARC 42984 01/13/92 Ver 1.1 cmdline control of DV + scripts
DVP.ARC 10497 07/24/89 Print Spooler For Desqview
DVP101.ARC 10786 10/31/89 Enhanced Prn Spooler Accepts Wildcards
DVPALET.ARC 2813 02/06/89 Docs For Pallet Pgm Dv 2.2
DVPCLA.ARC 6772 03/27/90 Discussion Re Dv, Pcanywhere, & Lantastic
DVPCW.ARC 2339 10/01/88 Run Pc_write Under Dv
DVPED1_0.ARC 87077 10/19/91 Editor For .dvp Files Everything On 1 Screen
DVPIF10.ARC 13860 04/20/91 Command Line Pif Editor
DVPRTSCR.PAT 1313 06/10/90 Dv 2.26 Patch To Fix Print Screen Hangs
DVPSD307.ARC 14231 02/14/91 Run Direct Screens Writers In Small Windows
DVPSV11.ARC 12570 10/23/91 Dv Print Spooler/features
Page - 151
DVPTAME.ARC 3180 01/08/92 Reduce tics used in desqview
DVPTIME.ARC 5189 11/24/90 Simple Dv Clock With Pascal Src
DVREM17B.ARC 6607 08/22/91 Operate Desqview Remotely
DVSCRIP1.ARC 11281 10/19/90 Dv Script Writer/editor/converter
DVSI1_0.ARC 12229 07/23/91 Shows Handles Maps Memory Tasks Etc
DVSI1_21.ARC 72644 10/10/91 Unix Like Utilities For Dv
DVSLBBS.ARC 4986 10/01/89 Dvp Info For Searchlight Bbs
DVTMAN13.ARC 33776 02/10/91 Automated Event Manager For Dv
DVTREE23.ARC 153094 08/31/91 Dvtree 2.3 _ Desqview File Manager Update
DVUTILP.ARC 18243 12/27/91 Cmdline cntrl of DV windows from
DV_DOSWI.ARC 3456 01/10/90 Hints For Dos Windows In Desqview.
DV_GUARD.ARC 7614 05/24/90 Guard Carrier In Desqview
DV_HELP.ARC 64474 03/26/88 Help For Desqview.
DV_PAT.ARC 17965 12/19/90 Various Patches For Versions Of Dv/qemm
EMMNET1.ARC 20973 04/13/91 Updated (4/91) Emmnet Driver
EXCEPT13.TEC 8386 02/26/91 Exception #12 & #13 Explanations
FILES008.ARC 10590 10/02/91 Display Table Of Open Files
FUNC24.ARC 2584 05/15/91 Patch For Qemm 5.10,5.11 & 5.12 _fix For
Moves To 0 Length Memory Regions
JUST1V12.ARC 5933 07/26/91 Prevent Simultaneous Copies Of Pgms From
L4_LOAD.ARC 2098 01/05/91 Load Lotus 1_2_3 W/o Keyboard Conflicts
LDFILTER.ARC 1941 10/01/88 Load Filter For Desqview Dv 1
LOAD.ARC 34510 10/16/88 Start Dv Process From Dos Or Bat
LOADERS.ARC 63976 02/11/91 Allcomputer Loadhi Programs
LOTUS3.TEC 14045 03/20/91 Updated Tech Note On Using Lotus With Dv
LTDFRE23.ARC 15890 08/09/90 Displays Free Disk Space And Memory
MANIFEST.ARC 2755 09/16/89 Qd Pr New Products: 8/21/89
MANUAL.ARC 1634 10/03/91 Instructions For Getting Updated Qemm Manuals
MCC200.ARC 15869 02/15/91 Mouse Control Support For Non Mouse Pgms
MFTFLP.ARC 1503 11/26/91 Patch for Manifest 1.1 for Floppy Drives
MSCDVINT.ARC 1820 10/01/88 Microsoft C 4.0 Function Calls For Dv
MXBDA.ARC 1913 10/30/91 Device Driver For Qemm
MYLES177.ARC 50779 09/04/91 Text Viewer Which Sizes Scroll To Window
MY_D112.ARC 5141 06/13/91 Dir Pgm Shows File Open, Fcbs, Task Using
MY_D114.ARC 5140 06/23/91 Dv Dir Pgm Shows Fcbs,locks,tasks Etc
MY_D116.ARC 5150 10/14/91 Dir Prm Shows Fcbs,locks,task Etc, Fixes
Setver Prob
MY_D118.ARC 5144 10/31/91 Dir Pgm Shows Fcbs,locks,tasks Etc
NCWS.ARC 1376 08/08/90 Special Nc.exe For Desqview/topview
NEWDV.ARC 3300 10/01/88 Steve Gibson's On Dv 2.2 & Qemm 4.2
NEWQOS.TXT 8291 08/16/91 New Quarterdeck Products _ Qemm Version
NOFF.ARC 1943 10/01/88 Speed Up Wordperfect Screen Under Dv
NOMOUSE.ARC 2547 10/24/90 Turn Off Mouse Support In A Window
NUQRAM.TXT 1383 03/11/91 Information On Qram Version 1.01 Update
ONLY1.ARC 1635 03/15/90 Share..prevents Running Mult Pgm Copies
OPTIMZ.TEC 19147 04/18/91 Quarterdeck Technote On Optimize
OPT_PAT.ARC 2372 10/22/91 Patches Optimize 2 For Squeeze Prob
PCT7.ARC 3306 11/12/91 Tec Note On Using Pctools V.7 With Qd
PC_IPC.ARC 50942 12/04/89 Inter_proc Commun Pass Inf Betwn Dv Windo
PC_PIF.ARC 500 10/01/88 Desqview Pif For Procomm
PIF220.ARC 2111 09/16/89 Extended Pif Format For Dv2.2
PPTD11DV.ARC 707 01/25/89 Bug Fix For Pcplus Td Under Dv
Page - 152
PP_PIF.ARC 501 01/25/89 Procomm Plus Under Dv
PRINTDV.ARC 30881 04/27/88 Spooler That Works Under Dv 2
PRINTOUT.ARC 27661 04/23/88 Spooler That Works Under Dv 2
PROMPTW#.ARC 1016 10/01/88 Add The Dv Window # To Dos Prompt
PROTECT.TEC 2266 05/10/89 Qdeck Tech Note On 2.2 Protect Switch
PT_PIF.ARC 498 10/01/88 Desqview Pif For Pibterm 4.1.3
PUTKEY.ARC 2120 08/12/90 Force Key Stroke Using Basic
Q4_PIF.ARC 508 10/01/88 Qbasic Dvp For Dv (may Fix Nasty Probs)
QB45LOAD.ARC 3691 09/01/89 Dv Loader For Quick Basic 4.5
QDV.ARC 3269 11/28/89 Dv Setup File For Use With Qedit 2.08
QEM601.ARC 1843 10/26/91 Description Of Qemm 6.01 And How To Get
QEMM.ARC 1527 04/02/90 Information On Qemm
QEMM1289.ARC 61896 12/19/89 Messages On Qemm 12/89
QEMM5060.ARC 1815 07/15/89 Messages On Qemm 5060
QEMM6TRB.ARC 6960 09/15/91 Qd's Tech Notes On Stealth Fixes
QEMMFIX.ARC 8147 10/12/90 Fix For Qemm_windows Winliram Problem
QEMMMAN.ARC 49030 09/20/91 Qemm Version 6 Manual Files
QEMMNOTE.ARC 50875 06/26/91 Quarterdeck Tech Notes
QEXT.ARC 4845 03/13/91 Qext.sys Compat With Win 3.0 In Standard Mode
QEXT1289.ARC 11194 12/19/89 Messages On Qext 12/89
QMENU.ARC 29031 12/08/90 Menu Program For Qemm, Loadhi, Manifest
QMENU11.ARC 50150 03/23/91 Menu Progam For Qd's Qemm, Loadhi, Manifest
QOSCONT.ARC 10642 04/10/90 Various Ways To Contact Quarterdeck Tech
QOSTNOTE.ARC 185365 07/05/90 Technical Notes For Desqview And Other
Qd Products.
QOS_DOS5.ARC 6755 06/29/91 Qos Tech Notes On Dos 5.0
QRAM.ARC 6646 12/12/91 TEC Note on what QRAM will do or not do
QRAM101.ARC 137559 06/17/91 Qram V1.01 Qram Work With Dos V 5.0
QRAM2.ARC 1963 10/01/91 Patch For Qram And Qemm For Zenith
QTECH527.ARC 226661 05/30/91 Quarterdecks Tips On Qemm/desqview
QTEST.ARC 11756 07/05/90 Test Whether Qemm Or Qram Can Help Improve
Your System
QW12.EXE 224746 10/12/90 Version 1.2 Of Quarterdeck White Papers
QW12ADD.ARC 22143 12/19/90 Addendum To Qwhite12 Tec Notes
QWHITE10.ARC 162507 08/17/90 Quarterdeck White Papers
QWHITE12.DIR 2923 10/18/90 Dir Of Qw12 Tec Notes + Dir Of Qw10add
RALLOC.PAT 13524 02/08/91 Patch To Fix Various Versions Of Qemm
Memory Allocation
RBCOMM33.ARC 114131 02/03/91 Small Dv Communications Pgm
REBMGR.ARC 1568 03/29/91 Dv Reboot Manager
SLEEP_32.ARC 10068 04/21/90 Desqview Aware Wait Program
SMTDRV.TEC 2209 04/18/91 Tech Notes On Ms Smartdrv And Quarterdeck
SPACE.ARC 7422 03/05/90 Dv Disk Space Monitor
SPAWN15.ARC 43261 11/24/90 Utility To Spawn Dos Command In Background
STAC2.ARC 2642 12/12/91 TEC Note on using Stacker 2.0 with QEMM
STACKR.TEC 2632 04/30/91 Qd Technote On Stacker, Optimize And Qemm
STEALT.ARC 6982 09/17/91 Tec Note On Using Stealth With Qemm 6.0
SWITCHES.DOC 1971 12/22/89 Switches That Are Not Listed In The Book
SYSLOG.ARC 16739 03/26/90 Dv Specific Activity Logger
TAME261.ARC 75074 03/22/91 Speeds Up Some Multitasking Processes
TAMEAN10.ARC 13740 01/16/91 Utility To Help Tune Tame
TIPS0391.ARC 34388 05/26/91 Tips On Running Desqview/qemm
TIPS0491.ARC 40939 05/10/91 Desqview Qemm Bbs Tips
TIPS0815.ARC 14442 09/15/90 Dv And Qemm Tips Some Specific To Zenith
Page - 153
UNMAP.ARC 2045 11/05/91 Qemm Unmap Patch
UPGRAD.TEC 7946 08/28/91 Pricing Info On New Quarterdeck Products
VCPI.ARC 1539 05/07/91 Tec Note On Vcpi
VFOS_DV.ARC 18370 08/10/90 Video Fossil For Desqview.
WAITDV10.ARC 10044 01/16/90 Wait For Time In Desqview
WDDV115.ARC 22626 07/12/90 Watchdog Type For Desqview
WHIRAM.VXD 10826 04/18/91 New Version Of Winhiram.vxd For Qemm386
WIN3.ARC 9495 09/25/90 Works With Windows3 And Desqview
WINDOWS.ARC 2569 09/16/89 Tecnote On Running Windows And Window App
WINFLO.ARC 13111 11/26/91 Exhaustive help for Windows and QEMM/DV
WINPOS.ARC 20356 12/04/88 Helps With Positioning Dv Windows
WINRUM.TEC 15979 12/18/90 Additonal Tec Re Running Win 3.0 With Qemm
Rumor, Hearsay, Etc.
WINTIPS.ARC 21018 10/12/90 Tips On Setting Up Dv With Windows 3.0
WTFOR058.ARC 21603 10/05/90 Waitfor ,helps Sync Multiple Processes
Page - 154
Mid-America Digital Publishing's Magnum One 02/19/92
Hardrive Utilities
Name Bytes Date Description
26HDCOM1.ARC 18176 12/06/90 Small TSR with ASM src to monitor hard disk
and comm port status. For most monitors it
puts status display on 26th line. Nice.
33HDFIX.ARC 9514 07/31/87 Fixes DOS 3.3 hard disk access problems
3DMENU.ARC 49805 03/24/89 3 Dimentional Menuing System
4DISKS.ARC 3172 03/15/88 Run more than 2 Hard drives in one computer
4_HDRIVE.ARC 3218 12/04/89 Learn How To Use 4 Hard Disks In One
ADDTO20.ARC 7360 07/05/90 ADDTO v2.0 _ Appending copy utility
ADJRAM41.ARC 61624 05/15/88 Adjustable RAMdisk changes size without reboo
ANAD132.ARC 56735 11/17/88 Analyze Edit Copy Disks Anadisk V 1.32
ARCHIVE.ARC 14927 05/10/86 backup utility
ASC.ARC 8504 07/25/87 Convert files to straight ASCII text
ASCMENU.ARC 2598 08/16/90 The easiest hd menu around.
AUTOBAK.ARC 5223 11/24/85 backup utility
AUTOMN45.ARC 148468 11/11/88 Menuing & Management System
AUTOPRK2.ARC 2857 07/29/90 Tsr hard disk parker v2 parks 1 or more hd's
BACKSTAT.ARC 7471 12/29/85 Show whether files have been backed up or not
BACKUP2.ARC 84920 05/22/90 Provides fast backup of your hard disk
BAKUPWIZ.ARC 64270 06/06/90 HD to Floppy backup & restore. Novell support
BIGSRCH.ARC 7026 02/07/91 Utility to find the largest files on HD
BMENU122.ARC 97293 09/21/89 BESTMENU v1.22 _ DOS Shell and menu system
BW20.ARC 46768 08/07/90 Backworks 2.0 dos based, menu driven backup
system software.
CACH103.ARC 5242 07/25/90 Very...did I Mention Very? Fast! Disk Cacher
CATUTIL3.ARC 28428 02/16/86 Good disk cataloging program
CDISK362.ARC 101809 05/31/88 Catalog Diskettes Reads Arc's Too.
CDISK450.ARC 166443 01/14/92 Rick Hillier's Excellent Disk Cataloging
CEDAR100.ARC 30468 07/25/89 A Directory program with unique use of color
CHG20.ARC 8162 11/11/90 Attribute/Date/Time changer/Reader for files
CHG22.ARC 8799 02/01/91 CHANGE v2.2 Efficient DOS ATTRIB replacement.
CHKBKU40.ARC 102676 08/09/90 Check backup v4.0: manages your current hard
disk backup utility by reminding you when
backups come due &, if you desire, will exe_
cute your backup utility for you
CHKDSKX.ARC 8541 01/07/91 Checks your harddrive on boot up. Great
utility from a Spitfire SysOp Bob Zimmerman
CHKUP14.ARC 38863 05/03/88 antivirus protection
CHMOD.ARC 2372 03/05/86 Change files attributes (Read only, hidden)
CLUSTRCK.ARC 14363 11/24/89 Check And Mark Clusters On A Hardrive
CM112.ARC 80152 01/29/89 Copy Master v 1.12 _ manage files in two dire
CNFMT107.ARC 42701 09/14/90 Format Disks In The Background
COMPARES.ARC 24190 08/26/86 Four programs to compare files and show diffe
CONQ13.ARC 94099 08/10/91 Conquest _ version 1.3 _ dated 8_10_91.
Corrects the Partitioned Placement bug in 1.2
and adds some other minor new features,
Page - 155
including a slightly different start_up menu.
CONQVI.ARC 50784 05/21/91 MAP viewer for Conquest maps.
COPYQ202.ARC 42511 10/31/89 Read Once, Write Many Diskette Copies.
COPYQ223.ARC 53147 11/04/90 Diskette Duplicator By Sydex _ Latest
COPYQM.ARC 61273 09/30/90 Bulk File Copy Utility
COPYU.BAT 236 12/04/91 Copy only unique files from disk to disk
COPYUNQ.BAT 672 12/04/91 Copy only unique files from disk to disk
CORE27.ARC 21049 01/07/92 Coretest For Hard Drives Small Ver *keep*
CORE28.ARC 33506 01/07/92 Coretest For Hardisks
CORE292.ARC 36303 05/04/90 Core International's Coretest Program
CORTST27.ARC 21049 07/12/86 Core Intl hard disk speed test _ v2.7
CORTST28.ARC 33506 05/05/88 Core Intl hard disk speed test _ v2.8
CPARK.ARC 10702 07/04/91 Fully configurable head_parking utility__got
a weird hard disk that off_the_shelf parkers
CPUCAT20.ARC 171555 05/31/88 Good Fast Disk Cataloger Hard Disk
CPYQM20.ARC 37343 03/07/89 Sydex Quick Multiple Format/copy/verify
For Diskettes
CRYPTO.ARC 21790 03/27/89 Excellent program providing file encryption/d
CSAP208B.ARC 30742 10/10/89 Sort/pack Directories. Many Options.
Turbo C Src Incl
CSAP310.ARC 30238 07/11/90 Quick Directory Sorter
CSCTEST2.ARC 162380 05/02/91 CSC's hard disk tester/formatter & benchmarks
CSWEEP.ARC 13495 01/21/86 File management utility
CT10.ARC 41636 05/17/91 Cache Test Version 1.0
CT20.ARC 46472 05/16/91 CacheTest v2.0 _ Test HD cache performance
CT25.ARC 47855 05/22/91 Cache Test V2.5 _ Added Tests & Overhauled
CT26.ARC 49491 05/24/91 Cache test v. 2.6 test cache effectiveness.
CT35.ARC 48454 09/03/91 Cache Test v3.5 test drive cache performance
DAAG230.ARC 103615 07/26/90 Disk At A Glance...map's Your H/d.
DCOM342.ARC 274192 05/01/91 Great hard disk manager, shell, keyboard
macros and more. Offers a friendly
environment to compute in. Version 3.42.
DDUP105.ARC 12493 02/10/90 Diskcopy Any Size Disk In Only 1 Pass
DDUP108.ARC 12742 12/18/90 Diskcopy Any Size Disk In Only 1 Pass
DEL_DIR1.ARC 10433 11/03/90 Delete Dirs,sub_dirs And Files At Once
DIRECT34.ARC 136437 08/07/89 Director Hard Disk menu and management /sec
DISKBUF.ARC 17968 05/18/87 Determines optimum BUFFERS setting
DISKDUP.ARC 12493 08/24/90 High Capacity Diskcopying In A Single Pass.
DISKEDIT.ARC 24605 09/06/91 Program to allow edititing of disk sector
information w/C Source.
DISKIT.ARC 13999 04/28/86 File change utility for floppy drive system
DISKMGMT.ARC 38761 11/16/86 Another DOS shell, pretty good
DISKSPD.ARC 11596 03/02/91 Test Hard Disk or Floppy Access time in ms
DISP.ARC 2346 01/16/88 Checking Disk Speed (good)
DM.ARC 37765 10/05/86 Fantastic directory and file management progr
DM301.ARC 60303 03/18/90 Hard drive manger. Like PCTOOLS
DM307.ARC 68738 04/11/90 Diskmanager 3.07
DOS50_DM.ARC 2687 07/01/91 Using OnTracks Disk Manager with DOS 5.0
DRIVE102.ARC 5712 09/06/91 DRIVE v1.02: this utility turns ON or OFF
any physical drive by adjusting a bit in the
DOS Current Directory Structure (CDS);
useful for testing and security; also
detevts SUBST and JOINed drives; 09/06/91;
Mark T. Witt.
DS320.ARC 130273 02/10/89 Directory Scanner v3.2 _ excellent disk manag
Page - 156
DS400A.ARC 159352 06/30/90 Ver. 4.0 of Dosshell by Nat Martino
DSIZ11.ARC 2128 02/19/87 Excellent display of space used in all direct
DSKTRK72.ARC 100522 07/21/91 Disktrak V7.20. Quick, easy way to keep
track of disks. Auto builds database of disk
and file names, disk free space and optional
comments. Query via full/partial
name/comment text. 5 types of hard/soft copy
reports. Configurable.
DTST10.ARC 6483 04/06/88 Report 'slow Sectors' On Any Drive.
DTST13.ARC 7713 05/29/88 Fixed Disk Test By Fsmith Find Slow Sectors
DWIZ.ARC 67087 11/06/88 Disk Wiz, Shareware Version.
DX_209.ARC 112461 02/01/89 Directory Extended V2.09 by ECON_SOFT
EDISK.ARC 8277 02/07/87 128k Ramdisk Above 640k Dos
EMSCOPY.ARC 25145 05/16/91 Copy Any Size Disk In One Pass Operation
EMSCOPY1.ARC 25299 03/29/91 Use Ems For One Pass Copys
EYERMV24.ARC 9604 04/02/91 Bob Eyer's file move utility v2.4 (4_91)
EZACCES5.ARC 63355 03/19/89 Hard Disk Menu System with logging
FAC23.ARC 19050 11/08/90 File & subdirectory attribute change/search
FDFORMAT.ARC 24070 10/02/90 Format Disks To Greater Capacity
FDISK.ARC 10244 07/21/89 Fixed Disk Table 4_6_89
FFORMAT.ARC 13530 06/14/91 Fast!! Disk Formatter.
FF_TEST.ARC 1597 03/22/88 Impromptu B'mark Of Fast Format Utilities
FILEDV13.ARC 32563 10/02/87 ** No Description **
FILEMAN.ARC 21539 01/21/91 Hard Disk manager for Windows 3.0
FILEMNG.ARC 11869 03/07/85 Allows copying between two directories with e
FILESPLT.ARC 40912 02/24/89 Split/append Files By Byte Or Record
FILL30.ARC 33877 09/17/88 Fill Floppy From Hard Disk _ Optimize Space
FILLDISK.ARC 51932 04/07/91 Dos Utility To Fill Free Floppy Disk Space
FINDHID.ARC 8626 11/08/91 Find Hidden Files On Your Hard Drive
FINDT110.ARC 65735 10/30/90 A utility to display bios drive types and
gives best match for the drive you're
installing.. also prints your bios drive type
list.. direct from seagate's bbs..
FINDUP30.ARC 23015 12/14/85 Find Duplicates on drives
FINDUP37.ARC 27527 06/19/88 Disk File Reports For Hard Drive.
FIXFAT.ARC 6760 03/24/88 Text On Fixing Disk Using 2nd Fat
FIXNRE.ARC 4966 11/08/90 Fix The Drive Not Ready Under Qemm
FLEBOS11.ARC 107163 04/27/89 FILEBOSS (v1.1) _ Disk Management System
FMTQM162.ARC 33448 08/12/89 Fast Multiple Disk Format Program. From Sydex
FORMATQM.ARC 7341 08/27/89 Format Multable Disk In Sequence.
FORMQ170.ARC 36637 05/31/91 No Hands Disk Formatter, All Standard Formats
FSPACE2.ARC 23171 09/03/91 Improved version of free space utility. Free
and total space on all drives or user
specified list of drives. Doesn't choke on
removables, cd_roms, pseudo_drives created
by device drivers, floppies. Multi_line and
single line output. Great for autoexec.bat
GDEL.ARC 6130 03/26/84 Selectively delete files _ GDEL file file fil
GETROM.ARC 24421 10/01/87 Load Xt/at Roms To Disk For Epromming
HD0591R4.ARC 37937 05/03/91 HDInfo _ Extensive HD parameter list...
Newest drives included!
HDDATA.ARC 2750 03/22/87 Information on 132 drives from popular manufa
HDINFO_1.ARC 6326 08/30/89 "technology Of Magnetic Disk Storage"...
HDINFO_2.ARC 7004 08/30/89 "a Hard Disk Drive"....(text)
HDINFO_3.ARC 10639 08/30/89 "logical Struct/organization/management Hd
Page - 157
HDM426.ARC 191533 06/15/90 Hard disk menu system , easy to use
HDM431.ARC 241844 04/03/91 Hard Disk Menu Iv, Ver 3.1 Excellent Hd
File Organizer. Many Outstanding Features. A
HDM4V300.ARC 223637 05/01/91 Version 3 of the Hard Disk Manager.
HDMAP31.ARC 22317 07/24/88 report generator showing all files on you rdi
HDPAT2.ARC 3383 09/23/91 Format Hd With 1k Clusters
HDPREP45.ARC 26295 03/17/87 HD low level format program
HDSK403.ARC 180588 08/12/90 Hyperdisk Cache Program
HDTEST.ARC 84169 01/19/89 Hard Disk Test by Pete Fletcher V4.45
HDTEST12.ARC 67287 06/11/88 Format And Check Your Hardrive
HDTST445.ARC 83771 10/29/88 R/w Test Of Hd Retaining Data!
HDTST484.ARC 125270 11/29/89 Hd Diagnostic Prog_does >32meg And Compaq
HDTST498.ARC 131167 05/27/90 Hdtest v4.98, read/write/repair hard
or floppy disks. allows *thorough*
read/write testing of disk w/o
disturbing data. works with >32mb
compaq 3.31 partitions
HDTST535.ARC 137827 07/07/91 Hardrive Testing And Repair Program
HDTYPE.ARC 6185 12/04/87 View Hard Drive Table On An At W/src
HELP433.ARC 180700 05/02/89 Help (v4.33) _ Hard Disk Management
HELP433D.ARC 81638 05/02/89 Help (v4.33) _ Documentation
HEREF41.ARC 101758 01/04/91 Hard Drive & Controller reference listings
HTMU.ARC 12230 10/23/89 Hard Drive Table Editor
HXIIXL.ARC 38428 04/23/91 PLUS Hardcard II XL 105 hard disk utilities.
HYDK411.ARC 194221 10/12/90 Hyperdisk Cache Program
HYDK41X.ARC 194221 12/24/90 Cache Program Can Be Used In Windows 3
ICOPY121.ARC 15491 08/04/91 Icopy 1.21 Utility Like Xcopy
IDEDIAGS.ARC 7658 03/02/91 Diagnostic utilities for IDE hard drives.
I have not tried this out but sounds good.
INDEX.ARC 24043 03/04/86 Great little disk catalog utility
INTRC2.ARC 4894 08/10/88 720k Storage On Dsdd Disk W/dos 3.2
JADU13.ARC 86226 10/30/89 "Just Another Directory Utility" v1.3
JOBS32.ARC 7931 04/15/89 DOS Shell & Housekeeping Utility
JOBS32A1.ARC 128265 04/15/89 DOS Shell & Housekeeping Utility (2 of 3)
JOBS32A2.ARC 135864 04/15/89 DOS Shell & Housekeeping Utility (3 of 3)
KW101.ARC 78600 04/30/91 World's first shareware backup/rest util
LESDISK2.ARC 4890 04/30/89 An enhanced VDISK (ramdisk) program
LIST14.ARC 3698 11/12/85 LIST files _ older version 1.4 _ only 3K
LIST51.ARC 5109 03/23/86 LIST v5.1 by Vern Buerg _ file list utility
LIST64A.ARC 41359 09/21/88 LIST v6.4a by Vern Beurg _ list files on scre
LIST74.ARC 88758 08/09/90 LIST v7.4 by Vern Beurg
LIST75A.ARC 90937 08/30/90 LIST v7.5a by Vern Beurg
MASDIR42.ARC 52069 03/09/89 Directory Manager/Documenter
MENUMAST.ARC 90768 07/03/89 MenuMaster _ DOS Shell and menu system
MR.ARC 24053 05/14/91 Check Out Hard Drive Space
MV52.ARC 4575 07/04/91 Move Files From Dir To Dir Fast
NJRAMD14.ARC 44406 06/23/91 Nifty James' RAM Disk v1.40: EMS ramdisk
OMENU302.ARC 96789 04/02/90 oMENU v3.02 fast/easy access to your programs
PARK210.ARC 11187 07/07/91 Hard Disk Parking Utility
PARTNER.ARC 16800 01/26/86 Great file management program
PASBR10.ARC 53623 04/17/89 Point & Shoot Hard Disk Backup/Restore
PASHDM20.ARC 200798 06/10/89 Point & Shoot Hard Disk Manager
PCDASH18.ARC 104305 03/20/89 PC_Dashboard, DOS shell Menu
Page - 158
PC_DISK.ARC 20772 09/08/85 Catalog your disks with this program
PHDU_589.ARC 274765 05/12/89 Hard Disk Utilities (Alert,Copy,etc)
PHYLCOPY.ARC 1710 09/23/85 Offers selective file copying from BASIC
PMC51A.ARC 110379 01/21/90 Pm Cat Hard/floppy Drive Catalog Prog
PMCAT31.ARC 41664 02/25/88 Super Floppy / Hard Disk Index And Catalog
PSWEEP2.ARC 18103 10/20/85 File management utility _ works great !
QFIL31HB.ARC 111071 03/29/89 Qfiler 31 HB file manager with PAK support
QFIL32.ARC 134010 10/07/91 Directory & File management program
RAMDISK2.ARC 5887 12/02/86 A RAMdisk that can be killed without rebootin
RDISK20.ARC 2377 08/16/86 Ramdisk you can install/remove without reboot
RDK.ARC 6226 04/24/90 Kill directories incl. all subs & files caref
RMOD.ARC 3261 11/01/85 Make your files read only
SAFERA14.ARC 57512 06/15/91 New method of retrieving erased files, never
SCSI.ARC 5729 04/06/90 Information On Scsi Devices From An
Adaptec Tech
SCSITUT.ARC 7159 09/26/90 Tutorial All About Scsi Hard Drives
SDOS161.ARC 60630 09/21/89 StupenDOS under the PKware lable _ v1.16
SEARCH.ARC 1889 09/15/85 Search a text file for a char. string
SECUR105.ARC 19910 03/26/91 Hard Disk/CPU secirity system v1.05 Password
SERVS2A1.ARC 173392 02/15/89 SERVICES V2.0A by LSRGroup (1 of 2)
SERVS2A2.ARC 55563 02/07/89 SERVICES V2.0A by LSRGroup (2 of 2)
SHOWBACK.ARC 2333 12/28/85 Displays # of files BACKUP command will proce
SHOWFAT.ARC 30215 01/02/91 Show FAT graphically illustrates the
physical layout of files on disk. Detailed
to the cluster level. Scroll up and down.
Check out contiguousness. Ver 2.41.
Shareware $20.
SP10.ARC 6825 08/04/90 Space v1.0. shows you the usage of your hd
SPACE.ARC 2842 08/31/87 Displays bar & pie graphs of disk usage
SPINCLON.ARC 47202 08/03/90 A good hard_drive low level formatter &
general disk utility program
SPLIT49.ARC 14541 10/08/89 Binary File Splitter Also Does Text
SPLITC.ARC 13415 04/15/88 Breaks Large Files In To Smaller. C Source
SRDISK12.ARC 30635 10/04/91 Resizeable/removable XMS RAM disk. 32 megs ma
SUBZIP12.ARC 33878 03/10/91 Subzip.2 zip your sub directories for more
hard disk space. menu_driven,pdate only
new or modified files for speed. new
enhancements and bug fixes since ver. 1.1
SUPRCPY.ARC 6556 12/05/89 Xcopy_like File Copier _ Todd's Suprcopy
But Shrunk
TECHMANL.ARC 12382 11/12/89 Technical Manual For Perstor Hd Controller
TELED105.ARC 40113 09/01/89 Makes Disk To File Image To Transfer__also
Image To
THEREF42.ARC 133421 01/01/80 Complete Hard Drive Reference ___ Super!!!!!
TM121.EXE 91136 08/12/91 Treemaster hard drive DIR manger
TRK0BAD.ARC 1255 03/22/88 How To Fix Bad Track 0 On Hard Disk
TYPED.ARC 28708 04/26/89 Display At Drive Table On Screen, From
Western Digit
UNERA12.ARC 5675 01/18/87 Unerase files _ file recovery utility
UNERA120.ARC 5675 01/11/88 Unerase For Hard Disks Over 30 Mb
UTIL204.ARC 67011 01/21/86 Disk and file utility program
VAULT44A.ARC 172184 12/21/90 PC_vault hard disk protection system w/docume
VFILER.ARC 7830 10/20/85 File management _ copy, delete, type, print
VGADISK.ARC 7855 03/21/91 Use VGA graphics memory for 176K RAM disk
Page - 159
VLRDISK.ARC 18776 09/16/88 Vladimir Lanin's RAMdisk version 1.0
WD.ARC 377660 05/18/91 Western Digitals Hd Controller Manuals Off
Thier Bbs
WDFMT.ARC 21389 02/22/89 Western Digital's At Hard Disk Format/test
WDMCFMTP.ARC 21728 12/17/89 Low_level Format Program For Wd Esdi
WDUTILS.ARC 101942 09/22/90 Western Digital Info & Utils For New Ide
WD_DIAGS.ARC 46587 02/10/90 Western Digital Diags
WD_EZ_DI.ARC 46587 07/27/89 Wd Easy Diagonistic For Fixed Disks
WED410.ARC 116637 04/20/89 WED (v4.10) Full Screen Text Editor
WPHD10.ARC 1942 12/28/90 Write Protect Hard Disk V1.0
WSSI338A.ARC 105606 09/17/88 Wssi _ Disk/file Catalog Syst V3.38 1 Of 2
WSSI338B.ARC 95433 09/17/88 Babcock's Super Disk/file Cataloger 2 Of 2
WSSI405A.ARC 128944 09/22/89 Update Of Babcocks Excellent Disk Catalog
Prgm. 1of2
WSSI405B.ARC 128096 09/22/89 Update Of Wssi Dated 8/2/89
WSSI503A.ARC 132150 07/13/90 Great Disk Cataloging Program V5.03 _ 1 Of 3
WSSI503B.ARC 169337 07/13/90 Great Disk Cataloging Program V5.03 _ 2 Of 3
WSSI503C.ARC 35209 07/13/90 Great Disk Cataloging Program V5.03 _ 3 Of 3
XDIR202.ARC 50416 05/15/89 Directory Extender + Dos Commands
XDISK300.ARC 50597 05/02/91 Make RAM disks in expanded memory, modify siz
XPANDISK.ARC 20389 10/31/88 Variable size RAM disk uses expanded memory
ZGEN122.ARC 64500 12/07/90 ZGEN v1.22 file and archive manager
ZM.ARC 137714 11/07/90 shareware
Page - 160
Mid-America Digital Publishing's Magnum One 02/19/92
Virus Protection
Name Bytes Date Description
AM40.ARC 90703 02/19/89 Anti_virus utility
AUTOSN30.ARC 37616 03/11/91 Uncompresses And Shells To Virus Scan V
BBZIPC.ARC 21839 02/07/89 Anti_virus utility
BBZIPPJ.ARC 73169 03/01/89 Anti_virus utility
CHECK_OS.ARC 8056 03/06/88 Check Your System For Virus's
CHK4BMB.ARC 8719 12/19/85 Check for bomb _ checks for trojan
CHK4FRMT.ARC 10957 10/04/90 Check for Ansi Virus strings
CHKUP35.ARC 87792 06/28/89 Virus Checking Program
CKOT11.ARC 48686 12/22/89 Dvaware Virus Checker And Archive Convert
CLEAN84.ARC 97396 10/12/91 Cleanup Virus Disinfector, V84
CLEAN85.ARC 113540 12/19/91 CleanUp Virus Disinfector, V85 3.0
CLEANB72.ARC 65049 12/13/90 CleanUp Universal Virus Disinfector, V72
DPROT100.ARC 3117 10/09/85 Check files to see if they are Trojan Horse
FIND1701.ARC 19169 05/20/89 Find and kill the nasty new 1701 virus.
FLSHT3.ARC 8139 02/10/88 Flushot virus locate/remove
FPROT201.ARC 228216 01/14/92 Virus checking program
FSP17.ARC 56212 08/29/89 FluShot Plus v1.7 _ Virus/Trojan detector
FSP_17.ARC 56212 08/29/89 FluShot Plus v1.7 _ Virus/Trojan detector
GUARD1B.ARC 25916 09/25/89 The Guardian List v1.0b _ Trojan/Virus List f
GUARD1C.ARC 27489 11/12/89 The Guardian List _ v1.0c _ TROJAN/VIRUS list
NARC13.ARC 40891 11/23/87 Anti_virus utility
NETFIX10.ARC 27911 01/28/90 NetFix LAN Network Virus Remover, Vers 1.0
NETSCN72.ARC 48454 12/13/90 ViruScan Network <LAN> Module, V72
NETSCN75.ARC 55659 DELETED Viruscan Lan Module, V75
NETSCN84.ARC 76896 10/12/91 Viruscan Network <lan> Module, V84
NETSCN85.ARC 88047 12/19/91 ViruScan Network <LAN> Module, V85
NODISK20.ARC 2785 08/24/89 Anti_virus utility
PKSFAN11.ARC 2187 07/30/89 PKWare "Safe ANSI" 1.1 _ defeats key remap
SCAN78.WAR 5606 05/15/91 Warning About A Scan78 Trojan Virus.
SCANRES8.ARC 16154 09/25/89 Memory Res ver. of VirusScan from McAfee and
Check for viruses as programs are loaded.
SCANV84.ARC 87686 10/12/91 Viruscan System Scanner, V84
SCANV85.ARC 97615 12/07/91 ViruScan Version V85
SENTRY.ARC 10779 04/11/89 Anti_Virus Program by John McAffee
STRIPZIP.ARC 11705 03/27/89 Remove comments from .ARC files _ defeats key
SYSCHK.ARC 9437 02/02/88 Anti_virus utility
TBSCAN20.ARC 42904 02/08/91 Fast And Powerfull Virusscanner
TBSCNX21.ARC 57880 03/02/91 Resident Automatic Virus Scanner
TBSCNX26.ARC 49635 05/04/91 Resident Automatic Virus Scanner (needs Virus
VACI13.ARC 14161 03/03/88 Checksums OS files for validity
VACIN1.ARC 9288 02/11/88 Anti_virus utility
VC123.ARC 64189 12/02/90 Virus Central_ Runs Scanv71 From Shell
VIRSH11E.ARC 78858 01/15/92 ViruShell 1.10/English _
The Ultimate Shell for McAfee
VIRSIMLU.ARC 19683 01/13/90 Anti_virus utility
VIRUS1.ARC 1220 08/06/90 8/90 virus warning text file
Page - 161
VIRUSALT.ARC 1818 08/12/90 Virus alert about joshi 4096 virus making
it's rounds, message from macafee.
VIRUSCAN.ARC 64110 09/29/89 Anti_virus utility
VIRX17.ARC 63658 08/04/91 V1.7 Microcom Virus Scanner
VIRX18.ARC 65453 10/03/91 Microcom Virus Scanner _ Detects 21 New
VSHLD84.ARC 76302 10/12/91 Vshield Memory Resident Virus Detector, V84
VSHLD85.ARC 86611 12/19/91 VShield Memory Resident Virus Detector,
VSTOP54.ARC 28206 01/06/90 Virstop 1.05, TSR to prevent virus infection
VSUM.ARC 310959 07/07/91 A Hipertext Version To Identify Computer
Viruses. Includes Fixes And An Index To
Locate Text Files Which Identify Each Virus
WD_408.ARC 156033 09/27/90 Antivirus Watchdog
ZIPSTAMP.ARC 11653 06/22/89 Anti_virus utility
ZZAP54A.ARC 67026 03/11/90 Use Viruscan to check archives for virii
Page - 162
Mid-America Digital Publishing's Magnum One 02/19/92
Window Icon's 2
Name Bytes Date
123A.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
123B.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
123C.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
123D.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
123_2.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
123_3.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
12MEG.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
144MEG.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
1990.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
1_2_DISK.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
32X32.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
360K.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
360_DISK.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
386CHIP.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
386MAX.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
3_5DISK.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
3_5_DD.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
3_5_HD.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
3_5_SUPR.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
4DOS.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
5_25IN.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
688.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
688SUB.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
688_SUB.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
688_SUB1.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
688_SUB2.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
720K.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
A.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
AB.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
ABC.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
ACAD.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
ACAD2.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
ACAD3.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
ACE.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
ADRIVE.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
AGENDA.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
AIRBLN.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
AIRBLN1.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
AKBAR.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
ALAD.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
ALADDIN1.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
ALADDIN2.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
ALADDIN3.ICO 768 02/06/92 [missing description text]
ALADIN.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
ALARM.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
ALDO.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
ALICE.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
ALMANAC.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
Page - 163
ALPHA4.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
ALTB.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
AM.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
AMI.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
AMIPRO.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
ANDY.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
ANIMATE.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
ANIMATOR.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
ANYWHERE.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
APP2.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
ARC.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
ARCHI.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
ARCMASTR.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
ARCTOOL.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
AREV.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
ARKANO.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
ARMYCHES.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
ARROW1.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
ARROWS.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
ARTLET.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
ASHTATE.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
AT.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
AT1.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
ATERM.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
AXMAIL.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
A_PROMPT.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
BACGAMN.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
BACKDISK.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
BACKGAME.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
BAGHERA.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
BALL.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
BALLOON.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
BALLOON2.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
BALLOONS.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
BALOO.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
BAMBI.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
BANANA.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
BANNER.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
BARCHT.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
BARNEY.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
BARS.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
BART.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
BART1.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
BART2.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
BASEBALL.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
BASIC.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
BASICA.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
BASICQ.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
BASSTOUR.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
BAT.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
BAT2.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
BATCHES.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
BATMAN.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
BATMAN1.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
BATXL.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
BBBS.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
BCKRDOS.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
Page - 164
BEAR.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
BEAST.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
BEER.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
BEER2.ICO 766 02/06/92 [missing description text]
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Mid-America Digital Publishing's Magnum One 02/19/92
Education Files
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50STATES.ARC 11087 12/14/86 Questions & Answers on States
91_899.ARC 34740 09/17/91 Helping your child learn science.
91_989.ARC 5298 09/17/91 Education policy & telecommunications techn.
AAALIFE.ARC 40192 07/12/89 Conway's 'Life' simulation, CGA/VGA/EGA/HGC
AALIFE.ARC 2603 07/25/89 Life patterns for AAALIFE program
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tsr that you can pop at anytime with alt_h.
DIVECOMP.ARC 63615 01/16/91 Diver's nitrogen loading computer simulator
DLANET.ARC 57658 05/21/90 Polynomial/circuit analysis, w/built_in edito
DOSDOC90.ARC 52543 06/14/90 New 900# 24 hour dos tech support
DOUBLEDS.ARC 5005 08/18/90 Tech bulletins on doubledos
DRAWSOME.ARC 62200 03/30/91 Here is a simple, but fun drawing program
designed to give a child confidence and
familiarity with the computer. The child
uses the arrow keys to draw lines, designs,
boxes and other figures. This is a good
program for those of us who want to
occasionally allow a child to use their own
imagination on the PC and do it harmlessly.
Page - 188
DRILL.ARC 11324 05/19/87 A school teacher for your kids
DV286.ARC 7317 05/21/91 This is a document of using deskview with a
80286, 8088, or an 8086.
ED_CHEM.ARC 106880 10/04/85 Chemistry Tutor for Secondary Students
EFF.ARC 21559 07/30/90 Text files on the electronic frontiers
foundation and what's happening with them
EGACB.ARC 117662 03/01/90 EGA coloring book, Coloring game for kids
ELECTRC3.ARC 47065 03/16/88 Performs most common electrical calculations
ELECTRON.ARC 132624 07/09/90 Handy electrical reference / appl. calc.
ELEMENTS.ARC 53577 08/15/89 Learn your Elements & more
ELMATH.ARC 2239 10/24/85 Good math practice _ try it!
EPHEM421.ARC 240441 09/13/90 Astronomical ephemeris:stars/planets position
ESSENT.ARC 20571 03/30/90 Essential formatting skills for wp,text file
EVXEMM.ARC 1319 04/05/90 Everex expanded memory info.
EXPBENCH.ARC 64281 12/28/87 Expert System benchmarking
EXPERT.ARC 61582 01/09/86 Build a knowledge_based system
EXTOL30.ARC 58350 10/31/87 PC_EXTOL 3.0 computer CAI Language
EZT.ARC 36417 04/13/87 Easy Tree _ quick & easy family tree program
FAMTREE.ARC 92940 12/14/87 Generate and maintain family tree information
FASSTART.ARC 125309 04/04/91 FASTSTART v1.5 Educational Program for kids
aged 3_10. Teaches time, the alphabet, and
FAXFREQS.ARC 2975 06/15/90 Listing of hf fax stations.
FEATURES.ARC 4909 07/27/90 Helpful information on some dp features
wp data perfect.
FRAMES.ARC 64979 11/26/89 Programmed textbook CAI, fill in missing word
FREETK.ARC 137477 06/16/87 TK Problem Solver _ PrevieWare Edition
FREN1_23.ARC 57442 03/01/89 Language Teacher series _ French 1 _ ver 2.3
FREN2_23.ARC 56204 03/01/89 Language Teacher series _ French 2 _ ver 2.3
FUNNELS.ARC 42916 09/21/84 FUNNELS & BUCKETS arithmetic game for childre
FWLAW.ARC 99721 08/12/89 Fun w/Letters & Words,educational game,age 2_
GARDENER.ARC 164657 08/02/88 Database for gardeners
GEO.ARC 21858 01/10/86 Geography tutor
GEOMTUT.ARC 58070 10/26/89 Learn Geometry
GEO_MATH.ARC 123658 03/29/89 Math tutor for grades 1_6. Includes BASIC src
GERM1_23.ARC 58139 03/01/89 Language Teacher series _ German 1 _ ver 2.3
GERM2_23.ARC 56785 03/01/89 Language Teacher series _ German 2 _ ver 2.3
GETGRANT.ARC 7586 04/15/90 Info on how to get a government grant
GITAR108.ARC 101207 08/14/91 Guitar teacher v1.0. Teaches cords.
GLOS2.ARC 76283 02/26/90 Glossary of Telecomputing terms
GM21DEMO.ARC 76354 04/11/91 Guitar Master Demo. Provides guitar
exploration and learning. Visually, audibly
plays any song (MIDI file format) on
graphical guitar. Step through leads and
chords. Use 100's of scale and chord charts.
64 track sequencer. More. Ver. 2.1.
GRADBOOK.ARC 7704 07/24/90 Very good program for teachers
GRADE251.ARC 50620 04/11/89 Grades (v2.51) _ School Grade Database System
GRADE252.ARC 58290 09/28/89 Aeius Gradebook: Maintain teacher's grade boo
GRADEBK.ARC 122253 06/26/90 Teachers guide to rec/calc student grade
GRADEBOK.ARC 31315 11/14/87 Maintain teacher's grade book
GRADES27.ARC 136812 07/01/90 Course grades/scores/GPA calc/grade predictio
GRAMMAR.ARC 106342 02/16/90 Education grammar speech
GRAVITY2.ARC 111919 04/12/90 Simulates motions of planetary bodies in spac
HAPPYGME.ARC 80530 03/03/88 Educational Game
HIGHSCHL.ARC 4159 08/12/90 a textfile of stats. about the concerns and
disconcerns of high schoolers about AIDS
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HOF0690.ARC 22998 06/05/90 Freeware hall of fame 6/90: list of
best free (not shareware) software.
HRAP.ARC 144136 05/14/88 Diet+Lifestyle=Longevity: compared w/average
INF_EXE.ARC 95695 05/08/87 Information system, part 1 of 2
INF_SRC.ARC 43763 03/14/86 Information system, part 2 of 2
INTTEST.ARC 1926 08/19/90 Test of mental dexterity. very challenging.
ISDN_TUT.ARC 7674 10/11/90 Tutorial _ "an introduction to isdn"
ITAL1_23.ARC 57972 03/01/89 Language Teacher series _ Italian 1 _ ver 2.3
JAPAN14.ARC 108322 05/15/88 Tutorial: Japanese for business & travel v1.4
JARG_283.ARC 419930 07/15/91 The jargon file v2.83: the definitive work on
defining computer hacker terminology with
extensive references to the mit and stanford
ai labs; now incorporates the entire text of
the published book "the hacker's dictionary";
entertaining reading, as it defines a culture
as much as a language;
JPSTPHN2.ARC 55387 06/18/91 Animated display of Jupiters' satellites (CGA
KANJI1.ARC 326037 01/10/90 Japanese Kanji flash card tutor, 1 of 3
KANJI2.ARC 327606 11/18/89 Japanese Kanji flash card tutor, 2 of 3
KANJI3.ARC 323804 11/18/89 Japanese Kanji flash card tutor, 3 of 3
KEYMSTR.ARC 126725 01/31/89 typing tutor
KIDSWP.ARC 16961 01/10/86 Shareware Child's Word Processor
KM21DEMO.ARC 71468 04/11/91 Keyboard Master Demo. Provides piano
exploration and learning. Visually, audibly
plays any song (MIDI file format ) on
graphical keyboard. Step through leads and
chords. Use 100's of scale and chord charts.
64 track sequencer. More. Ver. 2.1.
LEARNTBK.ARC 215201 09/27/90 ToolBook tutorial for classroom or self_study
LESSON.ARC 41323 10/17/87 Maintain school lesson plans for teachers
LETTERFA.ARC 36132 12/29/85 Falling letters game, children's typing tutor
LIGHT.ARC 1445 03/17/89 Compute light intensity/illumination/distance
LOOKF50C.ARC 16815 10/03/90 LookFor v5.0c Searches for words/phrases
LSIGN1.ARC 53871 05/01/90 Teaches Sign Language.
LSIGN20.ARC 71271 10/20/90 Learn To Sign v2.0 American sign lang. tutor
LSIGN25.ARC 82963 05/01/91 LSign v2.5 Sign Language tutor. (5_1_91)
LUNCHBOX.ARC 108524 02/06/89 Childrens ABC learning program, age 2_7
MACBETH.ARC 180645 05/20/90 Teach/learn Shakespeare's Macbeth (CGA)
MAKMONEY.ARC 43259 04/12/91 Ways to make money with your computer.
MARKV13.ARC 56197 10/16/91 Mark V. Shaney, text paraphraser
MATHAPPY.ARC 30899 09/21/91 Kids' game learn integer math EGA & mouse
MATHCASL.ARC 132692 04/23/90 Math castle. the castle is under
attack. to fire, you must perform
math calculations.
MATHGAME.ARC 161473 04/16/90 math game
MATHGEN.ARC 28819 04/02/89 Math problem generator _ prints add/sub/mult/
MATHPACK.ARC 92227 05/08/87 MathPack! Teaches important math skills
MATHSHOP.ARC 51719 06/21/87 Math/arithmetic drills
MATHSOLV.ARC 88076 03/11/87 Several math solvers for you to try
MATHTUTR.ARC 23220 07/16/83 Teaches K_6th grade math problems
MATLAB.ARC 200402 09/23/90 Computes matrices developed by LINPAK/EISPACK
MATRXINV.ARC 25799 12/08/86 Simult. Solution by Gouss_Jourdan Elimination
MAYPROBE.ARC 17823 05/23/91 May Probe _ excellent for all ages
MAZE2A.ARC 56388 11/10/88 Generate/solve mazes on your PC, w/TC2.0 src
MBLDIV10.ARC 100408 06/04/91 CGA Long Division Tutor with a new 'twist'
MBMULT10.ARC 136005 05/02/91 Math education: Multiplication trainer
Page - 190
MCASTLE.ARC 121943 12/14/89 Math Castle: Math_based adventure game
MEMMASTR.ARC 133095 07/18/90 Improve your memory with this educational pgm
METOO100.ARC 69410 08/23/90 Entry level multilingual skills
MITYMATH.ARC 92906 02/22/91 Exciting Math Game _ Grade K_8 _ $800 Prize M
MLGRAM1.ARC 165069 03/21/90 Master Learning Grammar tutor. 1 of 4
MLGRAM2.ARC 157192 03/21/90 Master Learning Grammar tutor. 2 of 4
MLGRAM3.ARC 164770 03/21/90 Master Learning Grammar tutor. 3 of 4
MLGRAM4.ARC 155910 03/21/90 Master Learning Grammar tutor. 4 of 4
MOM357.ARC 150658 03/09/91 School Mom v3.57 Pre_school multi_area tutor.
MOMS357.ARC 152769 04/03/91 Game teaches music/art/spelling/english/math
MOON.ARC 55406 04/08/90 Graphic display of moon's face w/pan/move/fin
MSEPTR.ARC 22958 06/20/90 Modify/build your own mouse pointer
MTG20.ARC 234587 04/26/91 Graphs, curve, reports, teachers dream
MTHMST23.ARC 55714 12/07/90 Math tutor add/sub/multiply/divide
MYTHS.ARC 9099 02/06/90 Good discussion of virus and other infections
that may affect our computers. tries to put
NEWSCOPE.ARC 2350 07/30/90 An interesting article on a new earth_bound
NMTXT.ARC 7757 06/20/91 A text report about J.Von Neumann and ENIAC
How Von Neumann created the first working
multi_function computer and the evolution of
the microprocessor. Really enlightening!
History of the computer, Good read..
NSF_PUB.ARC 14702 07/22/91 Publication list for the national science
foundation (most available free of charge).
ODE25.ARC 129620 10/22/90 Ordinary differential equation simulate/solve
OHMS_LAW.ARC 18571 04/17/87 Calculates Watts, Ohms, Volts or Amperes
OPTIMZ.ARC 7888 04/18/91 Quarterdeck tech note on optimize.
ORIGAMI.ARC 140437 12/27/87 Make paper figures
PCCAI.ARC 151486 05/04/89 Computer Aided Instruction _ Demos, Tests, Sl
PCCAI205.ARC 239846 04/24/91 CAI authoring language; write tutorials, test
PCFTYP41.ARC 172995 05/01/90 PC_FASTYPE/CGA v4.1 typing tutorial (ASP)
PCGDEMO.ARC 219304 03/08/90 Demo version of pc globe
PCKD375A.ARC 140680 03/09/90 PC KeyDraw v3.75 Drawing, slideshow, hyper_
PCKD375B.ARC 62732 02/08/90 PC KeyDraw v3.75 2 of 4
PCKD375C.ARC 99027 02/09/90 PC KeyDraw v3.75 3 of 4
PCKD375D.ARC 127880 02/08/90 PC KeyDraw v3.75 4 of 4
PCL54.ARC 242655 06/14/91 PC_LEARN v5.4: a beginner's tutorial system
which features color/monochrome menus,
search routines & includes chapters on
buying/using a computer, history of
computers, DOS lessons hard disk drives &
tech tips, information on word processing,
sugestd reading list, software selection,
computer clubs, batch files, spreadsheets,
databases, a glossary, etc.; 06/14/91; Jim
PCLEARN5.ARC 221836 02/12/91 PC_Learn v5.0 Excellent computer tutor
PCTUTOR.ARC 105263 05/24/86 elps you learn about your PC and the commands
PC_QUIZ.ARC 56445 06/15/87 Teachers aid (test)
PEDHLP13.ARC 40778 06/14/91 Pop_up hypertext help for PEDRAW13
PEDRAW13.ARC 205570 07/24/91 Scientific pedigree_drawing program
PEN2MINO.ARC 24941 09/16/90 Game:Put 12 shapes of 5 squares into rectangl
PERIODIC.ARC 42468 10/16/88 Display the periodic table of elements, (EGA)
PLANET.ARC 40339 01/11/89 Gives time/azimuth/coords for planet rise/set
PNS2.ARC 290880 02/11/90 Federal Electronic tax filing system
POLY.ARC 69406 01/19/87 Fit polynomial equations to data points
Page - 191
POLYRT1.ARC 74169 12/17/91 Finds polynomial roots, w/interactive graphic
POLYSIM.ARC 26365 05/22/89 Polynomial simplex optimization, w/C source
PROCESS1.ARC 32911 06/08/91 Gravity tank simulation for Process Control
PSPICE1.ARC 106333 01/28/89 PD SPICE circuit simulator 1/6
PSPICE2.ARC 111522 01/28/89 PD SPICE circuit simulator 1/6
PSPICE3.ARC 37835 01/28/89 PD SPICE circuit simulator 1/6
PSPICE4.ARC 121403 01/28/89 PD SPICE circuit simulator 1/6
PSPICE6.ARC 140348 02/13/90 PD SPICE circuit simulator 1/6
PTFT.ARC 23399 04/24/90 Good tutorial on wp 5.1 + hplj 3.
PWERSQR1.ARC 27839 06/05/91 Makes squares, sides multiply to same product
QMTEK601.ARC 248022 05/23/91 Compilation of recent Quarterdeck tech notes
on QEMM, DV, and Windows
QUIZ.ARC 56445 06/15/87 Quiz program
QUIZ15.ARC 47656 10/28/89 Quizzer! math flashcard game _ educational
QUIZGEN.ARC 42125 11/30/87 Quiz generator program
QUIZZER.ARC 168450 06/01/90 generate your own automated tests _ shareware
QUIZZIA1.ARC 87316 09/10/91 Quizzia v1.1: Trivia learning game with
nutrition questions.
READER21.ARC 65052 07/04/91 Advantage reader for the new series of
paperless books coming out.
RECALL1.ARC 150072 10/25/91 Shareware vers of Total Recall educational pg
RESPRO16.ARC 61114 05/26/91 Resume Pro v1.6 Help in assembling a resume
RMAN.ARC 54782 01/28/91 Learn French vocabulary hangman_like game, EG
ROMEO.ARC 193716 11/06/90 Teach/learn Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet (CGA
RUNLOG.ARC 71358 06/12/89 Runner's/bicycler's workout log
RURC1.ARC 158324 09/05/89 CALCULUS I
RURC2.ARC 91467 09/07/89 CALCULUS II
RURC3.ARC 98282 10/26/89 CALCULUS III
RUSEN125.ARC 222906 11/29/91 Russian_English on_line dictionary (TSR)
RUSTU15.ARC 225737 03/25/91 Russian tutorial for beginners _ VGA required
SATVIEW2.ARC 34198 06/18/91 Mathematical model of sunlit planet Saturn/CG
SCHEMA.ARC 120004 01/15/87 Schematics design and maintenance
SCIEQS13.ARC 41420 08/30/89 Scientific Equation Solver _ Update 9/89
SCORE4.ARC 25593 02/11/91 SCORE v4.0 Teachers' aid for grading papers
SF40_A.ARC 93145 12/09/90 Teaches interactive sign language
SF40_B.ARC 94126 11/16/90 Sign Friends (disk two)
SFS0002.ARC 104744 08/01/89 Space flight simulator, CGA/HGC/EGA/VGA
SHAPES_1.ARC 116293 09/25/90 Shapes v1.0 educational (1 of 3)
SHAPES_2.ARC 94055 09/25/90 Shapes v1.0 CGA EGA VGA (2 of 3)
SHAPES_3.ARC 79057 09/25/90 Shapes v1.0 enjoyable learning (3 of 3)
SIGN37.ARC 210216 04/08/90 Sign Friends Excellent sign language tutor
SIGNF37.ARC 294873 07/02/90 Sign Friends v3.7 teaches sign language .
SKYGLO25.ARC 283438 04/06/91 Skyglobe v2.5: Educational map of the sky
SKYGLOBE.ARC 221180 12/10/89 Maps the Heavens and Rotates them.Cool!
SKYPLOT.ARC 151430 10/11/87 Star map graphic display
SOLAR.ARC 34792 10/12/88 Solar system simulator
SP12DCT.ARC 301860 03/27/91 Spell Check 1.2: Batch spell check dictionary
SP12EXE.ARC 48811 03/28/91 Spell Check 1.2: Batch spell check executable
SP12SRC.ARC 37118 03/28/91 Spell Check 1.2: Batch spell check (source).
SPAN1_23.ARC 58458 03/01/89 Language Teacher series _ Spanish 1 _ ver 2.3
SPAN2_23.ARC 56462 03/01/89 Language Teacher series _ Spanish 2 _ ver 2.3
SPELL110.ARC 188294 03/17/90 SPELLBOUND! _ spelling tutor package
SPELLAID.ARC 188605 10/25/90 Spelling aid with many words
SPELLBND.ARC 306261 01/03/91 SpellBound 2.00 Spelling teacher for "kids"
SPELLING.ARC 37338 04/18/90 Tutorial/exercises for h.s., college learners
SR.ARC 25682 06/22/86 Speed reading test
SSCARL.ARC 116185 08/09/91 Sherlock Holmes: a study in scarlet. The
Page - 192
paperless edition of the first Sherlock
Holmes novel by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle,
where Holmes and Dr. Watson first meet.
to read it, you need the advantage reader.
which is available here as reader21.zip.
the advantage reader is freeware.
SSGS.ARC 109250 10/23/87 Straight_Line Scientific Graphing System
SSPICE10.ARC 90687 02/01/91 Symbolic SPICE: Ckt analyzer and approximator
STAGES12.ARC 187886 05/22/91 Research tool predicts spermatogenesis cells/
STARVIEW.ARC 187733 02/03/88 Astronomy at its best _ (requires mouse)
STATES.ARC 3043 02/16/84 Test your knowledge of US states
STATES2.ARC 5566 10/24/85 Good graphics states and capitals game
STATP101.ARC 111667 02/17/91 Statistical Physics simulation, ver. 1.01
STNG_NVL.ARC 117501 08/02/91 A Star Trek, Next Generation novel: Q and A.
STRING.ARC 41108 02/14/87 Math game w/VENN diagrams & sets
STUDY.ARC 14632 08/15/90 Study helper. Asks questions randomly + score
STUDYAID.ARC 32180 05/17/90 Program to help you study for tests
SUPERCVS.ARC 59192 09/16/88 Super CVS _ for educationsal purposes
TA16.ARC 43027 10/25/87 Version 1.6 of TEACHING ASSISTANT
TCM10FR.ARC 111494 12/18/89 Teachers Commando Markbook! For teachers!
TEACHERS.ARC 164709 10/09/90 Electronic Grading for teachers (10_9_90)
TEACHTOT.ARC 18011 09/05/85 Teaches your child about letters, numbers and
TEDDEMO2.ARC 132320 05/23/90 ThermoDynamics: Kinetic gas model simulator
TESTWRT2.ARC 65537 02/17/89 Word processor for preparing examinations
TGA40_1.ARC 298027 01/01/91 Teachers' Grading Assistant v4.0
TGA40_2.ARC 227266 01/01/91 Teachers' Grading Assistant v4.0 2 of 2
THEREF40.ARC 60560 07/25/90 Great listing of available hard drives with
lots of data and separate listing of
available controller cards. portrait and
landscape orientation lists.
TMPTDOOM.ARC 74354 10/02/89 Templates Of DOOM! Spreadsheet tutor DEMO
TOXINS.ARC 27937 06/20/89 Snake and toad toxins, diagnosis, treatment
TP_ET.ARC 113910 06/21/91 Thumb Print Software's Electric Typewriter
TRANS.ARC 43576 01/01/80 Translate text to another language
TSGAME12.ARC 43706 06/01/89 T.Salmi: First package of educational games
TSGMEB15.ARC 79299 08/11/91 T.Salmi: Second package of educational games
TSGMEC11.ARC 81107 08/18/90 T.Salmi: Third package of educational games
TSGMED11.ARC 73171 10/16/90 Learn national flags as a game, T.Salmi
TSGMEE10.ARC 70225 12/15/90 T.Salmi: 5th pkg of educational games, EGA re
TSLIN33.ARC 72657 12/16/90 Linear programming and linear goal programmin
TTT32S.ARC 42433 02/27/91 Touch Typing Tutor v3.2s Easy_use typing tuto
TTT34.ARC 42973 05/15/91 Touch Typing Tutor v3.4 Has 3 modes:
TURKISH1.ARC 73087 09/10/91 Turkish language tutorial
TUTORWRI.ARC 312106 10/06/90 Tutor Writer v2.0 For training manuals
TUTSIM.ARC 21268 02/20/89 TUTSIM demo _ analog computer simulator
TYPDR11.ARC 17441 09/11/88 TypeDrill: Improve typing skills, w/TP src
TYPEFAST.ARC 87791 11/27/89 TypeFast: Game stresses typing speed, w/C src
TYPE_TUT.ARC 112355 06/06/90 Typing tutor
USA_SURV.ARC 401731 04/14/91 Survey the USA, graphics, requires mouse
VARG465A.ARC 254300 09/07/91 Teacher's grade entry, analysis, stats. 1 of
VARG465B.ARC 311391 05/22/91 Teacher's grade entry, analysis, stats. 2 of
VCLANG11.ARC 149565 06/20/91 Teaching tool: Visable compiler & interpreter
VENDORS8.ARC 183905 07/03/91 8300+ Computer Vendors Phone/800/Fax Numbers
Updated monthly _ Computer Vendors Database
VGRD400A.ARC 173172 02/11/90 Var Grade v4.00 for teachers etc.
VGRD400B.ARC 142184 02/11/90 Var Grade v4.00 overlay disk
VGRD400C.ARC 80861 01/28/90 Var Grade v4.00 docs and manual
Page - 193
VOCP10.ARC 58597 07/17/91 Vocabulary builder for grades 9 to 12.
VOCRT.ARC 158508 02/05/91 Vocabulary roots Educational game
WG.ARC 193132 06/16/91 Educational program for children 3 and up
WLP.ARC 58016 10/01/89 WLP program
WNG.ARC 86397 09/12/89 World Name Game: educational _ guess capitals
WNG1.ARC 86588 09/27/89 World Name Game _ state and national capitols
WORDWIZ.ARC 31083 06/23/87 Hangman_like spelling game. Simple graphics
WPKIDS.ARC 16886 12/08/85 Very simple word processor for kids
WRDGLRY.ARC 143188 08/27/89 Match words with pictures, children ages 4_7
WRDLK11B.ARC 62708 05/25/91 WordLock: Menu_driven crossword puzzle builde
WRKBK100.ARC 145383 08/26/90 Graphics, music and spelling
XMAS_ETC.ARC 52633 09/04/90 Entertaining for children
XYSEE.ARC 137855 07/03/91 Nice educational program
Page - 194
Mid-America Digital Publishing's Magnum One 02/19/92
Other System Utils
Name Byte Date Description
22DSK137.ARC 163933 06/21/91 Read/Write/Format over 100 CP/M disk types
for DOS
22NCE132.ARC 49320 01/24/91 22 Nice v1.32 CP/M emulator for DOS systems
387DX.ARC 466900 08/07/91 Advanced Diagnostics and Demo for 80387DX.
From Intel. This will run your math chip
through "it's paces". Good diags. The Demo
requires VGA graphics. Specific to the
AC11A.ARC 51740 08/18/90 Autocon v1.1a: dos tool.
AMAC41B.ARC 76527 08/27/91 Buffer space, and new macros in BUFFxx.QM to
access and manipulate Scratch Buffers with
the last accessed buffer name at the request
for buffer name prompt. GET ALL 4 FILES!
AMIGAEM.ARC 152680 04/10/91 Amiga Emulator for IBM
ANARKEY4.ARC 140231 05/11/91 Anarkey 4.0: very powerfull command line
ANSTZ101.ARC 11099 06/18/90 Speed up your computer, actually works!
APATH20.ARC 4552 11/05/90 APATH v2.0 allows easy addition/removal of
AS400CMD.ARC 8467 12/04/91 AS/400 command listing
AUTOC20B.ARC 129423 04/10/91 Allows up to 50 CONFIG/AUTOEXEC variations
AUTOCN14.ARC 98363 10/27/90 Autocon v1.4 _ manage multiple configs/autoex
AUTOFLEX.ARC 1776 06/16/90 Optional autoexec.bat branching.
BACKLI2.ARC 35261 07/24/90 Display dos 3.3 backup disks (v2.0).
BACKUP.ARC 13699 12/04/91 Easy backups to SAVF, QDKT, QTAPE
BCD101M.ARC 15237 07/09/91 BetterCD v1.01M: MS_DOS "CD" replacement;
retains a history of the previous 9
directories, allowing you to instantly
return to any of them; can change the drive
and directory at the same time.
BDIFF.ARC 44134 07/17/90 Creates bin patches and applies them.
BEBE300.ARC 23173 05/11/91 Batch enhancer by elmer v3.0
BENCH.ARC 15343 08/14/90 Bench _ time a program's execution.
BFRCMP.ARC 2779 06/03/90 Compares 2 buffers using intel iapx86
BI43.ARC 97980 10/23/90 Burn_In v4.3 System checkout util.(10_23)
BLANK331.ARC 55549 04/12/91 Blank v3.31 configurable tsr screen blanker.
BOOT127.EXE 70818 11/16/90 Choose config/autoexec from menu at boot time
BOOT142.ARC 83712 07/04/91 Current version of BOOT.SYS, a shareware util
that enables loading parts or different
configurations w/o rebooting.
BOOTDATE.ARC 12584 03/25/90 Record bootup of computer
BOOTLOG.ARC 10297 08/05/90 Logs system reboots & tracks use of your
BU4DIR.ARC 7904 06/14/90 Bu4dir v1.0: will display a dos style dir.
CALCTIME.ARC 23591 09/16/90 Useful batch file time/date utility
CALENDAR.ARC 5295 12/04/91 Three month calendar for 1900's
CAM12.ARC 34131 10/17/90 Config/autoexec manager v1.2 up to 20 diff bo
CAMPRO10.ARC 74228 09/22/91 AWESOME Boot Configuration Changer
CHEK_IT.ARC 105379 04/03/90 Demo of check_it pc diagnostics program
Page - 195
CHGJOBL.ARC 2638 12/04/91 Change your job's joblog output queue
CHGLIB.ARC 1745 12/04/91 Change a libraries text and attribute
CHKCOP21.ARC 8824 07/14/90 Chkcop v2.1: intel's math coprocessor test
CHKDTE.ARC 1085 12/04/91 Easy date validation from RPG programs
CHKLIBL.ARC 1014 12/04/91 Check for a library in your LIBL
CHKOBJEX.ARC 3437 12/04/91 Check object existence
CHRCNT11.ARC 20497 08/02/90 Character count v1.1a: tsr counts the number
of characters in a string (up to 254).
CL2ASM80.ARC 640 12/04/91 Patch your Release 8 CL compiler to ASM
CLCADVFN.ARC 2249 12/04/91 Calculate advanced function (*SIN...)
CLIUP01.ARC 64958 05/05/91 DOS command line interface. (5_5_91)
CLNUP200.ARC 56285 02/03/91 Menu driven delete program.
CLRDSP.ARC 2931 12/04/91 Maintenance shell and clear display example
CLUTIL19.ARC 18320 08/09/90 The command line utilities v1.9
CMD10.ARC 18961 11/28/90 A functional replacement for COMMAND.COM
CMS_QEMM.ARC 2371 07/07/91 Sample CONFIG.SYS for MS_DOS 5.0 using
QEMM_386 version 5.13. 637088 bytes free!
CNGBEEP.ARC 1363 10/27/90 Change the beep on your computer, easily!
COLDBOOT.ARC 638 07/22/90 Perform cold boot from a batch
COLON.ARC 1813 07/08/91 Flip colon/semi_colon keys in ASCII or ANSI
COMSPEED.ARC 27068 05/28/91 Shows the speed of computer in MHz.
CONED25.ARC 57265 06/23/91 Change Autoexec and config.sys on the fly.
CONNFIX2.ARC 6885 06/12/90 Confix2 v1.00: patches
COPYSAVF.ARC 3438 12/04/91 Copy savefile to database
CPYFORM.ARC 23347 12/04/91 CPYSPLF by form number
CREATOPT.ARC 4391 12/04/91 Create options and commands in source
CRIT11.ARC 11952 05/13/90 Critical error handler utility _ replaces the
dos abort, retry, ignore messages _ v1.1.
CRITTR12.ARC 12346 07/31/91 TSR replaces dreaded "abort, retry, ignore"
message with popup window with more info;
new version can log errors to printer
CRTOUTF.ARC 3586 12/04/91 Create output files basic on command
CRTPASS.ARC 3757 12/04/91 Create necessary objects for DSPT
CSAD02.ARC 2718 11/08/90 Utility to prevent accidental CTL_ALT_DEL
C_LN150A.ARC 21288 08/02/90 Center_line (c_ln) v1.50a: hot_key executedd
tsr utility, for programmers, that allows you
to enter a string, and it will then center on
a field up to 80 characters wide; great for
screen layouts
DATESPAN.ARC 4406 12/04/91 Calculate span between two dates
DCOPY1.ARC 28033 04/17/91 DOS' DISKCOPY replacement using EXT/EXP
DDEL107.ARC 14059 04/25/90 Del replacement. multiple filespecs, colour,
and more options.
DDSGEN.ARC 17626 12/04/91 DDSGEN minus strange ASCII
DELAY12.ARC 32600 02/08/91 Put your PC to sleep until a pre_selected tim
DELQHSTX.ARC 1387 12/04/91 Delete QHST files older than seven days
DEL_ALL2.ARC 6737 08/23/90 Safe front_end for "del *.*" command
DGREET.ARC 63923 05/04/91 Digital Greeting Put this in your
AUTOEXEC.BAT file, and every time you turnm
on your computer, a voice will thank you.
Uses internal speeker on your computer.
Should ork on all computers
DINK100.ARC 10865 04/26/90 Dinkey v1.00. allows input from batch files
to be stored in memory or in a file.
DISCUS3X.ARC 53777 12/04/91 Midrange Discussion from CompuServe
DISKBUF.ARC 13962 08/05/91 Optimize the Number of Buffers in Config.sys
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DLTOBS.ARC 2924 12/04/91 Delete program observability
DM310.ARC 74888 07/23/90 Directory master iii v3.10b
DOR22.ARC 41902 07/25/90 Dor v2.2: dir/chkdsk/size/locate replacement
DOS50DOC.ARC 1625 07/17/90 Manual for dos 5.0
DOSREF17.ARC 168430 03/27/90 Dos programmer's technical ref
DPRESET1.ARC 3353 07/23/91 Overrides features of DOS that normally
prevents freed_up disk space to be reused
until all contiguous free space is used up,
which is supposed to reduce file
fragmentation but often has the opposite
effect; new ver supports DOS 4 and 5
DRFFIX.ARC 1295 12/04/91 Missing object for DRFLIB.ARC
DRFLIB.ARC 136071 12/04/91 Display/Print file field specifications
DSAPB45.ARC 20251 04/07/90 A versatile directory size utility v4.5
DSPDBD.ARC 2350 12/04/91 Display database directory
DSPDBF.ARC 37274 12/04/91 Display/Update database file
DSPDEP.ARC 5189 12/04/91 Subfile DSPDBR with updates and deletes
DSPDTAQ.ARC 3242 12/04/91 Display Data Queue
DSPJBL.ARC 2960 12/04/91 Display job list
DSPLSTJB.ARC 1406 12/04/91 Display last job command for dup job
DSPM.ARC 4810 12/04/91 Display/select file member
DSPRCDFM.ARC 2531 12/04/91 Display record format
DSPSRCDR.ARC 6138 12/04/91 Display source code directory
DSPUSR.ARC 1902 12/04/91 Display Users
DUPOUTF.ARC 1964 12/04/91 Duplicate an IBM outfile with size change
DUPSPLF.ARC 9983 12/04/91 Duplicate spool file
DUPV1.ARC 10944 05/24/91 Allows you to duplicate a dos command or
program on a file list i.e. dup del * would
delete all files listed in file.lst.
EBL_401.ARC 78712 08/02/90 Extended batch language v4.01
EID110.ARC 110281 08/29/91 Encrypt_It v1.10. DOS file security using
ELIM21.ARC 8279 03/21/91 Bob Eyer's DOS "DEL" replacement v2.1
EM6805.ARC 67313 02/09/91 Motorola 6805 coprocessor emulation.
EMS40110.ARC 5377 12/04/90 EMS emulator. Uses extended memory expanded
EMSINFO.ARC 108412 03/24/90 Extensive technical documentation for LIM 4.0
EQ735.ARC 31912 10/11/90 Dhrystone equipment checker v3.35
EQ752.ARC 33851 05/02/91 Equipment Check v7.52 _ Comprehensive
ERRLVL.ARC 3188 02/25/91 Utility to set DOS errorlevel
ESET21.ARC 20466 10/11/90 Enhanced SET Environment command v2.1
EXCSRC.ARC 1734 12/04/91 EXCSRCJOB better than SBMDBJOB
EZDK400T.ARC 114689 09/27/91 EZ_Disklone v4.00t Picks u where DOS'
DISKCOPY left off. (9_27_91).
FFLIP213.ARC 66677 10/01/91 FastFlip v2.13. High speed application
swapper for DOS 3.x or higher. Allows up to
10 applications to be loaded at once, with
full memory available to each. Smaller,
faster and more versatile than DOS 5.0. Also
allows Cut & Paste between applications.
v2.13 fixes bug in NetWare PSP handling.
FILES102.ARC 2454 01/03/90 Neat utility to bump up the number of file
handles you have allocated via CONFIG.SYS
without actually touching CONFIG.SYS and
rebboting! AWESOME!
Last revision date in archive: 01_03_1990.
FUNC10.ARC 1836 09/25/91 QEMM 5.10/5.13 patch for UMB/XMS function 10
FX100.ARC 668 12/04/91 DP5250 Printer table for FX100/FX80
Page - 197
GET22.ARC 21838 05/28/91 Get v2.2 batch file enhancer. test many
conditions in bat files & return errorlevels.
includes video control and user input.
GU11.ARC 130683 01/05/90 Grund dos utilities
HIMOV214.ARC 116876 02/18/91 HI_MOVE Utility to move TSR's into high mem
ICOPY120.ARC 15108 01/03/91 ICOPY v1.20 Alternative to DOS XCOPY command.
INDNTCL2.ARC 6438 12/04/91 Create indented CLP source listings
INSIDE.ARC 88098 06/17/91 Pictures, text, and Tutorial of CPU
INTER490.ARC 254366 08/05/90 Interrupts list version 90.4
ISCLOCK.ARC 12199 03/03/91 Permits batch files to check time & date.
ISEMU100.ARC 8663 12/04/91 Is Emulation Active? Is System Available?
KEYSRT.S36 3072 12/04/91 Keysort all indexed files in VTOC
LFTADJ.ARC 8576 12/04/91 CMD/CPP(MI) to left adjust character data
LOCATEIT.ARC 65567 08/24/90 Utility to determine x,y coordinates at the
click of a mouse. programmer's utility. tsr.
must have mouse and ems.
LOCK36.ARC 47888 12/04/91 Lock IBM 5250 Emmulation from Hotkey access
LOMEMMAP.ARC 11455 01/12/91 Comprehensive mapping utility for LOW MEMORY
MATENC.ARC 3753 12/04/91 Materialize and encapsulate programs
MCPDIAG.ARC 11728 06/28/91 Intel math co_processor diagnostic_Intel
MDFJOBD.ARC 5762 12/04/91 Prompts CHGJOBD with parms filled in
MEM200.ARC 5626 05/01/90 Reports the state for system ram.
MKDRV20.ARC 8968 11/03/90 TSR to set battery powered add_on clocks
MODJOBD.ARC 3963 12/04/91 Prompts CHGJOBD with parms filled in
MOOT.ARC 10071 01/01/91 Multiple boot utility
MOV2PRD.ARC 2644 12/04/91 Move to production!
NNANS591.ARC 57881 06/13/91 Newnansi ansi replacement from 5_91 version.
NUKE2.ARC 20160 08/23/90 Delete subdir & those subdirs nested w/in it,
even if they contain files _ very fast
OTL221.ARC 18413 03/29/91 Password protect your PC with your Netware PW
PGMMENU.ARC 26589 12/04/91 CL version of QPGMMENU with inline CL
PGMREXIT.ARC 2920 12/04/91 Automatic create options in source
PMFREMEM.ARC 6066 08/09/90 Free memory display for os/2 pm v1.2 window _
includes source, from charles petzold's book
"programming the OS/2 presentation manager"
PRINT.ARC 2268 12/04/91 Print within CL programs
PRTPGM.ARC 2473 12/04/91 Print sections of program source code
PW21.ARC 3499 05/04/91 Password device driver for bootup v2.1
QRYF.ARC 5207 12/04/91 Report generator command
RPGFREE.ARC 129760 12/04/91 RPG/FREE Pre_processor (From News/3x_400 Maga
RPGF_PC2.EXE 205521 12/04/91 RPG/Free _ PC Version 2.02
RPGF_S36.ARC 73307 12/04/91 RPG/Free Pre_processor for the S/36
S362PC.ARC 15525 12/04/91 Interactive transfer of Source & Procs on S/3
S36SCRN.ARC 10664 12/04/91 Copy 5250 Emmulation screen to file
SYSCHK24.ARC 43353 04/27/91 PC System Check v2.4. Display system info
Tells me my computer is a Compaq '386 (good
guess _ ASTs use the same extended memory
architecture). Does a "speed" measure
guaranteed to make you feel good by giving a
number higher than your clock speed.
TESTEXT.ARC 7318 10/13/90 Test extended (not expanded) memory on 286+
TP5250AP.ARC 17221 12/04/91 Turbo Pascal Unit to Access 5250 emmulation
VANSIL43.ARC 2721 06/18/91 Vansi.sys dtd 4_91
Page - 198
VT102DBW.KEY 1024 08/04/91 Modified version of the VT102alt.key file.
this file was modified to work on the edt
editor running on the VAX 6xxx series
computers using the VMS operating system.
VTOC01.S36 5120 12/04/91 Analyze VTOC for files that are almost full
WDAY12R.ARC 18989 06/01/91 Pd: time/date functions for dos batch files.
XMSINFO.ARC 18025 08/16/90 Utility to check expanded memory _reports.
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Mid-America Digital Publishing's Magnum One Summary - 02/19/92
--------------------------------------------------- ---------- -----------
File Area File Count Total Bytes
--------------------------------------------------- ---------- -----------
Area 001 - Utilities A-M 379 23439242
Area 002 - Utilities N-Z 314 20346117
Area 003 - Database & Word Processing 286 35263200
Area 004 - Games 1 305 25939651
Area 005 - Games 2 227 18703486
Area 006 - Business & Finance 287 45191934
Area 007 - Communications 1 257 19339336
Area 008 - Communications 2 305 25189579
Area 009 - Gif's 89 6697165
Area 010 - Home & Personal Utilities 278 32554104
Area 011 - Graphics, Sound & Video 303 29774760
Area 012 - ASM & C Language 410 28455833
Area 013 - Miscellaneous 283 17152549
Area 014 - Windows 1 405 33437964
Area 015 - Windows 2 351 19292417
Area 016 - Windows 3 427 31195949
Area 017 - Printer Utilities 341 16576474
Area 018 - Turbo Pascal & Pascal 209 9204689
Area 019 - BBS Doors & Utilities 192 12949759
Area 020 - BBS Utilities 333 23656813
Area 021 - DesqView Utility Programs 218 5507105
Area 022 - Hard, Floppy & Ram Drive 236 12358068
Area 023 - Virus Utilities 54 2883792
Area 024 - Icon's 1 664 508638
Area 025 - Icon's 2 634 489444
Area 026 - Education Programs 311 29439779
Area 027 - Other Operating Systems 157 5457878
--------------------------------------------------- ---------- -----------
TOTALS --> 8255 531005725
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